SEGC 6000 Differentiated Instruction Weekly Report Teacher

SEGC 6000
Differentiated Instruction Weekly Report
Teacher: __Berniece Taylor_ Week of (Dates): Nov-5-Nov 9
[ Step 1] Instructional Objective(s)/Learning Goals:
The objective is to help students gain a better understanding of reading identifying the
point of view. The goal is to improve student’s comprehension in reading.
Attach or describe each assessment of these objectives and how student performance was
measured (percentage correct, rating using rubric, observation format, etc.). You need to
describe each assessment you use: the pre-test, formative assessments, and the post-test.
Each group will be able to identify the point of view. Students will go through lessons
about the different points of views: first person, second person and third person.
Remember, if you have identified learning goals for the week, they should all be
addressed in the pre-test and post-test, otherwise you will not be able to tell if the
students made progress on the goals (or if the pre-test identifies that a student has
already met a goal, you will need to provide a higher level or different goal for the
Student A
Objective/Goal: The
student will be able
to identify the point
of view through
reading a passage.
Student B
Objective/Goal: The
student will be able
to identify the point
of view through
reading a passage.
Describe Pre-test for Describe
this Objective/Goal Summative
Assessment for this
Worksheet with
One on one-his
multiple choice
sheet will multiple
answers explaining
choice answers and
to student the
student will answer
meaning of point of verbally.
3 questions
3 questions with a
answering verbally
criteria of 2/3
with a criteria of 2/3
Small group –read
Worksheet with
story and answer
multiple choice
verbally to the
answers explaining
questions of what
to student the
the meanings of
meaning of point of point of views are
and the difference of
the point of views
student will answer between 1st, 2nd, and
verbally 5 questions 3rd.
Describe Post-test
for this
Worksheet with
short story. Student
will identify point of
view and tell what
point of view is
5 questions with a
criteria of 3/5.
Worksheet with
short story. Student
will identify point of
view and tell what
point of view is
Student will identify
point of view
questions from the
identifying point of
Student C
Objective/Goal: The
student will be able
to identify the point
of view through
reading a passage.
Worksheet with
multiple choice
answers explaining
to student the
meaning of point of
10 questions with a
criteria of 8/10
Student D
Objective/Goal: The
student will be able
to identify the point
of view through
reading a passage.
Worksheet with
multiple choice
answers explaining
to student the
meaning of point of
10 questions
Student E
Objective/Goal: The
student will be able
to identify the point
of view through
reading a passage.
Worksheet with
multiple choice
answers explaining
to student the
meaning of point of
10 questions
Student will answer
8 questions
regarding point of
view with a partner
with a criteria of 5/8
Small group –read
story and answer
verbally to the
questions of what
the meanings of
point of views are
and the difference of
the point of views
between 1st, 2nd, and
Small group will
have questions
about point of view
with criteria of 8/10
Small group –read
story and answer
verbally to the
questions of what
the meanings of
point of views are
and the difference of
the point of views
between 1st, 2nd, and
Small group –read
story and answer
verbally to the
questions of what
the meanings of
point of views are
and the difference of
the point of views
between 1st, 2nd, and
story getting 5/8
Worksheet with
short story. Student
will identify point of
view and tell what
point of view is
Criteria 8/10
questions on point
of view.
Worksheet with
short story. Student
will identify point of
view and tell what
point of view is
Criteria 8/10
questions on point
of view.
Worksheet with
short story. Student
will identify point of
view and tell what
point of view is
Criteria 8/10
questions on point
of view.
Any other information related to student assessments (accommodations, modifications,
etc.): Students A will have an extra five minutes on his test and it will be read to him.
Student A & B will give his/her answers verbally to partner/parapro/teacher. Student A
answers need to be verbalized as he tends to not stay focused and wanders off in a
different world.
For each assessment, you will provide each student’s performance on the assessment in
the matrix below. Be sure to describe the rating/scoring of the assessment so that it is
clear how each student performed.
[ Step 2] All Students’ Performances in the Instructional Period
Use whatever
criteria for success –
usually at least 80%
[ Step 3 ] Reflection on each student’s performance: discuss differences in performance
and why this may have occurred. Was the student were unsuccessful or successful on the
assessment or assessments? Discuss how the differentiated instruction strategies you
used may have helped the student, or how the strategies can be changed.
Students C, D, and E all improved. They enjoyed the small grouping where they are able
to read to each other and follow along with the tape. Students are able to tell the point of
view as they listen from chapter to chapter.
Student A continues to be easily distracted by whatever it is he is thinking about.
Occasionally, he blurts out words that don’t have anything to do with what he is working
on. The teacher and/or para should verbally attain his answers. It continues to be
necessary to read to student as this is best way to get him to complete his assignments
and being successful in class.
[Step 4] List the differentiated instruction strategies you used for each student this week
in the first column and the strategies you plan on using next week in the second column.
The choices for next week should reflect the performance of the student this week (i.e.
don’t pick a strategy that was unsuccessful this week to repeat next week unless you have
a supportable reason).
This Week’s Strategies by
DI Area (content, process,
product, learning
One on one
environment; extra time for
tests/product; give student a
few items at a time.
Next Week’s Strategies by
DI Area (content, process,
product, learning
Small group
environment; extra time for
tests/product; do interest
survey – student will go
through the Fry or Dolch
sight word list and identify
the objects shown in the
Have visual
organize content; use
vocabulary development
that includes parts of
speech, context clues as
well as multiple meanings
of words. Student will be
able to determine the
reading comprehension of
the story that was read in
the group using the different
points of views.
Small group
environment; read with
group and determine the
point of view.
Small group
environment; read with
group and determine the
point of view.
Have visual
organize content; use
vocabulary development
that includes parts of
speech, context clues as
well as multiple meanings
of words. Student will be
able to determine the
reading comprehension of
the story that was read in
the group using the different
points of views.
Small group
Have visual
environment; read with
group and determine the
point of view.
organize content; use
vocabulary development
that includes parts of
speech, context clues as
well as multiple meanings
of words. Student will be
able to determine the
reading comprehension of
the story that was read in
the group using the different
points of views.
Small group
environment; read with
group and determine the
point of view.
Have visual
organize content; use
vocabulary development
that includes parts of
speech, context clues as
well as multiple meanings
of words. Student will be
able to determine the
reading comprehension of
the story that was read in
the group using the different
points of views.
[ Step 5] Describe the instructional activities you will implement in the upcoming week
so that all students achieve the new week’s instructional objective. Students will
complete word problems using the 1-12 times tables.
Next Week’s Instructional Objective/Learning Goal (if a student did not meet this
week’s objective/goal, describe how you will address that goal next week):
Students will accurately answer word questions identifying the points of view in the
Student A did not meet last week’s goal, so his goal will be repeated this week. He will
continue to work one on one with the teacher or para in order to assist student in being
successful in class. If the formative assessment does not show performance at 80%, other
strategies will be used the rest of the week.
Instructional activities (Briefly describe each day’s activity):
Instructional Activities
Specific differentiated
instructional activities for
targeted students
Mazes and Cloze procedures;
B,C, D and E students will
group separation into five groups. continue to identify the main idea
Students will answer questions
in order to determine if student is
from their booklets about the book understanding what the point of
for their group learning to identify view is and how to identify it.
point of view.
All students will be able to learn
Students grouped for reading
what the points of view are in the
understanding. Students will find
stories that they are reading
the point of view for each group.
Formative Assessment:
Comprehension and Fluency
Assessments given to show
Students will continue in groups
as stated above and will go
through reading comprehension
and content reading for each of
their groups find the point of
view for each group.
Probes for grade level and then
probes for appropriate levels will
be administered.
All five students participate in
homogeneous groups. Student A
will have sight words and identify
them randomly.
Student B will be able to dictate
his problems
Make certain that the assessments for next week reflect the instructional
objectives/learning goals you have identified for next week.