Department of Business Administration Changes
Overall changes to Programs in the Business Administration Department (Changes as they relate to other majors and minors are listed under the appropriate program):
Business Administration Major
College of Business Admission Criteria (30 semester hours minimum at time of application, cumulative 2.5 GPA,
ENG111, CMST191, ECON201, ACCT211, MATH110 or above, statistics course) were added to the Business
Administration Major. Core courses (MATH110 or above, ECON222 or STAT210, ACCT211, ACCT212,
ECON201, ECON202, MIS362, BUSA291, MKTG300, MGT325, FIN360, MGMT334, MGMT495) were added to all College of Business major programs. All of the College of Business Core courses were previously part of the
Business Administration program. Prerequisites were revised to include changes for College of Business majors and minors. This change brings the Business Administration program in line with the other College of Business departments.
BUSA 320 (Intermediate Statistics) is being replaced by MGMT 464 (Project Management). Project Management is an area of increasing importance for business professionals as they are being asked to manage projects that cut across departmental lines. Tools to successfully manage projects is an important tool for future business personnel.
The Economics department has been notified of this change. Management faculty are a part of the BUSA department and will be able to offer additional sections of MGMT 464.
BUSA 291(Legal Environment of Business) will now be required in the Business Administration major. Previously
BUSA 301 (Business Law I) was the required course. Business Law I will now be banked. This substitution provides more focus and permits College of Business students to take their first law course earlier in their program
(i.e., it’s a 200 level course). It does not impact the staffing needs of the department. Both courses were offered by the Business Law faculty; more sections of BUSA 291 will now be offered. It is a core course in the College of
BUSA 321 (Applied Business Ethics) and BUSA 461 (Employment Law) are new courses added as electives.
BUSA 340 (Management Science) was dropped due to course description changes after the course was moved to the
Economics Dept.
MGMT 345 (International Business) will be a required course in the major. International Business was previously numbered MGMT 355, but was changed due a numbering request from the registrar.. Previously, students could select International Business or MGMT 315 (Principles of Management). It is important to integrate international material into our courses as the College of Business is seeking AACSB approval. By requiring International
Business, students will have international business exposure. MGMT 315 will still be an elective in the Bus
Administration Major. More sections of MGMT 345 will be offered by faculty currently teaching both courses to accommodate the increased demand.
Operations courses (OM) have now adopted the prefix of MGMT to better highlight their fit as management courses and management electives. This change impacts the following courses: Production Management ( MGMT
334), Project Management (MGMT 464), Purchasing (MGMT 344 ), and Operations Planning and Control
(MGMT 414).
The following elective management courses had name changes to better reflect their content focus:
MGMT 417 (Compensation to Compensation Management),
MGMT 427 ( Management Development to Human Resources and Organizational Development),
MGMT 437 (Labor Relations to Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining),
MGMT 457 (Problems in Management of Human Resources to Seminar in Human Resources.).
MGMT 475 (Seminar in International Management to International Management)
In addition, course description updates were made for MGMT 334, MGMT 375, MGMT 417, MGMT 427, MGMT
435, MGMT 437, MGMT 457, MGMT 464. Course prerequisites for Internships were added to BUSA 399.
The MIS Department is now a part of the Business Administration Department, therefore, MIS courses will now be counted as Department of Business Administration Electives. This will provide more opportunity for students to minor in MIS with a Business Administration major.
Business Administration Minor
The Business Administration minor will now apply only to non-College of Business majors. All courses are contained within the admissions to the College of Business or the College of Business core.
MIS 362 will be required in the minor, instead of MIS 202. This is a more advanced course that is required by all
College of Business majors.
Operations Management (OM 334) is now known as MGMT 334, and Business Statistics (BUSA 320) has been transferred to the Economics Dept, and is now known as ECON 222.
MGMT 325 (Organizational Dynamics) will now be required, instead of students choosing between MGMT 315
(Principles of Management) and MGMT 325. This change provides students with an emphasis on the behavioral business component in a course that is a writing flag course where business writing skills are emphasized.
Human Resource Management Major
College of Business Admission Criteria (30 semester hours minimum at time of application, cumulative 2.5 GPA,
ENG111, CMST191, ECON201, ACCT211, MATH110 or above, statistics course) were added to the HRM. Major.
College of Business core courses were added to the HRM major. This change brings the Human Resource major in line with the other College of Business departments. Prerequisites were revised to incorporate changes for
College of Business majors and minors. The HRM major was revised to better reflect the needs of HR majors and enable students to better prepare for the SHRM certification exam.
As previously mentioned under the Bus Administration Major, the following management courses had name changes and course description changes to better reflect their content focus:
MGMT 417 (Compensation to Compensation Management),
MGMT 427 ( Management Development to Human Resources and Organizational Development),
MGMT 437 (Labor Relations to Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining),
MGMT 457 (Problems in Management of Human Resources to Seminar in Human Resources.).
Course prerequisites for HR Internships were added to BUSA 399.
MIS 362 is now required instead of MIS 202. MIS 362 is a core course in the College of Business.
MGMT 427 and MGMT 437 were added as required courses instead of electives. The course content for these courses is needed to best prepare students for the certification exam in HR. This change results in reducing the elective courses in the major from 12 credits to 6 credits.
MGMT 464 is now required and will replace BUSA 320. This change is consistent with the need for HR professionals to have tools in project management.
Management minor
This minor shows course numbering changes and adds as a component the human resource area which is a strength and major in our department. The Integrated Component was deleted with the two courses in the
Integrated Component moving to the Organizational Component (Small Business Management and Strategic
Management). Social Entrepreneurship (MGMT 475), a new course that received A2C2 approval and was added to the curriculum a year ago, was added to the Organizational course list.
Human Resource courses were moved under the Human Resource Component. These courses include (with their related name changes):
MGMT 317 (Management of Human Resources),
MGMT 417 (Compensation to Compensation Management),
MGMT 427 (Management Development to Human Resources and Organization Development),
MGMT 437 ( Labor Relations to Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining),
MGMT 467 Staffing and Evaluation,
MGMT 457 (Problems in Management of Human Resources to Seminar in Human Resources) and
Course descriptions were updated to better reflect course content.
Operational courses had course prefixes changed as follows:
Project Management (OM 464) is now MGMT 464
Operations Management (OM 334) is now MGMT 334
Purchasing Management (OM 344) is now MGMT 344
Under the international component,
International Business has been renumbered from MGMT 355 to MGMT 345
Seminar in International Management (MGMT 475) has a name change to International Management to better reflect the course content as an overview course in International Management and not a seminar-type course.
Business Law Minor
Business Law I was banked, and the new required course in the minor is BUSA 291 (Legal Environment of
Business). This course is also a required course in the College of Business core, and is a prerequisite to Business
Law II (BUSA 311).
Two new courses are added as electives: (BUSA 321) Applied Business Ethics and (BUSA 351) Employment Law.
An additional course outside of the department was added as an elective: (PSY 330) Psychology and the Law
Insurance Law (BUSA 401) was banked.
Operations Management Changes
The Operations Management Minor was banked, so the department felt it was better to incorporate existing
Operations management courses within the Management area. As a result, Operations Management courses now have the prefix of MGMT. This change was made to create visibility to Operations Management courses to students, so they recognize that Operations is an important management function. Many schools follow this same approach, and it is recognized by AACSB.
This change impacts the following courses:
Operations Management (Change from OM 334 to MGMT 334)
Purchasing (Change from OM 344 to MGMT 344)
Operations Planning and Control (OM 414 to MGMT 414)
Project Management (OM 464 to MGMT 464)
The following courses have been banked: OM 398, OM 399, OM 434 (content merged with MGMT 435), OM 444.
MIS Major
Admission to the College of Business (30 semester hours minimum at time of application, cumulative 2.5 GPA,
ENG111, CMST191, ECON201, ACCT211, MATH110 or above, statistics course) was added as requirement. Also added were the College of Business Cores Course. Prerequisites were revised to include these changes for College of Business majors and minors. Both are consistent with changes made to other majors in the College of Business.
The MIS major increases from 76 to 77 credit hours.
CS250 (Algorithms and Problem Solving II) replaces BUSA 320 (Intermediate Statistics). This was done based on the MIS model curriculum, and MIS alumni and business partner feedback in order to better prepare MIS students for their careers. This change also allows MIS students to take their two elective courses from the CS department, and so the following courses are added as MIS major electives:
CS 3110 Social Implications of Computing (3)
CS344 Introduction to Web Programming (3)
CS 375 Computer System (4)
CS 385 Applied Database Management Systems (3)
Faculty from MIS met with the Computer Science faculty in developing this change.
OM 414 (Operations Planning and Control) was changed to MGMT 414.
OM 464 Project Management was changed to MGMT 464.
BUSA 340 Management Science was dropped due to course description changes.
MIS Minor Changes
Both changes were previously noted with the MIS major:
OM 464 Project Management was changed to MGMT 464 (This was previously noted in the MIS major).
BUSA 340 Management Science was dropped due to course description changes