1516 Service Specification for Pharmacy NHS Health Checks

Local Authority Service Specification (LASS)
Pharmacy NHS Health Checks, 2015/6
1. Background
2. Service Aims
3. Service Specification
4. Clinical Governance Arrangements
5. Criteria for Eligibility
6. Reporting, Monitoring and Payment Arrangements
1. Background
Driven by:
Public Health
England’s Outcome
Council’s KPI’s
North Somerset
Council’s Corporate
Vascular diseases include heart disease, stroke, diabetes and kidney disease and are the biggest
cause of death in the UK. Vascular disease also makes up approximately a third of the difference in
life expectancy between the most deprived and the least deprived areas in North Somerset. The
NHS Health Check programme helps ensure greater focus on the prevention of vascular diseases,
and will help people remain well for longer.
A health equity audit in North Somerset has demonstrated that in more deprived areas there are
greater levels than would normally be expected of undiagnosed CHD, people presenting late to their
GP or hospital and higher mortality rates from CHD. Late diagnosis of these conditions is associated
with poor health, disability and premature death. The NHS Health Check is a key approach to
identifying those people with undiagnosed disease and to motivate people to change behaviour to
reduce their risk of vascular disease.
The service specification for Community Pharmacy to deliver the NHS Health Checks is being
introduced to expand capacity, enable fair access and increase choice and for people who may not
attend their GP for an NHS Health Check, particularly those living in more deprived areas.
2. Service Aims
NHS Health Checks is a national programme which is designed to identify and manage the risk of a
cardiovascular incident within the next 10 years for people aged 40 to 74 who are not already
identified and included on specified disease registers. It aims to identify those at risk of, or with
early signs of, high blood pressure, raised lipid or blood glucose levels, and contributory factors
including being overweight, smoking, excess alcohol consumption and physical inactivity. It also
seeks to raise awareness of vascular dementia in the 65 – 74 age group. The NHS Health Check
programme encompasses motivational change and appropriate referral to pharmacological and non
pharmacological treatments for the management of risk, and the follow up and ongoing
management of those at the highest risk. It is expected that this programme will go some way to
identify the undiagnosed population with existing cardiovascular disease, who will then be managed
on existing disease pathways within primary care for secondary prevention.
When fully implemented in North Somerset it is estimated that each year as a direct result of having
an NHS Health Checks approximately 84 people with diabetes will be diagnosed, 315 people with
high blood pressure and in need of medication will be diagnosed and 218 people with kidney
disease will be diagnosed. Many more with risk factors such as smoking, overweight, poor diet,
excess levels of alcohol intake and low levels of physical activity will be advised, encouraged and
assisted to make lifestyle changes to reduce risk of developing disease in the future.
3. Service Specification
Provision of NHS Health Checks
Provision for opportunistic NHS Health Checks for eligible people (as defined in
section 3.2) who are unlikely to respond to an invitation from their GP or are unable
to get an appointment within two weeks at their GP practice.
Publicity, word of mouth, distribution of leaflets and other methods should be used by
the pharmacy to encourage eligible people to have an NHS Health Check. Publicity
material will be provided by Public Health.
Provision for self referral for people who have been notified by GP letter that the
pharmacy will provide an NHS Health Checks (provided they are not excluded due to
the conditions in section 6.)
Following agreement with the commissioner, and in partnership with a GP practice, a
programme for sending invitation letters and follow up, to invite GP patients directly
to the pharmacy for an NHS Health Check, may be introduced.
The information leaflet developed by the Department of Health should where
possible, be provided to the person in advance of the NHS Health Check. Public
Health will make these leaflets available to pharmacies providing the service.
The pharmacy will ensure that people presenting for an NHS Health Check are
informed about the process of the service and given the opportunity to ask questions.
People will be required to agree to the assessment and the communication of results
to their GP. This agreement will be captured on PharmOutcomes.
Eligibility for NHS Health Check
All North Somerset Community Pharmacies are eligible to provide NHS Health Checks
(following the required training and achievement of quality standards) although Public Health
may prioritise the Pharmacies in areas of highest need or where there are gaps in provision.
People will be eligible for this service if they meet the criteria below:
 Aged 40 to 74
 With no known existing cardiovascular diseases
 Have not received an NHS Health Check within the last 5 yearsResident in North Somerset
or registered with a North Somerset GP Practice
 People who have Chronic Kidney Disease stages 1 and 2 or blood clotting diseases such as
haemophilia and Hughes syndrome can be included provided they not have an existing
vascular disease
People who are on the following disease registers are excluded from the programme as they will
already be managed using existing care pathways.
 Coronary heart disease,
 Chronic kidney disease (CKD stages 3-5)
 Diabetes
 Previous stroke
In addition, people who have been diagnosed with the following are also excluded:
 Hypertension
Atrial Fibrillation
Transient Ischaemic Attack (TIA)
Heart failure
Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD)
Pharmacies are also advised to exclude people on palliative care registers where this can be
People who are outside this age group or excluded for any reason and who are concerned
about their risk of vascular disease or who have symptoms should be advised to contact their
NHS Health Check Process
Consenting eligible people will have the following parameters measured according to the
latest version of Department of Health publication: NHS Health Check Programme: Best
Practice guidance
And recorded on the PharmOutcomes template:
Blood pressure
Smoking status
Body Mass Index
Pulse Physical activity levels using the General Practice Physical Activity
Questionnaire (GPPAQ).
AUDIT-C screening tool for alcohol consumption
Total cholesterol and HDL cholesterol levels
Family history of diabetes, premature heart disease
In addition, those aged 65-74 should be made aware of the signs and symptoms of
dementia and sign posted to memory services if this is appropriate
Vascular risk will be assessed using the risk assessment engine QRISK® 2i provided on the
PharmOutcomes template.
The level of risk (high, moderate, low) will be communicated to the person using a motivational
interviewing approach. An individually tailored management programme, with appropriate
advice, support and interventions, depending on the level of risk identified, will be agreed using
the Results Booklet – provided by Public Health. The pharmacist will actively involve the person
in agreeing what advice and/or interventions they will follow. Any decisions must be made in
partnership with the person.
Refer as appropriate to lifestyle support services (as outlined in the North Somerset NHS
Health Checks Toolkit)
Describe the links between cardiovascular diseases and dementia for people aged between 65
and 74. Explain how risks of developing dementia may be reduced and signpost those who are
concerned about their memory to speak to their GP who may refer for a memory assessment.
This should reflect the approach used in the on line training module referred to in the clinical
governance section of this service specification (this may be extended to the younger age group
if felt to be appropriate).
All details of the NHS Health Check will be forwarded to the person’s GP so that records may be
updated (see details in section 7).
Referral to GP Practice
A person will be referred to their GP Practice, in line with NHS Health Check: Vascular Risk
Assessment and Management Best Practice Guidance ii when:
BMI is greater than 30 (27.5 or over in individuals from Indian, Pakistani,
Bangladeshi, Other Asian and Chinese ethnicity categories) or blood pressure that is
at or greater than 140/90 mmHg, to have an assessment of their blood glucose.
(Fasting glucose or HbA1c is not included in the risk assessment because it is not
considered to be clinically effective or cost effective to test everyone. The Department of
Health publication: NHS Health Check Programme: Best Practice guidance 2013 provides
further guidance on this)
blood pressure is at or greater than 140/90 mmHg so that an assessment of
hypertension and chronic kidney disease can be carried out.
Total cholesterol of >7.5 for possible familial hypercholesterolemia
found to have QRisk of between 10% and 20% for a lipid assessment
found to be at high risk (>20%) as shown by QRisk2, for further investigation and
management. In many cases these people will require pharmacological interventions
and / or an intensive lifestyle programme for Impaired Glucose Tolerance/nondiabetic hyperglycaemia.
pulse measurements indicate atrial fibrillation
where pre-existing disease is suspected or identified.
if aged 65-74 and concerned about memory
Where it is felt that referred people may not report to their GP practice it is advised that the
pharmacy actively supports the person in making the appointment.
If there is any serious concern about the person’s immediate health the duty Pharmacist should
ensure that the person sees a Doctor immediately.
Follow up - Develop and implement a protocol for follow up at 1 month to ensure people
referred to their GP have attended an appointment. At least one Pharmacist plus dispensers
or Health Care/counter assistants should attend a one day NHS
4. Clinical Governance Arrangements
Competencies - Assessments must be carried out by competent staff whose training meets
the standards of the nationally developed competency framework. Staff will be audited to
ensure that they meet these competencies. The Department of Health workforce
competences for those carrying out vascular risk assessments can be accessed at:
One point of care testing unit will be provided to each pharmacy in the first year of
delivery of the NHS Health Check service. Pharmacies are responsible for maintenance and
replacement of the unit. Point of Care testing equipment for cholesterol must satisfy the
standards contained in the guidance document and be capable of taking blood samples
required for a QRISK2 assessment.
Pharmacies are expected to participate in the Point of Care Quality Assurance Programme
commissioned by Public Health.
Pharmacies should ensure that all other equipment used in the Health Check (blood
pressure monitor, height and weight measures) is fully functional, CE marked, validated,
maintained and regularly calibrated.
It is the pharmacies responsibility to ensure staff dealing with blood products should have a
Hep-B vaccination and the blood test to check for immunity.
The service should be provided in accordance with the following guidance document and
associated NICE Guidance: - Putting Prevention First: NHS Health CheckBest Practice
5. Criteria for Eligibility & Accreditation
At least one pharmacist or Dispenser should complete the Health Checks training
event provided by North Somerset Council and complete the online dementia awareness
training (http://www.healthcheck.nhs.uk/increasing-dementia-awareness-training-resource/),
which will take around 30 minutes to complete.
Only staff who have completed these and can give evidence through a copy of the
certificates, can deliver the NHS Health Checks.
In addition North Somerset Council Public Health will provide Motivational Interviewing Skills
Training (one day) which should be completed by those who need it to reach required
Clinical skills training sessions to carry out blood pressure readings, height, weight and point
of care cholesterol testing should be completed by those who need it to reach the required
7. Reporting, Monitoring & Payment Arrangements
Pharmacies will be required to record activity using the PharmOutcomes template provided by
Public Health. A letter will automatically be printed for the person’s GP and sent by the most
appropriate means (fax, letter or scan to e mail). The fact that the letter has been sent should be
recorded on the PharmOutcomes template.
Payments will be based upon completion of an NHS Health Check as shown on PharmOutcomes,
and evidence that the letter has been forwarded to the person’s GP. Payments will be made
monthly according to data collected from PharmOutcomes.
Public Health reserves the right to introduce quarterly maximum and minimum number of NHS
Health Checks as the service embeds.
Pharmacies will receive £20.00 per NHS Health Check delivered.
In the first year of delivery a lump sum of £200.00 per pharmacy will be paid for development time to
cover for staff to attend North Somerset Council’s Public Health training for the NHS Health Check,
and set up costs such as purchase of blood pressure and height and weight measures where
required. This will be paid in arrears at the end of the first quarter that the service commences.
(North Somerset Council will provide motivational tools for lifestyle change, such as fat and sugar
demonstration models)
QRISK® 2 is a UK registered trademark No. 2454356 owned by Egton Medical Information Systems
Limited and the University of Nottingham.
http://www.healthcheck.nhs.uk/news/nhs_he alth_check_programme_best_practice_guidance/