Training and Assessment Strategies (TAAS)

Training and Assessment Strategy (TAAS)
Section 1.0 – Workforce Sector Details
Workforce Sector group:
Foundation Programs – Migrant Education
Workforce Sector Leader name/s:
Alison Horch
Learning Leader/s name:
Vicki Walker
Section 2.0 –Qualification / Accredited Course Structure
Program name
Action on Health
Code and title of
10089NAT Certificate II in Skills for Work & Training (Version 1,
qualification / unit(s) / November 2011), Expiry Date 31/12/2016
accredited course
accredited course
To be awarded the Certificate II in Skills for Work and Training competency
must be achieved in 270 – 340 hours of units of competency as follows.
 1 core unit of competency from Group I (20 hours)
 At least 250 hours of elective units as specified below:
Must include at least 170 hours of elective units from Group 2 – AEET
Framework Units of Competency as follows:
o must include at least 130 hours from Subgroup 2 - AEET Level 2
o balance in hours (0-40) hours of AEET elective units may be
chosen from Subgroup 1 – AEET Level 2 Units and/or Subgroup 2
AEET Level 1 and Level 3 Units.
The balance in hours of total elective units (0-80 hours) may be
chosen from Group 2 – Subgroup 1 – AEET Level 2 Units and/pr
Group 3 Training Package Units of Competency.
The Polytechnic Action on Health program offers the following units:
Core Compulsory Unit
Unit Code
Unit Name
Demonstrate interpersonal
communication skills
Group 2 AEET Framework Units of Competency
Subgroup 1 AEET Level 2 Units of Competency
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Unit Name
Use intercultural communication
Read and respond to English texts in
the workplace
Use English to write workplace texts
Operate in a diverse study
Identify ethical issues in the
Listen and respond in a range of
Use calculations in routine contexts
Speak effectively in a range of
Deliver an informal presentation
Engage with a socially diverse
environment in a range of diverse
Total Subgroup 1 AEET Level 2 Units of Competency Hrs
Unit Code
The Polytechnic has determined that the units listed above will be offered in the
delivery of this course.
The structure of this course does allow for flexibility in the selection of electives
(see the Course Curriculum which lists these in full). In cases where the program
structure is modified the Learning Leader is required to approve changes to
ensure that the Polytechnic has the required resources/equipment and
vocationally competent teachers to deliver units other than those listed in this
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All students undertaking the Action on Health course may use this
program of study to support a recognition pathway for the Certificate III
in Spoken and Written English (91423NSW). Students can apply to be
awarded the modules CSWEIIIE (intermediate listening and speaking skills
for presenting information) and CSWEIIIR (Intermediate numeracy skills
for multiple-step calculations and measurements in everyday contexts) via
recognition based on work completed in Action on Health.
As the core unit CSWEIIIA (Intermediate Learning Strategies) of this
qualification is not available via recognition, students will be co-enrolled
and assessed in this unit.
Program duration
The course is delivered full time with 16 contact hours per week over a period
of 15 weeks.
Program location
Tasmanian Polytechnic, Paterson Street Campus
Section 3.0 – Clients and Support
Certificate II in Skills for Work & Training (Action on Health) is a bridging
Client group
course, designed to meet the needs of people from culturally and linguistically
diverse backgrounds wanting to access pathways to vocational and further
education in the health area such as the Certificate III in Aged Care or the
Diploma in Enrolled Nursing.
There are no formal educational requirements for entry in to the Certificate II in
Skills for Work and Training course.
Selection / entry
As part of the Polytechnic’s selection and induction processes, all students who
have expressed interest in the course are invited to the induction and enrolment
meeting, which is also publicised. At the induction meeting the group is given an
overview of the course.
As the units of competency in this qualification are generally aligned to Levels 3
and 4 of the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) applicants in general will
have English language skills at an appropriate level. Some applicants may be
continuing on from previous studies (ie may have completed Certificate I in
Spoken or Written English (91421NSW) or have equivalent level skills
demonstrated through the selection testing process.)
Support needs and
relevant services
Migrant Education employs a student counsellor to provide pathways and general
counselling to students with AMEP eligibility. Information about accessing this
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service can be obtained from the Migrant Education reception.
Additionally, the Tasmanian Polytechnic provides a range of support services
language, literacy and numeracy support
disability support
child care support
financial advice
Aboriginal and TSI support
Further information is available in the Student handbook, and Student
Information brochure, and Tasmanian Polytechnic website and intranet.
Section 4.0 – Training and Assessment Arrangements
Training delivery
Recognition is offered prior to enrolment and students are informed about this
process. Students may apply for a recognition interview if they believe they have
sufficient previous experience or skills. If they are able to demonstrate
competence and currency in a unit or units of competence they will be eligible
for recognition of prior learning.
Students who have successfully completed previous training with the Polytechnic
or another RTO and who have achieved relevant units will be eligible for credit
Learning will take place through a combination of the following approaches:
 Classroom learning for theory
 Demonstrations
 Guest speaker presentations
 Learner Guides - books to assist participants to learn
 DVDs and Videos
 Online resources
 Role plays and group work
 Practical experience –students participate as volunteers in an aged care
Additionally, teaching strategies and activities can be adapted to meet individual
learning styles and needs. Where possible, team teaching arrangements are in
place to ensure all students receive intensive support.
Please refer to the Delivery and Assessment plan and timetable for a more
detailed outline of the course delivery and assessment schedule and information
relating to the sequence and structure of the delivery program.
A range of assessment methods are used for each unit (or cluster of units) to
assess competence. Assessment methods used for this program include:
 Observation and demonstration
 Written and oral questioning
 Projects- group or individual
 Written assessments
 Portfolio
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Role play
Students are informed during the induction process that assessment occurs
throughout the course duration and some assessment tasks undertaken will
assess more than one unit where holistic assessments are used. The use of
holistic assessments recognises that some units are related and avoids the
unnecessary duplication of assessment.
Assessment Packages and resources have been developed to meet the
assessment requirements of each unit or cluster of units. The Assessment Plan
and Assessment Package provide information to teachers on the assessment
activities developed and supports a consistent and reliable assessment approach.
The Polytechnic has processes in place which require the systematic validation of
assessment resources.
Whilst the Polytechnic has developed Assessment Packages and resources to
ensure assessment consistency, the assessment principle of flexibility is also
applied and individual assessment plans can be negotiated with students to
ensure assessment methods suit their individual needs and learning requirements.
The assessment package for Action on Health, including the assessment schedule,
assessor and learner guides and assessment tools, is located on N drive.
There are specific evidence requirements associated with these units of
competency. For each unit of competency, refer to the assessment guidelines
and assessment packages which can be accessed on Foundations team state-wide
J Drive.
arrangements and
Assessment validation
Both pre-assessment validation of the assessment tools and process and postassessment validation are undertaken. See assessment validation schedule on N
Course evaluation
Training and assessment for this course will be evaluated and updated on an
ongoing basis and at a minimum every 12 months:
A range of feedback and evaluation activities are used and include:
- The AQTF ACER Learner questionnaire ACER
- End of unit/end of course feedback – collected by the Learning Leader
using anonymous written surveys
- Feedback will be analysed by teachers to identify recurring themes and
identify areas for improvement. Teacher feedback will be discussed at
staff meetings and documented in minutes
- Assessment validation meetings
- Polytechnic internal QA reviews/audits
- External audits
- External stakeholder feedback
- Reviews conducted by the course owner, NSW Adult Migrant English
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Actions resulting from feedback will be implemented as soon as practicable.
Successful completion of the Certificate II in Skills for Work & Training will
facilitate, although not guarantee, entry into a Health or Aged care course of
study such as, but not limited to, the Diploma of Enrolled Nursing (HLT51607)
or the Certificate III in Aged Care Work and the Certificate III in Home &
Community Care (CHC30208 & CHC30308).HLT51607.
Section 5.0 – Human and Physical Resources
Key training and
assessment staff
All trainers and assessors must meet the training and assessment and vocational
requirements specified in both the AQTF 2010 Essential Standards for
Continuing Registration which can be found at:
d%20Standards%20for%20Continuing%20Registration_8%20June_3.pdf and the
10089NAT Curriculum at
The Polytechnic has documented procedures outlining the training and
assessment and vocational competence requirements of teachers including
required arrangements for those teachers delivering training under supervision
and co-assessing. Competence is verified and documented as per the procedure
and evidence of continued development and currency is monitored. Learning
Leaders retain up to date files for each teacher.
Trainers and Assessors delivering this course are listed below:
Key Trainer(s)/Assessor(s)
Resources and
Training and
Jennifer Williamson
Suzanne Reszke
Polytechnic teachers and the Learning Leaders review all required resources,
equipment and facilities as part of the course implementation planning process.
This process ensures that the required resources and equipment are available to
deliver the units specifically selected for the Polytechnic program.
The following resources are supplied for student use:
 ESL books and materials including but not limited to:
1. Oxford English for Careers: Nursing. Tony Grice. Oxford:
Oxford University Press 2007. (class set)
2. Everyday English for Nursing: an English Language Resource for
Nurses who are Non-Native Speakers of English. Tony Grice.
Edinburgh: Elsevier, 2003
3. Aged Care in Australia. A Guide for Aged Care Workers. Dawbin,
Di. Meadowbank, N.S.W.: TAFE NSW Community Services,
Health, Tourism and Recreation Curriculum Centre, 2006
tutoring resources
on campus: teaching equipment including projectors, television,
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DVD/Video player and whiteboard, tape recorders, mp3 players
flexible learning area
computer lab
online resources
Section 6.0 - Administration
Consultation with relevant stakeholders is ongoing. The Migrant Education
consultation strategy (North) team meet regularly with the Migrant Resource Centre, Centrelink, Job
Service Agencies and other Polytechnic delivery teams to determine the training
needs of people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.
Because of a need identified through this consultation process, the Polytechnic
Health Services (North) and Community services teams and the Bhutanese
community have had significant input into this TAAS.
Teaching staff will continue to consult regularly with external stakeholders and
local service providers. These consultations assist in evaluating the course and
identifying opportunities for improvement.
Person responsible
for updating this
Jennifer Williamson
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