ACADEMY AKITAS…run with the PACK Perseverance Continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition Attitude A settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or something, typically one that is reflected in a person's behavior Career and College Ready The knowledge, skills and abilities that are necessary to successfully complete entry-level, credit-bearing college courses, participate in certificate or workplace training programs, and enter economically viable career pathways Kindness 1. the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate August 2015 THE ACADEMY AKITAS…run with the PACK Positive Behavioral Intervention Support The diagram below outlines the different levels of support that exist for students to meet The Academy’s academic and social expectations. Most students will be sufficiently supported within the first tier as a result of the following: Positive relationships between teacher and student, a set of high expectations that are clear and consistent school-wide, and the opportunity to change/modify behaviors as well as be reflective in the process. Students not responding in Tier Zero will be offered more intensive and individualized support in Tiers One and Two. Tier Two Intensive/Individualized Referral to SAT team Individualized Behavioral Plan Evaluation of Placement Tier One Problem Solving Reflection (Referral) Sheets PTSC (Parent, Student, Teacher Conferences) Increased Academic Support Tier Zero Universal Support Classroom & School Wide Expectations Advisory Daily Grade PACK Points August 2015 August 2015 THE ACADEMY AKITAS…run with the PACK Behavioral Expectations and Protocol Behavior Description Protocol Electronics Cell Phones Cell phones will remain out of sight between the hours of 8:30-1:35 unless given specific permission by a teacher within the classroom. This includes in the classrooms, in the bathrooms, and in the hallways. Cell Phones 1st Violation: Verbal warning by teacher, student puts it away. Ear Buds Ear buds will remain out of sight from 7:30-12:35 unless given specific permission by a teacher within the classroom during independent work. All students, staff and visitors entering The Academy are expected to remove their ear buds at the front door before entering the school. Academic Engagement Lap Tops & Computers Lap tops and computers (both school and personal) are to be used for school purposes only between the hours of 8:30 and 1:35. Students are not allowed to use the laptops to listen to and/or view music and music videos. Students are required to be awake, unplugged and focused on classroom tasks at all times. 2nd Violation: Phone gets locked in safe until 1:30. Ear Buds 1st Violation: Verbal warning by teacher, student puts it away. 2nd Violation: Ear buds gets locked in safe until 12:10. Lap Tops & Computers 1st Violation: Verbal warning by teacher, student closes the inappropriate site. 2nd Violation: Pack Check and loss of lap/computer use for the period. 1st Intervention: Gentle reminder from teacher 2nd Intervention: Personal conversation to problem solve ways to improve engagement 3rd Intervention: Pack Check, Phone Call August 2015 Language Dress Breakfast Conduct August 2015 Inappropriate language is a disruption to the learning environment. The use of inappropriate language includes, but is not limited to Topics of conversations referring to sex, drugs, alcohol or are unkind in nature The use of foul language Misuse of the English language Any other language or topic of conversation that teachers deem inappropriate 1st Violation: Verbal warning by the teacher, students stops behavior Students are expected to dress and groom themselves for success. Refer to the following guidelines. Clothing must be clean and odor free Bath, shampoo, use deodorant and practice good dental hygiene Skirts and shorts must be appropriate length (fingertip test) Apparel must be free of reference to drugs, alcohol, tobacco, violence and obscenities No exposed undergarments (including bras, underwear and boxers) Clothing should not reveal the absence of undergarments No pajamas or slippers Clothing should cover the breasts, stomach and buttocks No apparel judged by the staff to be disruptive of the educational process Breakfast is self-serve in the gym before school and ends at 8:25 a.m. Student can choose one of the following to remedy the violation 2nd Violation: PACK Check Alter clothing so that the violation does not exist (turn shirt inside-out, pull pants up, remove inappropriate jewelry) Obtain a change of clothes from home Obtain a change of clothes from school nurse If the student does not choose one of the above options, a parent will be called and student will be sent home with the expectation they will be dressed appropriately the following day. Lunch Snack Cart Leaving the Classroom Dismissal Breakfast is should be eaten in the gym at a table Clean up after yourself (scrape, rinse and stack your dish) Wipe off table when all students are finished eating Put your chair and table away Accidents happen…clean up after yourself when they do Practice good manners (smile and say thank you ) If students ordered lunch, it will be delivered to them during period 4/7. A snack cart will circulate classrooms from 9:5010:20. Items on the snack cart will be available for purchase during that time. Students should be patient and wait in line to purchase their items Students are expected to check in with his/her teacher before leaving the classroom. Students will require a pass to visit the school nurse, guidance counselor, principal and social worker. Long periods of time out of the classroom are not appropriate. Students will be dismissed from school after the pledge at the end of Advisory Period (1:35). 1st Violation: Verbal Reminder of proper conduct 2nd Violation: Pack Check 1st Violation: Verbal reminder of lunch expectations 2nd Violation: Pack Check 1st Violation: Verbal Reminder of Snack Cart Expectations 2nd Violation: Pack Check 1st Violation: Verbal warning by teacher 2nd Violation: Pack Check 1st Violation: Verbal warning by teacher 2nd Violation: Pack Check August 2015 Student Name: Teacher: Date/Time: THE ACADEMY AKITAS….run with the PACK Reason for Referral (check below): o Perseverance Describe Problem: o Attitude o CCR o Kindness ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Student Reflection 1. What prevented me from making the right choice? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Next steps to solve the problem and supports needed: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Parental Contact (Circle One): E-mail Date:___________________ August 2015 Phone Call PTSC Teacher Initials:___________________ SWIS THE ACADEMY AKITAS…run with the PACK Classroom Grade Rubric Expectation PERSEVERANCE Description -Put forth your best effort -Be engaged for the entire class -Remain in class -Revisit class assignments when necessary to improve performance ATTITUDE -Refrain from inappropriate conversations -Stop a discussion when your teacher asks THE FIRST TIME - Challenge yourself academically -Approach problems appropriately and seek out the necessary supports when necessary -Sit in assigned seat - Use appropriate tone and level -Participate appropriately in class discussion -No cell phones or personal computers -Use headphones only after given permission by your teacher -Take headphones out after one request -Play your music at a level so only you can hear and you can still hear your teacher -return to assigned seat after cleaning up, and be ready for daily grade and teacher dismissal - No swearing - No gossiping or speaking unkindly about other -Be kind and compassionate to others -Be aware of other’s personal space CAREER & COLLEGE READY KINDESS *1=met expectation, 0=Did not meet expectation August 2015 *Score The Academy’s Response to Milford’s New Attendance Regulations Advisors will work with students to support good attendance patterns Make-up work guidelines and expectations due to absenteeism will be determined by the classroom teacher Students arriving 15 minutes late to a class will be marked absent however; will still receive credit for daily class work It is the students’ responsibility to track absences and missed assignments on PowerSchool Good and/or improved attendance will be rewarded through our …Run with the Pack program Parents are expected to call the main office when his/her child is sick We can’t teach you if you are not here Appeals process and documents are shared in a Google folder for all students Later start time was developed to reduce the number of absences/tardies from 1st period classes Leaving school without permission is not acceptable (several video cameras will alert staff when someone leaves) August 2015 Focusing on the Positive! Akita Pack Points Students can earn “Pack Points” in a variety of ways throughout the school day. These points are given in the form of tickets where students can use them for weekly drawings as well as a quarterly silent raffle with items such as gift cards and school gear. August 2015 NAME:___________________________ Schedule Skeleton MON/WED (A) 8:15-8:30 TUE/THURS(B) Breakfast is free for all that arrive before school. Breakfast in Gym 8:30-9:50 (Period 1) (Period 6) Block 1 9:50-10:30 (Period 2) Period 2 10:30-11:10 (Period 3) Period 3 Snack Cart 11:10-12:30 (Period 4) Block 2 Lunch is free and served in class 12:30-1:10 (Period 5) Period 5 1:10-1:35 Advisory August 2015 Advisory (Period 7) Academy Guidance Suite Students at The Academy are scheduled into classes that they need in order to fulfill their graduation requirements as outlined by the Milford Public Schools. Graduation Requirements For the Class of 2016 In order to graduate from the Milford Public Schools, a student must acquire 22.4 credits including, but not limited to: 4.0 credits of English (including 0.5 in composition and 0.5 in literature following sophomore year), 3.0 credits of Mathematics (including 1.0 in Algebra), 3.0 credits of Social Studies (including 1.0 in Survey of America, .5 in Civics, and .5 in Global), 3.0 credits of Science, 1.0 credit of Physical Education, 0.5 credit of Health, 1.5 credits in vocational/arts electives (Business, Family and Consumer Science, Music, Technology, or Visual Arts), and 0.4 credits through successful completion of performance standards in writing, math, literacy and technology. For the Classes of 2017, 2018, and 2019 In accordance with the Board of Education, the Classes of 2017, 2018, and 2019, in order to graduate from the Milford Public Schools, will need to acquire a minimum of 25 credits, including but not limited to: 4.0 credits of English 4.0 credits of Mathematics (including 1.0 in Algebra), 3.0 credits of Social Studies (including 1.0 in Survey of America, .5 in Civics, and .5 in Global), 3.0 credits of Science, 1.0 credit of Physical Education, 0.5 credit of Health, 1.5 credits in vocational/arts electives (Business, Family and Consumer Science, Music, Technology, or Visual Arts), and 0.4 credits through successful completion of performance standards in writing, math, literacy and technology. Additional credits and core course requirements, including performance standards for graduation, will be designated and communicated by April 2015. August 2015 Academy Advisory At The Academy, we pride ourselves on developing strong personal relationships with students and working to develop the whole person. Our advisors serve as the students’ mentor, so that their physical, intellectual, social, and emotional needs are met as they achieve personal and academic independence. Students meet every day with their advisors and participate in a whole school assembly at least once per week. Students can receive up to .5 credits for Advisory by completing theme-based projects assigned throughout the school year. Advisory Schedule Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday August 2015 Whole School Circle (Gym) Goal Setting Mini lessons Academic Conferencing Whole School/Small Group “Kick You Out” THE ACADEMY AKITAS…run with the PACK Student/Parent Contract STUDENTS: I _______________________________ understand and agree to all aspects of The Academy’s …Run (Print Name) with the Pack positive behavioral support plan. As a member of The Academy community, I am proud to commit to my education, be respectful to myself and others and take responsibility for my behavior. Student Signature____________________________ Date:_______________________ PARENTS/GUARDIAN: I _______________________________ will support my child in The Academy’s …Run with the Pack (Print Name) positive behavioral support plan. I agree to be an active participant as my child works towards achieving their high school diploma and becoming career and college ready. Parent/Guardian Signature_______________________ August 2015 Date:______________________