[Department] [Date] Environmental plan template This template is intended to be used by the contractor in the development of an objectspecific environmental plan in line with Svenska kraftnät’s environmental document TR 13-01. The object-specific environmental plan must follow the structure of this template. Text highlighted in grey is used as a guide for the contractor to ensure compliance with Svenska kraftnät’s wishes. The environmental plan shall show how the entrepreneur manages operations when working for Svenska kraftnät, what to document and what should be monitored to demonstrate that environmental requirements are met. The environmental plan must deal with those things that are relevant to the tasks performed. The descriptions in the environmental plan must be of sufficient quality so that Svenska kraftnät can assess whether environmental requirements are met. The Environmental plan must be reviewed, approved and signed by Svenska kraftnät and the contractor before any work can commence on site. The undersigned contractor undertakes to carry out the work in SvK4008E, v3.0, 2014-01-09 accordance with the environmental plan and to ensure that all subcontractors comply with the requirements. There must be a designated person responsible for each section in the environmental plan tasked with ensuring that what is written is carried out and that it is updated as necessary. Updates of the environmental plan and its annexes must be documented continuously. Any deviations from the environmental plan must be reported to Svenska kraftnät. In cases where an action plan for land and water exists, the environmental plan must be checked against this so that there are no conflicts between the plans. The environmental plan is to be understood by and accessible to all staff concerned. 1/18 Environmental Officer for the contract : Sign: Date: Sign: Date: Sign: Date: Name and role in the contract Reviewed by in the Approved by in the contract: contract: Name and role in the contract Name and role in the contract Reviewed by Svenska kraftnät: Approved by Svenska kraftnät: Name Name Version Date Developed/ completed by Section updated Reason for change 2/18 Contents Environmental requirements according to TR 13-01........................................................4 1 Risk management ......................................................................................................4 Risk analysis ................................................................................................4 Emergency plan ........................................................................................... 5 Accidents and incidents ...............................................................................6 2 Communication and training ................................................................................... 7 Communication of the environmental plan to the staff concerned .......... 7 Web-based environmental training for key staff ..................................... 8 3 Vehicles and fuels etc. ...............................................................................................9 Inventory of vehicles, NRMMs and storage tanks .................................. 10 Accounting for fuel consumption .............................................................. 11 4 Chemical products ................................................................................................... 12 5 SF6-gas ..................................................................................................................... 13 6 Impregnated wood .................................................................................................. 14 7 Environmental conservation .................................................................................. 15 8 Demolition of installations and decommissioning of equipment ......................... 16 Environmental requirements from authorities................................................................. 17 Applicable requirements within environmental legislation ................................................ 18 3/18 Environmental requirements according to TR 13-01 1 Risk management Risk analysis Please provide below the risks relating to the external environment that are valued highest in the risk analysis and describe preventive and preparatory measures to minimize the risks. Listing the highest valued risks below provides an overview both for those involved in the contract and Svenska kraftnät. The risk analysis must be attached to the environmental plan. If the contract involves work on a number of sites, a risk analysis must be conducted per site. Risks Action plan Preparatory measures E.g. chemical discharges E.g. chemicals bunded E.g. decontamination equipment readily available E.g. leakage from fuel tanks E.g. daily inspection of fuel tanks E.g. decontamination equipment readily available SvK4008E, v3.0, 2014-01-09 Preventative measures 4/18 Requirement Describe how requirement is met The risk analysis must be constantly updated as new risks are identified If routine/s exist for how compliance with requirements is ensured in the contract, write a brief description of the routine/s and refer clearly to the name/number of the routine. Please state when the routine was last updated. Person responsible: Name and role in the contract Emergency plan An object-specific emergency plan, including alarm list must be attached to the environmental plan Requirement Describe how requirement is met All staff and all sub-contractors must be informed and be well acquainted with the elements of the emergency plan and the alarm list that concern them Person responsible: Name and role in the contract 5/18 Accidents and incidents Requirement Describe how requirement is met Svenska kraftnät‘s Project/Maintenance Engineer must be notified immediately in case of accidents, incidents or risk observations If routine/s exist for how compliance with requirements is ensured in the contract, write a brief description of the routine/s and refer clearly to the name/number of the routine. Please state when the routine was last updated. Accidents, incidents and risk observations must be documented and reported to the Project Manager/Maintenance En-gineer in the report template/system that Svenska kraftnät assigns. The contractor is responsible to ensure that cleanup is performed in the event of accidents or incidents that may give rise to environmental im-pacts. When major accidents occur, the restoration of land takes place in consultation with regulatory authorities. Person responsible: Name and role in the contract 6/18 2 Communication and training The following tables include the elements of the environmental plan where training and communication to the staff concerned must take place. Communication of the environmental plan to the staff concerned What part of the environmental plan will/has been communicated What will/ has been communicated Attendance How will/ (roles/people) has it been communicated E.g. impregnated wood E.g. How the ground is protected during storage of poles and sleepers If a large number of people have participated reference can be made instead to the minutes where attendance has been documented. The minutes must be produced easily when requested by Svenska krafnät When was it communicated? State date E.g. risk management E.g. vehicles and fuels 7/18 Web-based environmental training for key staff Key staff to undergo Svenska kraftnät’s environmental training Name Date for the implementation of a successful result E.g. Project Manager Eg. Mia Larsson E.g. 4 Nov 2013 E.g. Site Manager Eg. Carl Carlsson E.g. 4 Nov 2013 E.g. Works Manager Eg. Anna Olsson E.g. 4 Nov 2013 Person responsible: Name and role in the contract 8/18 3 Vehicles and fuels etc. Requirement Describe how requirement is met In particularly sensitive areas, such as sensitive natural habitats, water ways of importance for the water supply and sensitive wetlands, the hydraulic oils/fluids used must meet environmental performance requirements Swedish Standard SS 155434 Describe how controls will be per-formed to ensure that all equipment meets requirements. See Technical Research Institute of Sweden’s (SP) list of approved hy-draulic oils/fluids http://www.sp.se/km/hydraul Within the metropolitan areas of Describe how controls will be per-formed to ensure that all equipment meets Stockholm, Gothenburg and requirements Malmö, the hydraulic oils/fluids used must always meet environmental performance requirements Swedish Standard SS 155434 Hydraulic hoses on machinery must be checked daily to avoid leakage. Write clearly how this is ensured, for example by keeping minutes Refueling and setup of tanks, NRMMs and vehicles must take place in the same place as far as possible. The area must be designed so that spills can be easily dealt with. Describe how the choice of location was made. Storage tanks and fuel tanks must be double walled or bunded and be collision-protected. When filling fixed storage tanks or fuel tanks e.g. standby power supply units, equipment must be used to collect spills such as a trough. Person responsible: Name and role in the contract 9/18 Inventory of vehicles, NRMMs and storage tanks TR 13-01, section 6 specifies, among other things, maximum emissions of CO2/km, acceptable vehicle ages and approved fuels. Please use the template below, or draw up an inventory with the same content in order to meet the requirements of TR 13-01 Section 6 Airborne resources, ground-based vehicles and NRMMs: Reg.No Vehicle type CO2 emission Age Hydraulic oil Fuel and environmental class Engine type (only NRMMs covered by EU regulations) 10/18 Storage tanks/fuel tanks No Owner Storage Unique Volum tank ID-num- (m3) Con- Year of Inspection tent manu- interval and facture last inspec- ber tion date 1 E.g. Fuel storage tank 2 E.g. Diesel storage tank Accounting for fuel consumption Requirement Describe how requirement is met Fuel consumption must be reported quarterly to Svenska kraftnät using the template developed for the purpose. The template can be found on the Svenska kraftnät website, http://svk.se/Teknis ka-krav/Tekniskariktlinjer/Miljo/ Reporting for the fourth quarter must be filed no later than January 31 of the following year If routine/s exist for how compliance with requirements is ensured in the contract, write a brief description of the routine/s and refer clearly to the name/number of the routine. Please state when the routine was last updated. Person responsible: Name and role in the contract 11/18 4 Chemical products Hazardous chemical products that are planned to be used in the contract must be reviewed and graded by Svenska kraftnät accordning to the criteria in TR 13-01 Section 7. Templates and instructions for how to meet the criteria is available at www.svk.se. Describe here how the criteria will be fullfilled in the contract. Person responsible: Name and role in the contract 12/18 5 SF6-gas Requirement Describe how requirement is met Whenever dealing with appliances and gasinsulated substations containing SF6-gas, necessary measures must be carried out to prevent SF6-gas being emitted If routine/s exist for how compliance with requirements is ensured in the contract, write a brief description of the routine/s and refer clearly to the name/number of the routine. Please state when the routine was last updated. All relevant staff must have the knowledge they need in order to minimize the environmental impact in the handling of appliances and gas insulated substations containing SF6-gas When performing work that requires opening the gas room SF6-gas must in the first instance be put into gas treatment equipment for storage, treatment and reuse In cases where the gas cannot be reused, the destruction of the gas must be performed in an environmentally sound manner Person responsible: Name and role in the contract 13/18 6 Impregnated wood Requirement Describe how requirement is met Greasy/bleeding poles Describe how acceptance inspection is conducted or sleepers may not be used in contracts and must be returned immediately, as well as documented with a photo and reported to Svenska kraftnät Inspection must be conducted on newly mounted poles the summer after assembly. When there are greasy poles - document with photo and report to Svenska kraftnät Describe who is responsible for checking poles and sleepers, the routine for how inspections are performed and the routine when greasy/bleeding poles are discovered Describe working procedures around storage When storing newly impregnated poles and sleepers outdoors, the land surface must be protected with tarpaulin with a layer of bark on top and covered with tarpaulin Impregnated poles must always be stored on a proper distance from water protection areas and individual wells A suitable storage area must be selected in consultation with the property owner and regulator. Describe how the risk of leakage to the surroundings is prevented Person responsible: Name and role in the contract 14/18 7 Environmental conservation If the requirements below are addressed in a specific action plan for land and water, then that must be followed instead. Requirement Describe how requirement is met Describe how it is ensured that the necessary permits Heritage sites, conservation areas, habitat protected areas, and dispensations are in place and how conservation values are taken into account Natura 2000 areas, legally protected interests or areas and other conservation areas must be identified and marked on the site map and on the terrain. Any management plans for the work site must be checked. Verification is performed against management plans that are posted in the Svenska kraftnät maintenance system Trees and shrubs to be saved due to environmental conservation should be taped or marked in some other way. Clouding of watercourses must be prevented. After work is completed, the land must be restored and ruts caused by machinery smoothed as well as logging residuals cleaned away. Person responsible: Name and role in the contract 15/18 8 Demolition of installations and decommissioning of equipment This section must be completed only if the demolition or decommissioning will be included in the contract Requirement Describe how requirement is met An item customized demolition plan must be drawn up. The demolition plan must be based on an environmental inventory and meet the requirements of TR 13-01 Section 11. The demolition plan and environmental inventory must be attached to the environmental plan. The demolition plan must be reviewed, approved and signed by Svenska kraftnät. Describe how, where and when the demolition is planned. Please show on a sketch map. All equipment that may contain PCBs must be analyzed Explain how the equipment that may contain PCBs is identified Management of end of life foundations must comply with the technical description or under special instructions from Svenska kraftnät Person responsible: Name and role in the contract 16/18 Environmental requirements from authorities Requirement Describe how requirement is met Description of how the relevant requirements of environmental legislation will be met in the contract The description must include environmental requirements, how existing and new environmental requirements are identified and how they are met in the contract. If there is a routine for how this is ensured in the contract, write a brief description of the routine and refer clearly to the name/number of the routine. State when the routine was last updated. Please attach an item specific list of environmental requirements from the authorities or enter them directly in the environmental plan Person responsible: Name and role in the contract 17/18 Applicable requirements within environmental legislation Requirement Describe how requirement is met Description of how the relevant requirements of environmental legislation will be met in the contract The description should include the applicable legal requirements, how existing and new requirements are identified and how they are met in the contract. If a routine exists for how this is ensured in the contract, write a brief description of the routine and refer clearly to the name/ number of the routine. State when the routine was last updated. Please attach an item specific list of environmental requirements from the authorities or enter them directly in the environmental plan Person responsible: Name and role in the contract Attachments The following documents must be attached in the environmental plan: > Risk analysis > Emergency plan > Inventory of vehicles, NRMMs and storage tanks (If this is not written in the environmental plan according to the template contained in the environmental plan) > Statement of hazardous chemical products including product selection analysis > Applicable requirements in environmental legislation (unless applicable requirements of environmental legislation are written in the environmental plan) 18/18