Shedding of Mycobacteriumavium subspecies paratuberculosis bacteria by natural infected dairy calves before first calving Research Project Veterinary Medicine University Utrecht Ronald Wester 3383504 22/7/2013 Project Tutors: University of Calgary: Universiteit Utrecht: Herman Barkema Robert Wolf Susanne Eisenberg Contents Summary .................................................................................................................................... 4 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 5 Material and Methods ................................................................................................................. 8 Herd selection and sample collection ..................................................................................... 8 Laboratory procedures ............................................................................................................ 8 DNA Extraction.................................................................................................................. 8 qPCR .................................................................................................................................. 9 Amplification reaction........................................................................................................ 9 Statistical analysis .................................................................................................................. 9 Results ...................................................................................................................................... 10 Discussion ................................................................................................................................ 11 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................ 13 References ................................................................................................................................ 14 2 3 Summary Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP) is the causal agent of Johne’s disease. Most on farm control measurements against the spread of MAP aim to reduce the transmission between cow and calf. This research focusses on the spreading of MAP between young stock on infected farms. The aim of the study was to determine the proportion of young stock shedding viable MAP bacteria on infected farms and to determine the agreement between the two PCR methods used. 13 known infected farms were included in the research. Fecal samples were taken from the rectum of all young stock before first calving. Bull calves present on the farm were included. 2122 samples were analyzed by qPCR, using primers targeting the MAP specific IS900 and F57 sequences in two different runs. 147 (6,9%) samples were positive on IS900 PCR and 31 (1,5%) samples were positive on F57 PCR. 11 samples (0,5%) were positive on both target genes. The agreement beyond chance between IS900 and F57 was poor (κ=0.102). 4 Introduction Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP) is the causal agent of Johne’s disease and causes a chronic contagious granulomatous enteritis1. MAP is a gram-positive, acid-fast, intracellular bacterium and is more resistant to physical factors such as cold, heat, and dryness then most other vegetative bacteria. It can be viable in the environment for up to 1 year in cool temperatures and sufficient humidity1,2. Paratuberculosis has very large financial consequences for the dairy farm industry. These consequences are caused by reduced milk yield, poor fertility, reduced slaughter value and premature culling. Losses for the Canadian dairy industry caused by Johne’s disease are estimated over 15 million Canadian dollars annually3. No treatment is currently available4. MAP is also associated with Crohn’s disease in humans. A causal role of MAP in the etiology of Crohn’s disease can neither be confirmed nor excluded with certainty5. Common understanding is that most infections with MAP occur during the perinatal period by fecal-oral contamination between adult and susceptible youngstock1,6. On a later age calves require higher doses of MAP to cause an infection that leads to later onset of clinical signs1. In utero infection occurs in about 9% of fetuses from sub clinically infected cows and 39% of fetuses from clinically affected cows7. Calves can also get infected by aerosols via the respiratory route8. When a susceptible animal ingests MAP bacteria, MAP makes its way to the small intestine and settles in the Peyer’s patches in the gut wall of primarily the ileum1, 9. After entering the gut wall through M cells, the bacteria is phagocytized by macrophages9. Inside the macrophages MAP resists toxic and enzymatic degradation and multiplies until the macrophage ruptures and the bacteria spread to other nearby cells10. Eventually the macrophages spread to the regional lymph nodes where the bacteria can stimulate inflammatory and immunological responses9. The organism proliferates slowly in the macrophages that is why the incubation period of MAP is very long, 2 to 3 years, but can be up to 10 years1, 9, 11. MAP infection occurs in 4 different stages; the silent infection, the subclinical infection, the clinical infection and the advanced clinical infection. The silent infection generally includes young stock up to 2 years of age but can last up to 10 years12. During this stage there are no signs of infection and no measurable subclinical effects of infection. Animals in the silent infection may shed MAP in their feces but in very low quantities and intermittently. Quantities of MAP in feces of animals in the first infection stage are low13. In the subclinical stage of infection the concentration of MAP in the intestinal tissues are increasing. During this stage the animal has an altered immune response. T cells produce higher quantities of gamma interferon to specific mitogens and antibody response is increased14. Most animals in the second stage of infection shed MAP in their manure, contaminating their environment and act as source of infection to other animals12. The rate of disease progression through the second stage of infection is very variable. Many second stage infected animals will be culled from the herd earlier because of reasons unrelated to documented MAP infection, such as reduced milk yield, mastitis, infertility or lameness15. Animals in the clinical infection stage suffer from diarrhea and gradual weight loss. Vital signs like heart rate, respiratory rate, temperature and appetite are normal. Intermittent diarrhea is often present for weeks. Milk production drops as emaciation and cachexia develop gradually. Nearly all cattle in the third stage of infection are faecal culture positive 5 and are shedding high concentrations of MAP in their faeces. Cattle in this stage mostly are culled from the herd after a few weeks because of unresponsive diarrhea, decreased milk production and weight loss12. In the advanced clinical stage cattle become increasingly lethargic, emaciated and weak. Profuse diarrhea, so called “water-hose” or “pipestream” diarrhea is typical for this stage. Intermandibular oedema and hypoporoteinemia are also very common. Progress from the second stage to the fourth can go within a few weeks. At the end of the last stage animals become anemic, cachectic and too weak to rise. The animal will die because of dehydration and cachexia1,12. There are different ways to diagnose MAP infection, including PCR, culture, agar gel immunodiffusion (AGID) and enzyme linked immune sorbent assay (ELISA). PCR and culture are methods that identify the organism, ELISA and AGID identify an immunological reaction against the organism9. The detection methods used to diagnose MAP suffer from less than ideal sensitivity; this is especially a problem in the early stage of infection, when antibody titers in infected animals are low16. ELISA on serum don’t have very high sensitivity. The estimated sensitivity on low shedders was 12% or 15%, in high shedders the sensitivity was 75%. Specificity is much higher with 96.8% 17, 18. Faecal culture also has a very high specificity, approaching 100%. The sensitivity of fecal culture is high for clinical cows19. However in testing low shedding cows sensitivity of fecal culture is only 19%20. PCR techniques have a sensitivity that is lower than culture27. IS900 and F57 are two often used gene targets. IS900 has the highest sensitivity because it is an insertion sequence that has multiple copies in the MAP genome. In the MAP genome there are 15-20 copies of IS90021. However, the specificity of IS900 is not that high because of the presence of IS900 like sequences in related mycobacterial species21. This can cause false positive results. The F57 target sequence has only one copy in the MAP genome and has only been found in MAP. This makes the F57 very specific but also less sensitive because of the one copy22,23,24. Infections with MAP in dairy cattle have been described all over the world. Only Western Australia and Sweden claim to be free from MAP infection in their population of dairy cattle. In other countries published herd estimates range from 7% (Austria) to 55% (The Netherlands) 25. In Canada seroprevalence at animal level in dairy cattle range from 1.3% in Prince Edward Island to 7.0% in Alberta. 9.8% of herds in Ontario were positive to 40.0% to 58.8% of herds in Alberta9, 26. Because of the low sensitivity and specificity, testing and culling is insufficient for the control of MAP. That is why the main focus of prevention is based on management interventions. The main focus of control programs are to decrease calf exposure to all feces by the implementation of best hygiene practices, and to reduce the number of animals that contaminate the environment by shedding MAP bacteria in their manure9. These practices usually mean separation of calf and dam as soon as possible, separate housing of young stock and adult cattle and culling of shedding animals. The control programs help to decrease the prevalence of MAP, but don’t eradicate it27. This indicates that the implemented measures don’t control all MAP transmission routes6. To quantify the importance of recommendations related to minimize calf exposure to infected manure is challenging because calves can become exposed to infected manure by many possible ways, and there is a long interval 6 between exposure and detectable disease. Universally accepted is that poor manure management, poor hygiene and contact of susceptible animals with manure of infected animals lead to exposure and infection in JD infected herds28. Van Roermund et al. (2007) showed that calves can transmit MAP infection to other calves in experimental conditions29. Objectives of this study were to determine the number of young stock shedding MAP bacteria in different age groups on MAP infected dairy farms to see if there is a potential of calf to calf transmission in practical circumstances on dairy farms in Alberta. The second objective was to determine the agreement between the two PCR methods used. 7 Material and Methods Herd selection and sample collection The dairy farms selected for the research were situated in Alberta, Canada. They all had positive environmental samples. On all participating farms rectal fecal samples of all female calves and heifers before first calving were taken. Bull calves under 24 months of age were included if present on the farm. Samples were taken during June, July and August 2013. Fecal samples were taken using rectal exploration gloves and lubricant. A total of 2122 samples were taken and processed, birth dates of 1919 animals were recorded. The samples were stored in labeled zip lock bags. In the laboratory, the samples were stored in refrigerators at a temperature of 4° Celsius until they were processed. Laboratory procedures DNA Extraction In the lab samples were processed to extract DNA. For the DNA extraction the MagMAX™ total Nucleic Acid Isolation Kit by Ambion® was used. To start the extraction of the DNA, 0.3 gram of every sample was added to 1 ml of PBS in a 1.5 ml Eppendorf tube. The tubes were vortexed for 30 seconds. After vortexing the tubes were centrifuged for 1 minute at 100 x g. 235 µL of Lysis/Binding Solution was added to a Bead tube and, 175 µL supernatant of the 1.5 ml cup was transferred to the Bead tube. The Bead tubes were bead beated twice for 5 minutes in a Biospec products, inc. Mini-beadbeater™ with a period of 5 minutes resting in ice in between. Then the beat tube was centrifuged at 16.000 x g for 3 minutes and the supernatant was transferred to an empty 1.5 ml tube. 115 µL of sample was transferred to a well of a processing plate. 65 µL of 100% isopropanol was added and mixed for 1 minute. After shaking, 20 µL of bead mix was added to the sample and was shaken for another 5 minutes to bind the nucleic acid to the binding beads. The processing plate was moved onto a magnetic stand to capture the nucleic acid binding beads. When after 4 minutes the capture was completed, the supernatant was aspired and discarded. 150 µL of Wash Solution 1 was added and the plate was shaken for 1 minute. Then the plate was placed on the magnetic stand again and the supernatant was aspirated and discarded. Again 150 µL of Wash Solution 1 was added, the plate was shaken for 1 minute and the supernatant was discarded. After the wash steps with wash solution 1, the same steps where undertaken twice adding 150 µL of Wash Solution 2 instead of Wash Solution 1. The plate was moved on to the shaker and was shaken for 2 minutes to allow any remaining alcohol to evaporate. Then 20-50µL of the 65ºC Elution Buffer was added to each sample. The samples were shaken for 3 minutes to resuspend the nucleic acid. The processing plate was placed on the magnetic stand to capture the NA Binding Beads. The supernatant containing the purified nucleic acid was transferred to a clean processing plate and stored at -20ºC, ready for the PCR procedure. 8 qPCR IS 900 The oligonucleotide primers used for the IS900 rtPCR have been described by Slana et al.30 (table 1). The primers that have been used are designed to amplify a 145-base-pair target sequence that can be detected with the PCR probe sequence. Table 1: IS900 primers and probes Type Name Sequence Probe IS900qPCRTM ATTGGATCGCTGTGTAAGGACACGT Forward IS900qPCRF GATGGCCGAAGGAGATTG Reverse IS900qPCRR CACAACCACCTCCGTAACC F57 The oligonucleotide primers and probe used for the F57 rtPCR have been described by Slana et al.30(table 2). The primers that have been used are designed to amplify a 147–base-pair target sequence that can be detected with the PCR probe sequence. Table 2: F57 primers and probes Type Name Sequence Probe F57qPCRTM CAATTCTCAGCTGCAACTCGAACACAC Forward F57qPCRF GCCCATTTCATCGATACCC Reverse F57qPCRR GTACCGAATGTTGTTGTCAC Amplification reaction The amplification for the IS900 and F57 rtPCR was carried out in a Bio-Rad CFX96™ Real Time PCR System. A mixture with a total volume of 20 µL was used for the reaction. The 20 µL contained 10 µL of TaqMan fast advanced master mix (Applied Biosystems™), 1 µL of forward primer, 1 µL of reverse primer, 1 µL of IS900 or F57 probe, 1 µL Internal Control probe, 2 µL of Internal Control plasmid, 2µL of Dnase- Rnase- free water and 2µL of the samples DNA lysate. The following PCR cycle was used; the first step was the pre-incubation step, for 2 minutes at 50ºC. This was followed by the denaturation step at 95ºC for 20 seconds. Then there were 40 repeats of 95ºC for 3 sec and 61ºC for 30 sec. After each repeat the fluorescence reading is made. The repeat cycles were followed by the final extension with 95ºC for 1 minutes and 72ºC for 5 minutes. For IS900 a ct (crossing point of the amplification curve with the preset threshold of fluorescence detection) cut off value of 37.00 was used and for F57 no ct cut off value was used and any signal was interpreted as a positive sample. Statistical analysis The statistical analysis was performed using IBM SPSS statistics 20 software. The prevalence of positive IS900 and F57 samples is calculated for all 13 farms. To estimate the agreement between the IS900 and F57 results, the total prevalence from both tests were compared using a Cohen’s kappa and controlled with the 95% confidence interval. Prevalence of IS900 and F57 of the 13 farms were used to calculate the mean prevalence. T-tests of both IS900 and F57 mean prevalence per farm were used to calculate the 95% confidence intervals. The 9 animals with a known birth date were divided into 4 age groups, and the prevalence of IS900 and F57 positive animals per age group was calculated. The association between age group and IS900 or F57 positive animals was tested by using Pearson Chi-Square test. Phi and Cramer’s V tests were used to measure the strength of association. Results 2122 samples were processed in total. 147 (6,9 %) samples were positive on IS900 PCR and 31 (1,5 %) samples were positive on F57 PCR and of those samples 11 (0,5 %) were positive on both target genes. The number of calves tested by herd and the prevalence of IS900 and F57 positives is summarized in Table 1. Table 3: number of calves tested by herd with prevalence of samples positive on IS900 and F57 PCR. Herd Tested N IS900 positive (%) N F57 positive (%) N Positive IS900+F57 (%) 1 282 12 (4,3) 2 (0,7) 2 (0,7) 2 213 20 (9,4) 14 (6,6) 6 (2,8) 3 218 23 (10,6) 7 (1,5) 1 (0,5) 4 161 2 (1,2) 0 (0) 0 (0) 5 225 5 (2,2) 2 (0,9) 1 (0,4) 6 200 22 (11) 1 (0,5) 0 (0) 7 111 20 (18) 1 (0,9) 0 (0) 8 160 12 (7,5) 1 (0,6) 1 (0,6) 9 117 4 (3,4) 3 (2,6) 0 (0) 10 77 2 (2,6) 0 (0) 0 (0) 11 122 3 (2,5) 0 (0) 0 (0) 12 202 22 (10,9) 0 (0) 0 (0) 13 34 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) Total 2122 147 (6,9) 31 (1,5) 11 (0,5) In 12 of the 13 herds IS900 positive calves were present; the negative herd was the smallest herd with only 34 animals tested. In F57 results 8 out of the 13 herds had one or more positive animals in the herd. Prevalence of F57 positive calves in the herds varied from 0% to 6,6%. The variation in prevalence of IS900 positive calves varied more, 0% in herd 13 to 18% in herd 7. The herd with the highest prevalence of IS900 positive calves did not have the highest prevalence of F57 positive calves. The agreement between IS900 and F57 was the best in herd 2, with 6 samples positive on both the IS900 and F57 test. Mean prevalence of IS900 positive calves in the 13 herds was 6,4% with a standard deviation of 5,3. The 95% confidence interval of the difference ranged from 3,25% to 9,61%. The mean prevalence of F57 positive calves in the 13 herds was 1,1%. With a standard deviation of 1,8. The 95% confidence interval of the difference ranged from 0,003% to 2,197%. The Pearson Chi-Square test showed no association between age group and IS900 or F57 positives. 10 Table 4: Results of IS900 and F57 per age group. Age group 0-182 days 183-365 days 366-547 days 548< days Total Total animals 458 471 456 534 1919 N positive 28 27 34 44 133 IS900 %positive 6,1 5,7 7,5 8,2 6,9 Table 5: Summary of agreement between IS900 and F57 results. F57 Negative Positive IS900 Negative 1955 20 Positive 136 11 Total 2091 31 F57 N positive 9 5 8 6 28 % positive 2,0 1,1 1,8 1,1 1,4 Total 1975 147 2122 The agreement on positive samples was 11 and the agreement on negative samples was 1955. So the total agreement was 1966 and 1945.5 by chance. The kappa (κ=0.102) was poor with the interval of confidence of (-0.01, 0,25). The agreement between the IS900 and F57 results is poor. Discussion This study showed the presence of MAP in the feces of young stock in 13 dairy herds with MAP positive environmental samples. There are differences between prevalence of IS900 and F57 positive calves between these herds. In this study the agreement of the PCR tests was poor. The prevalence of F57 positive animals that was found in this study was similar to the results that Antognoli et al. (2007) found in their study. They determined the proportion of 8month-old calves that was shedding MAP in feces by culture and One Tube Nested Polymerase Chain Reaction (OTSN-PCR) and found that approximately 3% of the calves were shedding MAP in their feces31. Bolton et al (2011) used liquid culture as detection method and sampled 1202 animals varying in age from 0 to 24 months in herds with confirmed diagnosis of JD in adult cows, the analyzed 1842 fecal samples and found 27 animals (2%) positive32. The prevalence of IS900 and F57 positive animals varied significantly between farms, with the highest IS900 prevalence (11%) in herd one and no positive animals in herd 11. The results of the F57 prevalence also varied significantly. Those differences could be caused by several factors. All 13 farms had at least one positive environmental sample in the past. That is how they were selected, but we don’t know the adult cow within herd prevalence. There could be a variation of infection of the adult herd between the farms. If there are more adult animals infected and in an advanced stadium of the infection, the chance of finding infected and shedding calves would be higher. Bolton et al. (2011) found that an adult herd MAP seroprevalence of more than 10% was associated with heifers being MAP fecal culture positive32. With heavy environmental MAP contamination there is also the chance of detecting passive shedders. Super shedders are MAP infected animals that show no clinical disease but shed high concentrations of MAP bacteria in the environment. When a super 11 shedder is present in a herd, ingestion of only 5 ml of manure contamination in forage can result in passive shedding. It is suggested that in a herd where a super shedder is present, this could cause 50 % of all culture positive cattle1. This could be a risk for the animals in the older age groups, because at a few farms dry cows and sampled animals were housed close to each other. Another reason for the varying results on IS900 and F57 positive animals between farms could be a variation in age distribution in the different tested herds. Although in this research no association between age group and IS900 or F57 positive animals was found, Bolton et al. (2011) found that an age of more than 6 months was one of the risk factors for the shedding of MAP32. Calves that are infected perinatal can progress from stage I to stages III and IV in 1 to 3 years. Animals in this stage shed higher numbers of MAP bacteria12 so it is more likely that those animals are detected. The disease progress is accelerated in animals that are frequently exposed to high doses of MAP on a young age, these animals can develop clinical signs and starts shedding on a young age32. The agreement between IS900 and F57 prevalence was poor in this study. The extraction method can’t be a factor here because we used the same procedure for all samples. The sample DNA lysate for the different amplification reactions was taken from the same sample. The extraction kit that was used had good results in a comparison of DNA isolation kits (76% identification of positive samples with the use of IS900)33. This cannot explain the difference in prevalence but the difference in specificity and sensitivity is an explanation for differences. In general PCR analysis has high sensitivity and specificity23, 24, 33. Slana et al. (2008) found similar specificity for the IS900 and F57 primers we used. To evaluate the specificity of the qPCR assays, they studied the possible cross-reactions with 16 selected mycobacterial, nonmycobacterial and mammalian species30. In two different papers the primers based on IS900 by Vary et al. (1990)36 are criticized for their lack of specificity compared to other IS900 primers 24, 35. The use of the primers IS900/150 and IS900/921 resulted in false positive products for DNA by the cause of M. foruitum, M. intracellulare and Salmonella Typhimurium. Also there were found DNA byproducts of different mycobacteria species and other bacteria24, 35. Slana et al. (2008) tested the cross-reactions of the 16 selected species, but M. foruitum is not in that selection. M. foruitum and other bacteria can be a factor in the difference in positive samples between IS900 and F57. The presence of those bacteria on the farms could influence the differences between the farms. PCR protocols based on the F57 gene have a high specificity23, 24, 35. There are some conflicting results about the sensitivity in other reports, Kawaji et al. (2007) found that PCR based on F57 had lower sensitivity than PCR based on IS900 due to lower F57 copy numbers in the genome23. Möbius et al. (2008) found similar sensitivity between IS900 and F57 rtPCR24. 12 Conclusion Of the 2122 samples tested 147 (6,9%) samples were positive on IS900 PCR and 31 (1,5%) samples were positive on F57 PCR. Only 0.5% of the samples were positive on both PCR tests. It can be assumed that a proportion of the IS900 positive samples are false positive for MAP24, 35. In almost all herds positive animals were found, therefore we conclude that MAP excretion by calves is most likely a transmission pathway. The agreement between both tests was poor κ=0.102. To explain the differences in prevalence of PCR positive animals between the farms, more data is needed about the rate of infection in the rest of the herd. Also the age of the animals should be taken in consideration. We can conclude that positive IS900 PCR samples should be confirmed by subsequent sequencing or by a PCR assay targeting different DNA sequence in MAP35. 13 References 1 Divers, Peek; Diseases of Dairy Cattle; 2008 Elsevier 2 M. T. 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