NCEA Progression in Learning Languages

Progression in Learning Languages
The Achievement Objectives
The Communication Strand
The focus of this strand is on:
extending students’ ability to communicate by giving them opportunities to use
and combine the receptive skills of listening, reading, and viewing, and the
productive skills of speaking, writing, and presenting or performing in culturally
appropriate contexts
engaging students in language-learning experiences in which they have
opportunities to engage with their peers in genuine social interactions
fostering authentic language-learning experiences through interactions of other
kinds, for example, when students communicate with speakers of the target
language about personal issues, cultural issues, trade, travel, tourism, or any
area of mutual interest
building students’ accuracy and fluency, with an emphasis on ‘intercultural
communicative competence’ rather than native-speaker competence
empowering students to communicate in unfamiliar situations by developing a
range of skills to help them negotiate meaning
encouraging students to use language and text forms and types appropriate to
increasingly specific contexts and situations as they become increasingly aware of
the audiences and purposes of the texts they use and respond to.
Progression in the communication strand: Level 7
Progression in communication is seen in:
the range and complexity of the contexts in which students are able to
students’ ability to communicate in both concrete and abstract contexts
students’ understanding of how language is used effectively in different
situations, taking into account text type and audience.
This progression is evident in the proficiency descriptors and in the achievement
objectives for the communication strand. It is summarised following:
Level 7 Communicating
Information, ideas, and opinions
Accessing and/or using concrete information such as facts, figures, and trends.
Giving straightforward justifications for an opinion or reasons in support of an
Producing straightforward, connected texts (written or oral) on a range of familiar
(personally experienced or previously studied) matters, in which discrete
elements are linked in a linear sequence.
Receiving and expressing ideas/opinions on familiar matters (includes matters
encountered in study).
Identifying and using appropriate linguistic and cultural forms.
Level 7 Beginning to explore
Views of others
Asking for others to give their opinion and beginning to engage in sustained
interactions about relatively familiar matters.
Asking relatively spontaneous questions about familiar (personally experienced or
previously studied) matters.
Understanding and interpreting written information (using high frequency
language or supported with vocabulary) on familiar or carefully prepared
Understanding and interpreting information that is presented orally (at up to
normal speaking speed) on familiar or carefully prepared subjects.
Level 7 Beginning to develop and share
Personal perspectives
Giving advice or making suggestions on familiar matters.
Making comparisons and expressing opinions on familiar matters.
Initiating a conversation, helping keep it going, negotiating meaning as required,
and expressing opinions on familiar matters.
Level 7 Beginning to justify
Own ideas and opinions
Defending a point of view by giving a straightforward explanation.
Saying that something is causing a problem and giving a straightforward
explanation as to why.
Level 7 Beginning to support or challenge
Ideas and opinions of others
Expressing agreement or disagreement.
Understanding a range of viewpoints or ideas and responding to them by
accepting or rejecting their substance.
Briefly expressing their own point of view in response to the opinions of others.
Indicators Matrix
Communicative Function
Indicators: the sorts of
things students will be
Level 7
Information, ideas and
Accessing and/or using
concrete information such
as facts, figures, and
Giving straightforward
justifications for an opinion
or reasons in support of an
Producing straight forward,
connected texts (written or
oral) on a range of familiar
(personally experienced or
previously studied) matters,
in which discrete elements
are linked in a linear
Receiving and expressing
ideas/opinions on familiar
matters (includes matters
encountered in study).
Identifying and using
appropriate linguistic and
cultural forms.
Progression in the communication strand: Level 7
Students are expected to begin to engage in sustained interactions and produce
increasingly extended texts, in which they explore the views of others, develop and
share personal perspectives and justify, support or challenge ideas and opinions in
different situations. Students are expected to begin responding critically to more
extended and varied text types on familiar matters.
Language knowledge and cultural knowledge strands
The language knowledge and Cultural Knowledge strands support the Communication
Language knowledge
The focus of this strand is on:
developing students’ capacity to learn new languages
finding out about the language and language-learning skills that students already
have and progressively building on these
developing students’ knowledge and awareness of the target language;
broadening students’ general language abilities and bringing them into sharper
helping students develop as active and motivated learners of a new language and
the related culture(s)
helping students discover and develop language and language-learning skills that
are useful beyond the classroom
helping students gain the confidence to experiment and take risks as part of the
language-learning process.
Cultural knowledge
The focus of this strand is on:
helping students, from the beginning of their language learning, to link languages
to social and cultural contexts
empowering students to develop intercultural competence by exploring the world
view associated with a specific language and culture and to relate this to their
own world view
developing students’ motivation and ability to acknowledge both their own and
others’ identity, self-knowledge, attitudes, and skills
developing in students an understanding of the ways in which people who speak
the target language, and whose culture is the target culture, think and behave
encouraging students to develop an exploratory and reflective approach to culture
and language and to realise that they are inseparable
fostering students’ ability to make explicit comparisons and connections between
languages and cultures
enabling students to learn to appreciate and enjoy the arts of the target cultures
(for example, literature and dance).
Progression in the language knowledge and cultural knowledge strands, levels
As students progress in their learning, their knowledge moves from simple recognition to
description, understanding, and finally analysis of the linguistic forms and cultural
aspects of the target language and other known languages. This developing knowledge
feeds into increasing intercultural communicative competence.
This progression is evident in the achievement objectives for the language and cultural
knowledge strands. It may be summarised as follows:
Levels 7 and 8
Metacognitive aspect: Analysis
Situational aspect: Analysing text type, purpose and audience in order to make the
most appropriate use of language and cultural knowledge.
Progression in the language knowledge and cultural knowledge strands, level 7
Level 7
Students begin to identify and select appropriate linguistic and cultural forms in relation
to features such as text type, purpose, and audience.
Progression: An example
Levels 7 and 8
Students analyse how aspects of the target culture(s) and language(s) are organised for
different purposes, audiences, and texts.
Example (French): Students critically analyse whether to use tu or vous, in order to
communicate effectively depending on the situation (in other words, decide when it
might be appropriate to stop using vous with a particular person and start using tu).