What we are learning this week in year 5: Week commencing 12th May 2014 Literacy This week in Literacy we will be continuing to look at persuasive writing. We will be focussing on using persuasive techniques within debates. We will be holding a formal debate which is focussed on the unlawful killing of the Highwayman and Bess. These characters are from our previous narrative poetry unit. At home: Choose a story from the news and write arguments for and against. Using your relevant points, write a persuasive debate. Please read your child’s reading book with them, asking them questions about the setting, the characters, how the author has written the story, what different words mean and what they think will happen next. Don’t forget, you can read books with your child on the Bug Club website. o http://www.bugclub.co.uk/ Practise weekly spellings which are given out on Friday and tested on the next Friday. This week’s spellings: L.O. Making plurals for words ending in f or fe. Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 life leaf leaf lives leaves leaves self loaf loaf selves loaves loaves leaf knife knife leaves knives knives scarf scarf scarves scarves thief thieves sheaf sheaves Numeracy All Children This week the children will be tested on their 5 times table. Please practise these ready for the test on Friday. Use the following websites to practice. http://www.bbc.co.uk/skillswise/numbers/wholenumbers/multiplication/timest ables/game.shtml If you’ve had a go at this one, try the following website, making sure you click on the multiplication section. http://www.classbrain.com/artgames/publish/math_magician_games.shtml Some more times table games: http://mad4maths.com/multiplication_table_math_games/ Mrs Pedley and Mrs Tungatt’s Set This week we will be carrying out some different investigations, for example with coins, dice and numbers. At home: On the following website, practise carrying out some of the different online maths investigations. o http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/maths/index.html#investigations Mrs Cordell’s Set This week we will be looking at decimals and percentages. We will be converting between fractions and decimals, completing decimal sequences and rounding decimals. We will then move onto finding percentages of numbers and solving percentage word problems. We will end the unit by looking at the relationship between fractions, decimals and percentages. At home: Practice rounding decimals using this website. o http://www.math-play.com/rounding-decimals-game-1/rounding-decimalsgame.html Practise percentages using this website. o http://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/ks2/maths/number/percentages/play/ Topic This week we are going to be looking at the Aztec gods. We will be learning about the different gods that they worshipped and their roles. We will also be looking at the role sacrifice took in the Aztec religion. At home: Please help your child research one of the Aztec gods. Ask your child to then design a poster encouraging people to worship that god and make sacrifice to keep the god happy.