December 8, 2015 Prayer Request: Please remember in prayer Elder Siegfried Neuendorff and his family as they mourn the loss of Pastor Neuendorff’s wife, Evelyn Wilma Neuendorff. She went to her rest Monday, Nov. 30 aŌer a week-long stay at the Torrance Memorial Medical Center. The gravesite service will be held Dec. 10 at 1:15 p.m. at the Riverside NaƟonal Cemetery, 22495 Van Buren Blvd; 951-653-8417. To share your condolences with Pastor Neuendorff, or call 951-402-3422. Now - Jan. 18 ─ Discipleship-7 Training Online, a sevensession course. Fee, $285. www.onlinecourses-endƟmes Or call End Times Like These Ministries, Inc., School of Evangelism & Resource Center, 818 549-4147; website, endƟ Ph: 818 549-4147. Check the website for addiƟonal online courses in 2016. Dec. 12 ─ “Hark, The Herald Angel, “ a musical for young voices. 11:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Rolling Hills church. Free of charge. All welcome! Info: 310-541-1819. Dec. 13 ─ “Concierto Pro-templo con José Ocampo. “ $10/Ɵcket. 4:30 p.m. Canoga Spanish church. Info/ ReservaƟons: Blanca Ramirez, 818-998-8375; Abel Rosario, Jr., 814-439-4781. Dec. 18 ─ Christmas Candlelight Concert. Enjoy the lovely tradiƟon of “A Family Christmas” in the sanctuary, with seasonal music. Refreshments to follow. Free admission. 7:30 pm. Camarillo church. Info: 805-482-4632. Dec. 19 - Christmas Concert. 3:00 p.m. Los Angeles Central City church. Info: 626-622-5007. Dec. 12 – Concert by South African arƟsts Pierre van der Westhuizen and Anina Wassermann. CDs will be available aŌer the vespers program. 3:00 p.m. Ample parking on the lower level of the Fashion Center parking lot adjacent to the church. Glendale City church. Info: 818-244-7241. Dec. 19 – Annual Christmas Candlelight Concert, featuring the Vallejo Drive church Music Department, with choir, brass, strings, organ and chorale numbers. 6:00 p.m. LocaƟon: 300 Vallejo Drive, Glendale 91206. Info: 818-246-2476. Dec. 12 – “Sounds of the Season.” 6:00 p.m. Lorenzo Paytee Pavilion, Los Angeles AdvenƟst Academy. Info: 323-743-8818. Dec. 19 ─ “Christmas in the Barrio.” A Christmas celebraƟon program prepared for the community. AcƟviƟes will include: Christmas drama, toy donaƟon to 300 community children and a family dinner. 4:00 p.m. Spanish American church. If you wish to donate for toys, please contact Pastor Carlos Acosta, 626-632-5127. Dec. 12 – String Ensemble Concert. Featured arƟsts, Trinity AdvenƟst Company String Ensemble. 7:00 p.m. West Covina Hills church. Info: 626-915-7819. Dec. 12 ─ “SƟlle Nacht . . . “ das zweite Weinachtskonzert:” This event has been CANCELED due to the death of the main pianist, Evelyn Neuendorff. Please pray for Elder Siegfried Neuendorff and his family as they mourn her loss. Next In Touch deadline: December 17, 2015 Dec. 21 – Free Christmas Dinner for surrounding community. 5:30-6:30 p.m. EastMont Spanish church. Info: 323-728-2925. Dec. 24 – “The Greatest GiŌ—Hope Has Arrived!” A program of Christmas music, readings and a message of hope. This community event is co-sponsored by the Burbank 2 church and St. David’s Anglican church. 7: 00 p.m. at the Burbank church, 710 S. Glenoaks Blvd., Burbank 91502. Info: Website,; 818-848-7051. Jan. 3 – Can U Hear Me Now Mini Health Fair. Massage, Hydrotherapy, healthy foods, recipes. Free Admission. 2:00 – 6:00 p.m. End Times Like These Ministries, Inc., School of Evangelism & Resource Center, 1501 E. Chevy Chase Dr., Glendale 91206. Info: 818-549-4147, web, endƟ Jan. 8-9 ─ Goodbye Diabetes, Heart Disease, & Alzheimers. Join Wes Youngberg, DPH, MPH, CNS, FACLM, for this free community health event on prevenƟng and reversing disease the natural way. Fri., Jan. 8, 6:30 p.m., “Unlocking the Code for Brain Healing Strategies to Prevent and Reverse Alzheimer’s and Memory Loss.” Sat., Jan. 9, 10:45 am: “The X-factor in Health & Healing;” 4:00 p.m., “12 Strategies to Reach Your Full Health and Wellness PotenƟal.” No reservaƟons needed; seaƟng is first come, first served. Camarillo church. Info: 805-482-4632. Jan. 9 ─ A public service of graƟtude for God’s leading in Lorenzo W. Paytee’s life will be held at 4:00 p.m. in the Vallejo Drive church, 300 Vallejo Drive, Glendale 91206. Thank you for conƟnuing to remember Mrs. Phyllis Paytee and the family in prayer. Jan. 9 – Free Second Saturday Concert, featuring organist Weicheng Zhao and violinist Fang Gao, with composiƟons by Schmelzer, King, Chen, He, Zhang and Yuan. A recepƟon will follow. 5:00 p.m. (please note new Ɵme) A freewill offering will be received. Glendale City church. Ample parking on the lower level of the Fashion Center parking lot adjacent to the church. Info: 818-244-7241. Jan. 13-17 ─ EmoƟonal Wellness Summit, co-sponsored by NAD, IAD and SAD will take place in Orlando, Florida. Thank you in advance for kindly disseminaƟng this through your networks at your earliest convenience. If you are not able to aƩend, please help by keeping this Summit in prayer! Jan. 14 - 17 – Pathway to Health Training and Rally weekend. Thurs., 4:30 - 9:30 p.m., “Pathway to Health – The Big Picture.: Presenters, Elders Mark Finley, Dwayne McKee, Don Mackintosh, Leila Lewis MD. Free training; supper, $5. Fri., Vespers, 7:30 p.m. Above trainers will speak; Sabbath, 9:30 a.m., Sabbath School with Duane McKee; Worship Hour, 11:00 a.m., Mark Finley; Sun., four training classes in two sessions: Morning session, 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. – Natural Lifestyle Cooking Training, Mrs. Teenie Finley; CelebraƟon (Eight Laws of Natural Health) training – Peter Landless MD, Dir., GC Health Min. Dept. (or his assoc.); Diabetes Undone, Randy Bivens MD; Depression Recovery, Don Mackintosh. Fee: $10/class (choose one) plus $5, lunch; aŌernoon, 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. Repeat of morning sessions. Sunday cost: $25 including lunch. RegistraƟon: hƩp:// LocaƟon: White Memorial church, 401 N. State St., Los Angeles 90033. RegistraƟon deadline: Jan. 4. Info: BeƩy Cooney, 818-546-8461. Jan. 17 – Healthy Taste of LA, an all-day plant-based health conference. Featured presenters: Michael Klaper, MD; Caldwell B. Esselstyn, MD; Michael Greger, MD, FACLM; Ann Esselstyn, MEd; Jane Esselstyn, BSN; John Pierre, Chef AJ, Brenda Davis, RD. 9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Armstrong Theater, Torrance Cultural Arts Center, 3330 Civic Center Dr., Torrance 90503. Fee: Now-Dec. 31, $179; Jan. 1-9, 2016, $199; $249, Jan. 10-17. Ticket info:; 800-481-6482. Jan. 22-23 ─ Glendale City Church 110th Anniversary: Finding God at the IntersecƟon of Our Lives. Pastor John Brunt as special guest. Friday night, 7:00 p.m., Homecoming Vespers, with Pastors Rudy Torres and Smuts van Rooyen; Sabbath, 2:00 p.m., Musical Concert featuring the Glendale Academy, with current students and alumni. Weekend concludes with Evening Vespers, 4:30 p.m. Contact the church for the full weekend schedule. 818-244-7241; Jan. 23 ─ Newbury Park AdvenƟst Academy Benefit Concert for concert tour to Hawaii in April. Featured soloist, internaƟonally acclaimed violinist Jaime Jorge. Jaime proclaims the love of Jesus with his exquisite musical talent. 6:30 p.m. Camarillo church. Admission is free; a freewill offering will be received. Info: Info: Principal Steve Laing, 805-498-2191. Jan. 24 ─ LaSierra University Orchestra Benefit Concert for the Caesura Youth Orchestra, under the direcƟon of Dean Anderson. Glendale City church at 7:00 p.m. The concert for the first Ɵme will include 4th -6th grade students from Caesura, playing side by side with a full orchestra. Ticket informaƟon: The concert is sponsored by Churches Without Walls. Info: 818-244-7241. 3 Mar. 20 – “Estate Planning Mistakes to Avoid” Brunch Seminar. Free of charge. Presenter, Karen La Madrid, Esq. 9:00 a.m. Scholl Canyon Estates, 1551 E. Chevy Chase Dr., Glendale 91206. Walk-ins welcome! Info/Reserved seaƟng: 818-546-8421; Apr. 2 – Ojai church 50th Anniversary CelebraƟon. Former pastors, members and friends of the church are invited to join us for worship, lunch and Ɵme to share memories and renew acquaintances. 9:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. LocaƟon: 291 E. El Roblar Dr., Ojai 93023. Info/ RegistraƟon: email, Carol at:; website, hƩp://Ojai.advenƟsƞ Apr 26-29 – Pathway to Health mega clinic – Medical and nonmedical volunteers needed for this huge outreach. More than 10,000 Los Angeles area residents will receive free medical, dental, vision, surgical or other health treatments. More than 3,000 volunteers will be needed! Sign up now at BULLETIN BOARD The AdvenƟsts, The AdvenƟsts 2 and The Blue Print will be rebroadcast on PBS staƟons on the following dates: The AdvenƟsts – 11:00 p.m. Dec. 19, 12:00 noon & 6:00 p.m., Dec. 21. The Blueprint – 1:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m., Dec. 21. “D’Sozo” and “Sharing Your Faith” books available now. These are the books Don Mackintosh had at the “Faith to Him” meeƟngs. He sold out of what he had, so we ordered more for those who didn’t get copies. Both books for a total of $11. Pick them up at the CommunicaƟon Dept. or mail check made out to Southern California Conference (earmarked “Health to Him” books.) Mail to P. O. Box 969, Glendale 91209. Info:; 818-546-8461. Current Hospice Staff needed - Riverside County (LVN) San Bernardino county (RN, CHHA, LVN posiƟons per diem. Can work into a full-Ɵme posiƟon. Orange County (Home Health & Hospice R.N., per diem; 3 LVN’s, 1 RN; 1 RN for Dir PaƟent Care Svces; 1 per diem MSW.) Ontario (3 LVN’s, RN, MSW.) Los Angeles (per diem RN, LVN); Palm Springs (CHHA) Victorville (CHHA); per diem RN and LPN (Victorville and Barstow). Urgently needed: San Diego Admissions R.N. (per diem); Nurse Case Mgr. for No. and South San Diego County. Email your resume to; or call Elder Roger Rustad, 949-295-9671.