Annual Report on Curriculum, Instruction and Student Performance

Annual Report on Curriculum, Instruction and Achievement
District: Brewster/Round Lake Cooperated School Districts #513, 516
Schools: Round Lake High School
Brewster Elementary
1. Student Achievement Goals for Meeting State Academic Standards
GRAD Assessments Required for Graduation:
The graduating class of 2010 will be the first class required to pass the Graduation
Required Assessments for Diploma (GRAD) in order to receive a high school diploma.
These assessments measure an individual student’s performance in writing, reading, and
math. The writing test is first administered in 9th grade, reading in 10th grade, and math
in 11th grade.
There are retest opportunities available for students who do not pass these tests during
their first attempt. Remediation is also available for students that have not passed the
GRAD retests. Remediation options are available during the school day and as an after
school program. Please contact Mr. Hanson, principal for availability and times. Any
senior that entered 8th grade in 2004 or earlier will need to pass the BST (Basic Skills
Test) instead of the GRAD.
Passing the GRAD Requirement for Diploma:
Score 3 or better on Writing GRAD
Score 50 or better on Reading GRAD or Score 1050 or better on MCAII.
Score 50 or better on the Math GRAD or
Score 1150 or better on Math MCAII or
Retest 2 times and attend remediation
Graduation Requirement:
Round Lake High School is on a semester/year system with an eight-period day. For each
semester course taken and passed the student will earn .5 credit. A year long course will yield 1
credit. The students will be required to take minimum of 6, and maximum of 7, courses a
semester and if passed, the student will earn 3 or 3.5 credits; this will enable the student to earn
up to 7 credits each year.
Students who fail a required course should make arrangements for repeating the course. Failure
to make up required courses will jeopardize a student's graduation. Credits for failed elective
courses must also be made up. When students receive an incomplete grade they should see their
teacher to arrange for needed make up work. The deadline for making up an incomplete grade is
the Friday of the 2nd week of the next quarter. Incomplete grades that are not made up will result
in failure of the course and loss of credit.
Grades 9-12
English 4 credits
Social Studies 4 credits
Math 3 credits
Science 3 credits
Physical Education 1 credit
Speech ½ credit
Fine Arts (band, choir, art) 1 credit
Electives 7 ½ credits
*Students must have a total of 24 credits to graduate.
**Students requesting credits from an outside source must get pre-approval from the
State Assessments Required for Graduation:
Writing GRAD
Reading GRAD
For Seniors that entered 8th grade in 2004 or earlier:
Writing BST
Reading BST
Math BST
To request a retest, students should contact the Round Lake-Brewster High School office.
Accommodations may be available for special education students with an IEP (Individual
Education Plan) or students on a 504 plan. To request accommodations contact your student’s
case manager. To appeal the district’s response to a request for accommodations, contact Mr.
Nate Hanson at (507) 945-8123.
All State testing is done through secure procedures. Any breach in testing security should be
reported to Mr. Nate Hanson at (507) 945-8123 and MDE at
2. Results of Local Assessments
See attached documents
3. District and Site Improvement Plans
District Goals
 Improve the organizational structure that can help develop the district’s available
resources and that can provide the optimal leadership to reach goal attainment.
 Practice curriculum review to ensure meeting the state standards, which are based
on best practices, and are supported by technology, assessment, staff
development, and other district resources
 NWEA test and Study Island will continue in order to offer the school district data
on vertical growth of student.
Specific Outcomes of the goals:
 Continue using the successful Accelerated Reader, and math programs that offer
remediation opportunity for our students.
Focus on all the core areas and continue to review the curriculum.
Improve GRAD test scores by at least 5%.
Smartboards are installed in every classroom in Round Lake and Brewster.
4. Progress on Previous Improvement Plans
We are looking at how our curriculum was aligned in the past and find an effective way to track
individual student progress in intended, aligned curriculum. We also are looking at past
technology and use of technology as an instructional tool and how we can improve our overall
interaction and delivery to students.
5. Amount and Type of Revenue Attributed to Each Site
During the 08- 09 SY, the district allocated funds from Title I and Title II and used reserved staff
development dollars.
6. Advisory Committee (Curriculum) Membership (date term expires, method and
criteria used to select members, and application date)
District Advisory Committee:
K-6 Members: Tami Bohn (Kindergarten Teacher), Susan Lee (Third Grade Teacher)
7-12 Members: Mary Miller (HS Math Teacher), Katie Clarke (HS Science Teacher), Benjamin
Green (HS ALP Teacher)
School Board Members: Diane Larson, Gary Nordseth
Administration/Coordinators: Lori Vetch (Title I Coordinator/District Family Advocate), Nate
Hanson (K-12 Principal), Harold Prior (Superintendent)
This committee is a volunteer commitment. Due to the size of the district, we welcome any input
and new members. There are no set terms. If someone no longer wishes to be on the committee,
a replacement is found. At the beginning of each year, the committee seeks out new volunteers
by encouraging other parents to get involved. Announcements of these positions are made in the
annual newsletter and various school events.
Student Evaluation: An exit survey will be administered to all graduates. The survey will give
them the opportunity to report on the quality of instruction, curriculum and services, quality of
delivery, utility of facilities, and effectiveness of school administration.
Periodic Report: In the past this has been done at community meetings. We have hosted parent
involvement nights and community meetings to gather input on various topics.
Biennial Evaluation; Assessment Program: The district gives all state mandated tests (MCAs,
BSTs, GRAD). These scores are listed above. In addition to the state tests, the district has also
always given the Iowa Test of Basic Skills in the spring. The district made a change to NWEA
computer-based testing program during the 04-05 SY.
 Written objectives of the assessment program-The objectives include the use data for
decisions relating to curriculum and student progress, tracking vertical growth of
individual students (not various classes), and one piece for evaluating how our school is
 Names of tests and grade levels tested-Iowa Test of Basic Skills (03-04) and NWEA (0408). Grades assessed include grades K-10.
Use of results-ITBS has been use for limited programming decisions and for parental
information. NWEA will be used for data driven decision and results will be available to
teachers within 48 hours. The test will also help with placement of new students. These
tests will be given 2 times a year, so it is a more consistent, useful tool for teachers.
Basic Skills Reporting:
1. 9-12 enrollment for 08-09 120
2. Percent of student passing at state level:
7th grade MCA II
8th grade MCA II
9th grade GRAD Writing
(See attachments)
10th grade Writing: (See attachments)
11th grade MCA II
3. Percent passing at an individual level: 0
4. Percent passing translated tests: 0
5. Number exempt from basic tests: 0
6. From previous year’s 12th grade, the # of students denied a diploma because of not passing
the basic tests: 0
Basic Testing Administration Notification:
1. Graduation Requirement:
See p. 1 & p. 2 of this report.
2. Number of Retake Opportunities:
If a student fails the BST in the 8th grade, he/she would have 9 more testing opportunities.
These would include the regular 8th grade test date each year (February) and the summer test
date (July).
If a student fails the GRAD Writing in 10th grade, he/she would have 5 more testing
opportunities. These would include the regular 10th grade test date each year (January) and
the summer test date (July).
3. Opportunities for Remediation for Students who do not Pass
Additional coursework in concern areas can be scheduled to fit the student’s course load.
The district also offers after school remediation to student on every Tuesday and Thursday.
The district also provides summer school opportunities at our district’s ALP program.
4. Process for Seniors to Request Additional Testing or Accommodations:
If a senior is denied a diploma based on failed BST or GRAD testing, they will still be able to
take the test on the state scheduled dates. There would be no additional accommodations
unless the student was in special education. In that case they probably would have had an
individual pass score. It is the responsibility of the student to indicate if they choose to
continue to attempt to pass the test.
5. Process to Appeal District’s Response to Item #4:
Any appeal of the decision “not to graduate” must be made in writing to the Brewster/Round
Lake School Boards. Appeals must be made in a timely fashion.
6. How to Report Breaches in Test Security to District and Department:
Any concerns regarding testing procedures, test security, or testing administration need to be
brought to the attention of the district’s testing coordinator: Mr. Nate Hanson
Other Reporting Requirements:
1. Biennial Review
a. Written objectives of testing program
I. The district will comply with all state and federal testing.
II. The district will utilize the NWEA testing to see annual growth of
each student and also help with curricular alignment.
III. Test data will be utilized to improve teaching and learning.
b. Names of tests and grade levels tested
I. 11th grade-MCA GRAD-Math (State mandated)
II. 10th grade-MCA GRAD-Reading (State mandated)
10th grade-NWEA-reading, math, language usage
III. 9th grade-GRAD-Writing (State mandated)
9th grade NWEA-Reading, math, language usage
IV. 8th grade-MCA-Reading, Math, & Science (State mandated)
8th grade NWEA-Reading, Language Arts, Math, & Science (District)
V. 7th grade-MCA-Reading & Math (State mandated)
7th grade NWEA-Reading, Language Arts, Math, & Science (District)
VI. 6th grade-MCA-Reading & Math (State mandated)
6th grade-NWEA-Reading, Language Arts & Math (District)
VII. 5th grade-MCA-Reading & Math (State mandated)
5th grade-NWEA-Reading, Language Arts & Math (District)
VIII. 4th grade-MCA-Reading & Math (State mandated)
4th grade-NWEA-Reading, Language Arts & Math (District)
IX. 3rd grade-MCA-Reading & Math (State mandated)
3rd grade-NWEA-Reading, Language Arts & Math (District)
X. K-2 NWEA-Reading & Math (District)
c. Use of test results
The NWEA test results are immediate and all classroom teachers are trained in
analyzing and using these results to better their teaching and alignment of weaker
strands for the class. NWEA tests are given in the fall and the spring, so
individual growth can be monitored.
The MCAs are also reviewed annually, but because of the time involved in the
turnaround for results and because they are given at the end of the year, they are
used more for curriculum alignment versus individual attention.
d. Student achievement results compared to previous years
The district posts class MCA results annually, but we focus on individuals versus
various classes. We have a lot of mobility within our student population and we
feel the MCA scores by class do not show the individual gains that our school has
demonstrated with NWEA scores.
2. Constituent surveys reported on a periodic basis
Surveys will be reported each spring on the website
3. If a district has a site decision-making agreement, the report includes
information about the amount and type of revenue attributed to each site.
We have no such agreement.