2015 Alliance Congress Presentation Application

Canal Alliance Congress, Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Four Rivers Environmental Education Center, Channahon
Presentation & Display Application
August 24th, 2014 marked 30 years since the Illinois and Michigan Canal National Heritage Corridor had been
signed into existence by Ronald Reagan. The theme for the Canal Alliance Congress on this anniversary year is
“Looking Back, Looking Forward.” We will be looking back at the founding of the national heritage corridor and
past projects and how they are doing today. Then we will look forward at projects in the works and only dreamed of,
to envision what the Canal Corridor will be like in the future.
There are three ways to participate in the Canal Alliance Congress:
Come and Participate! The Congress offers an opportunity to connect, catch up, learn, and network.
Register online at canalcor.org.
Pecha Kucha Presentation: Presentations will be in the “Pecha Kucha” style consisting of 20 PowerPoint
slides timed at 20 seconds per slide and thus last precisely six minutes and forty seconds. After each
presentation is about 2 minutes for questions. This is the best way to get the message out about your
Tabletop Display: There will be space on tables at the edge of the room for displays on projects, programs,
and activities. There will be breaks allowing for participants to view them and learn more about your
Whether a project, program, or activity the Canal Alliance is looking for presentations and displays that fit within
the six goals of the Illinois & Michigan Canal National Heritage Corridor:
STORIES: The rich and complex stories of the history and continuing importance of the I&M Canal
Corridor will be told through increasingly accurate, compelling and interesting ways to larger audiences.
SPECIAL PLACES: The Corridor’s distinctive sense of place and natural, cultural and historic resources
will be recognized, embraced and protected.
RECREATION: The recreational amenities of the Corridor will be enhanced and expanded to facilitate
their enjoyment by more people. .
CONSERVATION: The stewardship of the Corridor’s natural resources will be improved. Both the
number of stewards and the commitment level and involvement of stewards will be increased.
ECONOMIC IMPACT: The Corridor’s economic growth will be built through an increase in heritage
tourism and heritage development. Historical and cultural based venues in the Corridor will be enhanced
through increased interpretation, use of new technologies, and increases in visitor services and marketing.
Entrepreneurial and family-owned businesses will be supported with increased tourism strengthening our
historic downtowns.
SUSTAINABILITY: The work of the IMCNHC will be sustained by continually engaging more people in
increasingly intense roles, continuing to strengthen the collective voice of the region, continuing the
coordination and celebration of the work, and securing sustainable funding sources.
Thank you for your interest in sharing your organization’s memories or plans at the Canal Alliance Congress on
Wednesday, March 11, 2015.
If you have any questions please contact Ana B. Koval at akoval@canalcor.org or 815-223-1851.
Please complete the following form and return to the Canal Corridor Association by
Friday, January 23, 2015.
Canal Alliance Congress Presentation Application Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Four Rivers Environmental Education Center, Channahon
Contact Information
Name: _______________________________________________
Phone: _______________________________________________
Email: _______________________________________________
Project Information
Name of Organization: _________________________________________________________
Name of Presentation: _________________________________________________________
Basic Category:
Looking Back
Looking Forward
Sub Category:
Pecha Kucha
If looking back, please take a look at your project and briefly describe what it was like
before (ideally 30 years ago), comparing to what has been done since. Bonus if you have
photos comparing before to now. If looking forwards, please provide a brief description of
your project and what you hope and plan for it in the future.
Displays may look both backwards and forwards, pecha kucha presentations should focus
on one or the other.
Please return to the Canal Corridor Association, 754 First Street, LaSalle, IL 61301
Email: akoval@canalcor.org
Fax: 815-223-6129