
Workshops at a glance
Enchanted Castle
Meet Dennis the Dragon
Magic Spells and Potions
My Castle Home
Invaders & Settlers
Roman Invaders meet the Celts (Castle & The Collection)
Anglo-Saxons: Pagans to Pilgrims
A Norman Castle: Power & Peasantry KS2
Magna Carta
King John on Trial drama
Magna Carta to Children's charter
Comic Strip Magna Carta
Magna Carta Wow day (Castle & Cathedral)
King John on Trial drama
Magna Carta: Power to the People?
Comic strip Magna Carta
Magna Carta Wow day (Castle & Cathedral)
My Castle Home
Under Attack!
Knight School
A Norman Castle: Power & Peasantry KS2
Medieval Mayhem! Wow Day
*A Norman Castle: Power & Peasantry KS3
*Medieval Mayhem! Wow Day
Time Travelling and Archaeology
Time Detectives: Dig it!
Time Detective: Lincoln Castle Revealed
Travel & Tourism
KS3 & 4:
Travel & Tourism: Lincoln Castle Revealed
Young Science Explorers
Victorian Prison and Crime & Punishment
Prison Escape!
Victorian Childhood: Poverty & Prison
'Lock In' Wow day
I’m a Victorian prisoner…get me out of here!
Dungeons to Dark Cells: Over 1000 years of Crime & Punishment
Early years Foundation Stage Workshops ETC8
Workshop name
Workshop introduction &detail
Pre & Post visit suggestions
Curriculum links
Meet Dennis the
Dress up like a knight or a princess from the magical world of castle
stories and meet Dennis the (small and friendly) Dragon. Take a
Castle Quest to find the dragon eggs and the best places for a
dragon den
Pre visit:
Share stories about dragons and castles in
storybooks. Download images of Lincoln Castle
from the website
Hear the story of Dennis the dragon in a real castle. Search the castle
grounds with Dennis the puppet dragon to decide where the best
places for a dragon den would be. On the quest you may collect
'dragon' eggs and gather ideas for den-making. Then create a dragon
and den using a mixture of materials
Post visit:
Make giant paper mache eggs with baby dragons
Make up a story about Dennis and Lincoln Castle
Communication &
Physical Development:
Personal, social and
emotional development
Understanding the world
Expressive art & design
Play the 'Spells and Potions' game with the giant cauldron. Touch
and smell herbs grown in a castle garden. Plant a seed to take away
Pre visit:
Show the children images of some herbs and
recipes that use them. Introduce some names of
Use storybooks to introduce the idea of spells and
Communication &
Personal, Social and
Emotional Development
Understanding the world
Magic Spells and
Children get the chance to handle and smell real herbs you might find
in a castle garden. They learn about using herbs in cooking and plant a
seed to take away. Playing the 'spells and potions' game involves
handling real foods, simple counting, dressing up and group
interaction. Includes playtime in the Early Years space
Post visit:
Use your seeds to make your own mini sensory
garden in the classroom
My Castle Home
What was it like living in a castle long ago? Find out about real
people who lived here at Lincoln Castle like Lady Nicola and William
the Knight
This workshop helps young children to imagine what it was like to live
in a castle. What did knights do after fighting off dragons? –
Celebrate!! What did people eat? What games did they play? How did
they dress? What did it sound like?
Includes a mini 'banquet' with real foods, dressing up, music & dance,
object handling, plus an optional outside tour of the castle with
'smells & sounds' pack
Introduce Lincoln Castle through images of the
site and William the Knight character.
Talk about celebrations and parties and introduce
the word 'banquet'.
Post visit:
Create a model of Lincoln Castle using junk
materials. Get the children to invent and make 3D
characters for Castle stories
Communication &
Physical Development
Personal, social and
emotional development
Understanding the world
My Castle Home
Timing: 1.5 - 2
What was it like living in a castle long ago? Find out about real
people who lived here at Lincoln Castle like Lady Nicola and William
the Knight
This workshop helps young children to imagine what it was like to live
in a castle. What did knights do after fighting off dragons? –
Celebrate! What did people eat? What games did they play? How did
they dress? What did it sound like?
Includes a mini 'banquet' with real foods, dressing up, music & dance,
handling armour and other related objects, plus an outside tour of the
castle with 'smells & sounds' pack. Children can make a
Jesters doll to take home
Young Science
Use the castle as an exciting focus for everyday materials and forces.
Pupils can enjoy handling real and replica objects and make crafts
whilst learning about science and local history.
Timing: 1.5 - 2
Young scientists can find out what a castle is made of, how heavy a
knight's armour might be and how fast an arrow fires. Investigation
through real and replica object handling. Includes a craft to take back
to school
Pre visit:
Introduce Lincoln Castle through images on the
website. Talk about the roles of a lord and lady.
Talk about celebrations and parties and introduce
the word 'banquet'
History. Find out about
the Past: significant
historical events, people
and places in their own
Post visit:
Create a model of Lincoln Castle using junk
materials. Get the children to invent and make 3D
characters for Castle stories
Look at images on Lincoln Castle website
Find out more about medieval armour and
weaponry in books or on line
Produce a chart of your findings of the visit
History: significant
historical events, people
and places in their own
Science: Everyday
materials and forces
Time Detectives Dig it!
2 Hours
Max 35 pupils
Pupils will build a chronological timeline of recent finds that reveal
the lives of people occupying the site of the castle for more than
2000 years.
Pre visit:
View images of the archaeological finds on display
at Lincoln Castle
Examine the evidence from real excavations at Lincoln Castle.
Applying hands-on archaeology with mini-digs, work out the uses and
materials of objects from long ago. Complete your archaeologists
report and materials chart to take back to school
Post visit:
Use the sketches from your archaeological report
to make a more detailed study
History. Find out about
the past significant
historical events, people
and places in their own
Science: Everyday
Key Stage Two Workshops ETC8
Roman Invaders
meet the Celts!
Learn about conflict and understanding others through this exciting
Romans and Celts workshop working across Lincoln Castle and The
Collection museum
Pre visit: Find out when and why the Romans
came to Britain and what life was like in the army.
Find out about the Celtic Corieltauvi tribe
All-day workshop
Up to two classes will be introduced to Roman and Celt characters
who promote the advantages of their own cultures – covering
housing, country & city life, religion, war, entertainment etc. at The
Post visit:
Create a drama based on your visit. Write a day
diary as if you are a Celt or Roman
10am – 2.30pm
Pagans to
2 hours
Max 35 pupils
Romans: the Roman
Empire and its impact on
Britain and: British
resistance, for example,
An exciting day at both Lincoln Castle and The Collection museum,
pupils will be in role as Romans and Celts through drama, object
handling, crafts etc. There will be a 'battle' before lunch and then
groups swap roles and venues to decide who's side they would rather
be on
When The Collection is not available we can plan a whole day at the
castle for you
How did life change when the Anglo-Saxons converted to
Christianity? How did the Saxons keep the people in check? Find out
about punishments for hair-pulling and other terrible 'crimes'
Examine evidence from the recently discovered Anglo-Scandinavian
Church, human remains and sarcophagus found on site. Take part in a
fun Saxon mini-drama of how Anglo-Saxon belief changed. Make an
Anglo-Saxon artefact to take home
Pre visit: Find out about the Anglo-Saxon
Post visit: Create a courtroom drama based on
what you have learned about Anglo-Saxon laws
Britain’s settlement by
Anglo-Saxons and Scots
Time Detectives:
Lincoln Castle
2 – 2.5 Hours
Lincoln Castle could be at the centre of your local history studies,
but this workshop also offers pupils hands-on skills-based learning
to find out about their own local history.
Pre visit:
View images the archaeological finds on display at
Lincoln Castle on the website
Work with primary sources and look at recent discoveries in
archaeology, study real documents and buildings to learn about
Lincoln Castle. Uncover secrets of the recently discovered
sarcophagus at the castle and question the evidence. Take a Time
Detective Quest around Lincoln Castle to reveal some of its Roman,
Saxon and Norman history mystery.
If you have time: make an 'artefact' to take home or take part in 'A
History of Lincoln Castle in 15 minutes' drama
Post visit:
Consider uncovering some of your own local
history using the skills you have learned in this
Make a classroom museum with your replica
Time Detectives :
Dig it!
Pupils will build a visual chronological timeline of recent finds that
reveal information of people occupying the site of the Castle for
more than 2000 years
Pre visit:
View some of the archaeological finds on display
at Lincoln Castle on the website
1.5 Hours
Examine the evidence from real excavations at Lincoln Castle. What
can archaeology can tell us about its past? Applying hands-on
archaeology with mini-digs, work out the use and material of
artefacts found the Castle. Complete your archaeologists report to
take back to school.
Post visit:
Use the sketches from your archaeological report
to make a more detailed study.
Local history, chronology.
Historical study skills.
History. Chronology.
Historical study skills
Magna Carta to
2 hours
Using exciting drama this workshop examines the relevance of the
Magna Carta today through relevant children's issues.
Pupils will take part in the 'It's not fair!' drama and debate based
around characters involved in a celebration party as a fun way to
learn about the importance of rights and responsibilities.
Pupils will take a guided tour of the David PJ Ross Magna Carta vault
and cinematic experience. Includes an optional manuscript craft
activity to take home. Includes a visit to the David PJ Ross Magna
Carta Vault
Comic Strip
Magna Carta
2 hours
Max 35 pupils
Create a continuous 'comic strip' of the story behind Magna Carta.
Learn how the document was made
Visit Magna Carta vault then create a 'Bayeux Tapestry' –style
storyboard version of the Magna Carta film. Learn how the document
was made, and have a go at writing manuscript with medieval –style
pen and ink. Includes a visit to the David PJ Ross Magna Carta Vault.
Find out about Magna Carta on the website
Research into children's charters and look up the
definition of a charter
Post visit:
Write a Children's Charter for your class
Have a go at writing in medieval Latin
Find the Illustrated Bayeux Tapestry online
Download primary information on Magna Carta
Post visit:
Create your own storyboard classroom version of
Magna Carta
History. A study of an
aspect of history or a site
dating from a period
beyond 1066 that is
significant in the locality
understand that
everyone has human
rights, all peoples and all
societies and that
children have their own
United Nations
Declaration of the Rights
of the Child
History: A study of an
aspect of history or a site
dating from a period
beyond 1066 that is
significant in the locality
Art & Design: improve
mastery of art and design
techniques, including
drawing, painting and
sculpture with a range of
materials [for example,
pencil, charcoal, paint,
Magna Carta
Drama: King John
on Trial
The events surrounding Magna Carta involve history mystery
solving. Why did King John agree to, and then reject Magna Carta?
Just how 'bad' was King John? This fun drama workshop looks at
some of the issues in detail.
2 hours
Examine the evidence. Re-enact the scenes at Runnymede. Follow up
with medieval-style trial of King John and the rebellious rebels.
Includes a visit to the David PJ Ross Magna Carta Vault
Max 35 pupils
Magna Carta
(limited dates,
book early!)
10am – 2.30pm
Immerse yourself into the drama and conflict surrounding the
sealing of Magna Carta in this inspiring Lincoln Castle full day
workshop. For 2 classes or more.
Enjoy a whole day of Magna Carta related hands-on, fun activities.
View the actual document together with the lesser known, but highly
significant Charter of the Forest. Includes 'King John on Trial' drama &
dressing-up, arts & crafts. Includes a visit to the David PJ Ross Magna
Carta Vault
Pre visit:
Find out about Magna Carta on the website
Post visit:
Re-enact the King John drama at school
History: A study of an
aspect of history or a site
dating from a period
beyond 1066 that is
significant in the locality.
understand that
everyone has human
rights, all peoples and all
societies and that
children have their own
United Nations
Declaration of the Rights
of the Child
Pre visit:
Find out about Magna Carta on the website
Post visit:
Re-enact the King John drama at school
History: a study over time
tracing how several
aspects of national
history are reflected in
the locality (this can go
beyond 1066). A study of
an aspect of history or a
site dating from a period
beyond 1066 that is
significant in the locality
PSHE: to understand that
everyone has human
rights, all peoples and all
societies and that
children have their own
United Nations
Declaration of the Rights
of the Child
Prison Escape!
1.5 – 2.5 hours
Find out about the incredible story of Joseph Ralph who was
imprisoned at Lincoln Castle gaol and escaped twice using amazing
escape tactics.
Pre visit:
Download information about the Joseph Ralph
Play 'Escape from Lincoln Castle' game as you hunt for hidden objects
in the Victorian cells. This workshop includes a costumed tour of the
Victorian male prison and an encounter in the 'Joseph Ralph' cell.
Post visit:
Compare Victorian prison life to modern prisons
From the description of Joseph Ralph, paint his
portrait – this could be part of a 'Wanted' poster.
The winning team will explain their findings on how Joseph escaped.
They will find out what ultimately happened to Joseph. What if he had
better life chances - would he still have turned to a life of crime?
Take part in the 'Trial of Joseph Ralph' or make a relevant object to
take home
Poverty & Prison
Which was worse for Victorian children? – being in prison or out on
the street? You decide in this immersive visit to the Castle's
Victorian prison and (optional) visit to Museum of Lincolnshire Life
Dressed as Victorian prisoners, pupils will do ‘time’ in the prison with
the governor and matron watching over them. They will find out
about an average day in a Victorian prison, including chores, worship
and real prison food. Includes a take away sewing craft.
Pre visit:
Download information about the John Cook case
Post visit:
Write a diary account of your experience in
Victorian gaol
History: a local study:
Crime & punishment
a study over time tracing
how several aspects of
national history are
reflected in the locality
(this can go beyond 1066)
A study of an aspect of
history or a site dating
from a period beyond
1066 that is significant in
the locality
History: a local study:
Crime & punishment
a study over time tracing
how several aspects of
national history are
reflected in the locality
(this can go beyond 1066)
A study of an aspect of
history or a site dating
from a period beyond
1066 that is significant in
the locality
Lock in! WOW
10am -2.30pm
Spend a ‘miserable’ day as a Victorian prisoner. Or try being the
governor or matron in charge. What will you eat? How dark is the
punishment cell? What are your chores and education like?
Fun for 2 classes or more
Visit the unique prison chapel, learn your three R's in 'Sermons &
schooling', find out the Victorian 'cure' for fever in 'sickness &
surgery', and taste just how bad prison food was in 'diet & dining'.
Meet some of the real prisoners in the digital interpretation cells.
Pre visit: Find out about the Separate system
before you visit
Post Visit: Write a diary account of your life inside
the Victorian gaol, either as a governor or matron
in charge, or as one of the prisoners you heard
about during your visit
History: a local study:
Crime & punishment
a study over time tracing
how several aspects of
national history are
reflected in the locality
(this can go beyond 1066)
A study of an aspect of
history or a site dating
from a period beyond
1066 that is significant in
the locality
Under Attack!
2 Hours
Find out how Lincoln Castle was defended and attacked through Pre visit:
battles during the Middle Ages, with a focus on Battle of Lincoln Fair Download some of the prisoner records of Lincoln
in 1217, which significantly influenced British history and the Castle
Post visit:
Using their 'Under Attack' pack, in two groups, French Attackers and
Create a drama based on your experience of the
Royalist Defenders - pupils will work out a winning strategy as the
battle re-enactment at Lincoln Castle
enemy looking for the weak points of the Castle’s defence, or defend
the Castle against enemy attack. Take part in the drama re-enactment
of the Battle of Lincoln 1217
History. A study of an
aspect of history or a site
dating from a period
beyond 1066 that is
significant in the locality
Knight School
1.5 Hours
Find out how tough knight training was and some of the surprising
duties you would have to undertake.
Pre visit:
Download information on the Battle of Lincoln
1217 and William Marshal and Nichola de le Haye
Do the Medieval Weaponry quiz
History. A study of an
aspect of history or a site
dating from a period
beyond 1066 that is
significant in the locality
Learn about the Norman Invasion and castle construction here at
Lincoln castle. What still remains of the original building? Why was
it built here? Who built it? Take the tour to ask 'William' himself.
Research into motte and bailey castles. Prepare
questions for William the Conqueror tour.
Pupils will take a 'William the Conqueror ' tour of the castle. Examine
plans and drawings from the past to reveal what has changed over
time. They will get the chance to examine replica armour and
weaponry, try on bespoke medieval clothing and handle real objects.
Make a mini Norman archway from clay to take back to school
Post visit:
Build a model of other areas of the castle based
on images/drawings from the website
History. A study of an
aspect of history or a site
dating from a period
beyond 1066 that is
significant in the locality
Join knight school in a real castle and participate in a range of duties
from battle training to serving the banquet to the lord and lady.' Meet
one of the most renowned knights in British history – William
Marshal, who fought at the Battle of Lincoln Fair in 1217. Includes a
Post visit:
take away craft
Design a list of table manners on a medieval style
Join together with 'Under Attack! And make a day of it!
A Norman Castle:
Power and
2 hours
Medieval Day in
the Life of a
Castle ‘WOW’
Enjoy an amazing, immersive day at Lincoln Castle including Pre-visit:
dressing-up, handle replica armour and weaponry, eat like a King Look at the Lincoln Castle website for information
and more in this exciting WOW day for 2 classes or more.
about its history. Research into Norman castles.
Learn medieval music & dance, how to train as a knight, battle skills,
banqueting and more in this immersive medieval fun fest
Post visit:
Demonstrate your new dancing or battle skills to
your school. Cook a banquet dish based on a
medieval recipe
I'm a Victorian
Prisoner… Get
me out of here!
1.5 – 2.5 hours
Find out about the incredible story of Joseph Ralph who was
imprisoned at Lincoln Castle gaol and escaped twice using amazing
escape tactics.
Pre visit:
Download information about the Joseph Ralph
Play 'Escape from Lincoln Castle' game as you hunt for hidden objects
in the Victorian cells. This workshop includes a costumed tour of the
Victorian male prison and an encounter in the 'Joseph Ralph' cell
Post visit:
Compare Victorian prison life to modern prisons
From the description of Joseph Ralph, paint his
portrait – this could be part of a 'Wanted' poster
The winning team will explain their findings on how Joseph escaped.
They will find out what ultimately happened to Joseph. What if he had
better life chances - would he still have turned to a life of crime?
Take part in the 'Trial of Joseph Ralph' or make a relevant object to
take home
History. A study of an
aspect of history or a site
dating from a period
beyond 1066 that is
significant in the locality
History. ideas, political
power, industry and
empire: Britain, 17451901 Britain as the first
industrial nation – the
impact on society
Dungeons to
Dark Cells: 1000
years of Crime
and Punishment
2 hours
Prisoners have been held at Lincoln Castle since its construction in
1068. This workshop looks at how trial, imprisonment and
punishment have changed over time.
Using a wealth of original sources, examine the chronology of crime
and punishments at Lincoln Castle from medieval to Victorian times.
Have a go at the 'Crime, Punishment, Prisoner' quiz
Pre visit:
Look at Victorian prison regimes
Post visit:
Create a drama based on your experience in
Lincoln Castle prison
Includes a first person tour of the Victorian prison and Cobb Hall.
Learn about actual prisoners and what happened to them. Includes a
visit to the 'dark cell' for those who dare!
A Norman Castle:
Power and
2 hours
Learn about the how Norman Invasion affected Lincoln. Find
answers to the questions: Who built Lincoln Castle, how and why?
What evidence remains of its original construction?
Pupils will examine plans and drawings from the past take a detailed
tour of the castle. They will get the chance to examine replica armour
and weaponry, try on bespoke medieval clothing and handle real
objects. Optional craft activity or a mini-drama ‘Lincoln Castle History
in 15 minutes’.
Join together with 'Under Attack!' and make a day of it
Research into motte and bailey castles.
Post visit:
In D&T, construct a detailed model based on early
plans of Lincoln Castle
History. the development
of Church, state and
society in Medieval
Britain 1066-1509: the
Norman Conquest , ideas,
political power, industry
and empire: Britain,
1745-1901 Britain as the
first industrial nation –
the impact on society
History. the development
of Church, state and
society in Medieval
Britain 1066-1509: the
Norman Conquest
Under Attack!
Find out how Lincoln Castle was defended and attacked through Pre visit:
battles during the Middle Ages, with a focus on Battle of Lincoln Fair Download information about the Battle of Lincoln
in 1217, which significantly influenced British history.
1217 and William Marshal and Nicola de la Haye
Using their 'Under Attack' pack, in two groups, French Attackers and
Royalist Defenders - pupils will work out a winning strategy as the
enemy looking for the weak points of the Castle’s defence, or defend
the Castle against enemy attack.
History. the development
of Church, state and
society in Medieval
Britain 1066-1509: the
Norman Conquest
Post visit:
Make a computer animation of your battle of
Lincoln Fair. Act out the strategy you completed
as a drama
Join together with ‘A Norman Castle: Power & Peasantry’' and make a
day of it
Medieval Day in
the Life of a
Castle ‘WOW’
10am -2.30pm
Enjoy an amazing, immersive day at Lincoln Castle including Pre-visit:
dressing-up, handle replica armour and weaponry, eat like a King Look at the Lincoln Castle website for information
and more in this exciting WOW day for 2 classes or more.
about its history. Research into Norman castles.
Learn medieval music & dance, how to train as a knight, battle skills,
banqueting and more in this immersive medieval fun fest
Post visit:
Demonstrate your new dancing or battle skills to
your school. Cook a banquet dish based on a
medieval recipe
History. the development
of Church, state and
society in Medieval
Britain 1066-1509: the
struggle between Church
and crown, Magna Carta
and the emergence of
Magna Carta
Drama: King John
on Trial
The events surrounding Magna Carta involves debunking the myths.
Why did King John agree to, and then reject Magna Carta? What is
significant about Charter of the forest? This workshop looks at some
of the issues and interpretation in detail.
Pre visit:
Find out about the Magna Carta on the website
Post visit:
Re-enact the King John drama at school
History. Development of
Church, state and society
in medieval Britain
Magna Carta and the
emergence of Parliament
Examine the evidence we have available. Re-enact the scenes at
Runnymede. Follow up with medieval-style trial of King John and the
Rebels. Includes a visit to the Magna Carta vault
Comic strip
Magna Carta
Create a continuous 'comic strip' of the story behind Magna Carta.
Learn how the document was made
Visit the vault then create a 'Bayeux Tapestry' –style storyboard
version of the Magna Carta film. Learn how the document was made,
and try writing manuscript with medieval -style quill and ink. Includes
a visit to the David PJ Ross Magna Carta Vault
Study at images of the Bayeux Tapestry online.
Visit Magna carta cinematic experience at Lincoln
Post visit:
Complete your artwork decorated with
manuscript and gold leaf
Art & Design
History: Development of
Church, state and society
in medieval Britain
Magna Carta and the
emergence of Parliament
Travel &
Lincoln Castle
KS3 & KS4
Lincoln Castle has recently undergone major conservation &
refurbishment. Lincoln Castle Revealed is the result of one of the
biggest historic building makeovers in local recent history
Visit the Lincoln Castle website to find out about
its history
This workshop and tour examines the way that primary sources (some
newly discovered) have been interpreted and, how signage and
promotional materials have contributed to Lincoln Castles’ status as a
world class heritage site and visitor attraction. Take a critical eye over
the main aspects of a visit to the castle. What would you have done
Post visit:
Create a Travel & Tourism document for Lincoln
Travel & Tourism