Press Release

Press Release GloFinn Oy – Hair growth kit
Glofinn Oy proudly announces the international launch of its unique and
highly effective GLO Hair Growth Kit
Natural PRP growth power for your hair
European men face a likelihood of 80% to become baldheaded at the age of 70 (some with
bigger areas of baldness some with smaller areas of baldness). About a quarter of the
European female population face hair loss problems. Due to our modern lifestyle – stress,
imbalanced and unhealthy nutrition, excessive hair styling etc. – these figures are
continuously rising. No wonder that developing substances and therapies to stop hair loss
have become a major aim of the medical and cosmetic industry. Medical and cosmetic
industry keeps investing billions in developing effective shampoos and drugs to stop hair
loss, but, considering the tremendous investment, with so far rather low outcome. But why
wasting so much money for chemistry, if one of the most effective substances nature has
already developed and we all have it in our blood? With the recently launched GLO Hair
growth kits, Glofinn Oy can now offer a highly effective ready to go PRP hair treatment
package which utilizes these natural substances which we all have in our blood.
Natural PRP growth power for your hair
… what does it mean?
The GLO Hair growth kit enables the safe and comfortable generation of particularly
effective, biologically enhanced autologous Platelet Rich Plasma. The Platelets and some of
the other components in this Platelet Rich Plasma contain so called growth factors. The
growth factors are generally known for having a stimulating effect on growth processes of
our cells. By means of the unique GLO Hair growth kit PRP can be enhanced with further
important components of the patient’s own blood which keep the growth factors longer
active and make the PRP therapy with the GLO Hair Growth Kits especially effective. This
highly effective PRP is then injected into the patient’s scalp.
In general this therapy has proven to be highly effective in improving the thickness and
coverage of the hair in areas of thin hair or light boldness. First improvements can be seen
after about four weeks. After about three months the full therapeutic effect becomes visible.
Every individual is different and thus treatment results can vary from patient to patient. In
many cases already the first treatment leads to satisfactory results. If necessary the therapy
can be repeated in an interval of three months.
PRP therapy performed with GLO hair growth kits has a long lasting effect and may keep the
patient’s hair in shape for up to two years.
Treatment result (examples, Dr. Schiavone, Rome, Italy)
(© Dr. Schiavone)
GLO PRP Therapy in combination with hair transplantation:
(© Dr. Schiavone)
Advantages GLO hair growth therapy
No surgical procedure
Core therapy based on your body’s own biological growth power
Long lasting effect
High biocompatibility
Basics about hair loss:
We all lose hair every day. It happens in the course of your morning shower and the hair
drying afterwards, or when you just give it a quick brush. Healthy people normally lose
about 50 to 100 hairs a day. But with roughly 100,000 hairs in the scalp, this “normal”
amount of hair loss usually doesn’t cause any noticeable thinning of the scalp hair. Our hair
is going through cycles, and there will be a new one to replace it. In the course of aging,
however, our hair becomes gradually thinner. But hair loss may also be a sign of a more
serious medical issue that may require an evaluation by a specialist.
Excessive hair loss may be caused in example by:
Hormonal disorders
Side effect of medications
Thyroid problems
Infections, Arthritis, High Blood Pressure etc.
Excessive hair styling
About Glofinn Oy
Glofinn Oy is a Finnish Biotechnology company with focus on regenerative medicine. From its
headquarters in Salo, Finnland, Glofinn serves a fast growing network of distributors and
customers whole over Europe and Russia. The main product line is GLO PRP kits which are a
highly convenient, safe and cost-effective means to prepare high quality PRP (Platelet Rich
Plasma). Platelet Rich Plasma is an effective stimuli of growth processes and is therefore
widely applicable. PRP is generated from the patient’s own blood. As a result PRP therapy is
based on the body’s own healing power and therefore highly biocompatible with no known
side effects. PRP is best known for its excellent results in treating sports injuries and
orthopedic problems such as Arthritis, Tennis Elbow, Tendon defects etc. During the last
years PRP applications for aesthetic treatments have started to boom. Also for healing
chronic wounds, PRP has proven to be a treatment which may still show results when other
treatment options already have failed. GLO PRP kits for Europe, Russia and Africa are
produced in Finland in inline with the high European quality and safety standards.
For more information please contact:
Mr. Horst Bruggraber
Director Marketing and Sales
Glofinn Oy
or visit our website at: