Year Group: Spring 1 – 6 weeks Unit Title: Where in the World? 5 Entry point: Modern Day 7 Wonders of the World. Children look at the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World and why these may have been selected. Children then create their own travel brochure of the 7 Wonders of our Modern World. Exit point: Presentation on the achievements of the Ancient World Outcome: Children to work in small groups to create a presentation to the class on the achievements of a topic within one of the Ancient Civilizations. They use their presentation skills developed through their literacy unit. Literacy: Key Text: ‘Goodnight Stroud’ by Pie Corbett Fiction: Poetic Style ‘Goodnight Stroud’ by Pie Corbett ‘Last Night, I Saw the City Breathing’ by Andrew Fusek Peters. Children study two poems about cities focusing on strong imagery, rich vocabulary and use of powerful personification. They then compose their own free verse poem. Non fiction: Persuasive writing – ‘Meet the Monster!’ and ‘Meet the Future!’ Children write a persuasive presentation in the role of residents at a public meeting to discuss plans for building a football stadium. Maths: Measures, including problem solving Children learn to convert between different units of measure, understand and convert between metric units and common imperial units and use all four operations to solve problems involving measure (length, mass, volume and money.) Place Value Children interpret negative numbers in context, count forward and backward through zero and solve number problems involving these. Mental maths: Times tables to 12x, practise mental maths tests to be done weekly. Science: Living things and their Life Cycles Study the life cycles of mammals, amphibians, insects & birds, including some unusual examples like egg-laying mammals & marsupials. PDL: Who decides? Children are encouraged to talk about their opinion and ‘Last Night, I Saw the City Breathing’ by Andrew Fusek Peters. ‘Meet the Monster!’ ‘Meet the Future!’ UNCRC Article(s): Article 29: Your education should help you use and develop your talents and abilities. It should also help you learn to live peacefully, protect the environment and respect other people. P4C Stimuli: Should natural environments be destroyed to make way for buildings for humans? Can you only learn in a classroom? Why do people remember different things from the same experience? Key Questions: Who decides what should be the ‘Wonders of the World’? What would the world today be like without these Ancient civilizations? Class Teacher: Mrs Platt Spring 2 – 6 weeks Unit Title: The Shang Dynasty Entry point: Chinese New Year Celebration Chinese Dance workshop Exit point: Trip to the British Museum Outcome: Children develop a clear understanding of the main features of the Shang Dynasty and its impact upon our modern world. Literacy: Fiction: A story from another culture – ‘Dragon Slayer’ by Gill Howard. Children explore story structure using ‘Dragon Slayer’ (an adventure story set in China). Children look at pace and suspence and how to add excitement to their own stories. Non-fiction : Non-chronological reports – ‘The Kraken’ and ‘A Dragon Spotter’s Guide to the Chinese Lung Dragon’. Children explore the features of non-chronological reports, deconstruct texts and then write their own field guide for a dragon. Maths: Multiplication and Division Children solve problems involving multiplication and division where larger numbers are used by decomposing them into their factors. Children also recognise and use square and cubed numbers. Fractions Community/International Involvement: Parents invited in as an audience to children’s presentation on the achievements of the ancient civilizations. Children solve problems involving numbers with up to 3 decimal places, convert between fractions, decimals and percent and solve problems which require knowing percentage and decimal equivalents. Position and direction Children can identify, describe and represent the position of a shape following a reflection or translation. Mental maths: Tables up to 12x at speed. Mental maths tests weekly Science: Animals and Humans- Look at nutrition, transportation of water and nutrients in the body, and the muscle and skeleton system of humans and animals. PDL: We’re all Different Children reflect on spiritual, moral, social and cultural issues, using imagination to understand other people’s experiences. Children think about the lives of people living in other places and times, and people with different values Key Text: ‘Dragon Slayer’ by Gill Howard. ‘The Kraken’ ‘A Dragon Spotter’s Guide to the Chinese Lung Dragon’ UNCRC Article(s): Article 29: Your education should help you use and develop your talents and abilities. It should also help you learn to live peacefully, protect the environment and respect other people. P4C Stimuli: Are leaders always wise? What can other cultures teach us? Which is worse: Doing nothing or acting rashly? Key Questions: What have we learnt from the Shang Dynasty? What evidence has been found from the Shang Dynasty? What teaches us more – History or archaeology? Community/International Involvement: Chinese Dance Workshop British Museum trip explain their view, explore how the media presents information and challenge stereotypes. and customs (linked to Shang Dynasty). Art and Design/DT: Look at Art and Design/DT: To create a model of a building that could be one of the Ancient Wonders of the world. Children use inspiration from the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World to design and create their own model, explaining where it would be situated and why it would be considered such a wonder. Historical Bake Off R.E: Prayer and Reflection. Children look at Chinese artwork, dragons and patterns and create our own. R.E: The Eucharist Children look at the symbols of bread and wine within Christianity and why these are important. Outdoor Games: Multiskills – tennis skills. Using tennis racquets and balls, children learn a variety of skills linked to tennis. PE: Dance – Rock ‘n Roll important prayers within Christianity and Judaism. Children follow a sequence for a rock ‘n roll style dance and then use ideas to create their own dance in the same style. Outdoor PE: Multiskills – hockey. MFL: Children practise using Children learn to dribble and pass balls using hockey sticks. Indoor PE: Gymnastics – Shape and Balance Children learn different balances and how to link these to perform a short routine. MFL: Children learn vocabulary to do with rooms in the house, food and time and start to construct sentences relating to these. vocabulary using simple conversation. Music: (HMS) History: Shang Dynasty – An in depth study of this Ancient civilization, its main features and legacy. (Main topic) Geography: Linked to History topic of Shang Dynasty. Use mapwork skills to locate China on a map. Identify main rivers, mountains and cities. Music: (HMS) ICT: We are Artists (Fusing geometry and Art) ICT: We are cryptographers. Children Develop an appreciation of the links between geometry and art and become familiar with the tools and techniques of a vector graphics package. investigate early methods of communicating over distances, learn about two early ciphers, and consider what makes a password secure. History: Ancient Civilizations (Ancient Egypt, Sumeria, Indus Valley and Shang Dynasty) Children will compare and contrast these four Ancient Civilizations and look at the main achievements of each of these. (main topic) Geography: Map work linked to History. Identifying that the four ancient civilizations lie on the same line of latitude, what this means and what effect it had on their lives. Investigate rivers in these areas, noticing how cities were built around these and discussing why.