Collaboration PLANNING Asheboro City Schools Successful collaboration requires all involved teachers to plan for instruction regularly; with each teacher contributing based on his or her area of expertise. Teaching pair (general education and Specialist) plans together at least once weekly. Each member of the teaching pair contributes to lesson plans according to his/her area of expertise. ELL: Lesson plans include content area and English language Instructional objectives and strategies (MPI’s). Teaching teams/pairs engage in long-term planning together for one full day at least three times per year. Successful collaboration requires teachers to co-teach in the mainstream CO-TEACHING classroom, with each teacher having a substantive role in instruction. Teaching pair effectively uses a variety of co-teaching models The co-teaching model chosen should vary often according to lesson objectives and student needs. Students are placed in flexible groups that change according to lesson objectives and student needs. Teachers vary the roles they play during instruction. Students view Specialist ( ELL/EC/AIG/ RF) and general education teachers as equals. Successful collaboration requires that teaching partners assume equal responsibility ASSESSMENT for assessment and reporting of student progress. Specialists and general education teachers are both involved in ongoing assessment of student progress. Teaching pairs establish meetings in which they discuss student progress based on classroom assessments and more formal achievement data ex SRI, Assessment Wall, etc. Both members of the teaching pair contribute to development of Personal Education Plans ( PEP’s) for ELL/ EC student. Both teachers meet with parents at conferences when possible. Teaching pair makes decisions about services based on students’ needs, not traditional practices. Successful collaboration requires ongoing, honest reflection and learning by teaching REFLECTION pairs and teams. Teaching teams share their beliefs and talk about issues that affect their co-teaching. Teaching pair makes plans together for how they will accommodate their different teaching styles and personalities. Teaching pair reflects on lessons taught together and incorporates new ideas into future plans. ELL Department Exceptional Education Program Collaboration TIME Asheboro City Schools Successful collaboration requires that teachers have sufficient time for planning and reflection, preferably within the school day. ELL/EC/AIG services are identified as high Priority in the development of school schedules. These services are scheduled before other activities. Collaborating teachers have time to plan together in at least one of the following ways: o ELL teachers’ preparation times are aligned with general education o colleagues’ preparation times, or School administrators ensure that release or compensated time is scheduled for teaching pairs to work together on a regular basis. School administrators require the participation of all teaching teams in planning and reflection time. Teaching pair is provided with support and guidance for how to use their common planning and reflection time. ELL clustered students should receive approximately one hours of collaborative instruction daily. EC students according to IEP service delivery time. Successful collaboration requires that instructional spaces are used effectively to support SPACE collaborative instruction. The Specialist’s office and/or teaching space should be located in close proximity to general education partners’ classrooms. Students and teachers view all available teaching spaces as shared spaces. Specialist teachers are provided with space as needed in each classroom where they are co-teaching. Successful collaboration requires that resources are dedicated to the support of collaborative RESOURCES practices. Specialist teachers (ELL/EC, etc) must be provided with the general education curriculum materials needed for planning and instruction with co-teaching partner (e.g., manuals, standards, etc.). Staff development funds should be available from the school budget to enable all teaching pairs and teams to have release or compensated time for professional development, planning and reflection on a regular basis. Specialist teachers have equal access to teaching tools in teaching spaces (e.g., whiteboards, Smartboard, bulletin boards, paper, markers, charts, etc.). Successful collaboration requires that students are placed in homerooms CLASSROOM PLACEMENT with groups of other students who have similar needs, with consideration given to maximize staff services School administration develops consistent school-wide guidelines for student placement into homerooms. ELL students are clustered into homerooms to ensure that students receive approximately one hour of intensive, collaborative instruction daily. Number of students in clustered should be limited to a combination of factors School administration and office staff place students arriving mid-year according to clustering guidelines (not according to class size). Successful collaboration requires administrators to provide PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT for successful development opportunities to continue refining their collaborative teaching practices. Teachers have opportunities for ongoing professional development, both in school and district-wide, which focuses on collaboration and best practice instruction. Teaching pairs have opportunities to observe other successful co-teaching pairs. ELL Department Exceptional Education Program