Checklist for poem (2013

Rubric/Checklist for “Where I’m From” poem
Final draft due: ____________________
Student: __________________________________
Block: ________________
Directions: Use the scale below as you formulate feedback to provide to the writer.
Poem element is present and meets requirements on an exceptional level
Poem element is present and strong but does not rise to the level of exceptionality required for a 5
Writer attempts element with moderate success
Poem element is only partially present
Poem element is not present
Content: Rate on a scale of 5 to 1
Sensory Details: Each stanza has two to three distinct sensory images/details that reflect the
writer’s personality and background.
Vivid Verbs: Poem contains a minimum of five vivid verbs throughout.
Quotations: Poem uses at least three sayings from the writer’s life in the second stanza.
Second Stanza: Sayings are accompanied by description that helps to ground them in the
stanza. The writer has done much more than string sayings together.
Word Play: Poem contains at least one device (simile, personification, metaphor, etc.) that
provides the “unexpected” or that deepens the reader’s mental picture.
Fourth Stanza: This stanza brings the poem to a close.
Unity and Flow: There is a flow and clarity of ideas within each stanza and throughout the
poem that is apparent when read out loud.
Mechanics and usage: Rate on a scale of 5 to 1
Quotations: Correctly punctuated and placed in second stanza.
Line Endings: Poem lines end at appropriate points. Poem makes effective use of enjambment.
End marks and Commas: Used correctly and for effect.
Directions: Use the scale below as you formulate feedback to provide to the writer.
Poem element is present and meets requirements on an exceptional level
Poem element is present and strong but does not rise to the level of exceptionality required for a 5
Writer attempts element with moderate success
Poem element is only partially present
Poem element is not present
Format: Rate on a scale of 5 to 1
MLA heading: Correct order and in top left corner.
Title of poem: Centered on line above poem and not placed in quotation marks.
Margins: Poem is left justified.
Stanzas: Poem has four distinct stanzas with clear line breaks between to indicate ending of one
stanza and beginning of the next.