RE MTP - Silverdale Community Primary School

RE D. Warrillow
Medium Term Planning
Year: 2
Unit: Saints and Buildings.
Term: Autumn 1 2015
PSHE Skills Linked To
School Values, British
Overview of this teaching Sequence
All subjects are planned through SOLO Taxonomy (the taxonomy of learning)
Collect Stage(Engage)- collection of ideas, information, learning new knowledge or a new skill
Connect Stage(Develop)- make connections between new learning and previous learning, use new skills and knowledge together in a different context to demonstrate new learning
Create Stage(Innovate & Express)- embed and deepen new learning by creating and communicating
Subjects will be blocked into a unit of study, following a sequence of consecutive lessons in order for learning to become embedded and understanding to deepen
The length of a unit is relevant to the subject, but Science will be taught in two units per term
Each subject will be planned for in a medium term plan, that details intended learning objectives, discrete teacher modelling, planned questioning (using Blooms Taxonomy), intended learning outcomes and journey of learning represented through
Weeks (Date and Stage – Engage, Develop,
Innovate, Express, curricular focus and
related KPIs)
Tues 15th Sept.
National Curriculum reference:
Upfront modelling/Blooms questioning:
Outcome (differentiated where applicable):
National Curriculum reference:
LO: Can I explain what a saint is?
Upfront modelling/Blooms questioning:
This is following on from last terms theme
of heroes and followers.
In which religious group is the word Saint
Can you name any Saints? Previously heard
story of St. Francis.
What makes a Saint?
Give the explanation of what a Saint is and
how a person becomes one.
Linking to topic look at the story of St.
George (link to British Values)
Online story or text from book.
Discuss story, Kagan pairs.
Week 1 is inset day so plans commence at
week 2.
Week 2 15th Sept.
Curricular Focus: RE
Link to class topic of Knights and Castles.
Stage: Collect
National Curriculum reference:
Upfront modelling/Blooms questioning:
Outcome (differentiated where applicable):
National Curriculum reference:
Upfront modelling/Blooms questioning:
Outcome (differentiated where applicable):
National Curriculum reference:
Upfront modelling/Blooms questioning:
Outcome (differentiated where applicable):
RE D. Warrillow
Medium Term Planning
Year: 2
Unit: Saints and Buildings.
Term: Autumn 1 2015
Do you believe this story?
Could ant parts be true, if so which?
What is the story trying to teach us?
Why do you think England has adopted St
George as its Saint?
What did you like about him, why?
Create your own character that would
make a great person to choose as a Saint.
Draw and write about them.
This can be put in books underneath the
story of St. George.
Outcome (differentiated where applicable):
Week 3 Tuesday 22nd September 2015
Curricular Focus: RE
Stage: Collect connect
National Curriculum reference:
Upfront modelling/Blooms questioning:
Outcome (differentiated where applicable):
National Curriculum reference:
LO: I can explore the meaning of the word
Upfront modelling/Blooms questioning:
Kagan pairs-rally robin
What does the word worship mean?
What is worship?
Give definition.
Do people need a building to worship in?
Why do people worship?
Do you worship?
What or who do you worship?
Think about how some people with little or
no belief may worship other things e.g.
money, celebrities.
We are building on our prior learning now
to think about 1. British value we may
know which we need to think about when
considering where and how people
Freedom to hold other faiths and beliefs
which are protected in law.
Can we identify the symbol of belonging for
some major faiths?
Quiz, quiz, trade cards with religious
symbols on.
National Curriculum reference:
Upfront modelling/Blooms questioning:
Outcome (differentiated where applicable):
National Curriculum reference:
Upfront modelling/Blooms questioning:
Outcome (differentiated where applicable):
National Curriculum reference:
Upfront modelling/Blooms questioning:
Outcome (differentiated where applicable):
RE D. Warrillow
Medium Term Planning
Year: 2
Unit: Saints and Buildings.
Term: Autumn 1 2015
Let’s look at a Mosque.
What can you see?
Show online clip then provide with outline
to stick into books for reference.
What is your favourite part, why?
What do you think happens in this
Stick diagram into books, label relevant
Write a sentence with their thoughts about
the Mosque.
Have you a question you need to ask?
Outcome (differentiated where applicable):
Week 4 29th September 2015.
Curricular Focus: RE
Worship buildings
National Curriculum reference:
Upfront modelling/Blooms questioning:
Outcome (differentiated where applicable):
National Curriculum reference:
LO: To explore what happens in a
Upfront modelling/Blooms questioning:
Let’s look at a Synagogue
What can you see?
Show online clip then provide with outline
to stick into books for reference.
What is your favourite part, why?
What do you think happens in this
Stick diagram into books, label relevant
Write a sentence with their thoughts about
the Synagogue
Have you a question you need to ask?
Outcome (differentiated where applicable):
To connect that Muslims and Jews worship
the same God.
Values and Learning
Behaviors (ongoing)
Stimulus: Artefact,
extract, video clip, role
play scene, visitor,
educational visit,
photograph, visual
stimulus, audio stimulus
Learning Environment
National Curriculum reference:
Upfront modelling/Blooms questioning:
Outcome (differentiated where applicable):
National Curriculum reference:
Upfront modelling/Blooms questioning:
Outcome (differentiated where applicable):
National Curriculum reference:
Upfront modelling/Blooms questioning:
Outcome (differentiated where applicable):
RE D. Warrillow
Medium Term Planning
Year: 2
Unit: Saints and Buildings.
Term: Autumn 1 2015
National Curriculum reference:
LO: To explore where r Hindus worship.
Upfront modelling/Blooms questioning:
Week 5 6th October 2015
Curricular Focus: RE
Stage: collect
National Curriculum reference:
Upfront modelling/Blooms questioning:
Outcome (differentiated where applicable):
Today we shall explore how for Hindus
there is more freedom of where to
Let’s look at a Hindu temple
What can you see?
Show online clip then provide with outline
to stick into books for reference.
What is your favourite part, why?
What do you think happens in this
Stick diagram into books, label relevant
Write a sentence with their thoughts about
the temple.
Hindus have more freedom to worship in
other places.
Show some examples of shrines in homes.
What do you think about this?
Is it better to worship together as a
community together in a building or at
home in private or beside a river?
Discuss your thoughts with your partner.
National Curriculum reference:
Upfront modelling/Blooms questioning:
Outcome (differentiated where applicable):
National Curriculum reference:
Upfront modelling/Blooms questioning:
Outcome (differentiated where applicable):
National Curriculum reference:
Upfront modelling/Blooms questioning:
Outcome (differentiated where applicable):
National Curriculum reference:
Upfront modelling/Blooms questioning:
Outcome (differentiated where applicable):
National Curriculum reference:
Upfront modelling/Blooms questioning:
Outcome (differentiated where applicable):
National Curriculum reference:
Upfront modelling/Blooms questioning:
Outcome (differentiated where applicable):
Outcome (differentiated where applicable):
Week 6 13th October 2015
Curricular Focus:
National Curriculum reference:
Upfront modelling/Blooms questioning:
Outcome (differentiated where applicable):
National Curriculum reference:
LO: I can make comparisons to the worship
buildings I have studied and use some of
these ideas to create my own worship
Upfront modelling/Blooms questioning:
Together make a list of the main things
that are found inside a worship building.
Does the contents or location of the place
of worship have an effect on the way
people worship?
Think about some of the buildings you have
seen over the past weeks.
RE D. Warrillow
Medium Term Planning
Year: 2
Unit: Saints and Buildings.
Term: Autumn 1 2015
Some were grand, some were simple.
We did not study in depth the Christian
buildings as we have previously either
talked about churches in lessons or visited
Thinking about all our learning, if you could
design your own worship space what
would you include?
How would you want the place to make
you feel?
Share my own picture of worship space and
talk about why I have included the things
that matter to me if I was worshipping.
Outcome (differentiated where applicable):
Learners begin to plan and talk about their
space with their Kagan group. Allow 5
minutes for discussion.
Give out paper to begin sketch of their
Keep referring back to my model and
questioning for remainder of lesson time.
National Curriculum reference:
LO: I can design my own worship space.
Upfront modelling/Blooms questioning:
Week 6 20th October 2015
Curricular Focus: RE
Stage: Create
National Curriculum reference:
Upfront modelling/Blooms questioning:
Outcome (differentiated where applicable):
Refer back to last lesson model of my
worship space.
Share few examples of learners work so
Allow class to get on with create. Play
different forms of worship music whilst
Need to allow 20 minutes at end of session
to model brief descriptive paragraph
explaining My Worship Space.
Learners to write own paragraph to explain
their work.
Outcome (differentiated where applicable)
To see learners own thoughts and ideas
National Curriculum reference:
Upfront modelling/Blooms questioning:
Outcome (differentiated where applicable):
National Curriculum reference:
Upfront modelling/Blooms questioning:
Outcome (differentiated where applicable):
National Curriculum reference:
Upfront modelling/Blooms questioning:
Outcome (differentiated where applicable):
RE D. Warrillow
Medium Term Planning
Year: 2
Unit: Saints and Buildings.
Term: Autumn 1 2015
expressed in visual form. Stimulus will have
come from class topic of castles, buildings,
images shown of worship spaces.
Core Text
Writing Opportunities
across the curriculum