Courses - Continuing Education

Night School
January 2016
Page #
1. How to Register........................................................................................................... 1
2. Courses ........................................................................................................................ 1
3. Textbooks .................................................................................................................... 1
4. Course Information Outline ........................................................................................ 1
5. Attendance Expectation of Course Work ................................................................... 1
6. Class Participation ....................................................................................................... 2
7. Schedule ...................................................................................................................... 2
8. Assessment and Evaluation ........................................................................................ 3
9. Modifications and Accommodations .......................................................................... 3
10. Examination Policy ...................................................................................................... 3
11. Course Withdrawal & Marks....................................................................................... 4
12. Appeal Process ............................................................................................................ 4
13. Report Cards ............................................................................................................... 5
14. Guidelines: Code of Conduct for Students & Parents ................................................ 5
STUDENT AGREEMENT ..................................................................................................... 7
Not Sure if Online Learning is Right for You ..................................................................... 8
Continuing Education Night School e-Learn Handbook
All courses are subject to sufficient enrolment and teacher availability. Priority will be given to
Y.C.D.S.B. students.
1. How to Register
A. Complete the Survey found at the end of this Handbook to determine whether you are
ready for eLearn.
B. Complete the registration form and survey for eLearn and bring both of them to your
Guidance Counselor for approval.
C. Non-Y.C.D.S.B. students are required to follow the same steps together with submission of
transcripts. Once all three documents are completed they must be faxed to the Y.C.D.S.B
Continuing Education Department, Attention: Secondary Division.
2. Courses
Students may only register in one Night School course. Students are not permitted to register in
the same course concurrently.
3. Textbooks
Course textbooks will not be provided by the teacher. Students must secure their own textbooks.
4. Course Information Outline
During the Orientation session students will receive a course outline which will identify in addition
to content the appropriate Assessment and Evaluation scheme for the course.
5. Attendance Expectation of Course Work: Attendance, Class Participation
Students who have not logged in to their courses are considered as NO SHOWS and will be
withdrawn from their courses. Attendance is mandatory on dates selected for meetings with the
course instructor.
Active Students
Communicate regularly with the teacher.
Submit assignments in a timely manner as per due dates provided by the teacher.
Interact online in a respectful manner at all times.
Inactive Students
Students who have logged into the course at least once; however, have not logged in for 2
consecutive days, and/or have not submitted work, and/or are not communicating with the
teacher or attending face to face sessions can at the discretion of the teacher be demitted from
the course and/or receive a failing mark. Students who are withdrawn after the official
cancellation date will receive a final mark for the course.
6. Class Participation
a. Students will be asked to participate in group discussions in an online chat, threaded
discussion conference or in a live virtual classroom setting. Discussion and online
classroom areas will be monitored by the teacher.
b. Constant communication between teacher and student is essential for success in a
course. Be sure to keep in contact with your teacher.
Students may receive regular telephone calls or messages from their teacher and are
expected to respond to emails sent by the teacher.
The teacher will advise their students, by email, if the teacher is ill or absent.
c. Chat and paging comments are not private…teachers have access to all chat and paging
Comments in all emails, chats, pages must be appropriate in content and in tone.
Elearning is an extension of day school and the same policies and guidelines apply.
Content that is deemed to contravene YCDSB policies will be reported and dealt with.
7. Schedule
a) Students are required to attend a mandatory Orientation Session and three face to face
sessions. All sessions will be held at St. Robert CHS. Students must advise
parents/guardians of meeting dates and times.
Session 1 – Orientation Session
Session 2 – Midterm Examination
Session 3 – Final Examination
Session 4 – Review of Examination
and Assessment Record
Friday February 12, 2016
Saturday February 13, 2016
Saturday April 2, 2016
Saturday May 28, 2016
Saturday June 4, 2016
6:30 pm – 8:00 pm OR
9:30 am – 11:00 am
9:00 am – 11:00 am
9:00 am – 11:00 am
9:00 am
b) Transportation
Students are responsible for their own transportation for all face to face meetings.
8. Assessment and Evaluation
Due Dates and Assessment Practice
For each major assignment, there will be a DUE DATE (date assignment to be submitted) and a
DEADLINE date (final day assignment accepted for marks). These dates will be established by your
teacher. “0” will be assigned for all incomplete evaluations.
Plagiarism and other forms of cheating are considered as academic dishonesty and will result in a
mark of zero or a complete withdrawal from the course
Teachers will:
 mark assignments and tests (including the mid-semester exam) in a timely fashion,
 provide feedback and the mark for unit assignments before the next unit assignment is due
 students will receive their mid-semester marks by personal email and a mark of “0” will be
assigned for every assignment not handed in.
9. Modifications and Accommodations
Students with IEPs must provide appropriate documentation for any accommodation. A copy of
the IEP is to be sent to the Continuing Education Office at least one week before the start date of
the course.
10. Examination Policy
All students must write face-to-face final and mid-semester exams for each course.
Exams must be written at St. Robert CHS, Thornhill, ON. Photo ID is mandatory to write
the exam. Failure to produce a photo ID will result in an automatic 0 on the exam.
All examinations must be written on the date, time and at the location scheduled.
It is the student’s responsibility to report any conflicts to their teacher and the
Continuing Education office.
Students cannot be exempted from examinations for family holidays, employment or
school trips.
Students who arrive late will be given the remaining time to complete the exam.
Once students have submitted their exam, they must leave the premises immediately.
In the event of inclement weather or other emergency situation resulting in the
cancellation of an exam, the exams for that day will be rescheduled for another day.
Information regarding cancellations and school closures will be available on the Home
page of the Continuing Education web site.
Students who receive a zero on the final exam but still obtain a final mark of 50% or
greater will be given “45” as a final grade.
Exams Missed – Assessment Policy
Students who miss an examination due to illness, court appearance or bereavement will
write a make-up examination at a future date as determined by the Subject Teacher.
Failure to write the make-up exam on this date will result in a mark of “0” on the exam and
a failing grade in the course.
Students must present appropriate documentation supporting their absence from the
original examination within 24 hours of the missed examination date to qualify for a
make-up exam. A doctor’s note will be requested where appropriate.
Students who miss an examination for other reasons will receive a mark of zero.
Examination Results & Final Mark
Students who receive an exam mark that is significantly less than the term mark will not be
granted a credit until the teacher has contacted the student to formally discuss the exam
mark and term mark. A face to face meeting will take place with the teacher, student, and
parent/guardian. A final mark is at the discretion of the Principal of Continuing Education.
11. Course Withdrawal & Marks
To withdraw from a course, the student must send an email to the teacher
the teacher then forwards your intention to withdraw to the Continuing Education Office.
the office then sends an official cancellation email to the student and teacher
Failure to officially withdraw from a course by the withdrawal date,
will result in a mark being posted on the final report card.
the final mark will be the average of all work, including zeros for all work not submitted, up
to and including the final exam.
Note: If you have not received this formal cancellation email from the Continuing Education
Office within a week of emailing your request to withdraw, please contact the office immediately
to follow-up.
12. Appeal Process
Any appeal is first to be referred to the course teacher. Thereafter, any appeal must be in writing
to the Principal of Continuing Education with a copy to the course teacher.
The appeal mark given by the Principal of Continuing Education will be considered the final mark.
13. Report Cards
1. No midterm report cards are issued to students. Students will receive their mid-term mark
2. Students will receive a Final Report Card as well an electronic notification from their course
3. Report Cards that are not picked up will be sent to the Continuing Education Department
at the C.E.C. and will be available for year. Thereafter, report cards are destroyed.
14. Guidelines: Code of Conduct for Students & Parents
The YCDSB places excellence, equity, community and relationships at the heart of student success:
We are a Catholic Learning community of collaborative partners, called to serve one another by
being committed to and accountable for quality learning by all with Jesus as our inspiration.
Expected Behaviour
It is the expectation of the YCDSB that students will:
 Demonstrate honesty and integrity
 Respect differences in people, their ideas and opinions
 Treat one another with dignity and respect, especially when there is disagreement
 Respect and treat others fairly
 Respect the rights of others
 Take appropriate measures to help those in need
 Seek assistance from their teachers to resolve conflict peacefully
 Demonstrate respect for people in positions of responsibility
 Respect the need of others to work in an environment that is conducive to learning and
 Be courteous and polite at all times
In particular, students taking e-courses will:
Respect the integrity of all on-line systems and networks
Respect all copyright laws
Respect the personal information and privacy of others
Be frequent, active and engaged participants in the learning program
Be accountable for off-school internet services which may have a negative impact on the
school program teachers or students
Obey directions from teaching and administrative staff
Complete all assignments in a timely and thorough manner
Unacceptable Behaviour
It is the expectation of the YCDSB that students will not:
 Engage in bullying or threatening behaviour
 Engage in hate propaganda and other forms of behaviour motivated by hate or bias
In particular, students taking e-courses will not:
Share log-in credentials with anyone else
Knowingly upload any file or program that contains a virus, malware other malicious code
Reproduce course content including assessments, electronic mail correspondences, digital
capture, discussion or chat threads in any fashion and to any other server
Use anyone else’s log-in account
Write, use, send download or display any information that is hostile, insulting to others,
obscene, threatening, or otherwise offensive
Discuss in any open forum (e.g., discussion forum or chat thread) information that is critical
of another individual
Engage in any of the following acts of academic misconduct:
Collusion – Intentionally or knowingly helping or attempting to help another student commit
academic misconduct such as substituting for a test or completing an assignment for someone
When Board and school rules are violated, whether in traditional face-to-face classes or e-courses,
students can expect that appropriate and progressive discipline will result. This may include but
not limited to any of the following:
Complete withdrawal from course.
Possible police involvement
A Final Mark entry of zero
 I have read the guidelines as found in the Student Handbook for elearning in Continuing
 I understand and agree to abide by the guidelines.
 I understand that any decision about any matter in the course rests at the discretion of the
Subject Teacher with any final decision to be made at the discretion of the Principal of
Continuing Education.
 Expect to spend up to 6 to 10 hours per day on the course.
Bring this Handbook together with your completed Student Agreement to your Orientation class.
 Students are not permitted to be registered in a school based e-Learn as well as an e-Learn
course in Continuing Education with the same course code.
 There is no off-site proctoring of examinations.
Student Signature
Print Student Name
Home School
Not sure if online learning is right for you
Take a few minutes, to answer the questions provided below… Use it as a guide to help you decide
if online learning will fit your educational and personal circumstances.
1. Am I able to READ carefully and comprehend written instructions and feedback given to
me? YES/NO
2. Do I own or have access to a computer with high speed Internet? YES/NO
3. Can I manage my time in order to complete assigned work by the required dates?
4. Can I commit a consistent effort and time to my studies? 4 - 7 hours – per week per subject
for fall and winter sessions, 8-10 hours per day for the summer session YES/NO
5. Am I willing and confident to contact my teacher(s) when I have questions?
6. Am I motivated to do my best?
7. Do I have enough self-discipline to get my work done?
8. Can I learn and work independently? YES/NO
9. Do I have a dedicated study/workspace to do my coursework with a desktop or laptop
If you answered “NO” to 1 or more questions, you may want to resolve or improve in these areas
prior to attempting online courses.
If you answered “YES” to ALL 9 questions above, online learning may be an attractive option for
your educational needs.