Zheng Qiuping - March Lesson Plan-My Emotion

LILA Chinese Lesson Plan
Zheng Qiuping
Lesson title
Grade level G1
My Emotion
Step 1—Desired Results
Standard Outcomes for Learning (ACTFL Standard 1.1)—Answer’s the question, what
should students know, understand, and be able to do as a result of the lesson?
Students learn how to communicate with people by expressing emotions and know how to
write the phrases and simple sentences based on the dialog they have made.
Students will be able to:
1.Say some words about emotions such as happy,unhappy, upset,angry,scare,excited,tired.
2.Express their emotions and ask how people feel by phrases and sentences.
3.Write some phrases and simple sentences related to emotions.
Step 2—Assessment Evidence
Performance task—What will students do to show what they have learned?
1. Students will read a story about emotion.
2. Students will be able to say the phrases and match the pictures correctly.
3. Students will be able to say the phrases about emotions correctly by reading
4. Students will share their own emotions and communicate with each other.
5. Students will be able to draw pictures of different emotions and describe it in
speaking and simply writing.
Step 3—Learning Plan
Learning activities - Answer’s the question, how do I teach it?
Step I. Greeting and warming up by singing the song “If you are happy then clap your hands”
Step II. Begin with the questions between teacher and students:
How are you today/this week?
Step III. Students read together to review the story “My Emotions” with teacher’s guide and
help. Then ask some students to lead it as a guide for other students by paragraphs.
Step IV. Review the phrases related to emotions by pictures and facial expression
A. Students read the phrases after the teacher by pictures and facial expression
B. Match the words with pictures.
C. Ask the students to read the phrases by themselves according to pictures.
D. Pair work. Ask students to practice in pairs by acting and saying out.
Step IV. Games
1.Bus stations: Each phrase stands for one station. Ask students to read the phrase shown on
the bus station as a pass ticket to get on the bus.
2.Four corners: Each corners has one phrases about emotions. Those students who are able to
read these phrases correctly could be a host or hostess. Students find a corner to stand when
the host/hostess close their eyes and count down from 10 to 0. The host/hostess says one of
the phrases and open eyes, then those who stand in that corner need to come back to sit.
Step V. Students make a dialog in pairs to express their emotions and ask how people feel by
phrases and sentences.
A: How are you these days?
B:I am/feel…
A: Why?
B: Because…
Step VI. Students practice how to write the Chinese characters in small white board
themselves by matching pictures.
Step VII. Let students draw pictures of the emotions they have learned and describe it in
simple Chinese phrases and sentences.
Step 4—Reflection
What happened during my lesson? What did my students learn? How do I know?
What did I learn? How will I improve my lesson next time?
Students like to learn how to express their emotions by acting and playing games. And I still
need to focus more on sentences than the phrases. Students also need to work harder on
reading the story.