WH 9 Cultural Interaction Graphic Organizer

Name: ____________________________________________________________________________
WH 9 CBA: Cultural Interaction Content Graphic Organizer
Note to Students: Use the following organizer to help arrange your content.
Historical Background of the Cultural Interaction (Who, What, When, Where, Why, How)
Perspective One: Economic (What was the economic impact of interaction for both cultures?)
Introduction to Impact #1 (this is your topic sentence)
Supporting Evidence:
Evidence #1 (explain/analyze the evidence)
Parenthetical Citation (__________________________________________________)
Evidence #2 (explain/analyze the evidence)
Parenthetical Citation (__________________________________________________)
Evidence #3 (explain/analyze the evidence)
Parenthetical Citation (__________________________________________________)
Conclusion for Economic Impact
Perspective Two: Political (What was the Political impact of cultural interaction for both cultures?)
Introduction to Political Impact #2 (this is your topic sentence)
Supporting Evidence:
Evidence #1 (explain/analyze the evidence)
Parenthetical Citation (__________________________________________________)
Evidence #2 (explain/analyze the evidence)
Parenthetical Citation (__________________________________________________)
Evidence #3 (explain/analyze the evidence)
Parenthetical Citation (__________________________________________________)
Conclusion for Political Impact
Perspective Three: Social/Cultural (What was the Social/Cultural impact of interaction for both cultures?)
Introduction to Social/Cultural Impact (this is your topic sentence)
Supporting Evidence:
Evidence #1 (explain/analyze the evidence)
Parenthetical Citation (__________________________________________________)
Evidence #2 (explain/analyze the evidence)
Parenthetical Citation (__________________________________________________)
Evidence #3 (explain/analyze the evidence)
Parenthetical Citation (__________________________________________________)
Conclusion for Social/Cultural Impact # 3
* The conclusion of your essay/product must include both a summary of your analysis of the effects of
the technology/idea and your conclusion of how the technology/idea has shaped world history.
Thesis Restatement:
Broad/Outward Thinking Statement and Conclusions:
(How can studying this Cultural Interaction help us understand other cultural interactions inthe world