fcv_jagath - Asian Development Bank

Jagath Peththawadu
11A, Boyd Place
Colombo 03
Sri Lanka.
Tel. 94-11-2387055 (Work), 2519947 (Residence)
Mobile: 94-77-7356745
E-mail: jpeththawadu@adb.org,
Date of Birth: 13 April, 1966
Marital Status : Single
1) Project Implementation Officer, Asian Development Bank (ADB), Sri Lanka Resident
Mission (SLRM)
(October 2005 to date )
Responsibilities / Achievements Project Administration
 Administering (approving procurements, leading Review Missions, preparing
Aide Memoirs, BTOR and updating PPR’s) of 2 delegated projects - L 1930 (USD
78 mln); Power Sector Development Project (with components in Rural
Electrification, Distribution and Transmission).
(Acted pro-actively to solve major procurement and resettlement issues)
 Administering L 1986 (USD 56 mln); Road Sector Development Project (with
component in provincial roads rehabilitation and institutional restructuring).
(Acted to push through recommended institutional changes and government
processes by increasing ownership of the EA and facilitating stakeholder
 Providing support for L 39431 (USD 300 mln); Colombo Port Expansion Project.
Project Processing
 Enhancing policy discussions and providing inputs for processing of loan for L
39431 (USD 300 mln); Colombo Port Expansion Project.
(Helped the Government and ADB to find alternative procedural solutions to
difficult sector related parliamentary acts).
 Enhancing policy discussions and providing inputs for processing operations in
the Power Sector;
(Helped the Government and ADB to restart policy dialogue and discussions for
future assistance based on regulatory reforms and phased institutional
Donor coordination and Government Interface
 Participating in consultations with GoSL on Power, Ports and Roads (PPP)
sectors by coordinating with MoF (Dept. of National Planning, External
Resources Dept), relevant ministries and EAs;
 Participating in meetings with donors working in Power and Ports sectors and
providing notes to file on the outcome of the meetings;
 Providing inputs and reviews to CPS.
Country Programming, Economic and Sector Work
 Providing input and research topics as needed to support preparation of the new
2) Project Specialist, Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC), Sri Lanka.
(June 1999 – October 2005)
(JBIC is the largest bilateral donor to GOSL committing US$ 250-300 mln per annum for
development projects on behalf of the Government of Japan and I worked as one of its 3
national professional staff, managing a Portfolio of 12 Projects of US$ 600 mln)
 Sector and Project work in Roads, Finance and Water Sectors in Sri Lanka;
(provided valuable inputs to strengthen capacity building of EA’s through
supportive project designs in procurement methods and disbursement structures)
 Ensuring compliance to JBIC Guidelines, Loan Agreements and Minutes of
Discussions between JBIC and the Government of Sri Lanka of projects in above
(Initiated EA driven compliance measures and solutions to resettlement issues
playing an effective role in creating EA ownership)
 Evaluating all procurement stages of above projects for JBIC concurrence;
 Research into policies, reform agenda, and regulatory framework for the above
sectors dealt with by the Government and major donors – WB, ADB, IMF etc;
 Appraising JBIC on internal financial, legal, institutional and procedural
requirements relevant to project Formulation, Appraisal, Loan Negotiations and
 Monitoring disbursements and liaising with different government agencies for
 Preparing economic research papers;
 Assisting in Country Economic Analysis.
3) Business Manager – Projects, Mitsubishi Corporation, Colombo Office, Sri Lanka
(September 1997 – May 1999)
(Mitsubishi Corporation is a diversified conglomerate. I, as the Business Manager - Projects
was responsible for its following work in Sri Lanka and the Republic of Maldives. I was
successful in promoting and finally winning bids of several Projects in the two countries).
Following up economic assistance given for Government Projects in the two
countries by all major donors;
Coordinating with Government Ministries, Authorities, Boards and State
Companies in the two countries.
4) Project Economist, Presidential Task Force - Southern Development Authority (SDA),
Sri Lanka
(July 1996 - August 1997)
(SDA was established in 1996 directly under the purview of the President at that time to
facilitate the development of Southern Region of Sri Lanka)
Assisting the Southern Development Authority on evaluating Project Proposals
made by Bidder for Government Projects;
Establishing systems for provision of Venture Capital Funds for Southern
Entrepreneurs, evaluating project proposals received from them and advising the
Task Force on same.
1995: M.Sc. (Economics), London School of Economics, London, U.K.
Recipient of scholarship awarded by the London School of Economics.
Focus of studies: Economic aspects of information technology, with reference to
liberalization of global finance and policy implications on small, open economies.
1994: B.A. (Cum Laude) in International Economics, Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan
Achieved the best Grade Point Average in Economics.
Recipient of scholarship granted by the Association for International Cooperation of
Japan and by the Sakuara Bank Foundation for International Co-opreation – Japan.
1990: G.C.E. (Advanced Levels), Dharmasoka College, Ambalangoda, Sri Lanka.
In Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics.
August 2007:
Co-Facilitator – COSO organized Results focused Project Design and Management Seminar,
Dhaka, Bangladesh.
July 2007:
Project Team Leadership – Module 1, Manila.
May 2007:
ADB Power Sector Restructuring and Regulation, Manila.
February 2007:
ADB Regional Training of Facilitators (Results-focused Project Design and Management),
Bentota, Sri Lanka. (Top scorer).
November 2006:
ADB Public Private Partnership (PPP) - Module 6 – Labor and HR Issues, Manila.
June 2006:
ADB Regional Training on Results-focused Project Design and Management,
Colombo, Sri Lanka. (Top scorer).
October / November 2005:
ADB Project Implementation and Administration, Manila.
April 2000 & June 2003:
Project Formulation & Implementation, Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC),
Tokyo, Japan.
September 1999:
Project Formulation with specific reference to Water Sector, Mitsubishi Corporation,
UN Advanced Security Training, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Tokyo Donor Conference for Reconstruction & Development of Sri Lanka and all other
related Seminars (Private Sector, Civil Society, Donors, GOSL) as a member of JBIC
Delegation, June 2003, Tokyo, Japan.
- Lived in Tokyo, Japan for 5 years during higher studies.
- Lived in London for 1 1/2 years during higher studies.
- Travelled extensively in Europe (England, France, Belgium, Germany, Holland
etc.) and Asia (Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, India, Thailand, Cambodia,
Philippines, Vietnam etc.).
 Rotary Club of Colombo Fort : Secretary (2007), Director - Vocational Service
(2006), Director - Social Services (2004-05); Director - Youth Services (2003);
Secretary (2002); Treasurer (2001);
 Life Member, Sri Lanka Association of Economists;
 Member (2006), World Energy Council, Sri Lanka Committee.
 Richard Vokes, Country Director, SLRM;
 Laurence Pochard, Head, PAU, SLRM;
 Tomoyuki Kimura, Principal Energy Specialist – SAEN & formerly Director,
Development Assistance Dept II- 3, Japan Bank for International Cooperation,
 Ryutaro Koga, Director General, Project Development Department, Japan Bank
for International Cooperation.