Rebekah Judge OSCE revision list NB: This is by no means an official list, it is just a list I have compiled from the DOPs practical book, course guide, and older years lists. There may be things missing, and there are most certainly things which are unlikely to come up. Let me know if there’s anything missing! Interpreting results Blood tests Examinations Histories Clinical skills Cardio Explaining Procedures Bronchoscopy Cardiovascular ABGs Respiratory Abdo OGD Urinalysis Abdominal Respiratory Colonoscopy Presenting ECG Spirometry Presenting CXR Upper Neuro Lower Neuro CN 1-6 Cystoscopy Barium Swallow Barium Meal Presenting Abdo X-ray CN 7 – 12 Neuro Dietary Endocrinology - thyroid Hx Lumps Urology/renal/ Surgery General e.g. fatigue, weight loss CT MRI Explaining how to use peak flow Measure and record peak flow Explaining how to use a MDI Venepuncture Cannulation Setting up an IV drip Male Catherisation Female? Fundoscopy Otoscopy CN Sensory CN Motor Barium Enema Vascular ERCP Neck inc Thyroid Breast + mini history Lump GCS MMT/MMSE Sigmoidoscopy Chest X-ray Hernia/groin DRE GALS Echo Doppler Isotope Scan Gaining consent ? Sharing difficult news? Abdo X-ray IV urogram USS abdo pelvis Doing an ECG Basic obs (pulse, temp, RR, pulse oximetry) BP (and advice?) MDT Blood glucose Urinalysis Administer nebuliser/metered dose inhaler Spirometry Administer O2 Suturing SC/IM injections Explaining how to use MSU+ other DOPs (BLS) (Scrubbing) Always remember/general: Aseptic technique/PPE Documentation Rebekah Judge Previous OSCEs. This again, may not be correct – it is from an email I received! 2014 Dear Student Please find below the station information relating to the Year 3 OSCE, taking place tomorrow, 21 May 2014. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 History Examination Examination Examination Examination History History History History Procedure Explanation Procedure Neurological Cardiovascular Respiratory Abdominal Neurological Respiratory Gastrointestinal Endocrinology Cardiovascular Blood pressure GI procedure Wound closure 2013 Dear Student, Please find the following station information relating to the OSCE tomorrow, 22 May 2013: 1 Explanation Endoscopy UGI 2 History/Examination Rectal 3 Examination Cardiovascular 4 Procedure ECG 5 History CVS palpitations 6 Examination Abdominal 7 History Change in bowel habit 8 Explanation Cystoscopy 9 Examination Respiratory 10 History Headaches 11 History/Procedure Abbreviated mental test 12 Examination Neurology upper limb 2012 1 Asthma advice 2 Lump 3 Intravenous cannulation Rebekah Judge 4 Abdominal examination 5 Abdominal history taking 6 Neurological examination 7 Urological investigations 8 History taking and dietary advice 9 Cardiovascular examination 10 Breast Examination 11 Blood Pressure and medication 12 Chest examination and xray 2011 Dear Student Here is the OSCE Station title list for tomorrow’s examination. History: Cardiac Procedure and interpretation: ECG History: Memory problem History: Renal problem Explanation: Explaining a forthcoming gastroenterology investigation Procedure: Wound closure Procedure: Venepuncture Examination: Cardiovascular Explanation: Respiratory Examination: Upper limb Examination: Respiratory Examination: Abdominal FEO-Exams 2010 Dear Student Please find below the titles for this Year’s May OSCE. History: Renal problem Examination: Lower limbs Examination: Cardiovascular Rebekah Judge Procedure and interpretation: ECG Procedure : Wound Closure Explanation: Explain a forthcoming urological investigation. History: Gastro-intestinal problem History: Weight loss Examination: Abdominal Procedure: Venepuncture Examination: Respiratory Explanation: Explain a forthcoming gastroenterology investigation 2009 Dear Student Please find below a FULL list of station titles. Please note these are not necessarily in station order. We wish you all the best in your upcoming examinations. Station Title Procedure: venepuncture Procedure: cardiovascular (ECG) Examination: lower limb History: neurology: History: urological Explanation: a forthcoming gastroenterology investigation History : gastroenterology Examination: cardiovascular Procedure: wound closure Examination: breast Explanation: respiratory Examination: respiratory Rebekah Judge