MA Bilingualism and Multilingualism 2015

MA Bilingualism and Multilingualism
The table below shows the current composition of the programme.
Code, Title, Credits:
Compulsory Modules
CYAD7015 Introduction to Bilingualism 20
CYAD7002 Societal Bilingualism 20
CYCS7014 Study and Research Methodology 20
Optional Modules – choose 60 credits from one pathway
Education Pathway
CYAD7008 Cognitive Aspects of Bilingualism 30
CYAD7009 Development of Bilingual Education in Wales 30
CYAD7011 Bilingualism in the Early Years 30
International Pathway
CYAD7008 Cognitive Aspects of Bilingualism 30
CYAD7010 Models for Bilingual Teaching 30
CYAD7012 Language Planning Essentials 30
Compulsory Module
CYAD7016 Dissertation 60
The modules that are delivered each academic year will depend on a number of factors,
including the number of students that opt to study that module. All the options on your
Programme of Study will not necessarily be offered each year.
The following modules will be offered in 2015/16:
PART I – Compulsory Modules
CYAD7015 Introduction to Bilingualism 20 credits Semester 1
CYAD7002 Societal Bilingualism 20 credits Semester 2
CYCS7014 Study and Research Methodology 20 credits Semesters 1 or 2
PART II – Optional Modules – choose 60 credits from one pathway
Education Pathway
CYAD7008 Cognitive Aspects of Bilingualism 30 credits Semester 1
CYAD7009 Development of Bilingual Education in Wales 30 credits Semester 2
International Pathway
CYAD7008 Cognitive Aspects of Bilingualism 30 credits Semester 1
CYAD7010 Models for Bilingual Teaching 30 credits Semester 2
PART II – Compulsory Module
CYAD7016 Dissertation 60 credits Semesters 1 and 2
Module details are correct on 1 September 2015, and will not normally be changed during
the year. In the unlikely event of the School having to make changes to these details during
the year, you will be notified in writing.