April 2015 - The Croft Medical Centre

Croft Medical Centre, Oadby
Spring 2015
ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES – welcome to our new Practice Manager Saiful
Dr. Dadge retired in December and we have been asked about his replacement. Some
of his hours have been absorbed by other doctors and Dr Makda has now become a
PATIENT SATISFACTION SURVEY – thank you to everyone who took the time to
complete the survey. We have been working with the Croft to produce an Action Plan,
directly linked to your comments. We will report back on progress during the year in
the newsletter and more details will appear on our noticeboard in the surgery, where
you will also find a copy of the full survey report to read at the surgery. It will also be
available on-line.
 Main Points;
 PPG - A higher percentage of patients read this newsletter and find the information
 Urgent Appointments - 86% of patients found the doctor’s response time for urgent
appointments ‘Excellent’ or ‘Good’. 90% found the medical advice subsequently given to
be ‘Excellent’ or ‘Good’.
 Blood Testing – 88% of patients were aware of the new blood testing system and 84%
rated it ‘Excellent’ or ‘Good
 Patient Care – As in past years these areas were rated highly, with an overall figure
for Croft staff of 95% ‘excellent’ or ‘good’.
 The Croft Medical Centre - 90% of patients rated their general experience of the
Croft as ‘Excellent’ or ‘Good’.
Areas for action
 Survey responses - There was a lower response this year, this could be due to the
‘Friends and Family’ survey running at the same period, and staff shortages meant that
it was open for less time. We really want to get more feedback from the under 50s –
any ideas how we could do this next year?
 Appointments – the ongoing problem! As we have said before, it is not limited to the
Croft. Why is there this difficulty? Here’s a few pointers that we have come across;
Croft PPG Newsletter 16 April 2015
o A few years ago a patient saw a doctor 3 times a year on average. The figure is
currently 9 times a year.
o We have a higher doctor/patient ratio than is required nationally.
o The Governments priority for general practice has moved from focussing on
having patients seen within a given period to opening all hours. Many would say
the focus nationally has shifted too much towards hospitals and away from
Primary Care.
o No Shows – we have a lower than average percentage of ‘Did Not Attends’, but
there are still a good number of doctor and nurse appointments missed each
Missed Appointments March 2015
For Doctors - 80
For nurses - 44
That is 3.63% of all appointments.
The national average is 8 %
Online Services – as well as the current services offered on the website you will soon
be able to view your Summary Care Record. However, to do this you will have to reregister your details at the surgery. You will need to go in person with an official form
of identification (driving licence, passport)
Repeat Prescriptions - why are we now told that repeat prescriptions may take up to
5 days? Most straightforward repeats are in fact turned round very quickly. However,
some modern medication is more complicated and has to go through a process which
may involve getting in contact with hospitals, checking blood tests etc.
PPG email – please note that this email address is for general
enquiries/comments/complaints between us – the patients. The staff at the Croft
cannot access it. It is not an appropriate way to send messages to a doctor or to deal
with any medical issues. In these cases, phone, write or go in person to the Croft and
then email us if you want to comment on the service you receive.
Comments and suggestions please: Email croftppg@googlemail.com, or paper comments to
the desk.
Croft PPG Newsletter 16 April 2015