Biome Travel Brochure Pick one of the biomes you have read about

Pick one of the biomes you have read about and studied. You will be making a
travel trifold brochure for a particular location in your biome. The brochure
should be informative and visually pleasing. The guidelines for the brochure are
1. Must be on a sheet of 8.5 x 11” unlined paper.
2. Must be folded as a trifold brochure, with information on 5 sides. Any color
of ink or marker may be used as long as it is clearly visible on the paper you
are using. Make sure your markers do not bleed through the paper. You may
also cut out pictures from magazines or do it on the computer and print
3. Written information and/or drawings must cover 85% of each side used. You
must have all the major information about your biome contained in the
brochure (e.g. precipitation, average temperatures, types of plants and
animals found there, etc) be descriptive and creative.
4. Your name, block and the class appear on the last page of the brochure.
5. Remember, this is a travel brochure-if you don’t make it informative and
attractive, I won’t want to visit, and if I don’t want to visit you won’t get a
good grade! Even if your biome is the Desert or the North Pole you can still
be creative and convince people to at least look at the brochure.
The organization and all required info
about the biome is included (5)
Has all flaps complete and with correct
information (10)
Front page summarizes main focus in a
headline/catchy slogan and sets theme
for your biome (15)
Picture of the world with your biomes
location colored (10)
Description of abiotic factors (15)
Kucera ES, 2013
Attractive and neat presentation
Vocabulary, spelling, and grammar
are appropriate and consistent (5)
Includes a detailed example of a
food web that takes place in your
biome with 6+ organisms (15)
How organisms (plants/animals)
adapt to the biome (15)
Total points possible = 100
You may use Microsoft office trifold templates or Microsoft Publisher to make
your brochure, but you must follow all the brochure guidelines.
Requirements for information:
Front Page- Title Page
Inside Flap #1- World Map
World map will have where your biome is located colored
Inside Flap #2- Animal and Plant Adaptations
Must have 3 plants and 3 animals.
Describe a unique characteristic that help of many of the plants
and animals living in the biome adapt to their environment.
Explain any unique adaptations of the plants and animals you
picked. How do these adaptations help it survive in this biome?
Describe the structures of your plant and animals that help
them adapt to their environment. Examples of fur, water
conservation, roots, stems, or leaves. How tall is it? What does
it look like?
Do you think this plant or animal could live in a biome with very
different abiotic factors? Why or why not?
Inside Flap #3- Food Web
The front cover should have a title/slogan, include the name of the
biome, and have a picture/drawing.
A food web that is drawn with animals that is common to your
biome. Make all the connections possible. Use 6 or more animals.
Must have producers through top predator.
Inside Flap #4- Abiotic Factors
Explanation of average yearly climate, temperature, rain fall, soil
type, salinity, pH, rocks and minerals, and other physical factors
Threats to your biome
List of possible biomes in chapter 4: Tropical Rain Forest, Temperate
Deciduous Forest, Taiga, Savanna, Temperate Grassland, Chaparral, Desert,
Tundra, Lakes and Ponds, Wetlands, Rivers, Estuaries, Coral Reefs, Ocean,
and Polar.
Kucera ES, 2013