DISCIPLINE DESCRIPTION 1. Information about the program 1.1 Higher education Babeş-Bolyai University institution 1.2 Faculty Faculty of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences 1.3 Department Department of Communication, Public Relations and Advertising 1.4 Field of study Communication Science 1.5 Level of study Master 1.6 Study program / Public Relations and Advertising Qualification 2. Information about the discipline 2.1 Discipline title Media Systems 2.2 Course lecturer Lect. Veronica Campian Ph.D. 2.3 Seminar assistant Lect. Veronica Campian Ph.D. 2.4 Year of 1st 2.5 Semester 2nd 2.6. Evaluation Final 2.7 Discipline type Mandatory study type examination 3. Total estimated time (hours of didactic activities per semester) 3.1 Number of hours per week 3 of which: 3.2 course 2 3.3 seminar/laboratory 3.4 Total hours in the study plan 42 of which: 3.5 course 28 3.6 seminar/laboratory Time distribution: Studying the manual, course reader, bibliography and notes: Supplementary documentation in the library, on electronic platforms and in the field: Preparing seminars/laboratories, homework, syntheses, portfolios and essays: Tutorials Examinations Other activities: .................. 3.7 Total hours of individual study 60 3.8 Total hours per semester 120 3.9 Number of credits 4. Prerequisites (where applicable) 4.1 based on the curriculum 4.2 based on competences 5. Conditions (where applicable) 5.1 for the course 5.2 for the seminar/laboratory 1 14 hrs 10 5 5 2 Transversal competencies Professional competencies 6. Accumulated specific competencies Defining media systems Explaining the rules for creating a professional literature review in the field. Explaining the research design. Analyzing and comparing media systems. Developing the capacity of creating empirical projects. Communication skills Critical thinking Capacity of debating and on presenting arguments Capacity of predicting Capacity of analysis 7. Discipline objectives (from the accumulated competencies grid) 7.1 General objective 7.2 Specific objectives By attending this course, students will acquire basic knowledge and skills about media systems. Understanding the factors that influenced media systems Learning theories on comparative media systems . 8. Contents 8.1 Course 1. An introduction to media systems 2. Typologies of media systems like four theories of the press, Hallin and Mancini’s Model 3. Mediterranean or Polarised Pluralist Model: Italy, France, 4. Mediterranean or Polarised Pluralist Model: Spain, Greece and Portugal 5. Northern European or Democratic Corporatist Model: Germany, Swiss, Holland, Luxenbourg 6. Northern European or Democratic Corporatist Model: Norway, Finland, Denmark, Sweeden 7 and 8. North American Liberal Model USA-4h 9. UK and Ireland 10. Media System in China 11. Media System in several Asian states 12. Differences in Media Use Palmgreen’s Theory 13. Media systems in the EU 2h 14. Final recapitulation Bibliography: Teaching methods Oral presentation and discussions Oral presentation and discussions Oral presentation and discussions Oral presentation and discussions Oral presentation and discussions Oral presentation and discussions Oral presentation and discussions Oral presentation and discussions Oral presentation and discussions Oral presentation and discussions Oral presentation and discussions Oral presentation and discussions Discussions Observations Picaper,Jean-Paul (1976): Kommunikation und Propaganda in der DDR, 2. Auflage, Verlag Bonn Aktuell, Stuttgart Altendorfer, Otto (2001): Das Mediensystem der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Band 1, 1. Auflage, Westdeutscher Verlag, Wiesbaden Hallin, Daniel / Mancini, Paolo(2004). Comparing Media Systems. Three Models of Media and Politics, Cambridge University Press Meyn, Hermann (2004): Massenmedien in Deutschland, UVK Verlag, Konstanz Meyen, Michael (2004), Mediennutzung, UKV, Pürer, Heinz (Hrsg.) (1996): Praktischer Journalismus in Zeitugen, Radio und Fernsehen, 2., überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage, Reihe Praktischer Journalismus, Bd. 9, UVK Medien Verlag, Konstanz Renner, Karl, Nikolaus (2007): Fernsehjournalismus, Entwurf einer Theorie des kommunikativen Handelns, UVK Verlag, Konstanz Schulze, Volker (2001): Die Zeitung, Ein medienkundlicher Leitfaden, 1., völlig überarbeitete Neuauflage, Hahner Verlagsgesellschaft, Aachen 8.2 Seminar / laboratory 1. An introduction to seminar requests 2. Projects’ presentations 3. Projects’ presentations 4. Projects’ presentations 5. Projects’ presentations 6. Projects’ presentations 7. Projects’ presentations 8. Projects’ presentations 9. Projects’ presentations 10. Projects’ presentations 11. Projects’ presentations 12. Projects’ presentations 13. Projects’ presentations 14. Projects’ presentations Teaching methods Class discussions & fieldwork debriefing Class discussions & fieldwork debriefing Class discussions & fieldwork debriefing Class discussions & fieldwork debriefing Class discussions & fieldwork debriefing Class discussions & fieldwork debriefing Class discussions & fieldwork debriefing Class discussions & fieldwork debriefing Class discussions & fieldwork debriefing Class discussions & fieldwork debriefing Class discussions & fieldwork debriefing Class discussions & fieldwork debriefing Class discussions & fieldwork debriefing Class discussions & fieldwork debriefing Observations Bibliography: Picaper,Jean-Paul (1976): Kommunikation und Propaganda in der DDR, 2. Auflage, Verlag Bonn Aktuell, Stuttgart Altendorfer, Otto (2001): Das Mediensystem der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Band 1, 1. Auflage, Westdeutscher Verlag, Wiesbaden Hallin, Daniel / Mancini, Paolo(2004). Comparing Media Systems. Three Models of Media and Politics, Cambridge University Press Meyn, Hermann (2004): Massenmedien in Deutschland, UVK Verlag, Konstanz Meyen, Michael (2004), Mediennutzung, UKV, Pürer, Heinz (Hrsg.) (1996): Praktischer Journalismus in Zeitugen, Radio und Fernsehen, 2., überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage, Reihe Praktischer Journalismus, Bd. 9, UVK Medien Verlag, Konstanz Renner, Karl, Nikolaus (2007): Fernsehjournalismus, Entwurf einer Theorie des kommunikativen Handelns, UVK Verlag, Konstanz Schulze, Volker (2001): Die Zeitung, Ein medienkundlicher Leitfaden, 1., völlig überarbeitete Neuauflage, Hahner Verlagsgesellschaft, Aachen 9. The corroboration of discipline contents with the expectations of epistemic community representatives, professional associations and representative employers in the study program’s corresponding field 10. Evaluation Type of activity 10.4 Course 10.5 Seminar/laboratory 10.1 Evaluation criteria 10.2 Evaluation methods Evaluation of the acquired knowledge and the use of the specific terminology Reaction papers Activities Project 10.6 Minimum performance standard Date Course lecturer signature 4.02.2014 ............................... Date of approval in the Department ........................................... 10.3 Weight in final mark 50% 30% 20% Seminar assistant signature ................................... Head of department’s signature …............................