LEEWARD COMMUNITY COLLEGE Associate in Arts Degree Program Sheet Effective: Fall 2014
The Associate of Arts Degree (A.A.) is awarded to students who complete the following:
1) Total of 60 semester credits.
2) At least 12 of 60 semester credits must be
earned at LCC.
3) All 60 credits must be in courses numbered 100.
4) Effective Fall 2003 forward, two writing intensive
5) Effective Fall 2006 forward, One Hawaiian, Asian, Pacific (H)
6) Cumulative grade point average (gpa) of 2.0 or higher for all
courses numbered 100 and above.
7) General education requirements, as indicated below.
courses in any discipline.
A. Foundation Written Communication (FW) 3 credits
English 100 or ESL 100/English100E
B. Foundation Symbolic Reasoning (FS) 3 credits
Information & Computer Science 141, 241
Mathematics 100, 100C 103, 112, 135, 140, 140X, 203,205
Philosophy 110
C. Global Multicultural Perspectives (FG) 6 credits
Select 1 course from 2 different groups.
GROUP A: Anth 151, Art 175, Hist 151
GROUP B: Anth 152, Art 176, Busn 277, Geog 102, Hist 152
GROUP C: Geog 151, Mus 107, Rel 150, Thea 101
A. Diversification Arts, Humanities, and Literature 6 credits total required, one course
from any two sub- categories, each course must be taken from a different discipline.
1. Diversification Arts: (DA) 3 credits
(Mainly Theory) Art 101, Digital Media 150, Music 108, 253, 281, 282,
283, 284
(Mainly Practice) Art 104, 104D, 107, 107D, 112, 113, 113D, 115,116,123
Art 202, 213, 243, 244 Dance 121, 132, HWST 160 (formerly Dance 160), Music 103, 104,
112, 113, 114, 121B, 121C, 121D, 121E, 121Z (121B formerly 123, 121C formerly 115),
122B, 122C, 122D, 122E, 122F, 122Z (122B formerly 124, 122C formerly 116)
201, 203G, 221B, 221C, 221D, 221G, 221H, (221C formerly 215), 222C, (222C formerly 216), 232, 232G,
Theatre 170, 220,221,222,240, 260 (formerly Drama 221,222,240,260), 262, 280
2. Diversification Literature (DL) 3 credits
English 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257N, 270, 271, 272
Hawaiian Studies 261 (formerly Humanities 261)
3. Diversification Humanities (DH) 3 credits
American Studies 201, 202, Asian Studies 203 (formerly Asian 120),
204 (formerly Asian 121) Hawaiian Studies 107,270, Ling 102 History 231, 232,
History 241, 242, 251, 260, 281, 282, 284, ICS 170, IS 250H
Music 106, Philosophy 100, 101, 102
Religion 151, 200, 201, 202,204, 205, 207, 210
B. Diversification Social Sciences (DS) 6 credits total, each from a different discipline.
American Studies 211, 212, Anthropology 150, 200, 210, Economics 120, 130, 131,
Family Resources 230, Pacific Island Studies 108, Political Science 110, 120, 130,180,
Psychology 100, 202**, 240, 260, Sociology 100, 151,214, 218, 231, 250, 251,
Women's Studies 151,202**, 290
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AA Program Sheet 5/12/2014
LEEWARD COMMUNITY COLLEGE Associate in Arts Degree Program Sheet Effective: Fall 2014
Diversification Natural Sciences (2 courses & 1 lab required for a total of 7 credits). The courses must include a
biological science (DB), 3- credits, and a physical science (DP), 3- credits, and a 1 credit lab that is part of either
course. Courses below with an "L" are separate laboratories. Courses marked with an asterisk* include a
Diversification Biological Science (DB) 3 credits one course required
Diversification Physical Science (DP) one course required
Astronomy 110, 111, Biochemistry 141(formerly Bioch 241), 251 (formerly Chem 251),
Chemistry 100B*, 151B*, 152B*, 161B*, 162B*, Chemistry 272B, Chemistry 273B,
Geology/Geophysics 101, 101L, 103, Geography 101, 101L, Oceanography 201, 201L,
Physics 100B*, 151, 151L, 152, 152L, 170, 170L, 272, 272L, Science 122*
Anthropology 215, 215L, Biology 100, 101* (formerly Science 121*), 124 (formerly Science 124)
124L, 130, 130L, 171, 171L, 172, 172L,200,* 201,265,265L Biol 275, 275L, Botany 101, 101L, 130*,
Food Science & Human Nutrition 185 (prior to Fall 2010 numbered FSHN 285),
Horticulture 110*, Microbiology 130, 140(L), Plant Bioscience Technology 141, 200, 200L, 264*
Zoology 101*, 200*, 240*, 241*
III. 26 CREDITS OF ELECTIVES (All classes must be 100 level and above)
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1. Oral Communication course. (3 credits)***
Com 210 (H)Honors, Sp 151, Sp 200, 231, 251 __________________________
TOTAL CREDITS (Add I, II, III, & IV oral communication credits should be 60 credits)
2. HAP requirement****
3. Two Writing Intensive Courses****
**Psy 202 and WS 202 are cross listed. Cannot earn credit for both courses towards degree. ***Oral communication requirement is a
Leeward Community College requirement and does not meet Manoa's "O"requirement. **** May be double dipped from
Diversification, Electives, or Oral Communication categories. Important Note: Appropriate course substitutions for the AA degree may
be made with the prior written approval of both the appropriate Division Chair and Dean.
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AA Program Sheet 5/12/2014