AUSTIN PURE AIR - GENANO New Agent Training – Section #5 “Austin Air, Our (Wannabe) Competitor, Shows Why Ionizers Are So Ineffective” (This is their material. They provide the convincing arguments for us.) Why Ionizers Don't Work One consumer guide states: "Ionics do little to clean the air. They do a poor job of removing smoke, dust, and pollen particles from the air. If you own one, try returning it for a refund!" KEY QUESTIONS WE’LL ANSWER IN THE MATERIAL AHEAD: *What's the difference between an ionizer and an ozone generator? * What's *Are wrong with ion generators? ozone generators also ion producers? *What *Why is the difference between air cleaning and air purifying? do ionizers produce that fresh clean smell, and isn't that enough? *Will an ionizer help with mold problems and odors? *Why are ionizers so popular? *What is the ionizer Black Wall Effect? And… Isn't ozone smog? Can UV light kill mold? What's the difference between an Ionizer and an Ozone Generator? (As you’ve guessed by now, the Ozone Generator company—Austin Air--wrote this material.) Ozone Generators and Ion Generators are similar devices. They both put out ozone and ions. Ion Generators have become popular for cleaning air and attempting to remove odors. But for cleaning air and removing odors as well as killing viruses and mold, Ozone Generators are many more times as effective. Ion Generators simply give a negative charge to the air's ions, so that floating dust particles will cling to a surface in the room—much in the way static electricity does. Larger particles of dust floating in the room will stick to the wall, floor, and furnishings of any room they are in. Ion Generators also put out a very small amount of ozone as a byproduct of ion generation, but it is not enough to be helpful. Ion Generators can partially clean the air, but not purify it. On the other hand, Ozone Generators are just that—they generate the gas called ozone which is extremely useful for purifying the air and removing odors. Ozone is sometimes called "activated oxygen.” (It contains three atoms of oxygen, O3, rather than the two atoms we normally breath.) How does ozone work? The life cycle of ozone is: generation, oxidation, return to oxygen. Ozone is labeled as an "unstable" gas, which means soon after it is generated the third atom of oxygen wants to break away from the other two. It does this by oxidation. It finds a microscopic odor-causing particle and destroys it. What is left is pure oxygen (O2) plus the remnants of the oxidation process by the third atom: harmless hydrogen and CO2. Ionizers claim they are "Ozone Free" and are "safer" than ozone generators. What that really means is that they can't kill any mold or bacteria. Some ionizers claim to have special devices that eliminate ozone (which they mistakenly call “smog”) and turn it into oxygen. But ozone is NOT smog, and eliminating the ozone actually PREVENTS the smog from being cleaned from the air. (Smog is actually toxic hydrocarbons from automobiles.) What's wrong with ionizers? There are many problems associated with ionizers. To perform air cleaning (removing larger particles of dust), you need a very large amount of ions—more than has been recognized as a safe level. According to air science, indoor air has 100 to 200 ions per cubic cm, outdoor fresh air has 200 to 500 ions per cubic cm, and a fresh clean forest will have 1,500 to 5,000 ions per cubic cm. Ion generators typically produce more than 1,000,000 to 10,000,000 per cubic cm. This is simply too much. (This large amount of ions is needed to push the particles to the walls and floor.) In fact for ionization to be truly effective, ionizers must generate so many ions that they can cause headaches and sore throats. More ionization, then, is not better. Fact: Even with this overabundance of ionization there is only limited temporary air cleaning done and no true air purifying accomplished. Nothing is being killed by the ions. Nothing is being purified. In other words ionizers are simply pushing around the floating dirt to the surfaces in your room! The problem: the same dust can be kicked right back into the air. The dirt that does not begin to float again will stick to whatever surface is close. After a few months walls, floors, appliances, and furniture begin to build up a layer of dirt on them. If you put an ionizer on a table near a wall, the wall will develop a black halo of dirt in just a couple of days. Some ionizers claim to have plates that collect the dirt. In truth they can only collect less than 5% of the dirt. The other 95% of the dust, bacteria, and mold spores end up on your walls, floors, and belongings. Question: How is an ion that is shot across a room and attaches itself to a dust particle supposed to travel all the way back to a dust collection plate on an ionizer from 10-20 feet away? The answer is, it cannot be done. In fact if the ion does travel across the room, the particle it attaches itself to will adhere to the closest possible positively charged surface, that being your walls, floor, ceiling or anything else it is close to. This is not rocket science, it is simple physics. Even ionizers that draw air through them and collect dust as it is passing by are not efficient for capturing dust. They are still emitting far into the air in front of the machine ions that attach themselves to dust particles. If the ion flow or the airflow of the ionizer is strong the dust will never be able to find its way back to the ionizer’s collection plate. The dust will then, of course, attach itself to ANY positively charged surface in your home. If the ionizer is weak it will do hardly any good at all at capturing dust particles. If it has a strong ionic or airflow then the ions will break away from the machine and cause the dust to be collected on the surfaces of your home. Either way an ionizer will not eliminate dust. Many ionizer ads claim that the ions will eliminate dust. What does that mean? Where does the dust go? It HAS to go somewhere! This nonsense that ions will simply "drop the dust out of the air" to be vacuumed up at a later date is simply not true. Simple physics state that the dust MUST adhere to the closest positively charged surface, most likely your walls and furniture. ALL ionizers will cause the dreaded "black wall effect" where they will turn your walls black with dust. Air-Zone Ozone Generators will not cause your walls to turn black like common ionizers will because our machines only produce very small amounts of ionization. Six months after you start using an ionizer you will have MORE bacteria collected in your home than before you started. The use of ionization only makes a dust problem WORSE! Realize that all so-called "air cleaning" ionizers do is push around lightweight particles of dust. They cannot effectively kill odors, nor can they remove large particles such as pet dander. For removing larger particles of dust and dander a HEPA filter is much more effective than an ionizer. (This is true.) HEPA filters collect the dust and dander—rather than just push them around the room as an ionizer does—so that they do not start floating around again. The idea is to remove the dust from your home, not simply move it from here to there. Air-Zone sells quality, hospital-grade Austin Air HEPA filter (note again that this is not Austin PURE Air but Austin Air—two different companies entirely) that are more cost-effective than store-bought brands. If dust and odors are present, a combination of an ozone generator and a HEPA filter is the best method of dealing with the problem… (…Unless you have a GENANO® Technology Air Purifier!) A room that has had a previous High Ozone Shock Treatment will smell much fresher than a room with an ionizer running. For removing odors only OZONE works the best by killing the offending organisms. Our ozone generators also produce negative ions of about 10,000 to 30,000 per cubic cm which is more than enough to gain the positive benefits of negative ionization. Are ozone generators ion producers as well? Yes, all of our ozone generators produce negative ions, but not as much as a standard ionizer does. As we’ve said, most ionizer products output more than 1,000,000 to 10,000,000 per cubic cm. This is way too much. More is not always better. Too much ionization can cause headaches and sore throats. Too much ionization electronically glues bacteria, mold spores, and particulate matter to your walls, floor and ceiling. According to science, outdoor fresh air has 200 to 500 ions per cubic cm, indoor air has 100 to 200 per cubic cm, and the forest will have 1,500 to 5,000 ions per cubic cm. Our ozone generators produce negative ions of about 10,000 to 30,000 per cubic cm. Therefore, the amount of negative ions output from our series of products is good enough for giving indoor air that fresh clean smell, and yet not too much as to be irritating. What is the difference between air “cleaning” and air “purifying”? Air cleaning means that particles of dust and other dirt are being filtered out of the air, and are hopefully being collected into a specific filter. Air Purifying means that dangerous mold spores, bacteria, and viruses are actually being killed. Even a high-grade HEPA filter can store and pass micro bacteria through it. Air Purifying is the only way to ensure a safe environment. Air Purifying can only be done by the use of ozone. (No longer true since GENANO® Technology arrived on the scene.) Ion generators simply move particles to other places. That's NOT air cleaning because the dust remains in the same room. Why do ionizers produce that fresh, clean smell? And isn't that enough? No, a fresh smell is no substitute for air purifying. Ionizers also produce a very small amount of ozone which can contribute to a fresh spring-like smell. The electrically charged air produced from an ionizer can smell very fresh. The problem is that this is only a temporary fix. As soon as the ionizer is turned off the effect is essentially over. With an ozone generator, odors can literally be killed so that when it is turned off the odors are vanished because they are not simply "covered up" as with an ionizer. Ozone Generators can also be used to give High-Ozone "Shock Treatments" to unoccupied areas. These high-ozone treatments are very effective in killing odor producing organisms. Once the organisms are killed by a high ozone shock treatment, or a series of shock treatments, the odor will be removed, not just covered up by the temporary effects of ionization. A room that has had a high ozone shock treatment for a few hours the night before will smell much fresher than a room with an ionizer constantly running! Even with a very high ion level of 10,000,000 per cubic cm, odors can only be covered up. Therefore a high-concentration ion treatment will have little or no effect in permanently removing odors. Those high ion levels can also cause headaches and sore throats. So long before ionization can have any real effect, it becomes obnoxious. Only OZONE can truly purify the air, remove odors, and kill many types of bacteria. (GENANO is far superior to even this.) Will an ionizer help with mold problems and odors? Absolutely not! Ionizers don't kill any organisms, therefore they have no effect on mold or mold odors. If you smell mold in your home, you have mold. Mold Medical studies have found that mold & mildew are the #1 causes of allergic symptoms. (The Black Mold Stachybotrys found in homes, offices, and schools has been linked to fatal pulmonary disorders.) If this is all true, then why are ionizers so popular? The answer is two-fold: At first, when a person first smells the odor coming out of an ionizer, they are very impressed by the fresh spring-like smell. That fresh smell is what sells the product. Unfortunately that fresh smell is only temporary, since it lasts only until the ionizer is turned off. Ions have no ability to kill any organisms, and therefore no ability to remove odors. On the other hand, ozone kills the bacteria and mold, so it removes the odor. It doesn't just cover it up. Secondly, ionizers are very popular because they are very cheap to build, and sell for high dollar amounts. The leading manufacturer of ionizers sell their product on TV (you know the ones we mean). They sell them for $350.00 or more, yet this product costs them about $35.00 to produce. We know the cost to build these products because we are equipment manufacturers ourselves. Manufacturers make huge profits on ionizers, sometimes over 1000%, so they have no interest in ceasing to sell them. They are an easy "sell" because of the fresh smell to the unknowing consumer. If we wanted to sell ionizers for outrageous profits we could. As we said, they are not expensive to build. * We choose not to sell ionizers because we know they do not work AND they make bacterial problems worse. They do so by electronically gluing bacteria, mold spores, and dust to your walls, floor, and ceiling. * Ozone, on the other hand, actually kills bacteria, mold spores, and viruses—by destroying them and leaving only harmless oxygen remaining. By testing mold spore counts before and after OZONATION (using a mold testing kit) we prove ozone kills mold and bacteria. (Ionization subjected to the same tests, no matter how powerful, has no effect on the mold whatsoever.) Again, what is the Ionizer Black Wall Effect? All ionizers cause the dreaded "black wall effect" where they will turn your walls black with dust. Some ionizer manufacturers claim that their ionizers will not cause the ionizer black wall effect. This is simply not true. If a machine is a true ionizer then the dust particles the ions come in contact to must, by the laws of physics, adhere to the nearest positively charged surface. That is usually your walls floor and ceiling. Some say the dust merely drops to the floor to be vacuumed up later. Once again that is what they would like you to believe, but it is simply not true. Besides, the dust would still be in your home and not "removed" as most ionizer manufacturers claim. Air-Zone Ozone Generators will not cause your walls to turn black like common ionizers will because our machines only produce very small amounts of ionization. Isn't Ozone SMOG? Ozone is sometimes misunderstood. Ozone is O3—three atoms of oxygen linked together—rather than the two atoms of oxygen (O2) that we normally breath. True O3 Ozone is made up entirely of oxygen. Ozone is NOT smog. Ozone is a compound that naturally occurs in nature. Ozone is Not Smog While ozone is sometimes mistakenly referred to as smog, SMOG is actually a combination of hydrocarbons, among them being CO², CO, and SO². These hydrocarbons are most commonly created by the exhaust that comes from automobiles. Ozone pushes these hydrocarbons back to the surface of the earth in order to use its natural purification abilities to break them apart on a molecular level. What is commonly called "ozone" in referring to the ground level air quality are really a mixture of these various toxic hydrocarbons, NOT O3 ozone. We know that Ozone is a colorless gas. When we look at true smog, we can see that it is certainly not colorless. And in fact, without Ozone the Earth could not clean itself of the true SMOG which is made up of the aforementioned hydrocarbons. Ozone has a distinct beneficial role in smog reduction: its ability to break down and oxidize hydrocarbons and particulates in the air. When it is said the ozone level is high and there is more SMOG, it really means that while the ozone is higher than normal at surface levels, the real danger is not the O3 ozone, it is the hydrocarbons the heavier-than-air ozone is trying to clean. When excessive amounts of man-made hydrocarbons are produced, there will be higher concentrations of ozone as a natural reaction to an unnatural situation. While very high levels of ozone are not good to breathe, the levels we find in the outside air fall within acceptable breathing limits. Many attack ozone as a threat, but it is only a threat to the many ineffective but high-profit air purification products being sold today such as ionizers. Ionizers produce high profits for the sellers, sometimes well over 1000%, but they do not produce clean environments. Ionization can't kill mold or bacteria, and it can't break apart hydrocarbons. Some ionizers claim to turn pollution into oxygen. REAL pollution such as hyrdocarbons can't be turned into oxygen. Dust or pollen can't be turned into oxygen. Ozone can be turned into oxygen, but ozone is NOT pollution. Some ionizers now say they have a device on them that converts SMOG into oxygen. They are under the mistaken assumption that ozone is SMOG. What it REALLY does is convert natural ozone into oxygen, thereby PREVENTING the natural ozone from cleaning the real SMOG (which are the toxic hydrocarbons). In the future ozone will replace many ineffective forms of air purification, including ionization, once the public becomes educated to the real benefits of ozone. (AND NOW GENANO® TECHNOLOGY HAS REPLACED OZONE GENERATORS) Can UV light kill mold? This is a quote from General Electric concerning their germicidal UV lamps: "No. Once mold has already formed, ultraviolet energy will not eliminate it." It is a proven fact that ozone KILLS mold. Only a true high powered ozone generator can kill mold with high ozone shock treatments. (GENANO DOES IT MUCH MORE EFFECTIVELY.) Whole House In-Duct Ozone Air Purifier If you are looking for a WHOLE HOUSE air purifier, realize that there is NO tabletop unit of ANY BRAND that can accomplish this task. Table top air purifiers rated for 3000 square feet make no sense since they cannot purify air through walls. ONLY a unit that fires ozone into the air ducts, like the Air-Zone® Air-Duct 2000 can evenly distribute ozone throughout the ENTIRE home. Ozone or ions cannot pass through walls. Purifies Air and Removes Air-Zone ® Odors In entire Homes, Offices, Restaurants, etc. Air-Duct 2000 Whole House In Duct Air Purifier Ozone Generator U.S Patented Gold Plated Ozone Element Produces Pure 03 Ozone with Zero Nitrogen Oxides Features a variable ozone output from 80 - 2000 mg/hr Built in "Burst Timer" for air purification in small or large areas. Totally Automatic Operation! Extra Heavy Duty Stainless Steel Housing CLICK HERE for complete product description and pricing. ............. We carry a full line of Ozone Air Purifiers and Mold Killing Ozone Generators for any application Click Here to view our entire line. Model XT-120 XT-240 Picture Ozone Outputs actual ozone outputs are higher 120 240 pure ozone output Unit Descriptions Ozone Air Purifier / Ozone Generator Cleans the air in bedrooms, living rooms and small offices. Destroys cigarette smoke, airborne bacteria, and mold spores. Fully variable ozone. Built in air purification timer. U.S. Patented Ozone Elements with Zero Nitrogen Oxides. Maximum ozone outputs of 140 and 280 Ozone Air Purifier / Ozone Generator XT-400 XT-800 With Remote Control 400 800 pure ozone output Cleans the air in bedrooms, living rooms and offices. Destroys cigarette smoke, airborne bacteria, and mold spores. U.S. Patented Ozone Elements with Zero Nitrogen Oxides. Remote Control for ozone output, timers, and fan speed. Two built in Timers for Air Purification and Shock Treatments. Fully variable ozone. Built in air purification timer. Capable of high ozone shock treatments in most rooms. Maximum ozone outputs of 445 and 890 Professional Grade Ozone Generator XT-2000 XT-4000 XT-6000 XT14000 XT28000 2000 4000 6000 pure ozone output 14000 pure ozone output 28000 pure ozone Removes serious odors with tremendous ozone power. Kill surface and airborne mold and bacteria with high ozone shock treatments. Shock treat basements, household rooms, hotel rooms, and vehicles infected with mold and odors. Built in Countdown Timer for High Ozone Shock Treatments. U.S. Patented Ozone Elements with Zero Nitrogen Oxides. Completely sterilize rooms of mold, bacteria , and odors. Maximum ozone outputs of 2100, 4325, and 6500 Professional Grade Ozone Generator U.S. Patented Ozone Elements with Zero Nitrogen Oxides. Removes serious odors with unbelievable ozone power. Kill surface and airborne mold and bacteria with high ozone shock treatments. Built in 24 hour countdown timer for High Ozone Shock Treatments. Shock treat basements, hotel rooms, rooms with smoke or water damage, and air handling systems. Completely sterilizes entire homes of mold and bacteria. Professionally removes odors in very large areas. output High Grade Stainless Steel Cases Maximum ozone outputs of 14,000 and 28,000 These are the finest ozone generators ever made! Whole House In Duct Air Purifier / Ozone Generator Air-Duct 2000 2000 pure ozone output Cleans the air in an entire home or business. Distributes ozone directly through the air handling system. Destroys cigarette smoke, airborne bacteria, and mold spores. U.S. Patented Ozone Element with Zero Nitrogen Oxides. Fully Automatic Operation. Built in Burst Timer for air purification in any sized home. Variable ozone control. Built in air purification timer. Capable of mild high ozone shock treatments in entire homes. Ozone outputs from 80 to 2150 Counter Top Water Ozone Generator. XT-301 300 pure ozone output U.S. Patented Ozone Elements with Zero Nitrogen Oxides. U.S. Patented Water Pumps that wont degrade in ozone. Rapidly purifies water in glasses, bottles, and tanks up to 5 gallons. Destroys E coli and Salmonella bacteria as well as many other types of germs in drinking water. Easy to use patented design. In Line Water Ozone Generators. XT1800W XT5600W 1800 5600 pure ozone output U.S. Patented Ozone Elements with Zero Nitrogen Oxides. U.S. Patented Water Pumps that won't degrade in ozone. Purifies water continuously in 1/2 or 3/4 water lines. Whole house / business continuous ozonated water supply. Destroys E coli and Salmonella bacteria as well as many other types of germs in drinking water. These are the finest water ozone generators ever made! Click Here to see our entire line of home & professional Ozone Generators Air-Zone® carries the world’s best high-quality true HEPA filters. Austin Air HEPA FILTERS Out Performs ANY Store-Bought Filter For those situations when dust, pollen, mold spores, and pet dander need to be filtered out of the air. Austin Air HEPA Filters offer the most affordable solution available. Ionization can't "remove" any dust from your home, but an Austin Air HEPA Filter can! The filters in these units last for FIVE YEARS! Much higher quality than store bought air filters, all these filters come with a 5 year warranty. CLICK HERE to see all our professional True HEPA Filters. Click on our Models or Orders pages for 100% secure online ordering Home Air-Zone Ozone Generators is proudly located in the U.S.A.!!! Air-Zone Inc. 1980 Northgate Commerce Parkway, Suite 6C Suffolk, VA 23435 Call our 1-800 TOLL FREE number 1-800-772-5142 Outside the 48 Continental US States please call 757-465-1121 Open Evenings& Saturdays! Call to reach our staff of qualified ozone technicians. If all of our phone lines are busy please leave a message and we will call you back as soon as possible. Main Email Contact: Thinking of buying a different brand of air purifier / ozone generator? CLICK HERE to see our ozone generator brand comparison page. SITE LINKS Air-Zone Ozone Generators Home Page High Ozone What Size Shock Treatments Ozone Generator with Ozone Do You Need? Generators Ozone Generator Models View Our Products How to Purify Air with an Ozone Generator Why Ionizers Don't Work Kill Mold With an Ozone Generator What is Ozone? Automobile Odor Removal The Many Uses For Ozone Generators Cigarette Smoke Elimination with Ozone Generators Motel Room Odors/ Apartment Smoke Removal Austin Air True HEPA Filters Ozone Bacterial and Mold Killing Studies Ozone Generator Testimonials Return Policy United States Warranty Remove pet odors with Ozone Air Purifier Ozone Generator Brand Comparisons Frequently Asked Questions About Ozone Order Our Products How to get relief from your allergies using an ozone generator. Help kill bacteria caused by Sick Building Syndrome with an ozone generator. Click Here to Order Our Products Air-Zone® has Fast, Instant, No Hassle, 100% Secure, Authorize.Net Online Ordering! We also accept orders with PayPal payments. CLICK HERE to order by PayPal. We Use Super Fast FedEx Delivery! Member of Better Business Bureau Visa - MasterCard Amex Discover Card Certified Merchant American Express 100% Fraud Protection SquareTrade Certified 100% Secure Online Ordering Click Here to order our products directly No registration required! Click Here to view your Shopping Cart Call Us Toll Free! E-Mail Us! 1-800-772-5142 757-465-1121 All text, terms, and images on this web site are copyrighted and trademarked, including the U.S. Registered Trademark Air-Zone ® No part of this web site may be reproduced without specific permission from Air-Zone® Air Purifiers. Click Here to read Austin Pure Air Agents, This excerpted material has provided a good look at two things: 1) Sound arguments by Austin Air against Ion Generators. 2) A good explanation by Austin Air of its now old and outdated technology which is far inferior to GENANO. Austin PURE Air is proud to be the distributor of world-leading GENANO® Technology products. There are no real competitors!