Application of Visceral Mobilization for the Pediatric Population Description: This will be a lecture, lab demonstration, and case study presentation by Veronika Campbell, PT, MPT, CSCS, NSC who has a specialized focus on visceral and neural mobilization techniques. Participants will experience a brief anatomy review and discuss viscerogenic referral patterns for differential diagnosis and how this relates to visceral mobilization. Dr. Erin Appelt will present a summary of the research that has been done in the field of visceral mobilization. A brief explanation of the visceral mobilization approach will be given. Included in this presentation will be a demonstration lab on functional testing relating visceral restrictions to the musculoskeletal system. The course will finish with case studies of the application of visceral mobilization techniques on the pediatric population. This will be a lecture, lab demonstration, and case study presentation by Veronika Campbell, PT, MPT, CSCS, NSC who has a specialized focus on visceral and neural mobilization techniques Topics covered will be: Visceral anatomy review Viscerogenic referral patterns Related research by Erin Applet, PT, DPT, OCS The visceral mobilization approach Lab on functional testing relating visceral restrictions to the musculoskeletal system Case studies of the application of visceral mobilization techniques on the pediatric population