sri lankan schools of hope appeal

During Lent 2014 Star St Uniting Church is raising money to provide 2 nutritious meal a day to
children attending pre-schools run by the Methodist Church in Sri Lanka. We aim to feed 20 children
for a year- more if possible!
Why is this needed?
Sri Lanka was torn apart by a violent civil war for over 30 years. Although this war ended in 2009,
there are still ongoing tensions within the community and the Tamil population, in particular, are
extremely disadvantaged. Many families have been left homeless as result of the war and valuable
farming land and crops destroyed. Human rights abuses continue in Sri Lanka and this is one of the
reasons why so many Tamil Sri Lankans are fleeing to Australia as asylum seekers. One practical way
to stop the boats is to improve the situation for them in Sri Lanka.
In this context, the Methodist Church in Sri Lanka is trying to be a force for peace and justice. One of
their key initiatives has been to establish a number of interfaith preschools in the North East District,
where the after effects of the war are felt most keenly. These preschools provide early education
for children, thus improving their chances in life, and also build relationships between people of
different ethnicity and religion. Our partner church, the Methodist Church in Sri Lanka, has asked us
to support them in this project.
For many of the children attending these preschools, malnutrition is a chronic problem which affects
their health and learning ability. The Methodist Church is providing at least two nutritious meals and
a cup of milk for children in their preschools who do not have a single, proper meal at home. The WA
Synod of the UCA has agreed to raise funds to feed 175 children for a year!
How you can help?
We are asking members of Star St to make a personal contribution to this appeal or assist with fund
raising or both. For example you may decide to
Give up something for Lent (a cup of coffee, chocolate, ice-cream) and donate the value of
this to the appeal.
Work out what is the cost of one of your meals each day and donate the value of this meal
to the appeal.
Give according to your income level- a donation of $10 will feed a child for a month, $120
will feed them for a year. What can you afford to give?
How do I donate?
You can bring a donation anytime during Lent, or save up and bring your donation on Sunday
April 27th, when we will be winding up this appeal.
Please put your donation (either cash or cheque) in an envelope marked Sri Lanka Appeal
and put in the offering plate on Sunday, or hand it in to the office on Wednesday or
Thursday mornings. If you prefer to donate by direct deposit here are the details.
o BSB: 06 6128
o Account: 1019 3104
o Important- Please label transactions: 'Sri Lanka Appeal'
Please note that donations to this appeal are not tax deductible so no receipts will be issued.
Please Come to our Fund Raising Events!
Breakfast- to be held on Sunday March 9th, 8.30 am at Star St.
Bring the family- great breakfast provided for a donation to the appeal
We will launch the appeal on that day in our worship
Guest Preacher- Rosemary Hudson Miller who has visited the pre-schools
Bollywood Dinner- to be held on Saturday, March 29th 5.30 pm at Star St.
o Delicious curries to eat, Bollywood dancing, games, music and lots of fun.
o Tickets for sale- Adult $20, Concession $15, Child under 15 $10, Family $50.
o Bookings needed- to purchase tickets see Bev Fabb, Stephen Harrison or Dianne
o Limit of 70 people can attend, so get in early with your booking!
Follow the poster in the foyer to track how many children Star St is feeding!