Science 9 Unit A – Biological Diversity Section 1 Vocabulary

Science 9
Unit A – Biological Diversity
Section 1 Vocabulary
Biological diversity
Genus (genera)
Phya (phylum)
Interspecies competition
Resource partitioning
Natural selection
Section 1.1 (pages 9-15)
Examining Diversity
Life on our planet exists in many forms.
Biologists have identified:
- Over ________ animal species
- Over 350,000 plant species
- Scientists estimate there are _________ insect species on Earth, with only
___________ having been identified.
A ____________ is a group of organisms that have the _____________ and can
______________ with one another.
What is diversity? Can you find examples of diversity in our classroom?
What is biological diversity?
Diversity Between Ecosystems:
Living (_________) organisms interact with other living and non-living (_________)
factors within an ecosystem.
- there is a huge variety of ecosystems on Earth.
Diversity Within Ecosystems:
A _______________ is formed when members of the _________________ live in a
_____________ and share the ___________________.
If populations of __________________ live in the ________________, then a
_______________ is formed
- This is the _________ part of an ecosystem.
Diversity Within Species:
- Members of a species have the same _____________
- Subtle _____________ are apparent between ____________ members
-Genetic diversity refers to the variations between members of a population
- For the most part, these variations are caused by variations in the cells of the
- Some variations are not easily visible (for example, blood type)
Species Distribution:
Species on Earth are not distributed evenly
- Greatest numbers are around the equator
- Decreases towards the poles
The Arctic and Antarctic contain the lowest biological diversity
Outside-the-box question – WHY?
Classifying Biological Diversity:
18th century scientist named ____________________ developed a
Used __________  most common scientific language at that time
_________________ name each ______________ thing
___________ word indicates ____________
_______________ word indicates _______________
Different species have different names
Canis familiaris
Canis lupus
Closely related species can have the same ______________ name, but not the same
__________ name.
Linnaeus arranged species based on their _____________________ rather than their
- Naming still in __________ – dead language so it does not change over time
o Latin names are used worldwide, ensuring all scientists know which
species is being discussed
Scientists having been using a ______________________________ classification
_______________ (animals)
______________ (plants)
___________ (yeast, mould, mushroom)
_____________ (single-celled organisms)
______________ (bacteria)
Each _______________ is divided into a series of ____________.
Phyla are divided into ______________, and further subdivided into orders.
_____________ are divided into ______________, then into ______________ (genus)
and into _______________.
Section 1.2
Interdependence (pages 16-19)
- No species can survive by ___________
- In grade 7, you learned about how food chains and food webs illustrate the
relationships between populations of organisms.
________________ Relationship:
- Prey species ________________ from a predator-prey relationship:
Population size is ______________  less competition
Prevents ________________________
_______, _________ or __________ members are typically captured by
predators, allowing _______________________ to survive
- another example of interdependence
- sym means ___________, bios means __________
-there are different types of symbiosis:
One participating organism ______________, while the other is
Eg:Birds nesting in trees
Eg: Barnacles on whales
_________ organisms ______________
Eg: Bull’s horn acacia tree is home to ants while it is protected from being fed
Eg: Flower Clusia provides a medicine to bees as the bee pollinates the flower
One organism _______________ while another is _______________
Parasites ______________________ their host because the host is the
Eg: Tapeworms in humans or other animals
Not limited to simply _______ organisms
Symbiosis as an example of _____________________ is ____________
- One species’ survival depends on the _______________ and _______________
of another species
- Illustrates the importance of ___________________ helping organisms survive in
their ________________________
There is one type of interaction between different species in which neither species
________________________________ happens when two or more species need the
- Limits the ___________ of the populations of competing species
- Why can so many species exist together in the same location?
First we have to answer the question: What is a niche?
A niche describes an organism’s _______________________
- A niche is not necessarily the same for different populations of the same species: food
supply and competitors may be different in different areas.
- An organism's niche may change over its lifespan
Eg: frog
So how do similar species co-exist in an area?
Similar species can _______________ in an area if they occupy slightly different roles
within the ecosystem. In other words, they occupy different _______________. In this
way, they divide up the resources.
Eg: warblers feed on worms in different parts of a spruce tree. Their niches differ in
the feeding location they prefer.
*Resource partitioning does not always involve food.
Section 1.3
Variation Within Species (pages 20-24)
_______________ refers to the _______________ within a _________________
Variation is not always immediately noticeable:
-hand span is an example
Variability is important if the ____________________ of the species ___________
-_____________ among individuals of a species means it is more likely
______________________environmental changes
Environmental changes don’t simply mean ______________________;
- New _______________
- New _________________
- __________ substance
- Loss ___________________
Natural Selection:
my definition: