Original Social Media Plan

Social Media Plan - Literally Focused Group
Brittany Waddell, Lauren Ozmore, Greg Palmer, Brent Cochrane, Matthew King
1. Statement of Philosophy
a. The purpose behind this social media plan is to entertain and provide
comical relief to the viewing audience. With the assistance of practical
jokes at our advantage, it is our belief that this Internet phenomenon
will become quite popular in the realm of our audience.
2. Situation Analysis
a. For our Internet phenomenon, we intend to design multiple videos in
which the entertainment provides comical relief to the viewers.
Specifically, we want to engage our audience with a series of practical
jokes performed in a variety of settings. The intended audience for
this project will be for college students and recent graduates who can
relate to the humor put forth in the videos that typically only college
students enjoy. However, we would like for our intended audience to
be quite broad so that a wide variety of age groups turn out to watch
our videos, but this is the scope that we believe will most likely be
targeted throughout the series of this Internet phenomenon project.
Likewise, our purpose throughout this plan is to entertain our
audience with comical humor, specifically through the use of practical
jokes; and hey, everyone loves April Fools!
3. Tactics
a. For our Internet Phenomena we have chosen to use both YouTube
and Facebook as our primary means of proliferating our object. Each
member of the group is familiar with each of these, and they can be
easily combined as well. We plan on recording the Internet
Phenomena and posting it on YouTube, and from there posting it on
our Facebook pages as well, so we can target both audiences and
succeed at getting the maximum number of viewers. Our group has
also considered commenting individually on the video on YouTube,
acting as though neither of us know one another, to create more
attention and make other viewers think that this video is really
4. Schedule
Date of Activity
Meet to create script and
to rehearse.
Meet to record the actual
Internet Phenomena.
Upload video to YouTube
& Facebook pages
Responsible Party
Greg, Lauren, Brent,
Brittany & Matthew
Greg, Lauren, Brent,
Brittany & Matthew
Greg, Lauren, Brent,
Brittany & Matthew
Each group member
comment on the video on
YouTube separately and at
least a day apart to build
the idea that none of the
members know each
Each member will check
the video either daily or
several times a week to
track views
Internet Phenomena Due
Greg, Lauren, Brent,
Brittany & Matthew
Greg, Lauren, Brent,
Brittany & Matthew
Greg, Lauren, Brent,
Brittany & Matthew
5. Evaluation
a. In an example that was found online, 921 hits came by way of being
embedded and referred from Facebook. But 4,060 came from
Fark.com, and 1,822 came from YouTube's homepage. If we use the
social networks to their maximum potential, we can get a lot of hits.
Your social media plan doesn't exactly include a philosophy/mission statement that
will guide your group's thinking throughout the project.
Your social media plan sets up the situation to which your internet phenomenon
responds and your specific goals for it. You briefly describe your object and your
purpose for the project. You discuss your intended audience, both in general terms
and in terms of demographics.
Your social media plan provides a thorough discussion of the tactics you plan to use
to proliferate your object, including specific sites (e.g., YouTube).
Your social media plan includes a schedule of the work that must be completed, the
date by which it will be completed, and the person who is responsible for
completing it. You don't need to submit a more detailed schedule to me, but think
about exactly how you are going to use Facebook to distribute your object. See
marginal comment for questions to consider.
Your social media plan includes a plan for evaluation, but it does not include
reasonable, specific, and measurable goals. As a group, determine the
benchmarks (e.g., YouTube views) you will use to evaluate your project. have
one member of your group e-mail me those benchmarks.
Your social media plan was submitted and named properly.