Houston Baptist University Department of Education and Kinesiology Lesson Plan Format _____________________________________________________________ Subject: Language Unit: Parts of Speech Grade Level: 1st Time Estimate: 45 minutes Topic: Verbs Goal(s): Students will develop their vocabulary by defining the meaning of a verb and correctly identifying the parts of speech in a sentence. Objective(s): TLW access and expand their existing vocabulary by listing verbs for each letter of the alphabet. TLW apply their vocabulary and knowledge of parts of speech by using verbs in sentences and illustrating the meaning. TEKS: 1.6A TLW identify words that name actions (verbs) and words that name persons, places, or things (nouns). Materials/Resources/Technology needs: To Root, to Toot, to Parachute: What is a Verb? book, sentence worksheet, projector/computer, premade sentence strips with sentences, blank sentence strips, chart paper (or board), markers, pages for Alphabet book _______________________________________________________________________ Instructional Procedures Focusing Event: TTW introduce the lesson by telling students they are going to play a game. TTW say a word and the TSW act out each word. (Example words: jump, sit, twirl, clap, and yawn) TTW encourage students to contribute their own words. TTW explain to students that the words they just acted out are called verbs. TTW explain that verbs are a part of speech that tells the action of a noun. (TTW review meaning of noun: person, place or thing) TTW say, “Today, we are going to learn how to find words in sentences that are verbs.” Teaching/ Learning Procedures: TTW explain that verbs are important because without them we cannot make a sentence. Verbs tell us what is happening. TTW read To Root, to Toot, to Parachute: What is a Verb? TTW identify the verbs as the colored words. TTW stop and check for understanding periodically during reading to ask students about the parts of speech. TTW read a sentence and ask students what the noun is in the sentence and what the noun is doing. TTW write the sentence on the board and model how to identify the verb by underlining the noun first, and circling the verb. TTW then ask the students to act out the verb to make sure that it is an action word. After reading, TTW have students work in Adapted by: Crystal Robinson pairs to identify the verb in sentences on sentence strips. TTW provide each pair with 2 sentence strips. TSW take turns reading the sentence strip, identifying the noun by underlining it with a marker and then circling the verb. The student that circles the verb will then act out the word. TSW take turns role playing. TTW then provide students with 3 blank sentence strips. TSW work independently to write their own sentences that can be acted out. TTW group students to act out their sentences, once the students have completed their own sentences. Formative Check (ongoing or specific): Throughout the lesson, TTW monitor students as they work in pairs to identify verbs and create their own sentences. TTW prompt students and check for understanding by asking, “What is the noun in the sentence?” “Who or what is doing the action?” “What is the verb?” “How do you know this word is a verb?” Reteach (alternative used as needed): TTW pull small groups as needed to review nouns before reviewing verbs. TTW read a different book to the class to review the meaning of verbs. Closure: TTW ask students, “What is one new verb you learned today? TTW ask the students to brainstorm a list of verbs that they learned. TTW write words on the chart in alphabetical order. Assessment/Summative Evaluation: TSW be assessed at the end of the lesson with the creation a whole class Action Alphabet Book. TSW be assessed on their ability to create a sentence using a verb correctly. Each student will be assigned an alphabet. TSW draw a picture depicting the action of the verb. TSW use brainstormed list to create pages. ________________________________________________________________________ Modifications/Notes: To modify this lesson, students will be provided with sentence stems (fill in the blank) sentences with the only the noun provided. TTW provide students with a word bank to fill in the verb to complete each sentence. TSW can use picture cards to identify verbs and play a matching game. TSW will match the picture card with the corresponding action word. To complete the Action Alphabet Book page, TSW be given the picture and have to write a corresponding sentence using the correct verb. Adapted by: Crystal Robinson