Registration Form - Studio One Dance

Studio One Dance - Student Enrollment Form
25587 Conifer Rd., Conifer CO 80433
Student Name: __________________________________________________ DOB:____________________________
Address __________________________________________________________________ Home Phone: ________________________
Mailing address if different: ______________________________________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian: ___________________________________Cell #_______________________Work#_________________________
Parent Email _________________________________________ (this is how we send information, snow cancellation notices, etc.)
Emergency Contact(s) & Phone: _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Student Medical Conditions we should be aware of: __________________________________________________________________________
Please read the following before initialing & signing where indicated.
Tuition Policy
The following fees are due at sign up: Registration, August Tuition pro-rated to two weeks, and September Tuition.
A full months tuition is due Sept.-May. August tuition is pro-rated based on session start date, June tuition due for 3/4 of month with recital
being held on the second weekend in June: if the recital date changes, tuition will be adjusted accordingly.
Studio One offers the following two methods of payment:
1) Auto-pay with a credit or debit card. Choose a payment date of the 1st of each month, or in advance on the 25th of
for the upcoming month.
2) Pay by check. This method requires payment due in advance by the 25th for the upcoming month. For example,
October Tuition is due by September 25th. A late fee of $15.00 will apply for any payments not received by the by last
day of the month. Note: After two late check payments, enrollment in auto pay will be required to avoid
class suspension.
Returned checks or declined payments will result in a $30.00 fee. Student accounts will be charged for any and all collection fees required to
collect unpaid account balances.
Check payments can be made at the studio or mailed to: Studio One Dance, P.O. Box. 465, Pine, CO 80470
Tuition and registration payments are non-refundable nor are credits given for student absences, holiday closings,
spring break or snow cancellations.
Holiday & Snow Closing Class Make Ups: In the event of holiday or snow closing, specific make up classes will be offered; if missed the class and
tuition is forfeited. No make ups are available for Christmas Break as these weeks are not calculated into tuition payment. Make up classes will be
offered for all other holidays and spring break.
Attendance & Absences: Students are required to attend class on consistent basis and absences kept to a minimum. In the event of occasional
absences students may take a make up in a comparable class if one is available (contact teacher for recommendation) within two weeks of
absence. If a comparable class does not exist, tuition and class are forfeited.
Additional Studio Policies
-I understand Studio One is not responsible for supervising my child before or after classes.
-Students need to arrive prepared for class accordingly to dress code and are expected to be on time. I understand it is parent responsibility to
have students adhere to this policy. Late and unprepared students need teacher permission participate. If too many warm up exercises are
missed, or student is repeatedly unprepared, they will sit out.
-Class placement is determined by instructor based on student ability and the level may change upon evaluation.
-Classes may be cancelled or combined based on enrollment or level adjustment. If class changes to time that the student is unable to attend, we
will refund any tuition that has been paid for the remaining classes,
-Dance education requires “hands on” instruction as well as verbal. Instructors will regularly correct the students by touching arms, legs, feet, hips,
back, sides of torso and head to assist them in the right position
-A positive attitude (from students and parents) and cooperation with teachers, staff, and others is necessary for participation in Studio Ones
dance program. Negative attitude or disrespectful behavior will lead to dismissal from the studio.
-Parents are responsible for any damages to the studios property (inside or out) caused by their child.
-Teachers should not be interrupted during or in- between classes for discussion – we appreciate your cooperation so that we can give full
attention to our classes. You may contact the staff by e-mail or the studio phone.
-Performances: Our studio holds an annual spring recital and participation is expected of all the students. If choosing not to have your child
participate they may need to withdraw from class if the instructor feels it will interfere consistency of class instruction.
I have read, understand, and agree to the above disclaimers, tuition, attendance & studio polices: _____(initials here)
Release of Liability and Agreement to all Studio Polices
I, _________________________________________ (print name) understand & agree that I shall not hold Studio One Dance Studio, its staff, assistants,
independent contractors or volunteers responsible in any way for injury or accident which may occur to my child/self during classes or any function
at said studio or performance. I understand dance training is strenuous and physically demanding endeavor and my child/self has no physical or
medical limitations that would hinder pursuit of this program. I also recognize the inherent dangers associated with dance training and release and
absolve Studio One, its staff, assistants, independent contractors or volunteers from any claims and causes of action arising out of their instruction. I
PARENT SIGNATURE: ___________________________________ DATE: ____________ STUDENT NAME: _____________________________________
Parent Copy of Studio Policies
Tuition Policy
The following fees are due at sign up: Registration, August Tuition pro-rated to two weeks, and September Tuition.
A full months tuition is due Sept.-May. August tuition is pro-rated based on session start date, June tuition due for 3/4 of
month with recital being held on the second weekend in June: if the recital date changes, tuition will be adjusted
Studio One offers the following two methods of payment:
1) Auto-pay with a credit or debit card. Choose a payment date of the 1 st of each month, or in advance on the 25th of
for the upcoming month.
2) Pay by check. This method requires payment due in advance by the 25th for the upcoming month. For example,
October Tuition is due by September 25th. A late fee of $15.00 will apply for any payments not received by the by last
day of the month. Note: After two late check payments, enrollment in auto pay will be required to avoid
class suspension.
Returned checks or declined payments will result in a $30.00 fee. Student accounts will be charged for any and all collection fees
required to collect unpaid account balances.
Check payments can be made at the studio or mailed to: Studio One Dance, P.O. Box. 465, Pine, CO 80470
Tuition and registration payments are non-refundable nor are credits given for student absences, holiday closings,
spring break or snow cancellations.
Holiday & Snow Closing Class Make Ups: In the event of holiday or snow closing, specific make up classes will be
offered; if missed the class and tuition is forfeited. No make ups are available for Christmas Break as these weeks are
not calculated into tuition payment. Make up classes will be offered for all other holidays and spring break.
Attendance & Absences: Students are required to attend class on consistent basis and absences kept to a minimum.
In the event of occasional absences students may take a make up in a comparable class if one is available (contact
teacher for recommendation) within two weeks of absence. If a comparable class does not exist, tuition and class
are forfeited.
Additional Studio Policies
-I understand Studio One is not responsible for supervising my child before or after classes.
-Students need to arrive prepared for class accordingly to dress code and are expected to be on time. I understand
it is parent responsibility to have students adhere to this policy. Late and unprepared students need teacher
permission participate. If too many warm up exercises are missed, or student is repeatedly unprepared, they will sit
-Class placement is determined by instructor based on student ability and the level may change upon evaluation.
-Classes may be cancelled or combined based on enrollment or level adjustment. If class changes to time that the
student is unable to attend, we will refund any tuition that has been paid for the remaining classes,
-Dance education requires “hands on” instruction as well as verbal. Instructors will regularly correct the students by
touching arms, legs, feet, hips, back, sides of torso and head to assist them in the right position
-A positive attitude (from students and parents) and cooperation with teachers, staff, and others is necessary for
participation in Studio Ones dance program. Negative attitude or disrespectful behavior will lead to dismissal from
the studio.
-Parents are responsible for any damages to the studios property (inside or out) caused by their child.
-Teachers should not be interrupted during or in- between classes for discussion – we appreciate your cooperation so
that we can give full attention to our classes. You may contact the staff by e-mail or the studio phone.
-Performances: Our studio holds an annual spring recital and participation is expected of all the students. If choosing
not to have your child participate they may need to withdraw from class if the instructor feels it will interfere
consistency of class instruction.
I have read, understand, and agree to the above disclaimers, tuition, attendance & studio polices: _____(initials here)
Release of Liability and Agreement to all Studio Polices
I, _________________________________________ (print name) understand & agree that I shall not hold Studio One Dance
Studio, its staff, assistants, independent contractors or volunteers responsible in any way for injury or accident which
may occur to my child/self during classes or any function at said studio or performance. I understand dance training
is strenuous and physically demanding endeavor and my child/self has no physical or medical limitations that would
hinder pursuit of this program. I also recognize the inherent dangers associated with dance training and release and
absolve Studio One, its staff, assistants, independent contractors or volunteers from any claims and causes of action
PARENT SIGNATURE: _______(copy)____________________________ DATE: ____________ STUDENT NAME: (copy)