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Sanjeev Gupta
Researcher ID:
Date of birth:
16th August, 1973
URL for web site:
Centre for cellular and molecular biology
Jawaharlal Nehru University
New Delhi, India
Master of Science (Biochemistry)
Faculty of Science, Hamdard University
New Delhi, India
Bachelor of Science
Delhi University
New Delhi, India
2010 – Present
Discipline of Pathology
School of Medicine
National University of Ireland, Galway (NUIG)
2007 – 2010
Senior Researcher
School of Natural Sciences & NCBES,
NUIG, Ireland
2006 – 2007
Assistant Professor
Department of Biotechnology
Indian Institute of Technology-Madras (IIT-Madras)
Chennai, India
2005 – 2006
Post-doctoral fellow
Abramson Cancer Center
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA
2003 – 2005
Post-doctoral fellow
Kimmel Cancer Center
Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, USA
1997 – 99
Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) from Council for Scientific and Industrial
Research, New Delhi, India
1999 – 02
Senior Research Fellowship (SRF) from Council for Scientific and Industrial
Research, New Delhi, India
Pre-doctoral Student Travel Award from American Society for Cell Biology
2010 – Present
2 Postdocs/ 1 PhD/ 1 MD
Discipline of Pathology, School of Medicine, NUIG, Ireland
2013 – 2016
Member of Graduate Research Committee (GRC)
1PhD/ 1 MD student
Discipline of Surgery, School of Medicine, NUIG, Ireland
2007 – 2010
Assisted with supervision of 2 Postdocs/ 4 PhD/ 3 Master Students
Discipline of Biochemistry, School of Natural Sciences, NUIG, Ireland
2010 – Present
Lectures & practicals for Health & Disease I in semester 2.2
School of Medicine, NUIG, Ireland
2010 – Present
Lectures & practicals for Health & Disease II in semester 3.1
School of Medicine, NUIG, Ireland
2012 – Present
Lectures & practicals for MSc (Cancer Research)
2010 – Present
School of Natural Sciences, NUIG, Ireland
4th year projects for BSc (Biomedical Science)
Summer Research Projects for Medical students
NUIG, Ireland
Editorial Board, American Journal of Cancer Biology
Grant Reviewer, Medical Research Council, UK
Grant Reviewer, The National Science Centre
(Narodowe Centrum Nauki), Poland.
Grant Reviewer, The French National Research Agency ANR
2008 –Present
Refereed for: Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, Apoptosis,
Journal of Biological Chemistry, Oncogene, Cancer Research, Biochemical
Biophysical Research Communications, Biochemical Journal, Cell Death
and Differentiation, FEBS Letters, Antioxidants and redox signaling,
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, PLoS One, Toxicology and
Applied Pharmacology, Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology
Unfolded protein response in cancer: regulation by microRNAs
The stressful conditions in the tumour microenvironment including low oxygen supply, nutrient deprivation
and pH changes activate a range of cellular stress-response pathways. Tumour hypoxia is a common
microenvironmental factor that adversely influences tumour phenotype and treatment response. Cellular
adaptation to hypoxia occurs through multiple mechanisms, including activation of the unfolded protein
response (UPR). UPR attempts to restore ER homeostasis by increasing ER bio-genesis, decreasing the
influx of new proteins into the ER, promoting the transport of damaged proteins from the ER to the cytosol
for degradation, and upregulating protein folding chaperones. Although the unfolded protein response is
primarily a pro-survival response, in the event of prolonged or severe ER stress that is not resolved, the
unfolded protein response switches to initiation of apoptosis. The molecular mechanisms involved in the
transition of the UPR from a protective to an
apoptotic phase are unclear.
microRNAs (miRNAs) have been shown to be
critically involved in control of cell survival and
cell death decisions. The main function of
miRNAs is to direct posttranscriptional
regulation of gene expression, typically by
binding to 3’ UTR of cognate mRNAs and
inhibiting their translation and/or stability.
Global downregulation of miRNAs is a common
feature of human tumours. Loss of miRNA
biogenesis has been shown to enhance cancer
progression. Further several components of
miRNA biogenesis machinery (XPO5, DICER
and TRBP) have been shown to act as
haploinsufficient tumour suppressors. How the
dysregulation of miRNA biogenesis promotes
tumour development is not clearly understood.
The main focus of research in my group is to evaluate the role of microRNAs in determining cell fate during
conditions of ER stress. We use a combination of molecular cell biology, transcriptomics, proteomics and
miRNA expression profiling to address specific questions such as:
What is the role of miRNAs in ER stress-induced apoptosis?
Does impaired miRNA biogenesis contribute to cancer progression by inhibiting ER stressinduced apoptosis?
Role of IRE1-XBP1 axis in endocrine resistance in ER-positive breast cancer
Invasive breast cancer (IBC) is a heterogeneous disease with varied molecular features, behaviour, and
response to therapy. Over the
past decade, transcriptome-wide
studies of patients with IBC
have lead to the identification of
clinically relevant subtypes:
luminal A, luminal B, HER2overexpressing, basal-like and
normal breast tissue-like. The
Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA)
consortium recently reported
that most dominant feature of
cancers is increased mRNA and
protein levels of ESR1, GATA3,
FOXA1, XBP1 and MYB.
Recent studies indicate a crucial
role for the IRE1/XBP1
pathway in several aspects of
(Figure 1).
XBP1 is
transcriptionally induced during estrogen stimulation and XBP1s protein expression is upregulated following
estradiol (E2) treatment of ER-positive human breast cancer cell lines. XBP1 physically interacts with ER
and potentiate ER-dependent transcriptional activity in a ligand-independent manner. Ectopic expression of
XBP1s in ER-positive breast cancer cells can lead to estrogen-independent growth and reduced sensitivity to
anti-estrogens. Expression of XBP1s is significantly associated with clinical outcome of endocrine-treated
breast cancer. We are taking a multidisciplinary approach to elucidate the role of the IRE1-XBP1 in
regulation of estrogen signalling underpinning anti-estrogen resistance in breast cancer. The central questions
How estrogen signalling intersects with the UPRosome to regulate its activation?
What is the transcriptional network of XBP1s in the context of estrogen signalling?
What is the therapeutic and prognostic value of IRE1-XBP1 axis in ER-positive breast cancer?
Post doctoral fellows
Ananya Gupta
Danielle Read
Carol Gately
Postgraduate students
Siobhan Kenny
Mosaraf Hossain
Undergraduate research project students
Darren Kilmartin
(PathSoc summer research fellowship)
Alice Deane
John O’Dea
Kieran McMullan
Eamonn McCrave
Rachel Nolan
(BSc Physiology 4th year project)
(BSc Physiology 4th year project)
(HRB summer research fellowship)
(College of Medicine summer research fellowship)
(BSc Pharmacology 4th year project)
34 publications in peer reviewed journals, > 1788 citations, an H-index of 19, with an average citation score
of 51 per item. .
1. Read DE, Gupta A, Ladilov Y, Samali A, Gupta S. (2014) miRNA signature of unfolded
protein response in H9c2 rat cardiomyoblasts. Cell Biosci. 2014 Sep 19;4(1):56. doi:
10.1186/2045-3701-4-56. eCollection 2014.
2. Deegan S, Saveljeva S, Gupta S, MacDonald DC, Samali A.(2014) ER stress responses in
the absence of apoptosome: a comparative study in CASP9 proficient vs deficient mouse
embryonic fibroblasts. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2014 Aug 29;451(3):367-73. doi:
10.1016/j.bbrc.2014.07.111. Epub 2014 Jul 30.
3. Emer Caffrey, Helen Ingoldsby, Deirdre Wall, Mark Webber, Kate Dinneen, Laura Murillo,
Celine Inderhaug, John Newell, Sanjeev Gupta, Grace Callagy. (2013) Prognostic
significance of deregulated Dicer expression in breast cancer. PLoS One. 2013 Dec
30;8(12):e83724. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0083724.
4. Karen Cawley, Susan E Logue, Adrienne M. Gorman, John Patterson, Sanjeev Gupta,
Afshin Samali. (2013). Disruption of microRNA biogenesis confers resistance to ER stressinduced cell death upstream of the mitochondrion. PLoS ONE 2013 Aug 19;8(8):e73870.
doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0073870.
5. Verfaillie T, van Vliet A, Garg AD, Dewaele M, Rubio N, Gupta S, de Witte P, Samali A,
Agostinis P. (2013) Pro-apoptotic signaling induced by photo-oxidative ER stress is
amplified by Noxa, not Bim. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2013 Aug 30;438(3):500-6.
doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2013.07.107. Epub 2013 Aug 2.
6. Donnelly N, Gorman AM, Gupta S, Samali A. (2013). The eIF2α kinases: their structures
and functions. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2013 Oct;70(19):3493-511. doi: 10.1007/s00018-0121252-6. Epub 2013 Jan 26. Review.
7. Sanjeev Gupta, Zoltan Giricz, Alessandro Natoni, Neysan Donnelly, Shane Deegan, Eva
Szegezdi and Afshin Samali. (2012). NOXA contributes to the sensitivity of PERK-deficient
cells to ER stress. FEBS Lett. 2012 Nov 16;586(22):4023-30. doi:
10.1016/j.febslet.2012.10.002. Epub 2012 Oct 12
8. Nürnberger S, Miller I, Duvigneau JC, Kavanagh ET, Gupta S, Hartl RT, Hori O,
Gesslbauer B, Samali A, Kungl A, Redl H, Kozlov AV. Impairment of endoplasmic
reticulum in liver as an early consequence of the systemic inflammatory response in rats.
Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2012 Dec 15;303(12):G1373-83. doi:
10.1152/ajpgi.00056.2012. Epub 2012 Oct 11.
9. Sanjeev Gupta, Danielle E. Read, Ayswaria Deepti, Karen Cawley, Ananya Gupta, Deepu
Oommen, Tom Verfaillie, Soledad Matus, Mary Anne Smith, Justin L. Mott, Patrizia
Agostinis, Claudio Hetz and Afshin Samali. (2012) Perk-dependent Repression of miR106b-25 Cluster is Required for ER stress-induced Apoptosis. Cell Death and Disease. 2012
Jun 28;3:e333. doi: 10.1038/cddis.2012.74.
10. Tom Verfaillie, Noemí Rubio, Abhishek D. Garg, Geert Bultynck, Rosario Rizzuto, JeanPaul Decuypere , Jacques Piette, Sanjeev Gupta, Afshin Samali and Patrizia Agostinis.
(2012) PERK is required at the ER-mitochondrial contact sites to convey apoptosis after
ROS based ER stress. Cell Death and Differentiation. 2012 Jun 15. doi:
11. Ananya Gupta, Emer Caffrey, Grace Callagy, Sanjeev Gupta. (2012) Oestrogen-dependent
regulation of miRNA biogenesis: many ways to skin the cat. Biochemical Society
transactions. Aug;40(4):752-8.
12. Danielle E. Read, Karen Cawley, Ananya Gupta, and Sanjeev Gupta. (2012) Regulation of
ER Stress Responses by microRNAs. (Book Chapter) Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in
Health and Disease, DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-4351-9_6, © Springer Science.
13. Chris Linehan, Sanjeev Gupta, Afshin Samali and Lynn O’Connor. (2012) Bisphenol Amediated suppression of LPL gene expression inhibits triglyceride accumulation during
adipogenic differentiation of human Adult Stem Cells. PLoS One. 2012;7(5):e36109. Epub
2012 May 25.
14. Karen Cawley, Tara Sugrue, Afshin Samali, Sanjeev Gupta, Adrienne M. Gorman. (2012)
MicroRNA Regulation of Apoptosis in Breast Cancer. Cancer Reports 2012:2(1) 1–8.
15. Doyle KM, Kennedy D, Gorman AM, Gupta S, Healy SJ, Samali A.(2011) Unfolded
proteins and endoplasmic reticulum stress in neurodegenerative disorders. J Cell Mol Med.
2011 Oct;15(10):2025-39. doi: 10.1111/j.1582-4934.2011.01374.x.
16. Karen Cawley, Shane Deegan, Afshin Samali, Sanjeev Gupta (2011) Assays for detecting
the unfolded protein response. Methods in Enzymology: Unfolded Protein Response and
Cellular Stress, Vol 490, Pt B Volume: 490 Pages: 31-51.
17. Sanjeev Gupta, Gerlach, J; Miura, Y; Yamazaki, T; Nakahara, T; Asada, H; Samali, A;
Joshi, L. High Throughput Glycanmap (R) Analysis of Glycosylation during ER Stress and
Apoptosis in a Colon Cancer Model. (2010) Glycobiology Volume: 20 Issue: 11 Pages:
18. Sanjeev Gupta. Pathologic impact of ER stress: regulation by Hsp72. (2010) e:
Inflammation Research. Volume: 59 Supplement: 1 Pages: S159-S160.
19. Gupta S, Deepti A, Deegan S, Lisbona F, Hetz C, Samali A. HSP72 protects cells from ER
stress-induced apoptosis via enhancement of IRE1alpha-XBP1 signaling through a physical
interaction. PLoS Biol. 2010 Jul 6;8(7):e1000410.
20. Samali A, FitzGerald U, Deegan S, Gupta S (2010) Methods for Monitoring Endoplasmic
Reticulum Stress and the Unfolded Protein Response. Int J Cell Biol 2010:830307. Epub
2010 Jan 19.
21. Gupta S, Cuffe L, Szegezdi E, Logue SE, Neary C, Healy S, Samali A (2010) Mechanisms
of ER stress-mediated mitochondrial membrane permeabilization. Int J Cell Biol
2010:170215. Epub 2010 Feb 7.
22. Healy SJ, Gorman AM, Mousavi-Shafaei P, Gupta S, Samali A (2009). Targeting the
endoplasmic reticulum-stress response as an anticancer strategy. Eur J Pharmacol. Dec
23. Szegezdi E, Macdonald DC, Ní Chonghaile T, Gupta S, Samali A (2009) Bcl-2 family on
guard at the ER. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. May;296(5):C941-53.
24. Gupta S, Kass GE, Szegezdi E, Joseph B (2009) The mitochondrial death pathway: A
promising therapeutic target in Diseases. J Cell Mol Med.13: 6: 1004-1033.
25. Hu S, Du M-Q, Park S-M, Alcivar A, Qu L, Gupta S, Tang J, Baens M, Ye H, Lee TH,
Marynen P, Riley JL, Yang X (2006) cIAP2 is a ubiquitin protein ligase for BCL10 and is
dysregulated in mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphomas. J Clin. Invest. 116(1)174181.
26. Sadasivam S, Gupta S, Radha V, Batta K, Kundu TK, Swarup G (2005) Caspase-1 activator
Ipaf is a p53-inducible gene involved in apoptosis. Oncogene 24: 627-636.
27. Jain N*, Gupta S*, Sudhakar Ch, Radha V, Swarup G (2005) Role of p73 in regulating
human caspase-1 gene transcription induced by interferonNov 4;280(44):36664-73. *Equal contribution.
28. Cilenti L, Soundarapandian MM, Kyriazis GA, Stratico V, Singh S, Gupta S, Bonventre
JV, Alnemri ES, Zervos AS (2004) Regulation of HAX-1 anti-apoptotic protein by
Omi/HtrA2 protease during cell death. J Biol Chem. 2004 Nov 26;279(48):50295-301.
29. Gupta S, Singh R, Datta P, Zhang Z, Orr C, Lu Z, DuBois G, Zervos AS, Meisler MH,
Srinivasula SM, Fernandes-Alnemri T, Alnemri ES (2004) The carboxy terminal tail of
Presenilin regulates Omi/HtrA2 protease activity. J. Biol. Chem. 279(44):45844-54.
30. Srinivasula SM, Gupta S, Datta P, Zhang Z, Hegde R, Cheong N, Fernandes-Alnemri T,
Alnemri ES (2003) Inhibitor of apoptosis proteins are substrates for the mitochondrial serine
protease Omi/HtrA2. J Biol Chem. 78:31469-31472.
31. Jones JM, Datta P, Srinivasula SM, Weizhen J, Gupta S, Zhang Z, Saunders TL, Margaret
L. Van Keuren, Fernandes-Alnemri T, Alnemri ES (2003) Loss of Omi/HtrA2 protease
activity causes neuromuscular disorder in mnd2 mutant mice. Nature. 425: 721-7.
32. Gupta S, Radha V, Sudhakar Ch, Swarup G (2002) A nuclear protein tyrosine phosphatase
activates p53 and induces caspase-1-dependent apoptosis. FEBS Letters. 532, 61-66.
33. Ganapati U, Gupta S, Radha V, Manogaran PS, Swarup G (2001) A Nuclear protein
tyrosine phosphatase induces shortening of G1 phase and increase in c-myc protein level.
Exp.Cell Res. 265,1-10.
34. Gupta S, Radha V, Furukawa Y, Swarup G (2001) Direct transcriptional activation of
human caspase-1 by tumor suppressor p53. J. Biol. Chem. 276, 10585-10588.
1. Gupta S, Samali A (2009) Protein Targets in Disease (2009/0047).
2. Gupta S, Deepti A, Samali A (2011) Manipulation of Hsp70 and IRE-alpha interaction
Dr Gupta has delivered oral presentations to major international audiences (Children’s Hospital of
Philadelphia, USA; National Institute of Immunology, New Delhi, India; Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and
Diagnostics, Hyderabad, India; National Centre for Biological Sciences, Bangalore, India), as well as invited
seminars at established conferences.
Unfolded Protein Response: Jekyll and Hyde in cancer progression. Annual IAS Meeting 2011 Protein folding and misfolding: mechanisms and consequences, 1-2 December 2011, Glenroyal
Hotel/National University of Ireland, Ireland.
Perk-dependent Repression of miR-106b-25 Cluster is required for ER stress-induced Apoptosis.
FASEB-Science Research Conference June 12-17, 2011. From Unfolded Proteins in the ER to
Disease, Saxtons River, Vermont, USA
Pathologic Impact of ER Stress: regulation by Hsp72. 8th World Congress on Trauma, Shock,
Inflammation and Sepsis, March 9th-13th, 2010, Munich/Germany.
1. Characterisation of miR-4726 and miR-4728 in breast cancer. H Ingoldsby, E Caffrey, M
Webber, D Wall, A Gupta, J Newell, S Gupta, G Callagy. 18-21 June. Edinburgh Pathology
2013, Joint Meeting with the BDIAP. Edinburgh, UK.
2. Prognostic Significance of Deregulated Dicer Expression in Breast Cancer. E Caffrey, D
Wall, M Webber, K Dinneen, H Ingoldsby, L Murillo, CR Inderhaug, J Newell, S Gupta, G
Callagy. 18-21 June. Edinburgh Pathology 2013, Joint Meeting with the BDIAP. Edinburgh,
3. Prognostic Significance of Deregulated Dicer Expression in Breast Cancer. E Caffrey, D
Wall, M Webber, K Dinneen, H Ingoldsby, L Murillo, CR Inderhaug, J Newell, S Gupta, G
Callagy. 28 Feb - 1 March, Annual Meeting 2013. Irish Association for Cancer Research.
Dublin, Ireland.
4. Regulation of NCOA3/AIB1 expression by UPR in Breast Cancer: Implications for
Endocrine Therapy. Ananya Gupta, Mark Webber, Grace Callagy, Sanjeev Gupta. 28 Feb 1 March, Annual Meeting 2013. Irish Association for Cancer Research. Dublin, Ireland.
5. Disruption of miRNA biogenesis confers resistance to ER stress-induced cell death. Karen
Cawley, Afshin Samali and Sanjeev Gupta. 7-12 February, 2012. Keystone symposia:
Gene silencing by small RNAs. Fairmont Hotel Vancouver, Vancouver, British Columbia,
6. Perk-dependent Repression of miR-106b-25 Cluster is Required for ER stress-induced
Apoptosis. Danielle E. Read, Patrizia Agostinis, Claudio Hetz, Afshin Samali, and Sanjeev
Gupta. 7-12 February, 2012. Keystone symposia: Gene silencing by small RNAs. Fairmont
Hotel Vancouver, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
7. Perk-dependent Repression of miR-106b-25 Cluster is Required for ER stress-induced
Apoptosis. Danielle E. Read, Karen Cawley, Ananya Gupta, Patrizia Agostinis, Claudio
Hetz, Afshin Samali, and Sanjeev Gupta. 1-2 December 2011. Annual IAS Meeting 2011.
Protein folding and misfolding: mechanisms and consequences, Glenroyal Hotel/National
University of Ireland, Ireland.
8. Disruption of miRNA biogenesis confers resistance to ER stress-induced cell death. Karen
Cawley, Afshin Samali and Sanjeev Gupta. 1-2 December 2011. Annual IAS Meeting
2011- Protein folding and misfolding: mechanisms and consequences, Glenroyal
Hotel/National University of Ireland, Ireland.
9. Mechanism of Sestrin2 Induction During ER Stress-Mediated Autophagy. Svetlana
Saveljeva, Shane Deegan, Sanjeev Gupta, Afshin Samali. September 14-17, 2011. 19th
Euroconference on Apoptosis “Metabolism, Epigenetics and Cell Death” Stockholm,
10. Loss of PERK sensitises to ER stress-induced apoptosis through upregulation of NOXA.
Neysan Donnelly, Zoltan Giricz, Shane Deegan, Alessandro Natoni, Sanjeev Gupta and
Afshin Samali. September 14-17, 2011. 19th Euroconference on Apoptosis “Metabolism,
Epigenetics and Cell Death” Stockholm, Sweden.
11. Hsp72 differentially regulates pro- and antiLisa Vincenz, Sanjeev Gupta, Ayswaria Deepti, Shane Deegan and Afshin Samali. 21-25
August, 2011. Fifth Cell Stress Society International Congress, Québec, Canada.
12. Hsp27 attenuates ER-stress induced apoptosis. Donna Kennedy, Deepu Oommen, Richard
Jaeger, Sanjeev Gupta, Afshin Samali. 21-25 August, 2011. Fifth Cell Stress Society
International Congress, Québec, Canada.
isa Mullee, Lisa Vincenz,
Sanjeev Gupta, and Afshin Samali. June 12-17, 2011. From Unfolded Proteins in the ER
to Disease, Saxtons River, Vermont, USA.
14. Perk-dependent Repression of miR-106b-25 Cluster is required for ER stress-induced
Apoptosis. Sanjeev Gupta, Danielle E. Read, Ayswaria Deepti, Karen Cawley, Ananya
Gupta, Patrizia Agostinis, Claudio Hetz and Afshin Samali, June 12-17, 2011. From
Unfolded Proteins in the ER to Disease, Saxtons River, Vermont, USA.
15. High Throughput Glycanmap (R) Analysis of Glycosylation during ER Stress and Apoptosis
in a Colon Cancer Model. Sanjeev Gupta, Gerlach, J; Miura, Y; Yamazaki, T; Nakahara, T;
Asada, H; Samali, A; Joshi, L. 7-10 November, 2010. Annual Conference of the Society for
Glycobiology, Florida USA.
16. Upregulation of p53 and NOXA sensitize PERK-deficient cells to ER stress induced
apoptosis. Sanjeev Gupta, Zoltan Giricz, Alessandro Natoni and Afshin Samali. March 3-6,
2010.Annual Meeting of the Irish Association for Cancer Research, Galway, Ireland
17. Hsp70 overexpression inhibits ER stress-induced apoptosis by enhancing IRE1-XBP1
signaling. Ayswaria Deepti, Sanjeev Gupta and Afshin Samali. ASCB 49th Annual
Meeting. December 5-9, 2009, San Diego, CA.
18. PERK deficiency protects against ROS-mediated cell death by impairing the production of
pro-apoptotic UPR target genes. Verfaillie T, Dewaele M, Buytaert E, Martinet W, Sanjeev
Gupta, Samali A and Agostinis P. 17th ECDO Euroconference, September 23-26, 2009,
Institut Pasteur, Paris, France
19. Role of the PERK-ATF4 pathway in ER Stress-induced Apoptosis. Zoltan Giricz,
David MacDonald, Eva Szegezdi, Sanjeev Gupta and Afshin Samali. Apoptosis 2008,
From mechanisms to applications, January 23 - 26, 2008, Luxemburg.
20. Hsp27 inhibits ER stress-induced apoptosis and suppresses caspase activation inPC12 cells.
Deepu Oommen, Sanjeev Gupta, Eva Szegezdi and Afshin Samali. Apoptosis 2008, From
mechanisms to applications, January 23 - 26, 2008, Luxemburg.
21. The carboxy terminal tail of presenilin regulates Omi/HtrA2 protease activity. Sanjeev
Gupta , singh R, Datta P, Zhang Z, srinivasula SM, Fernandes-Alnemri T, Alnemri ES. 5th
symposium of the International cell death Society, June 25-28, 2004 Maynooth, Ireland.
22. A nuclear protein tyrosine phosphatase acts upstream of p53 to regulate the induction of
caspase-1 and initiate apoptosis. Sanjeev Gupta, Vegesna Radha and Ghanshyam Swarup.
NCBS Symposium on Cancer and Cell Death, January 10-13, 2002 Bangalore.
23. Transcriptional regulation of caspase-1 and caspase-3 gene expression by p53 homologue
p73. Sanjeev Gupta, T. Subhash, Ch.Sudhakar, Vegesna Radha and Ghanshyam Swarup
70th Society of Biological Chemists (INDIA), Dec 27-29, 2001 Osmania University,
24. Transcriptional activation of human caspase-1 by tumor suppressor p53. Sanjeev Gupta,
Vegesna Radha, Yusuke Furukawa and Ghanshyam Swarup 40th Annual meeting of
American Society for Cell Biology, Dec 9-13, 2000. San Francisco, USA.
25. Transcriptional regulation of human caspase-1 by tumor suppressor p53 provides a link
between p53 and inflammation. Sanjeev Gupta, Vegesna Radha, Yusuke Furukawa and
Ghanshyam Swarup XXIV All India Cell Biology Conference, November 24-26, 2000 held
at JNU, New Delhi.