BulletinHolyTrinity_10-26-14 - Holy Trinity Orthodox Church

19th SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST — Tone 2. Prophet Joel (ca. 800
B.C.). Martyr Varus, and with him six Monk Martyrs (ca. 307). Translation
of the Relics of Venerable John, Abbot of Rila in Bulgaria (1238). Blessed
Cleopatra and her son John, in Egypt (327). Hieromartyr Sadoc (Sadoth),
Bishop of Persia, and 128 Martyrs with him (342).
2 Corinthians 11:31-12:9
Luke 8:5-15
Saint Demetrios was born in Thesaloniki, Greece in 270 AD. He
came from a wealthy family and because he was athletic in
appearance and heroic in spirit, he became a high-ranking officer in
the Roman Army at a very young age. (This is why he is depicted in
Byzantine icons in military dress, either standing or riding a horse.)
He considered himself a soldier of Christ first, and a military soldier
second. He spent most of his time as a devout missionary, preaching
the Gospel at secret meetings and converting pagans to the Christian
At one of these meetings, he was captured and placed in front of the
Emperor Maximian, who wanted to learn the truth about the
conversions. Saint Demetrios proclaimed his faith by saying: “…only
in Christ do I believe.” With that proclamation, Maximian ordered
that Saint Demetrios be sent to prison and subjected to the cruelest
Even though Saint Demetrios was imprisoned, he did not stop
preaching the gospel to those who came to see him. In jail, he was
visited by his follower, Nestoras. Nestoras was a man of small stature
and had come to ask for his beloved teacher’s blessing to fight in the
upcoming gladiator games. The emperor had decided to use the
games as a duel between Christianity and paganism by challenging
any Christian to a fight against the athletic giant, Leo.
With the blessing of Saint Demetrios, Nestoras fought and killed Leo.
Enraged at the loss of his favorite gladiator, the emperor commanded
that Nestoras be beheaded on the spot. Recognizing that Saint
Demetrios was the inspiring power behind Nestoras, the emperor
ordered that Saint Demetrios be executed by spear on October 26, 306
AD Christians buried the body of Saint Demetrios at the place of his
execution and because of the beautiful scent that emanated from his
tomb, he was named Mirovlitis or “The Myrrh Gusher”.
The most ancient icons of Saint Demetrios may be found in his
temple in Thessaloniki where he is the patron saint. This is not just
because he was born and died there, but because the people believe it
was his intervention that saved the city during many attacks by Slavic
nations, the Bulgarians, Arabs, Saracens and others. Even the
liberation of Thessaloniki during the Balkan wars of 1912 coincide
with the feast day of Saint Demetrios on October 26.
Sunday, October 26…………….……..9:30 am Third Hour
9:45 am General Confession
10:00 am Divine Liturgy
Saturday, November 1………………...6:00 pm Great Vespers
Sunday, November 2…………………..9:30 am Third Hour
9:45 am St. Xenia Prayers
10:00 am Divine Liturgy
of The Mountain of Silence and Gifts of the Desert
Diocesan Girls’ Retreat: A Diocesan Girls Retreat for those in grades 7-12
will take place at Saint Basil’s Academy in Garrison NY from Friday-Sunday,
November 14-16, 2014. Saint Basil's Academy has beautiful grounds offering
dormitory style rooms, an indoor basketball court and an Olympic-size indoor
swimming pool which will be available for use. There is no fee to participate
in this three-day retreat. More information is on the bulletin board.
Registration must be submitted by November 3, 2014.
Prosphera Seals: We have ordered more seals but, if you have a seal at
home that you are not using please bring them to church and give them to
Matushka Kerri. We are truly in need of them.
Prosphera Baking: Our next baking session will be Friday, November 14th
at 9:30.
Holiday Fundraiser: We are offering beautiful AMARYLLIS bulbs for sale.
Sandi Masklee is the contact person. Please support this project!!
Saints Anna and Catherine: Please mark your calendars!! We will be
meeting on Saturday, November 15th at 4:30 and December 13th at 4:00.
Please make every attempt to join us at these meetings.
Saint Anna Café: Please note that we did not open the cafe this past
Sunday as only one girl was there willing to work. We ust have 2 girls if the
cafe is to open. IF you are interested please email Matushka Kerri before
hand or make sure you see her on Sunday morning.
Holy Trinity Orthodox Church
“Offering the Fullness of the Christian Faith”
Orthodox Church in America: Diocese of NY and NJ
PO Box 630, Ironia, NJ 07845: 120 Dover-Chester Road, Randolph, NJ 07869
www.holytrinityrandolph.com 973-366-8360
Rev. David R. Fox, Rector
(c) 201-841-7590 – fatherdavid@holytrinityrandolph.com
V. Rev. George Hasenecz, Attached – Carol Wetmore, Choir Director
A confused mind . . . withdrawn from God, is
led captive everywhere. And there is no way of
regaining its stability except by repenting to
God and uniting with him, by frequent and
patient prayers, and by mentally confessing
our sins to him each day.
+St. Gregory of Sinai
Holy Trinity Parish Council
Senior Warden – Suzette Eremin
Treasurer – Niki Barna
Secretary – Carol Wetmore
Eugene Bohensky
George Bohensky
Peter Dardaganis
Junior Warden – William Cullinan
Financial Secretary – John Babiak
Brian Farbanish
Drew Krause
Sandra Masklee
St. Demetrios the Myrrhgusher