Chapter 18 Part 2 notes—From: p. 397 Deadlock and Danger on Capital Hill HUGE**** NOTES**** PAY ATTENTION**** GADSDEN-KANSAS*** Opening Quote sums up the state of the Union in 1850: “Secession! Peaceable, secession! Sir, your eyes and mine are never destined to see that miracle.” Daniel Webster, Seventh of March Speech, (on behalf of the compromise of 1850), 1850 Compromise of 1850****very significant Concessions to the North -California admitted as a Free State -Territory disputed by Texas and NM to be surrendered to New Mexico -Abolition of the Slave trade (but not slavery) in the District of Columbia Concessions to the South - NM and Utah made in territories, without restriction on slavery Slave question in these areas to be decided by POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY -Texas to receive 10 million as compensation for disputed lands lost A more harsh FUGITIVE SLAVE LAW*** than the 1793 law called ---“The Bloodhound Bill”*** DEADLOCK AND DANGER ON CAPITOL HILL “THE YOUNG GUARD” Congressmen from the North, new leaders, led by William Seward (‘irrepressible conflict speech) Senator from New York. Younger Northern Radicals—strong anti-slavery—THEY OPPOSE THE COMPROMISE THEY ARGUE THAT CHRISTIAN LEGISLATORS MUST OBEY GOD’S MORAL LAW--- A “higher law” Than the Constitution!!!--President Taylor, slaveholder from Louisiana, began to be influenced by the “YOUNG GUARD” and their Argument of a “higher law.” And was determined to veto any compromise*** BREAKING THE CONGRESSIONAL LOGJAM [7 months of debate, whew] President Taylor suddenly dies (mysterious) Millard Fillmore, VP, becomes President Fillmore supported the series of compromise measures (shown above) and signed them into Into law*** Northern Congressmen who supported the Compromise of 1850 Clay, Webster, and Stephen Douglas (“the Little Giant”) Clay gave more than 70 speeches Southerners who oppose the Compromise –called “Fire-Eaters” They meet in mid-1850 at a convention in Nashville, Tenn. - They support a strong position on Slavery, oppose the Compromise of 1850, and talk of Secession*** After the conclusion of the debate and the acceptance of the Compromise of 1850---feelings Began to quiet---temporarily***Both North and South felt that the explosive issue of Slavery’s expansion West should be done/buried—but it was a brief “calm before the storm” BALANCING THE COMPROMISE SCALES Who got the better deal in the Compromise of 1850—North or South? - The North. --California became a free state which permanently tips the balance in the Senate to the North -- Utah and New Mexico would decide Slavery based on Popular Sovereignty –but—c’mon -- Where else would the South find new slave states to balance power in government prospects were bleak for the South*** The South at least could say it stopped slavery from being abolished in DC (just the slave trade Was abolished) -- MOST ALARMING OF ALL*********THE NEW “FUGITIVE SLAVE LAW” OR “Bloodhound Bill” created a huge protest in the North 1- Captured blacks (possibly runaway slaves) could not testify in court on their own behalf 2- Captured blacks were denied a jury trial 3-The Judge—received 10$ per case if the accused was sent to the South to slavery and only 5$ if freed***** 4- If a Northern citizen aided a slave to escape (the Underground RR) they would receive heavy fines or a jail sentence. 5- Northern citizens could be FORCED to join the slave-catchers “The act (new fugitive slave law) of Congress…is a law which every one of you will break on the earliest occasion---a law which no man can obey…without loss of self-respect and forfeiture of the name Gentlemen…. This filthy enactment was made in the 19th century by people who could read and write, I will not obey it, by God.” Ralph Waldo Emerson May 1851*** The New Fugitive Slave Law (Bloodhound Bill) touched off an explosive reaction in the North*** Many people, formerly not exposed to slavery or passive were DRIVEN INTO THE RANKS OF ANTI-SLAVERYITES---in Boston, 1854 an angry mob protested a slave being sent back into slavery--One Bostonian wrote, “I went to bed one night old fashioned, conservative, Compromise Union Whig And woke up the next morning—A STARK RAVING MAD ABOLITIONIST.” MANY STATES PASS, NEW “PERSONAL LIBERTY” LAWS*****IN RESPONSE TO THE “BLOODHOUND BILL” BASED ON THE FOLLOWING CASE*** Based on the Supreme Court case, Prigg v. Pennsylvania, 1842*** Do states have the right to pass legislation concerning fugitive slaves or can only the federal government legislate this issue? Prigg was a slave catcher from Maryland who went into Penn. kidnapped/captured a fugitive Slave and returned them to their owner in Maryland. Prigg was arrested and brought to trial in Pennsylvania because he lacked evidence that the person he kidnapped was a slave and that he did Not have proof of ownership to legally remove the slave mother and her two children. Prigg was found guilty in a Pennsylvania Court—anti-kidnapping law--- Prigg appealed his case stating that the Pennsylvania law was unconstitutional because it conflicted With the Constitution (fugitive slave provision-Article IV) and the Federal Fugitive Slave Law of 1893 He argued that the Constitution and Federal Law was SUPREME (SUPREMACY CLAUSE) over any Conflict between the Constitution and State laws. The Supreme Court ruled that Pennsylvania had wrongly convicted Prigg and sent him free…However, The majority opinion (which holds the force of law) stated that THE FEDERAL GOV’T LACKED THE AUTHORITY TO FORCE THE STATE TO ENFORCE THE FUGITIVE SLAVE ACT OF 1793*****AND STATES COULD PROHIBIT STATE OFFICIALS FROM INTERFERING WITH RUNAWAY SLAVES---runaways could not be caught or incarcerated, Cases could not go to trial, no assistance could be offered THOSE WISHING TO RECAPTURE SLAVES. ONLY FEDERAL AGENTS OF THE US GOVERNMENT COULD ENFORCE THIS LAW*** US MARSHALL THE PRIGG DECISION ALLOWS STATES TO PASS “PERSONAL LIBERTY LAWS” WHICH WOULD PROTECT FUGITIVE SLAVES IN THEIR STATES!!!! ***Southern States saw this as a violation of the Federal Compact (contract—Constitution) Calhoun stated, “Personal liberty laws rendered slave property utterly insecure and was a Flagrant violation of the spirit of the Constitution.” Infuriated Northern Mobs rescued countless slaves from slave catchers---Massachusetts made it Illegal for any state official to enforce this new law. *******“Beyond question –THE NEW FUGITIVE SLAVE LAW—was the most significant single irritant of the 1850s and caused more problems for both sides---AND DID MORE TO AWAKEN IN THE NORTH A SPIRIT OF ANTAGONISM AGAINST THE SOUTH”***** THE DELAY OF THE CIVIL WAR FOR 11 YEARS IS DUE TO THE COMPROMISE OF 1850---AND THE EVENTS TO COME AWAKEN THE NORTH TO RESIST SECESSION AND THE EXPANSION OF SLAVERY-----AT WHATEVER THE COST DEFEAT AND DOOM FOR THE WHIGS---Whigs split in this election---foreshadowing a split of the nation in less than 10 years…The REPUBLICAN PARTY WILL BE FORMED SOON*** The Election of 1852 –The Slavery issue was avoided** – Franklin Pierce, New Hampshire, “ Fainting General,” “Doughface,” (northerner who favored the South) –Democrat - General Winfield Scott, hero of Mexican-American War, Whig -John P. Hale, Free-Soil Party -Native American Party (know-nothings) Jacob Broom SIGNIFICANCE OF THE ELECTION OF 1852: END OF WHIG PARTY BEGAN THE RISE OF “SECTIONAL PARTIES” (REPUBLICANS-AMERICAN) PRESIDENT PIERCE THE EXPANSIONIST CABINET: Jefferson Davis- Mississippi—Secretary of War—Mex. War Veteran—future President of the CSA William Marcy-Secretary of State(Young America Movement-expansionist) –New York—Secretary of War under Polk during Mexican American War— Was Pierce a tool of the Slave Power Conspiracy?—Slavocracy---a government which intended to expand the United States in order to increase the number of Slave states thus give Southern States control of the Government. The South was determined to acquire more slave territory and wanted Pierce to be their “tool.” Manifest Destiny and National Pride were very important after the War with Mexico… -Discussions about an “isthmian canal” route across Central America began---to connect the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and thus shorten travel time to California and GOLD***no RR yet - Many Southerners began to look at taking some of the smaller Central American Countries, Nicaragua or even Caribbean Islands, Cuba, for more slave territory. “To the Southern Republic bounded on the North by the Mason/Dixon line and on the South by the isthmus of Tehuantepec (Southern Mexico—the rest) including Cuba and other lands on our Southern shore (all of Caribbean islands).” Great map in the text showing Central America circa 1850s---showing proposed canal routes and colonies in the Caribbean.**** *****In 1850—The USA and GB sign the CLAYTON-BULWER TREATY*** that stipulated that neither Great Britain nor the United States would fortify or secure EXCLUSIVE control over any future CANAL ACROSS CENTRAL AMERICA.**** William Walker and Nicaragua***amazing Filibustero (pirate-imperialist) Walker was a physician, lawyer, journalist, and “pirate” from Tennessee…who attempted to establish many colonies in Latin America from which to expand slavery. A member of the Secret Organization; Knights of the Golden Circle—those interested in annexing territories in Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean and added to the USA as 25 Slave States. Southerners wanted to occupy and possess Nicaragua---William Walker succeeded, albeit briefly*** He had earlier failed to take Baja California (Mexico) –but—leading a PRIVATE ARMY of SOUTHERNERS (60)—he invaded Nicaragua in 1856 and named himself President and legalized Slavery. President Pierce offers Walker formal recognition immediately and sees Walker as the “legitimate head of the Government of Nicaragua.” He only rules for a little over a year—when he is overthrown by a coalition of Central American Countries and shot to death by a firing squad in 1860. Franklin Pierce and Foreign Policy: America had become a Pacific Power with the acquisition of California and Oregon—The prospects of rich trade with the Far East were now a reality. America had been trading with China since the conclusion of the American Revolution in the 1780s…now they wanted to push into Japan as well… (remember the Movie: The Last Samurai with Tom Cruise---America’s push into Japan causes drastic Militarism) Japan had become inward looking—isolating itself from the outside world… prohibiting shipwrecked sailors from leaving…refusing to readmit Japanese sailors who were shipwrecked off North America---Russia though became a threat that brought them out of their cocoon. Commodore Perry is sent to Japan and in 1854 forces Japan to sign a treaty giving the USA a foot in the door to trade in Japan. THE TREATY OF KANAGAWA IS SIGNED—THE FIRST BETWEEN JAPAN AND THE USA—which allowed for two coaling stations to be established and to protect the rights of US Whaling ships …but by 1858 a commercial treaty is signed between the two nations for trade. This Alliance lasts for 50 years. COVETED CUBA: PEARL OF THE ANTILLES Sugar rich Cuba—was the prime destination for US expansion in the 1850s. It was coveted by the South due to its large population of slaves…as potentially as many as 3 new states, thus restoring the balance of power in the Senate (The Free States now had an advantage since California had been admitted Free in the Compromise of 1850) Polk offered 100 million to the Spanish for Cuba—they declined his offer. Private Armies from the South (like Walker) [Filirbusteros-Pirates] in 1850 AND 1851 two (2) armies of Southern men attempt to forcibly take Cuba and FAIL*** many men from “the best families of the South” die miserably—shot or strangled in prison’s. So what is Pierce going to do? (Looking for an excuse—like Polk and Mexico) Cuba was ruled by Spain autocratically—as the Gold Rush continued in California many Americans would stop over in Havana on the way to Central America and the rr across the Isthmus to the Pacific and then boat up to California---less risky than sailing all the way around South America. Many temporary workers from the USA would come to Cuba to temporarily work the Sugar Harvest making in today’s dollars around 50,000$ in a few months –TAX FREE (THERE WAS NO FEDERAL INCOME TAX AS WE HAVE TODAY (1900s) but there were STATE taxes) In 1854 Spanish officials in Cuba were upset with the continued American attempts (although “private”) to take control of their Island… AND SEIZE AN AMERICAN SHIP, “BLACK WARRIOR,” PIERCE NOW HAD HIS EXCUSE---TO ATTACK AND TAKE CUBA*** WHAT WILL HE DO? THE OSTEND MANIFESTO*** Meeting in Ostend, Belgium, The American Foreign Ministers to Spain, England, and France met to prepare a PLAN TO TAKE CUBA-- by force. America would offer Spain 120$ million for Cuba and if Spain refused the offer—America would be “justified” in attacking and taking Cuba ---BY FORCE. ***However, the plan---supposed to be a SECRET –leaked, oops AND ALL HELL BROKE LOOSE IN CONGRESS, THE PRESS, ETC… PIERCE WAS FORCED TO DROP THIS PLAN----AND SPAIN KEPT CUBA---SO NO NEW SLAVE STATES MADE FROM CUBA 0000 AWWW. Two occurrences at this time had been creating havoc… the Publication of Uncle Tom’s Cabin in 1852 (along with the Northern agitation from the “bloodhound bill”) and the beginnings of the CRIMEAN WAR IN EUROPE---both affected Pierce’s ability to Invade Cuba---it just was getting crazy---the risk of Civil War breaking out over the Slavery issue was just too great. THE SOUTHERN TRANSCONTINENTAL RAILROAD (never happens) Pacific Railroad Promoters and the Gadsden Purchase***** This is huge*** The original plan for the 1st Transcontinental Railroad was supposed to run from LA to Savannah---the GADSDEN PURCHASE—from Mexico---(the little slice of land under present day Arizona and New Mexico) was purchased FROM MEXICO to ease the path of this SOUTHERN TCRR—to avoid the Huge Mountains (Sierra Nevada range in California and the Rockies) *** **************In many Historians opinions THE FAILURE OF THIS OCCURING DUE TO ---THE GADSDEN PURCHASE and subsequent KANSAS-NEBRASKA ACT Could be when the Civil War became INEVITABLE******************* SEE IF YOU CAN FIGURE OUT WHY? *************************************************************************** Take a moment to IMAGINE—what if??--- the 1st TCRR is built in the SOUTH?? What affect would this have on many aspects of Southern Life-Industry—ways of living??? If the only TCRR in the World ran from Savannah Georgia to Los Angeles California… How would this affect EVERY TOWN ALONG THE TRACKS---all of the goods from Europe --all of the goods from Asia… THE FOUNDATION OF A 2ND INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION….would occur In the South*** Imagine the a/effects??? On the Southern way of life??? BUT IT DOES NOT HAPPEN??? WHY??? The story continues----- ******1st ---the problem—We have acquired California and Oregon---BUT--- THERE IS NO EASY WAY TO GET THERE----AND NO EASY WAY TO TRANSPORT GOODS----??? You could sail around South America---You could take covered wagons along the trails over mountains and through Deserts and fight thousands of Native Americans along the way ---as well as thirst –hunger--etc… SO HOW DO WE LINK THE NEW PACIFIC WESTERN STATES (and all of that Gold and Trade from Asia---as well as many other items--- to the EASTERN STATES????***** They even try “ships of the desert” CAMELS imported from the Middle East ****THE PRIZE*** Which ever REGION controls this TCRR would benefit ENORMOUSLY***** ***THE PLAN WAS FOR THE SOUTH ---USING THE GADSDEN PURCHASE LANDS---TO CONTROL THIS VALUABLE NEW RESOURCE –the 1st tcrr But***alas*** i hear of a fakir----or charlatan---in the wings— Many observers at this point are thinking---if the South controls this valuable new asset---they would be in control of the US economy for at least 100 years--population, resources, wealth—would all flow to the South--Many unscrupulous and scrupulous Congressmen---were itching to move the TCRR NORTH*** However, it is the “Little Giant” Stephen A. Douglas---from Illinois (Same state as Lincoln—his soon to be rival***pay attention) who comes up with a plan to TAKE—MANIPULATE---TRICK---THE SOUTH---TO RELINQUISH CONTROL OF THIS valuable asset---The TCRR---in return for----a handful of beans The Fakir---master Charlatan---is about to pull the rabbit out of Kansas And convince the South to voluntarily—happily—GIVE UP THE GREATEST ECONOMIC ASSET IN OUR NATIONS HISTORY---For the and Nebraska--- hope of adding Kansas as a new slave state (or a handful of beans)----Without THIS IS THE GREATES CON JOB IN AMERICAN HISTORY---WITH DRAMATIC IMPLICATIONS---Douglas, Question Senator from Illinois, will make CHICAGO THE HUB OF THE TCRR—THE CENTER OF ECONOMIC GROWTH FOR THE NEXT CENTURY— Steven Douglas, Fakir-Charlatan, will convince the South to trade the TCRR for the “hope” of a new slave state in Kansas--- UNBELIEVABLE. DOUGLAS’S KANSAS-NEBRASKA SCHEME***CON—TRICKERATION—WHATEVER— (Stupid-Stupid—Stupid—South)---all for the illustrious glory of a “Sham Civilization”—OMG. ****The “Little Giant” (Stephen A. Douglas) had a huge personal investment in Chicago… and new if he could pull the “long con” off—he would be fabulously wealthy personally AND most likely be the President of the Untied States very soon… Douglas proposes that the TERRTORY OF NEBRASKA (Louisiana Purchase land above the 36-30 line—which forbade SLAVERY) WOULD BE SPLIT INTO TWO TERRITORIES-----KANSAS AND NEBRASKA---THE STATUS OF SLAVERY IN THESE TWO TERRITORIES WOULD BE DECIDED BY Popular Sovereignty(the people of each territory could vote whether or not to have slavery in their respective territory—future state---- Logically, Douglas says to the Southerners---KANSAS---because it lies next to MISSOURI (a slave state) ---Kansas would logically—most probably—most likely—probably definitely BECOME A NEW SHINY BEAUTIFUL SLAVE STATE**** The Southerners ----went WOW---HOW BEAUTIFUL---I WOULD REALLY LIKE ONE OF THESE NEW SLAVEY STATES*** Douglas, does his best to “sell” this idea— this non-guaranteed---guarantee—to the South****(his fakirdom on high—used car salesman—con man) But—Northern “Free-Soilers” were not being promised anything in this deal---AND THEY SMELLED A SKUNK*** (Douglas’s scheme stunk to them)***** and they said---HEY WAIT A MINUTE HERE---WHAT ABOUT THE MISSOURI COMPROMISE OF 1820---AND THE 36-30 LINE--- you cannot have slavery---no matter ---about “popular sovereignty”---who cares if the citizens voted to allow Abraham Lincoln, said-The Northern Free-Soil Anti-Slave interests---wanted to give the pioneers going west –“a clean bed with no snakes in it.” THEY WILL OPPOSE THIS WILL ALL OF THEIR ENERGIES (THE REPUBLICAN PARTY WE KNOW TODAY IS FORMED SPECIFICALLY TO FIGHT DOUGLAS AND THIS PLAN)**** slavery in Kansas or Nebraska---the LAW SAYS NO**** Douglas, the Fakir, at this point---has some work to do---he has to convince the Southern Congressmen and Senators to back his plan---he knows he has the Northern Industrialists in his back pocket because if this plan works---the TCRR will go through North –and thus enrich THEM---So he must get Southern Support ---FOR THEM TO GIVE UP THE RICHEST AND GREATEST ECONOMIC PRIZE IN AMERICAN HISTORY---(for a handful of beans—or the non-guarantee—guarantee of Kansas becoming a NEW SHINY SLAVERY STATE So Douglas convinces all of the Southerners, President Pierce (doughface) to support his plan… THE CON IS WORKING***THE MASTER Fakir*** CONGRESS LEGISLATES A CIVIL WAR*** **************** “one of the most momentous measures ever passed by any congress in the history of the usa, it greased the slope to the CIVIL WAR.” The Kansas-Nebraska Act, 1854********huge**********bigger than huge The Kansas-Nebraska Act, 1854---wrecked two (2) compromises---the Missouri Compromise of 1820 and it’s 36-30 line AND the Compromise of 1850 ---Northern States hereafter refuse to comply with the new Fugitive Slave Act (Bloodhound Bill) and pass “Personal Liberty Laws” that stop any return of escaped “fugitive” slaves. The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854*****—organized the Nebraska Territory into to two (2) territories Kansas— and Nebraska.----it then REPEALED THE MISSOURI COMPROMISE OF 1820 AND THE CHERISHED 36-30 LINE--and then STATED THAT SLAVERY WOULD BE DECIDED IN EACH TERRITORY BY A VOTE OF THE RESIDENTS **** POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY IN PRACTICE. The effects were GYNORMOUS*** The Democratic Party (last National Political Party) will split North and South in 1860. The Republican Party (same one we know today ) is founded in 1854 to OPPOSE THE SPREAD OF SLAVERY WEST—AND TO FIGHT THE FAKIR DOUGLAS AND THE SOUTHERN SLAVE POWER CONSPIRACY. The Republicans from their creation fight for freedom and equal rights for all---just as they do today The Republicans collect a variety of former “conscience” Whigs, “Know-Nothings,” Free-Soilers, former members of the Liberty Party, Northern Democrats---into their ranks… and by the Congressional elections of 1856 become the 2nd major party in the USA by taking a controlling position in Conress--the ONLY rise of a 3rd Party to MAJOR PARTY IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES.**** AND GUESS WHO EVENTUALLY BECOMES THE LEADER OF THIS PARTY??? ABRAHAM LINCOLN DOUGLAS WILL HAVE A FIGHT ON HIS HANDS--LINCOLN WILL PREVAIL