HAEGEUN CHUNG Department of Environmental Engineering Phone: (82) 02-450-0421 Konkuk University Seoul 143-701, Korea (82) 010-3170-9427 E-mail: hchung@konkuk.ac.kr WORK EXPERIENCE Assistant Professor, Konkuk University, Seoul, Korea. 2011-present. Research Professor, Korea University, Seoul, Korea. 2009-2011. Postdoctoral Scholar, Department of Plant Sciences, University of California, Davis, CA, USA. 2005-08. (Advisor: Dr. Johan Six) EDUCATION Ph.D., Natural Resources and Environment, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. USA. 2005. Dissertation: ‘Interactive effects of global change on soil microbial community composition and function’. (Advisor: Dr. Donald R. Zak) M.Sc., Biology Education, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea. 1999. Thesis: ‘Neuregulin induces the expression of mesodermal genes in the ectoderm of Xenopus laevis’. (Advisor: Dr. Hae-Moon Chung) B.Sc., Biology Education, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea. 1997. PUBLICATIONS 2013 1. Jin, L†, Son, Y, Yoon, T, Kang, Y, Kim, W, Chung. H*. High concentrations of single-walled carbon nanotubes lower soil enzyme activity and microbial biomass. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 88:9-15. Selected as Highlighted Article in Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2. Chung, H, Muraoka, H, Nakamura, M, Han, S, Muller, O, Son, Y. Experimental warming studies on tree species and forest ecosystems: a literature review. Journal of Plant Research 127: 447-460. 3. Pereira, E, Chung, H, Scow, K, and Six, J. Microbial communities and soil structures are affected by reduced precipitation, but not by elevated carbon dioxide. Soil Science Society of America Journal 77:482-488. 4. Park, H. Chung, H. Kim, W. Synthesis of ultrathin wurtzite ZnSe nanosheets. Materials Letters 99: 172-175. 5. Kang, Y, Chung, H, Kim, W. 1.8-V flexible supercapacitors with asymmetric configuration based on manganese oxide, carbon nanotubes, and a gel electrolyte. Syntheic Metals 166: 40-44. 6. Kim, S, Lee, J, Lee, J, Kim, S, Kim, M, Park, S, Chung, H, Kim, Y, and Kim W. Synthesis of monoclinic potassium niobate nanowires that are stable at room temperature. Journal of American Chemical Society 135: 6-9. 7. Jin, L†, Son, Y, DeForest, J, Kang, Y, Kim, W, Chung. H*. Single-walled carbon nanotubes alter soil microbial community composition. Science of the Total Environment. In press. 8. Jing, X, Wang, Y, Mi, Z, Wang, S, Zeng, H, Chung, H, and He, J. No temperature acclimation of soil extracellular enzymes to experimental warming in an alpine grassland ecosystem on the Tibetan Plateau. Biogeochemistry. In press. 2012 9. Decock, C, Chung, H, Venterea, R, Gray, S, Leakey, A, Six, J. Elevated CO2 and O3 modify N turnover rates, but not N2O emissions in a soybean agroecosystem. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 51: 104-114. 10. Noh, N, Chung, H, Ryu, S, Son, Y, Lee, S, Yoon, T, Yang, A, Kim, J. Changes in soil properties of Abies holophylla and Quercus-dominated stands 4 years after trenching. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 27: 597-604. 11. Kang, Y, Chung, H, Han, C, Kim, W. All-solid-state flexible supercapacitors based on paper coated with carbon nanotubes & ionic-liquid-based gel electrolytes. Nanotechnology 23: 065401. 12. Kim, B, Chung, H, Kim, W. High-performance supercapacitors based on vertically aligned carbon nanotubes and nonaqueous electrolytes. Nanotechnology 23: 155401. 13. Ju, Y, Kim, S, Seong, T, Nahm, S, Chung , H, Hong, K, Kim, W. Resistance random access memory based on a thin film of CdS nanocrystals prepared via colloidal synthesis. Small 8: 2849-2855. 2011 14. Chung, H*, Son, Y, Yoon, T, Kim, S, and Kim, W. The effect of multi-walled carbon nanotubes on soil microbial activity. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 74: 569-575. Selected as Highlighted Article in Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 15. Pereira, E, Chung, H, Scow, K, Sadowsky, M, van Kessel, C, and Six, J. 2011. Soil nitrogen transformations under elevated atmospheric CO2 and O3 during the soybean growing season. Environmental Pollution 159:401-407. 16. Yoon, T, Son, Y, Kim, R, Noh, N, Seo, K, Lee, S, Jo, W, Chung, H. 2011. Coarse woody debris mass dynamics in temperate natural forests of Mt. Jumbong, Korea. Journal of Ecology and Field Biology 34: 115-125. 2010 17. Chung, H*, Ngo, K†, Plante, A, and Six, J. 2010. Evidence for carbon saturation in a highly-structured and organic matter-rich soil. Soil Science Society of America Journal 74:130-138. 18. Ku, K, Kim, B, Chung, H, and Kim, W. Characterization of graphene-based supercapacitors fabricated on Al foils using Au or Pd thin films as interlayers. Synthetic Metals 160: 2613-2617. 19. Kang, Y, Kim, B, Chung, H, and Kim, W. Fabrication and characterization of flexible MnO2/CNT/paper supercapacitors. Synthetic Metals 160: 2510-2514. 20. Kim, B, Chung, H, and Kim, W. 2010. Supergrowth of aligned carbon nanotubes directly on carbon papers and their properties as supercapacitors. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114: 15223-15227. 21. Kim, B, Chung, H, Chu, K, Yoon, H, Lee, C, Kim, W. 2010. Synthesis of vertically-aligned carbon nanotubes on stainless steel by water-assisted chemical vapor deposition and characterization of their electrochemical properties. Synthetic Metals 160: 584-587. 2009 22. Chung, H*, Zak, D, and Reich, P. 2009. Microbial assimilation of new photosynthate is altered by plant species richness and nitrogen deposition. Biogeochemistry 94: 233-242. 23. Kim, H, Kim, B, Lee, B, Chung, H, Lee, C, Yoon, H, Kim, W. 2009. Synthesis of aligned few-walled carbon nanotubes on conductive substrates. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 113: 17983-17988. 2008 24. Chung, H*, Grove, J, and Six, J. 2008. Indications for soil C saturation in a temperate agroecosystem. Soil Science Society of America Journal 72: 1132-1139. Featured in: Soil Science Society of America News, PhysOrg News, UC Davis News, and Capital Public Radio “Insight” Program 25. Gulde, S†, Chung, H, Amelung, W. Chang, C and Six, J. 2008. Soil carbon saturation controls labile and stable carbon pool dynamics. Soil Science Society of America Journal 72: 605-612. Featured in: PhysOrg News, and UC Davis News 2007 26. Chung, H*, Zak, D, Reich, P, and Ellsworth, D. 2007. Plant species richness, elevated CO2, and atmospheric N deposition alter soil microbial community composition and function. Global Change Biology 13: 980-989. 27. Kool, D†, Chung, H, Tate, K, Ross, D, Newton, P, and Six, J. 2007. Hierarchical saturation of soil carbon pools near a natural CO2 spring. Global Change Biology 13: 1282-1293. 2006 28. Chung, H*, Zak, D, and Lilleskov, E. 2006. Fungal community composition and metabolism under elevated CO2 and O3. Oecologia 147: 143-154. Before 2006 29. Chung, H and Chung, H (Chung, Hae-Moon). 1999. Neuregulin induces the expression of mesodermal genes in the ectoderm of Xenopus laevis. Molecules and Cells 9: 497-503. * = correspondence author, † = advisees. PRESENTATIONS Invited seminars 1. Chung, H. 2012. Ecosystem functions mediated by plants and soil microorganisms under global environmental change. Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Seoul National University. Seoul, Korea. 2. Chung, H. 2011. Terrestrial ecosystem functions under elevated CO2: results from Free-Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE) and natural CO2 spring studies. The Annual Meeting of Ecological Society of Korea. Yonsei University. Seoul, Korea. 3. Chung, H. 2010. The effect of global environmental change on terrestrial ecosystem function. National Ecological Institute. Ministry of Environment. Gwacheon, Korea. 4. Chung, H. 2010. Terrestrial ecosystem functions under global environmental change. Institute of Life Sciences 30th Anniversary Symposium. Kangwon National University. Chuncheon, Korea. 5. Chung, H. 2010. Soil microbial communities under decreasing plant diversity, elevated carbon dioxide, and atmospheric nitrogen deposition. The Annual Meeting of Ecological Society of Korea. Seoul National University. Seoul, Korea. 6. Chung, H. 2010. Ecosystem functions mediated by plants and soil microorganisms under global environmental change. School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Yonsei University. Seoul, Korea. 7. Chung, H. 2010. Soil microbial communities under decreasing plant diversity, elevated CO2 and O3, and nitrogen deposition. Graduate Program in EcoScience. Ewha Womans University. Seoul, Korea. 8. Chung, H. 2009. Ecosystem functions under global environmental change. Department of Biology Education, Seoul National University. Seoul, Korea. 9. Chung, H. 2009. Terrestrial ecosystem functions under global environmental change. Division of Environmental Science and Ecological Engineering, Korea University. Seoul, Korea. 10. Chung, H. 2009. Agroecosystem functions mediated by crops, soils, and microorganisms under global environmental change. Department of Plant Science, Seoul National University. Seoul, Korea. 11. Chung, H. 2008. Effects of global environmental change on ecosystem functions mediated by plants, soils, and microorganisms. Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology. Gwangju, Korea. 12. Chung, H. 2008. The impact of global environmental change on terrestrial ecosystem functions mediated by plants, soil microorganisms, and soil structure. Department of Biological Sciences, Wright State University. Dayton, OH, USA.