Taking control of your health and fitness means: 1. .

NAME:_______________________________ BLOCK:______
Top 10 Reasons to Get and Stay in Shape
 List 3 Personal Fitness, Health or Nutrition Goals you have thought about pursuing or
accomplishing & then list some benefits you may experience from such a goal?
1. ________________________________________________________________________
a. Benefits:___________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________________
a. Benefits____________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________________
a. Benefits:___________________________________________________________
Additional Thoughts or Ideas:
Chapter 1 & 2 Study Guide
NAME:_______________________________ BLOCK:______
A. Personal Fitness
Factors associated with disease, disability and premature death
B. Wellness
The capacity of the whole body to function at optimum efficiency
C. Physical Fitness
D. Health Risk Factors
A condition characterized by excessive deposits of fat on the body
E. Obesity
The way one sees oneself
F. Self-Image
Plan designed to help you select activities that will enable you to improve your lifestyle
Total commitment to living a healthy and active lifestyle
Health-related fitness standards are best described as: ______________________________________________
Testing Measures
_____Skinfold, electrical impedance, underwater weighing
_____ 1 Rep Max Lift
_____Sit and Reach
_____Sit-ups & Push Ups
_____Mile Run, pacer test, long distances
a. muscular endurance
b. muscular strength
c. flexibility
d. cardiovascular fitness
e. body composition
Definitions of the 5 Health Related Components of Fitness
 _____Ability to repeat muscle movement for a long period of time
 _____Ratio of fat to muscle, bone, and other tissue
 _____Ability of a muscle group to apply a maximal force against a
resistance one time
 _____The ability of the heart, blood, blood vessels, and the respiratory
system to supply oxygen and necessary fuel to the muscles during
physical activity
 _____Range of movement possible at various joints
a. muscular endurance
b. muscular strength
c. flexibility
d. cardiovascular fitness
e. body composition
The health-related components of physical fitness are most associated with:_____________________________
Health and fitness are directly related!
Chapter 3: GOAL SETTING - Study Guide
Teen years could be best defined as a time when:____________________________________________________________________
A good change that may occur during your teen years:________________________________________________________________
Taking control of your health and fitness means: 1.________________________________2._________________________________
Goal setting is easily described as a process that: ____________________________________________________________________
A goal that takes months or even years to reach is a (Long / Short) term goal? All Goals are fueled by a desire to improve or achieve!
Set SMART GOALS:S:_______________ M:_______________ A:________________ R:________________ T: :_______________
Steps in the goal setting process include: 1._______________________________ 2.
3._______________________________ 4. _______________________________ 5.
6._______________________________ 7. _______________________________ 8.
9._______________________________ 10. _______________________________ 11.
setting goals, you should consider these 3 main things every time:
2. __________________________________
3. ______________________________
___________________________ 13. Many
others can be included………..
Using a time line in the goal setting process will:
1. ____________________________________ 2. __________________________________ 3. ______________________________
Completing a self-assessment of where you are at first is very important in the goal setting process? ( True / False )
The Goal Setting Process has many steps that build off of each other as you climb the ladder to new heights – therefore the goal
setting process can be thought of as:_______________________________________________________________________________
The #1 Step in the Goal Setting Process is having some sort of ____________________ to Improve or Achieve!
You are better able to achieve your goals if you do these 3 things:
1. ____________________________________ 2. __________________________________ 3. ______________________________
Monitoring progress toward individual goals: _______________________________________________________________________
Chapter 5 Study Guide
NAME:_______________________________ BLOCK:______
 The 3 principles of training are:
o _______________________________
o _______________________________
o _______________________________
 Overload refers to:_______________________________________________________
o 3 ways you can apply the overload principle are:
 ________________________________
 ________________________________
 ________________________________
o Frequency refers to:_________________________________________________
o Intensity means:____________________________________________________
o Time relates to:_____________________________________________________
 The amount of overload at the start of an exercise program varies from individual
to individual because: ___________________________________________________
 Training Research shows as exercise intensity is increased, time should: __________
 The principle of progression states:_________________________________________
 The Principle of Specificity means:__________________________________________
Chapter 6 Study Guide
NAME:_______________________________ BLOCK:______
Flexibility is important because:
The definition of flexibility is? ________________________________________________________________________________________________
To increase flexibility, you must overload the muscle by:_______________________________________________________________________
The safest type of stretching is:______________________________ What range of time (in seconds), should a static stretch be held?__________
What type of stretching uses the body’s weight to force a muscle past the stretching point (Ex. Bouncing)?__________________ (Most Dangerous)
Muscles and other connective tissue should be stretched?
Gold Standard Minimum: FLEXIBILITY
F. requency
I. ntensity
T. ime
The intensity of stretching should be sufficient enough to feel:_____________________________________________________________________
Ballistic Stretching
Point at which two bones come together
Meaty tissue that surrounds bones
Connective tissue that anchors muscle to bone
PNF Stretching
Stretching done in a continuous, slow and controlled manner
The slow movement of a muscle to the stretching point at which it is held for an extended period of time
Partner stretching in which the body is pushed beyond its initial limit, using muscle flexion to aid the stretch
Strong fibrous tissue that stretches one bone to another
Static Stretching
Stretching that involves bobbing, bouncing or jerky movements that make use of the body’s momentum
Dynamic Stretching
Chapter 7 Study Guide
NAME:_______________________________ BLOCK:______
Define Cardiovascular Fitness?________________________________________________________________
Cardiovascular fitness involves which two main body systems?
When performing a cardiovascular workout, the guideline for your target heart rate zone is?
____-____% of max heart rate
EQUATION: 220 Minus Your Age multiplied by .6 & .9
____-____ beats per minute
To reach an adequate level of cardiovascular fitness, you should engage in aerobic activities a minimum of:
Gold Standard Minimum: CARDIOVASCULAR
F. requency
I. ntensity (%Max HR)
T. ime
A type of exercise that requires more oxygen than the cardiovascular system can supply is called:____________
A type of exercise lasting extended periods of time and requiring oxygen utilization: _____________________
List some Aerobic Activities that are most effective for achieving your Target Training Zone continuously for
the recommended 20-60 minute duration: ___________________________ ___________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________
List some good anaerobic exercises: ____________________ ____________________ __________________
Good Cardiovascular fitness activities have these in common:
 ________________________________________________
When you increase the pace / effort of your run, you are increasing which principle of Overload? ___________
Your Heart!
Your Life!
Chapter 8 Study Guide
NAME:_______________________________ BLOCK:______
Define Muscular Strength:_______________________________________________________________________________________
Define Muscular Endurance:_____________________________________________________________________________________
Shortening of a muscle during contraction
Slow Twitch
Lengthening of a muscle during contraction
Decrease in size of muscle fibers
Increase in size of muscle fibers
White muscle fibers that contract explosively
Fast Twitch
Fibers that use fuel rapidly and CAN’T continue for a long time (Anaerobic activity)
Amount of weight that an individual lifts and effort used relates to
Red muscle fibers that contract slowly
Fibers that use fuel slowly and CAN continue for a long time (Aerobic activity)
Muscle fiber that contributes most to muscular endurance? _________________________ Color: __________ Anaerobic / Aerobic
Muscle fiber that contributes most to muscular strength? _________________________ Color: __________ Anaerobic / Aerobic
Define Isometric Exercise:_______________________________________________________________________________________
Define Isokinetic Exercise:_______________________________________________________________________________________
Define Isotonic Exercise:________________________________________________________________________________________
Gold Standard for Strength is: _____-_____ REPS or _____-_____ % MAX
Endurance is: _____-_____ REPS or _____-_____ % MAX
Gold Standard Minimum: MUSCLE FITNESS
F. requency
I. ntensity
T. ime
← See % MAX 4 each
A group of repeated movements performed continuously with a given weight load is known as a:_____________________________
Number of times an exercise is performed within each set is known as a:_________________________________________________
Weight Training Myths?
Muscular Endurance Training should involve _____________ Weight / Intensity ______________Reps or Time
Muscular Strength Training should involve _____________ Weight / Intensity ______________Reps or Time
Chapter 10 Study Guide
NAME:_______________________________ BLOCK:______
List 3 major health hazards related to excessive body fat: ______________________________________________________________________
Define Body Composition:_________________________________________________________________________________________________
Define Lean Body Mass:___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Define Ideal body weight:__________________________________________________________________________________________________
Average Body Fat Percentages for teenagers: ____-____% for Males
____-____% for Females
Creeping obesity is best described as:________________________________________________________________________________________
There are ___________ calories in 1 pound = To lose 1 pound per week we must Burn ______ more calories each day than we consume?
To lose body fat, a person must: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
This can be accomplished in 3 ways: ________________________________________________________________________________
What is the advantage of combining increased physical activity with proper nutrition in long term weight control and general fitness?
Which activities are greatest for weight loss:
Which is more important – your weight or your body composition? Explain:______________________________________________________
Chapter 13 & 14 Study Guide
NAME:___________________________ BLOCK:_____
What Health Needs should be considered before building your personal fitness program?
Designing a Personal Fitness Plan involves 5 Main Steps:
List 4 major considerations before selecting Fitness Activities for your Personal Fitness Plan:
A major key to developing a SUCCESSFUL Personal Fitness Program
is designing a program that is right for YOU!