Number Systems Learning Target: Materials: Learning Target: Prerequisites: Familiarity with arithmetic operations, prime numbers, and roots of algebraic equations. Learning Target: Learning Target: Learning Target: The natural numbers are closed under addition and multiplication Success Criteria: I can… determine if an infinite subset of the natural numbers is closed under an operation and justify my conclusion. Formative assessment: Whiteboard gallery walk investigating closure of subsets under various properties. The integers are closed under addition, subtraction, and multiplication Success Criteria: I can determine if a finite or infinite subset of the integers is closed under an operation and justify my conclusion. I can create a symbolic generalization for a subset of the integers based on the subset’s properties. Formative Assessment: Groups will be assigned subsets to generalize symbolically, devise two closure questions, and swap with another group to investigate closure. The rational numbers are closed under addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Success Criteria: I can… determine if a number is rational. I can determine if an infinite subset of the rationals is closed under an operation and justify my conclusion. Formative Assessment: Group presentations proving closure of one subset of rational under an operation, non-closure of the set under a different operation. The irrational numbers are included in the real numbers to allow for non-repeating and nonterminating decimals, constructible (but nonrational) lengths, and solutions to algebraic equations, among other numbers. Success Criteria: I can…determine if a number is irrational and generate irrational numbers. I can determine if a finite subset of irrational numbers is closed under an operation. I can approximate an irrational number with a rational number. Formative Assessment: Writing activity – formal proof that a given number is irrational and approximation of that quantity by a rational number. The real numbers are either algebraic or transcendental. Big Idea: Each level of number in the real number system is closed under more operations than the previous level, or incorporates numbers which are needed to represent phenomena which cannot be represented by lower-level numbers. Success Criteria: I can… determine if a number is algebraic or transcendental. I can sketch a proof of the existence of transcendental numbers. I can determine if a subset of the reals is algebraic or transcendental. Formative Assessment: Gallery walk – proving subsets are algebraic or transcendental. Venn diagram of the real numbers. Later big ideas that build on this big idea include: Everything in mathematics??? Algebra, calculus, analysis, topology …