AMERICAN INDIAN COLLEGE FUND CULTURAL PRESERVATION GRANT APPLICATION APPLICATION 2015-2016 Application Deadline: July 6, 2015 5:00 P.M. MST Contact Information: Bridget Skenadore, MA Program Coordinator Phone: (720)214-2552 Email: American Indian College Fund 8333 Greenwood Blvd. Denver, CO 80221 1-800-776-3863 Fax: 303-426-1200 1 AMERICAN INDIAN COLLEGE FUND CULTURAL PRESERVATION The Awards Program & Guidelines The American Indian College Fund works with Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs) to support cultural preservation and revitalization efforts. The College Fund has an opportunity to recognize exemplary cultural preservation efforts with a one-year grant funded by the Anheuser Busch Foundation. Funding may be spent on activities related to cultural preservation and perpetuation, and revitalization of Native traditional cultures. TCUs may broadly interpret cultural preservation to include the arts, literature, language, curriculum development, community outreach, etc. The budget can also list broad categories including personnel. Capacity building by expanding existing programming, community and youth outreach, or language resource and documentation projects is highly encouraged. The award amount is $50,000 and for a year-long term, August 1, 2015 – July 31, 2016 (to coincide with the 2015-2016 academic year). This grant award is a one-time award so it cannot be used for projects that would require on-going funding. $45,000 is awarded upon signing of grant agreement and the remainder ($5,000) upon submission of final report. Documentation of activities through photos or video is encouraged in order to assist the College Fund with donor reporting. Upon award, the College Fund will work with the TCU receiving the award to provide publicity. Award Schedule/Grant Timeline/Reporting July 6, 2015 - Completed applications along with project budget and timeline must be sent electronic submission to the American Indian College Fund and received by 5:00 P.M. MST at. July 17, 2015 - Selected grantee will be notified by an award letter in an electronic notification. July 24, 2015 - A signed grant agreement letter is due by electronic submission to the American Indian College Fund by 5 pm MST. Grant award will be sent to award TCU. August 1, 2015- July 31, 2016- Program implementation and evaluation of cultural preservation and revitalization project. August 30, 2016 – Final reports are due to the American Indian College Fund. 2 AMERICAN INDIAN COLLEGE FUND CULTURAL PRESERVATION TCU Contact Information TCU: TCU President: Mailing Address City: State: Telephone Number: Zip Code: Fax Number: Project Administrator: Project Administrator Title: Email Address: Phone Number: Grant Proposal & Project Information This re-granting opportunity provides a one-time award of $50,000 for cultural preservation efforts. The grant period is August 1, 2015- July 31, 2016 to coincide with the 2015-2016 academic year. I. Program Proposal The proposal summary of one-two paragraphs should be a general description of how your tribal college will utilize the cultural preservation award. Briefly respond to the following questions. • • • Name of proposed Cultural Preservation project and/or community program? What is the primary goal(s) of your project? Number of students and community members that you expect will participate in the proposed Cultural Preservation Program? II. Project Description (2-3 pages) The proposal narrative should give a brief description of the program that will be funded by the requested grant, the goals of the project, what strategies will be used to achieve the goals, what services the project promises to deliver, to what population and what results you expect to achieve, and how progress will be measured. III. Project Timeline and Budget Please include a timeline of activities that will be conducted to support the initiative of the grant. The project timeline must fall within the August 1, 2015 – July 31, 2016 grant period. Also, please provide a budget for the grant award year. 3 AMERICAN INDIAN COLLEGE FUND CULTURAL PRESERVATION TCU Authorization I hereby authorize submission of this application to the American Indian College Fund’s Cultural Preservation Grant Application: TCU President Signature: _____________________________________Date: ___________ Project Administrator Signature: ________________________________Date: ___________ Application Check List/Required Documents Applicants must submit the following documents and information to receive full and equal consideration during the selection process: Application Cover Sheet and President and Project Administrator authorizing signatures Grant Proposal & Project Information Applications and all supporting documents must be received through electronic submissions by 5 pm MST on July 6, 2015. Only complete applications will be reviewed. Electronic Submission of Application Materials Email Application to: Bridget Skenadore, MA Program Coordinator Cultural Preservation Grant American Indian College Fund 8333 Greenwood Blvd. Denver, CO 80221 4