
Student Affairs Senate
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Callen Conference Center
The Student Affairs Senate was called to order at 1:01 pm by Vice President Ben Schilling.
Roll Call
42 members present
i. Members absent at time of roll call
1. Unexcused: Patty Hawk, Caleb Armstrong, Brandon Peterson, Kellan
Approval of minutes
a. No corrections or changes to minutes from September 11th
Officer Reports
a. Parliamentarian
i. Rules
1. We must always transition from a period of clarification to a period of
2. Moving to previous question will end debate
a. This must be seconded in order for debate to end
3. It must be moved to consider a bill or resolution
4. Engage in healthy and respectful debate
5. If you have a question about procedure to not be afraid to say…
a. Point of order (and ask question) or Parliamentary inquiry (and
ask question)
ii. Speaking
1. Each senator is allowed to speak twice
2. A senator can yield their time to a member that is present for SAS but is
not a member if they desire to speak
3. Don’t speak out of turn
4. Don’t speak unless VP Schilling calls on you
5. Always stand when speaking
6. Address the question or answer to VP Schilling
a. Do not speak directly address another senator when speaking
7. When debating state whether you are for or against the bill or
resolution so there is no question as to which side you are for
b. Secretaries
i. Choosing to abstain when voting is not considered a vote for either side, but if
we need a 2/3 majority vote and you abstain, then you are essentially casting a
vote to the “nay” side
c. President
i. President Ohles dinner
1. If you have food allergies talk to Secretary Roth or President Bakken so
that we can let Rosemary Ohles know what food to prepare
Special Orders
a. 125th Anniversary Ambassadors
i. Thursday, September20th
1. 9:30 am Vision and Ventures speaker
2. 11:00 am cornerstone ceremony
a. Picnic, celebrating the laying of the cornerstone of Old Main,
All-Campus photo
i. Sports teams and sororities will be wearing the same
1. Senators—wear your senate shirt (if you have
Committee Chair nominations
a. Academic Affairs (in charge of curriculum revamp)
i. Nominations
1. Sen. Pirnie nominated Lindsey Jones
a. Lindsey Jones declined
2. Sen. Jones nominated Jordan Klimek
a. Jordan Klimek accepted
3. Sen. Storer nominated Joe Menousek
a. Joe Menousek declined
4. Point of inquiry by Sen. Pirnie
a. Can Jordan Klimek be a committee chair since he is a nonvoting
b. VP Schilling—we will be discussing this
c. Sen. Jones—voting member status does not have anything to do
with committee chair eligibility
5. Sen. Damme moved to previous question
a. Sen. Johnson seconded
6. Vote
a. Jordan Klimek will be the Academic Affairs committee chair
b. Budget (last year $220,000 was allocated to requesting student organizations on
campus, their committee approves all bills that come through senate that request
i. Nominations
1. Sen. Damme nominated Mandi Miller
ii. Discussion
1. Sen. Damme spoke in favor of Mandi Miller
2. Karri Sanderson spoke in favor of Mandi Miller
3. Sen. Damme moved to previous question
a. Sen. Menousek seconded
4. Vote
a. Mandi Miller will be the Budget committee chair
c. Campus Grounds and Security (in charge of the $50,000 Student Center revamp project)
i. Sen. Taylor nominated Andrew Reuss
ii. Sen. Damme moved to previous question
1. Sen. Jones seconded
iii. Vote
1. Andrew Reuss will be the Campus Grounds and Security committee
d. MAMV (issues of diversity on campus)
i. Sen. Jones nominated Chelsea Johnson
1. Chelsea Johnson accepted
ii. Sen. Jolliffe nominated Gabe Taylor
1. Gabe Taylor accepted
iii. Sen. Pirnie nominated Janna Driskel
1. Janna Driskel accepted
iv. Sen. Klimek rose in favor of Chelsea Johnson
v. Sen. Jones rose in favor of Chelsea Johnson
vi. Sen. Jolliffe rose in favor of Gabe Taylor
vii. Sen. Damme moved to previous question
1. Sen. Jones seconded
viii. Vote
1. Chelsea Johnson will be the committee chair
e. PRE (last year they were in charge of Wesleyan Wheels marketing, marketing all Senate)
i. Nominations
1. Sen. Damme nominated Evan Sheaff
a. Evan Sheaff accepted
2. Sen. Damme rose in favor of Evan Sheaff
3. Sen. Menousek moved to previous question
a. Sen. Mumford seconded
4. Vote
a. Evan Sheaff will be the PRE committee chair
f. Student Affairs (pertain to students directly, propose legislation to send people to
conferences, help students get what they need)
i. Nominations
1. Sen. Jones nominated Brendon Love
a. Brendon Love accepted
ii. Discussion
1. Sen. Jones rose in favor of Brendon Love
2. Sen. Jones moved to previous question
a. Sen. Boyle seconded
New Business
a. SB-1
i. Sen. Johnson moved to consider SB-1
1. Sen. Mumford seconded
ii. Period of clarification
1. Sen. Damme asked about the responsibility of the Chief of Staff
2. President Bakken
a. Will work to fix the discrepancies in language in the budget
handbook and the constitution
b. Will advocate for concerns
c. Will be given tasks with specific responsibilities
3. Sen. Jones asked if there was anything the is preventing a current
senator from being in charge of these specific responsibilities
a. VP Schilling—no
4. Sen. Pirnie asked if there was a shortcoming in SAS that caused this bill
to come about
a. VP Schilling—no
5. Sen. Damme asked why they have to be appointed
a. VP Schilling—this position is considered to be on the executive
committee so it must be appointed
6. Sen. Klimek moved to send SB-1 back to the executive committee
a. Sen. Jones seconded
7. Vote
a. SB-1 will be sent back to committee
a. Turn in green SAS Academic and Conduct Forms to Secretary Roth
b. Budget overview sessions
i. Sept. 18th at 8 pm Prairie Wolf A
ii. Sept 23rd 4 pm Prairie Wolf A
c. Student Organizations need to nominate individuals for king and queen for homecoming
i. Paperwork is due on the 24th
d. WEB
i. Friday the 20th look for more info to come!
e. GSL
i. Clearing and preparing the community garden in front of the Wesleyan Forensic
1. Meet in from of Weary at 7 am
f. Committee meetings
Adjourn at 1:50 pm