Доклад на симпозиуме в Тойота-Сити «Устойчивое управление отходами. Опыт России и других стран ЕАЭС. Ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon! First of all, I want to thank the organizers of the Symposium and wish all participants successful work and not only during the event, but also in implementation of the plans. Russia started it’s way towards sustainable development rather long ago. The first documents in the field of sustainable development in Russia were adopted on the basis of the signing of the programming documents at the Summit of Heads of State and the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro. Guided by them, the President of Russia approved the "Key provisions of the state strategy of the Russian Federation for Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development" and "Concept of the Russian Federation transition to sustainable development." In 2000 in the State Duma of the Russian Federation a working group was formed of leading Russian and foreign experts at the Commission on Sustainable Development. The result of the work of the group was development of transition to the new paradigm of development of Russia, based on sustainable development. In 2002 the final document was adopted that defines the main goals, objectives and policy instruments for sustainable development, its conceptual and theoretical apparatus. The Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation also uses the term "sustainable development of territories" - ensuring the implementation of urban development activities of security and favorable conditions of human life, limiting the negative impact of economic and other activities on the environment and ensuring the protection and rational use of natural resources for the benefit of present and future generations. In addition, in the Russian Federation legislation was adopted on specific aspects of sustainable development, many of which address issues of sustainable development in cities. in particular, were adopted by the Russian Federation government program "Energy saving and energy efficiency for the period up to 2020", the state program of the Russian Federation "environmental protection" for 2012-2020, the state program of the Russian Federation "promoting employment" and others. My presentation will address sustainable waste management as an important element of sustainable urban development. Слайд 2 I want to start with clarification of what is the Eurasian Economic Union. Russia and other countries of the EAEU - are, in fact, much of the former Soviet Union. After its collapse in 1991, our, now independent, states united in the Economic Community, because we are united by history, economic ties, as well as a common language - Russian, which is spoken by many people in the various republics of the former Soviet Union, as well as very similar mentality and, of course, common problems, in particular in the field of environmental protection and waste generation and consumption. Somewhat later, there was a common customs area, and a few days ago began the history of the Eurasian Economic Union, which includes four countries: Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Armenia, from May this year Kyrgyzstan is to join the Union. The Customs Union, and now the EAEU should work uniform laws on cross-border movement of goods, in particular, waste, and there is need to harmonize legislative and regulatory acts that must operate in a single space. EAEU countries - it's almost 180 million population, large land resources, which allowed until recently do not think about the construction of plants, and to solve the problems of waste by dumping them in landfills - both authorized and non-authorized. However, the time is changing, and so does the approach to the problem of waste in our countries. In Belarus, first of all the countries of the former Soviet Union, legislation was adopted in 2012, introducing "producer responsibility" for the disposal of products at the end of the life cycle, establishment of recycling industry was initiated, for many years system of separate collection of household waste in the municipalities works. Kazakhstan at the Rio + 20 Conference announced the construction in Kazakhstan "green bridge", thus President of the Republic announced the beginning of the formation of the "green economy" in the country. On the legislative initiatives in Russia, I’ll say a bit later, but in our country the situation with waste management is changing for the better as well. However, with all this remains the biggest problem - not enough to adopt the right laws, they still need to be implemented in reality, but it is a long way associated with both the administrative difficulties, and with the development of the necessary legal acts, solution of technical and technological issues. What happens to the waste in Russia? The current situation in Russia in the field of solid waste as far as the ratio of the volumes of generation and volumes of recycling of waste, the ratio of the volumes of recycling and volumes of waste disposal, the structure of legislative framework and territorially-town-planning, has a lot of common with the state of this communal sector in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe 25 - 30 years ago, and, above all, that is the lack of a systematic approach to the problem. Morphological composition of MSW of housing stock, in principle, is similar in different countries. The main components are paper and food waste - as of 2010 level of involvement of solid waste in the processing is not more than 5%, which is related to both the lack of necessary infrastructure of the sector management and deficient facilities for recycling (from 50% to 70 %), so the solid waste management system often operates on the edge of the appearance and development of local environmental emergencies, in which the only way to minimize the potential of environmental damage is local action scripting objects for solid waste management in case of failure of equipment, transportation, public protest actions of the population, etc. The remaining 95% of waste is sent to landfill. Existing in the Russian facilities for waste management are far from providing an effective waste management, the more difficult it is to talk about the implementation of the principles of the Concept of 3R in Russia. Slide 3. Despite measures undertaken the situation with the amount of waste in Russia is not getting better rapidly enough. The extent of waste is enormous. According to various reports, to date, in dumps and stores only on the territory of the Russian Federation there are more than 90 billion tons of waste. These figures include not only the Municipal solid waste (MSW) but industrial as well. Annually, another 40 million. tons of solid waste only are generated, with year on year volume increases by about 3%. Despite the declaration on reducing the amount of landfill and the announcement of the course on the development of waste processing industry, the main method of waste disposal in Russia remains landfilling, which has already led to the fact that the authorized and unauthorized landfills occupy 107 thousand. ha. Slide 4. Current practice in waste handling could be illustrated by this slide. If we talk about the organization of waste management, it is necessary, first, to note that the distribution of tasks and responsibilities of the authorities for waste management at various levels of government (Slide 5) is very far from being harmonious, and, ultimately, there is a duplication of functions, which leads to an increase in unsolved and unresolved problems with waste disposal. The main practical task of organizing the collection, sorting and recycling of waste (which just focused basically in the 3R principle) lie within the competence of the municipal government, it is in accordance with the Federal Law on Local Self-Government. But due to some reasons the tasks are not fulfilled at the proper level (lack of funding, lack of priorities, lack of experience of officials in solving such problems). Distribution of taxes, which come in the budgets in the form of environmental payments also do not contribute to an increase in funding to address environmental issues. Things began to change a few years ago. Slide 6. Back in the late 90's Law was adopted in Russia, defining the principles of waste management, which over the years has repeatedly been amended, but we all know that from the adoption of a law there is a very difficult and sometimes long way until its execution, and we are experiencing it in Russia. But in the year 2010 significant changes started to happen in the environmental policy of the state. President of Russia started to show political will to change the situation with waste in the country. And we all know that the administrative resource in the implementation of public-private partnership plays a major role. In 2010 and 2011, the President held two meetings of the State Council, in which the main issues was the problem with the environmental situation in the country and the production orders in this area. In 2011, the decree was signed by the Government of Russia, according to which governors must report on activities in the field of environmental policy in the region and develop future plans in this area. Also in 2011, Russian President instructed the governors to develop a comprehensive program of waste management in the regions, and to date, more than 80% of the orders executed. So, now it is necessary to carry out those programs and report on this. Evaluations of the programs show that they include introduction of the best available technologies and best environmental practices, which means that in Russia in this area there is a very serious need for such technologies. In August, 2914 State Register of waste disposal facilities started its operation. Now waste is forbidden to be depoyed at the landfills that didn’t get permit from the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources. That would force regional authorities to develop waste management. In December 2014 the Russian State Duma adopted a very important amendments to the law "On Production and Consumption Waste". The amendments include provisions introducing producer responsibility for recycling of products at the end of the life cycle, the establishment of regional operators for handling solid waste, ban on landfilling of waste that could be recycled, as well as the need to apply the best available technologies and best environmental practices. One of the first steps towards implementing the principle of producer responsibility has become a presidential decree introducing environmental recycling of vehicles, signed before the adoption of the amendments, which I have just mentioned. Now the mechanism is being developed to facilitate use of money that have been accumulated in the state budget of Russia after introduction of such a measure to support recycling of used cars. The collected funds will be spent on construction of infrastructure for the processing of old cars. And in this issue the need also arises to use the best technologies that are already working in the world and can be used in Russia, Belarus, who introduced scrapping charges on their territories. And later this collection will be introduced in other countries EAEU. In accordance with the request of the President Slide 7 9 pilot regions are identified which should primarily implement programs for integrated waste management. Slide 8. Given the huge amounts of domestic and industrial waste accumulated in recent years in 2013 the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of Russia has developed the Federal Target Program for 2014 - 2025 years "Elimination of the environmental damage of past years", which involves funding from various sources, including from the Russian budget, aimed at improving the environmental situation in the country. In addition to the development and implementation of those programs "Ecological rating of Russian cities" should be mentioned, which annually compiles and publishes the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment. One of the most important indicators in the preparation of this ranking is waste management, which includes the following items: - The use of the territories; - Municipal Waste generation per capita; - Share of Municipal Waste recycled; - The share of Municipal Waste neutralized or placed in authorized facilities. This rating allows on one hand to better control the activities of local administrations, and on the other - to make adjustments by the administrations themselves in their work. As I have mentioned in order to create recycling industry, it is assumed in the first place, to implement pilot projects in 9 regions of Russia, including Moscow and Moscow Region. (Slide 9). This is due to the fact that the Moscow region is the most densely populated region in Russia – it is home to more than 20 million people and annually generate 30 million tons of industrial and household waste (including about 12 million tons - MSW), and the acute shortage of landfill. Moreover, it was decided to close within the next years 24 of the 39 existing landfills. To solve the problem leaders of the Moscow region develop programs of construction of 19 ecoindustrial parks, but at this stage there is little understanding of how it should be implemented technically and administratively, because there is no practice of constructing of such technological parks in Russia. There is no legally enshrined guarantees for investors, there is no complex of adopted and adapted to Russian conditions, methods and techniques of integrated waste management. Therefore, what is the principle of 3-R, which is realized in the world, Russia is known only to a narrow circle of specialists. We need help in the development of ecoindustrial parks concepts, equipping them with the use of BAT. Another direction, practiced in the Moscow region - a municipal cluster service companies engaged in household waste disposal. Since 2012, the city of Moscow conducted an experiment that consists in the fact that the city authorities conclude long-term (15 years) contracts for the collection and disposal of waste from the territory of the clusters within the metropolis. The goal - to provide intelligible working conditions for the companies for a long period of time, which will give an opportunity to attract credit resources for the creation of modern waste recycling companies. The first contracts further stipulated only update of the container fleet and equipment and waste transportation, though target figures for growth for the recovery of secondary raw materials were defined as well. At the same time waste recycling was mentioned in the contracts only in the part concerning possible construction of recycling facilities by the end of the contract term (the 15th year). It is expected to be changed, to incorporate modernization of existing and construction of new sorting and recycling facilities. This practice will be implemented on the territory of the Moscow region in addition to Moscow city. Russia is changing state approach to the problem of waste management, and our organization, the International Centre for the best environmental technologies (ICBET), as a subregional secretariat IPLA is actively working in various directions: in the State Duma, our experts are working on proposals for environmental legislation, environmental organize conferences, seminars, exhibitions. Several events have been organized by our organization directed at creating elements of sustainable waste management in Russia. 1. Together with the Association "Shinoekologiya" we hold a seminar “Establishing of a Complex system for worn tires collecting and recycling, based on Expanded producers responsibility in Russia”. Tire manufacturers, processors and manufacturers of rubber crumb gathered to discuss the current situation, including legislation, as well as to develop joint steps aimed at increasing the number of collected used tires in Russia and the practical application of secondary raw materials - rubber crumb in building materials, especially for road construction. 2. In conjunction with the University of Oil and Gas named after Gubkin, as well as with the support of UNIDO cleaner production Center in the Russian Federation a workshop was organized, aimed at highlighting the difficult situation of oil sludge and find ways to solve this problem. Legislation and new technologies for oil sludge recycling. Reclamation (remediation) of contaminated land. 3. Together with the JSC "Russian Railways" we hold a seminar ‘Coordination of legislative and executive power bodies activity in Russia together with private sector to fulfill the Stockholm Convention demands” where ICBET presented a project that started in Russia by the UNIDO and the Railways. The project is aimed at implementing the provisions of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants, which was ratified by the Russian Federation in June 2011. The project involves work on the development of the legislative and regulatory framework in the field of regulatory treatment of persistent organic pollutants, conduct a complete inventory of equipment containing transformer oils potentially contaminated PCBs, as well as to establish a system for the collection, disposal and destruction of PCBs in accordance with the requirements of the Secretariat of the Stockholm Convention . 4. In conjunction with the Association of processors and electronic home appliances an international conference "Organization of Management of Waste Electronic and Electrical Equipment in Russia: the Situation in the Industry and its Prospects" which was another step in the direction of establishing system of ecologically sound WEEE management in the country. Based at the results of the seminars and conferences, resolutions were adopted and directed to the Government and corresponding ministries, which included specific measures to address the problems of reduction of anthropogenic load on the nature by industry and people. We continue this work, and cooperation with members of IPLA, other organizations will help to approach these issues at the level of environmentally friendly methods and technologies that are already working in the world. A great place in our work takes research and expert work. In particular, our research team has conducted a large study of the situation of MSW in the Central Federal District, which includes 18 regions of Russia, including Moscow and the Moscow region. Slides 10-11. Here are some of the findings for the treatment of MSW in the Federal District, which could be extended to the entire Russian Federation. - Analysis of economic mechanisms of use of natural resources has shown that they do not encourage the modernization of production in order to create and implement low-waste technologies, raw materials recovery, waste-to energy conversion and “greening” of manufactured goods and services. - A major limitation in the development of both raw material and energy recycling is the lack of demand for products from recycled materials (including electricity and heat) within the municipal and state orders, while the cost and quality of primary raw materials, mainly cheaper and better products from recycled materials. - Very few methods are used to convert waste into energy. - To overcome the permanent crisis of waste management in CFD and creating a system of solid waste management in CFD the approved in the world approach is applicable to create volatile municipal and industrial areas with a full cycle of waste management, in which the waste of commodity production are the raw materials for other industries, located in the same area, and the income from the sale of commercial products provide self-sufficiency in all the territorialindustrial complex. - For industrial companies working in the field of solid waste management, work in clusters realizes the possibility of lower production costs due to increased efficiency in the use of materials and energy efficiency, waste management and reduction of environmental charges. Environmentally clustering reduces the set of disparate sources of pollution and waste, and helps reduce consumption of natural resources. Preservation of the Earth's biosphere, experience a significant anthropogenic influence, in a condition suitable for the accommodation of numerous species of organisms, including humans, can only be achieved with the necessary cooperation of all States in this matter. Each country has its own way, but that there are common to all environmental problems show even the names of the law adopted by them as necessary. For example, laws to control air pollution and noise exist in Japan since 1968, and the US Clean Air Act was passed for the first time in 1963 (revised 1990), the Law on Noise Abatement - 1965 in France, the first law aimed at combating air pollution, adopted in 1961, etc. Slide 16. A lot of attention is given to the world of the hydrosphere, which is reflected in each country, as a rule, not in one but in several legislative acts. Among them are the Water Act 1964 (France), the Water Act 1962 (Revised 1987) (Finland, the law of the same name, released in Spain in 1986, the Law on water quality 1965 . (USA). General Law on pollution control, in which a lot of space given to water resources, entered into force in Norway in 1983, etc. However, despite the fact that many countries have paid great attention to the preservation of the environment, pollution of water, air, land each year is increasing. There are garbage islands, which increase year by year, and destroying all flora and fauna. Even in space, the amount of garbage that becomes a threat to space satellites and orbital stations increases. Such a global pollution is contributed by the lack of common approach on the part of all States to the problems of preserving the environment for future generations, a lack of understanding of the principles of trans-boundary transport of air masses, surface and groundwater, as well as the desire to solve the principle of "Zero waste" in their territories that hazardous waste is removed from the territory of developed countries and moved to Africa, Asia, South-East Asia. Only a unified approach of all countries to environmental issues can be a basis for solving the problems of global pollution waste. Slide 12-13. Attempts to create a global network exist. This applies to Integrated network of waste management, some information sharing systems on existing technologies (Network RTTN). But, in our opinion, it is worth talking about the formation of a single center navigation between such networks and various databases on environmental technologies, nature, and the exchange of information on available technologies, technology needs, environmental issues and expert solutions to these problems that may arise in the territory different countries and different users. Our Center has already proposed such an initiative at one of the forums of IPLA. Since that time, we have prepared a Technical conditions for the establishment of such a system and is currently in search of customers and investors to carry out work on its creation. I would like to dwell on this issue, because I believe that the IPLA and other international organizations could be major suppliers and customers of information services of such a system. We are talking about creating a navigation system that helps the rapid exchange of information between users and the construction of chains that will answer all questions: technical, scientific, administrative, financial and help find a "green solution" to environmental issues. Unified information platform in this paper we develop UAIS acts. Proposed UAIS would be based on a single universal IT-technologies for collecting, processing, storage and use of data, which are formed on the basis of existing databases and provide information about the company-developer of best available technology (BAT), the degree of implementation of industrial, technological and description of hardware equipment, technical regulations, discharges, emissions, waste, energy consumption, rational use of raw materials and natural resources, physical effects. When you create a system operating in the online-mode, and the ability to take into account the need to analyze the environmental situation in the territory, searching managerial and technical solutions to environmental problems, including the territory of the EAEU The UAIS will - Create a database of existing best environmental technologies in real time; - Provide expert determination of the best available environmental technologies ready for implementation in the urban economy of cities and settlements with different populations; - Develop effective plans for the gradual transition of industrial, agricultural and other enterprises to use the BAT; - To assess trends in the markets of environmental technologies; - Exploit the potential of research institutions in different countries in the field of environmental technologies; - To consolidate the efforts of the international expert community to meet the challenges of environmental protection; - To work towards the harmonization of environmental standards in different countries; - Increase the number of areas involved in implementation of the practice of "Green Industry» («Green industry») Principles and 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle). The new system will be beneficial for each individual participant, only in this case it will be fully operational. Their interests will be able to meet: government, business, processors, research institutes and associations. Some elements of the System are operational in our country, At the conference, held in 2012 in Seoul, our organization, ICBET, was honored to get started as a sub-regional secretariat IPLA in Russia and other countries of the EAEU, and I would like to express special gratitude to Mr. Mohanty and his collegues for their systematic work towards implementing the principles of 3R, the stability of the waste management in different countries of the world and to make the Partnership more and more effective. Slide 14. An important event in the development and management of MSW in Russia and in other countries EAEU, in our opinion, will be the Global Forum IPLA, which will be held in Moscow on October 6-8 this year. It is expected that in addition to the members of the IPLA the forum will be attended by representatives of the authorities of the Russian regions, specialists and experts from the private and public companies engaged in waste management, from the EAEU as well. The Forum will be held in three blocks – Economical and Legal, on the basis of the Analytical Center of the Russian Government, Technology, on the basis of Expocentre, Scientific - at the Moscow State University. Slide 15. It is expected that in the framework of the Forum several conferences will be held on the problems of utilization of different types of waste, in particular, waste electronic and electrical equipment, tires, waste oil, etc.. The organization of these conferences will be undertaken by professional associations of recyclers. We invite all participants of this Symposium to take part in the Global Forum of IPLA in Moscow. Slide 16. Conclusions. 1. Countries worldwide have similar problems with waste management due to trans-boundary pollutions and globalization. 2. Only joint efforts of Governments, Business and Public organizations could save the Earth from the ecological catastrophe. 3. Russian Federation and other EAEU countries lately started to introduce measures directed at diminishing landfilling of solid waste including changes in legislation and increase of funding of waste management. 4. Changes in legislation in EAEU countries demand use of new methods and technologies. 5. International Center for the Best environmental Technologies as the IPLA Sub-regional Secretariat continues to work on collecting information and providing the implementation of the BAT/BEP for Waste management, adopted for Russia and other EAEU countries. 6. ICBET proposes to create the Unified Analyses System ( worldwide ecological network ) on the base of IPLA web-portal. The possibilities of the UN services could be involved.