(The style, order, and presentation of the syllabus, as a whole; is up to the individual.)
(The order, style, etc. of the sections below is up to the individual.)
Course materials (inclusion optional if no materials)
List required and recommended materials, if any, for your course.
Pre-/Co-requisites (inclusion optional if no pre/corequisites)
List any necessary pre- or co-requisites necessary for the course. Include any particularly relevant skills, as necessary. Ex: high-school algebra, familiarity with gardening, etc.
Course Description (inclusion mandatory)
This description should be similar to or match the one in the catalog; expand as needed. If it is very different than the catalog description, give the catalog description, then your description, and update the catalog description.
Course Level Learning Outcomes (inclusion mandatory)
Include the Course Level Learning Outcomes/Objectives. At a minimum, include your course outcomes. If possible, include how your course will meet some or all of the
Liberal Arts Learning Outcomes.
As far as course-level learning outcomes are concerned, remember that they need to be meaningful and practically measurable—this is a key to assessment.
Focusing on knowledge, skills, and abilities that the students should acquire may help.
Link to Liberal Arts Learning Outcomes (inclusion mandatory)
List which of the seven Liberal Arts Learning Outcomes (Knowledge and Inquiry,
Skill and Innovation, Critical Thinking, Intercultural Effectiveness, Social Engagement,
Deliberative Action, Written and Oral Communication) are achieved by taking your course, and how (see example syllabi for examples). “Typical” classroom classes link to
KI and SI; many link to CT and WOC; and some link to ICE, SE, and/or DA. See the
College Assessment Plan (in Dropbox) for rubrics and specific examples of what types of activities, skills, etc. would be included in these LO.
Basis of Evaluation (Course Assignments, Grading scale, grading policy, etc.) (inclusion
In general, this section needs to describe how the students will be evaluated, and the method(s) by which they earn credit. Specifically how this is done is up to the individual, as long as it's clear to the outside world what activities (etc.) the students will do, and how these activities will translate into course credit. Examples include listing exams, papers, projects, performances, etc. and how performance on those translates to credit. A numerical/points (10 points for this, etc.) or percentage (exams are 50%, etc.) breakdown is helpful but not required, as is a brief description of how the grades are to be calculated. As appropriate/desired, describe the requirements for each letter grade, A–F, with +/-; note that there are no course grades of A + . This could be a range of percentages, or could be described in many other ways—the point is to be clear and unambiguous.
For accreditation purposes, please include somewhere a list of student activities, assignments, readings, etc. At a minimum, it must be weekly; more detailed (daily, for example) is fine, and encouraged, but up to the individual.
Sample wording regarding grading system and passing grade at Antioch (inclusion optional):
Antioch College uses the standard 4.0, plus/minus grading system. Each letter grade is associated with a grade point, which is established to determine a student’s grade point average, which is officially calculated at the end of each quarter.
Quality of Performance Letter
Grade Point
PASSING: Exceptionally High Achievement
PASSING: Superior
PASSING: Satisfactory
NOT PASSING: Poor and unsatisfactory C -
NOT PASSING: Failure F 0.0
The grades of A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+ and C are considered passing grades at Antioch College.
Credit is earned for courses in which they are awarded letter grades with the exception of the F grade. If a student receives a grade below a “C,” the course will need to be retaken or substituted for an equivalent course. If a course needs to be repeated, the calculation of the first grade earned will be excluded (E) from the student’s GPA and the grade earned during the repeat will replace the initial grade and be included (I) in the calculation of the GPA. A repeat of a course can only occur once. Students may not repeat a course for credit when a grade of "C" or higher is earned.
It is the responsibility of every student to read the Curriculum Catalog for more details about grades, including other grade indicators, which may/may not be included in GPA calculations. In addition, students are expected to understand the policy in relation to repeating a course.
Attendance Policy (inclusion mandatory)
Describe your attendance policy. Be as specific as possible.
ADA Policy (inclusion mandatory): Paste the official College ADA policy below, verbatim:
Antioch College Faculty are committed to supporting the learning of all students in my class. If you are encountering barriers to your learning that your faculty member can mitigate, please bring them to the attention of the faculty member privately to discuss specific needs. If you need disability related accommodations please contact the Center for Academic Support Services at 937-319-0093 or internally at ext. 3303 in room 209 of
McGregor Hall located within The Writing Institute to coordinate applicable academic adjustments. It is helpful if students have their VISA’s turned in within the first two weeks of the term. Antioch College abides by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of
1973 as well as the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Adding and Dropping a Class (inclusion mandatory)
All students are able to add and drop classes during a specified period of time during each term. Students should refer to the Curriculum Catalog and the academic calendar to understand the policies and conditions for adding and dropping.
Incomplete Policy (inclusion mandatory)
An “incomplete grade” is a temporary indicator assigned when a written request has been initiated and submitted by the student and approved by the faculty member. Verbal approvals for incompletes are not acceptable. The faculty approval of the request indicates that requirements have not been completed by the student for good cause or some other circumstance beyond their control that prevented the student from completing the work during the term. An incomplete is not automatic or appropriate for students who have not managed to complete coursework in a timely manner. A student should be passing the class before a faculty considers approving an incomplete grade. No faculty member is required to issue an incomplete. It is the student’s responsibility to request an incomplete in writing, complete any work or expectations identified by the faculty member, and ensure that the grade has been changed. Requests for Incomplete Grade Forms are available in the registrar’s office.
Incompletes may not be given by visiting or adjunct faculty members or by faculty not returning in the next academic year. Thus, the following statement should be in the syllabus of an adjunct faculty member:
“Grades of INC (Incomplete) are not available in this course.”
Academic Honesty Policy (inclusion mandatory)
Include the College Academic Honesty Policy
Community members should understand that academic dishonesty is harmful to the Antioch College Community and its reputation. The college expects high standards of behavior and that all Community members act responsibly and honestly. For a full description of the College's Academic Honesty Policy, refer the curriculum catalog.
Other Policies/Course Management/Etc. (inclusion optional if no other policies).
Please list any personal classroom policies you have. For example, you may require a doctor's note to excuse an absence, or wish to give more details on policies above, or list a classroom conduct policy, electronic device policy, or whatever. Feel free to add other sections—it's your syllabus. Some information could also fit into other categories above.
Course Schedule/Calendar (inclusion mandatory)