Salt Lake Community College Biology Department BIOL2030 - Genetics Spring Semester 2014 Instructor: Jed H. Doelling PhD E-mail: Office: JHS 248C Phone: 957-6332 Consultation Hours: JHS T,Th 10-11:00 am, 2:30-4:00pm SI 309 M 11:30-1:00 pm, W 9-9:45am or by appointment Required Course Materials: 1) Textbook: iGenetics, A Molecular Approach 3rd edition Peter J. Russell 2) Must have a computer capable of using appropriate course applications (e.g. Canvas) and wordprocessing programs (e.g. Microsoft Word and Excel). Course Supplements: Assignments, short videos, and web sites will be provided that correspond to and compliments the reading and lecture material. Most materials will be posted on the course’s Canvas website. Students are expected to read and view related supplements as they will be part of examination material. A variety of scientific and popular literature will be covered and discussed. Students are expected to have a good understanding of discussion material prior to class discussions. Course Description: Prereq: BIOL 1610 w/C grade or better AND CHEM 1210 w/C grade or better. Coreq: BIOL 2035. For biology/science majors. An introduction to the principles of genetics. Topics include: transmission (Mendelian), molecular, and population genetics. Three hours of lecture per week with additional lab component (BIOL 2035) required . COLLEGE-WIDE LEARNING OUTCOMES The Core Themes of SLCC’s Mission focuses on Access and Success, Transfer Education, Workforce Education and Community Engagement. As such, all courses and programs address one or more of the below College-Wide Learning Outcomes. Upon successful completion of any program at SLCC, students should: Acquire substantive knowledge in the discipline of their choice sufficient for further study, and/or demonstrate competencies required by employers to be hired and succeed in the workplace. Communicate effectively. Develop quantitative literacies necessary for their chosen field of study. Think Critically. Develop the knowledge and skills to be civically engaged, and/or to work with others in a professional and constructive manner. COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES In order to full-fill the goals of the College-wide Learning Outcomes, the below course learning outcomes have been established for this course. This scientific field can be divided into three main areas: 1) Transmission Genetics 2) Molecular Genetics 3) Population Genetics You will: (1) gain an understanding of the terms used and principals involved in these three areas, (2) develop skills for solving story problems in these three areas, and (3) be introduced to some methods of genetic research being used today. The following topics will be covered and appropriate problems will be worked for each topic: Review of Genetic Vocabulary o Gene/allele; genome/proteome; Diploid/haploid; chromosome forms; maps; karyotypes Genetic Expression, Variation, and Continuity o Accomplished by complementary base pairing and the ability of specific proteins to recognize and bind to specific sequences of DNA The Cell cycle and the Sexual life cycles o Mitosis, meiosis, fission o Gametic, Sporic, Zygotic Packaging of DNA into chromatin/chromosomes o Viral, prokaryotic, and eukaryotic genetic material o DNA folding patterns Histones, nucleosomes, scaffolding, solenoids, supercoiling o Chromosome banding patterns o Sequence organization Single copy, repetitive(functional and nonfunctional), and spacer DNA Mendel’s principles and experimental design o Product law, sum law, forked-line analysis, conditional probability, binomial expansion o Chi-square test o Dominance effects, lethal alleles, environmental effects Pedigree Analysis Alternative ratios due to gene interactions o Cooperation, epistasis, complementation, suppression, duplicate gene action Gender determination o Various methods in the living world o Detailed description of Drosophila determination Linkage and Gene mapping o Linkage—coupling/repulsion, testcross, reciprocal cross --Recombination Frequencies, map units --3 point cross order, map distances, interference o Tetrad Analysis --Neurospora life style (haploid/heterokaryons/ascospores) --MI, MII patterns, PD, NPD, T --Determine linked or not on same arm or not distance between 2 genes distance between gene and centromere o Somatic Cell Hybridization and other human mapping techniques --RFLP’s, Southern Blotting, DNA fingerprinting Bacterial Genetics o Auxotrophs/prototrophs/minimal medium/revertants o Conjugation --F plasmid (episome) F+, Hfr, F-, F’ --merodiploid --mapping map units are in minutes rolling circle model and plasmid orientation Selective media—antibiotics, selectable marker, replica plating Recombination Frequencies—always need even # cross overs, don’t get reciprocal recombinants o Transduction Lysogenic vs. Lytic Cycle Temperate vs. Virulent phages Specialized vs. Generalized Transduction o Transformation—observed by Griffiths. Metabolic pathways in Yeast o Three different experimental tests(complementation, cross-feeding, supplementation) to determine: Number of genes involved in a pathway Order of genes in the pathway (not order of genes on the chromosome) Does complementation occur or does recombination occur. Fine Gene Mapping using T4 phage (Benzer o Bead theory of chromosome structure o Contiditon lethal (permissive vs. restrictive hosts) o Complementation Vs. Recombination o Mapping—hot spots. DNA Structure o History of discovery o Double helix, complementary, antiparallel structure o Structure of bases—including H bonding sites o Importance of dNTP’s in making DNA o Phosphodiester bonds o o o A, B, and Z DNA Difference between DNA and RNA Tm for a DNA strand ( GC=4, AT=2 degrees C) DNA replication o Semiconservative, Bidirectional, Semidiscontinuous o Meselsen and Stahl experiment o Theta replication, rolling circle replication, linear chromosome replication o Enzymes of Replication General function, specific activities. Transcription o RNA polymerase (core enzyme, holoenzyme) o Coding strand, promoter, termination o Transcription/translation can occur concurrently in prokaryotes o 5’ untranslated region, translated region, 3’untranslated region o Types of RNA Translation o Experiments to elucidate the genetic code. (colinearity, nonoverlapping) o One gene-One enzyme –formation and analysis of mutants Yeast experiments to study metabolic pathways and complementation o The process of translation and the use of the codon chart AUG UAA, UAG, UGA Code degeneracy Wobble hypothesis Universality of code Gene regulation o Prokaryotic Regulation Lac operon—inducible, positive and negative control Ara operon--inducible, positive and negative control Trp operon—repressible, attenuation; negative feedback Shape of regulatory proteins Helix-turn-helix, etc o Levels of Regulation in Eukaryotes Chromatin structure; methylation Transcription factors Post-transcriptional processing Post-translational processing Cancer as a genetic disease o Proto-oncogenes, tumor suppressors, mutator genes Gene Mutations o Phenotypic vs. Genotypic vs. Chromosomal o Somatic vs. Germinal o Mutation Rate vs. Mutation frequency o Tests used to detect/study mutations (including reversions) o How are mutations and cancer related (p. 199-201) Mechanisms that produce mutations o Spontaneous mechanisms o Chemically induced o Radiation induced Mechanisms of DNA repair o Error avoidance o In situ repair o Excision repair o Post replication responses Gene Mutations o Phenotypic Vs. Genotypic Vs. chromosomal o Somatic Vs. Germinal o Mutation Rate Vs. Mutation Frequency Experimental Protocols to detect/study mutations o Penicillin and filtration enrichment, replica plating, Ames test, Fluctuation test Mechanisms that produce Mutations o Spontaneous mutations o Chemically induced mutations o Radiation induced mutations Mechanisms of DNA repair o Error avoidance o In situ repair o Excision repair o “post” replication repair/response Population Genetics o Definitions and examples o Allele and genotype frequency determination o Genetic equilibrium—chi-square test Factors that increase Genetic variation in populations o Mutations—calculate rate, p-hat o Meiotic recombination—haplotype frequencies o Gene flow—calculate migration rates, admixture Factors that reduce genetic variation in populations o Inbreeding—reduces heterozygosity o Genetic Drift—small populations Can result in allele fixation Converts genetic variation within a population to genetic difference among populations o Natural Selection Fitness—calculate allele frequencies with fitness values Directional, stabilizing, disruptive selection Balanced Polymorphism GENERAL POLICIES Syllabus: This syllabus represents an “agreement” between you the student and the instructor. It is designed to insure course integrity and fairness as well as provide students with a clear understanding of course expectations. The instructor and students are expected to use the syllabus and schedule as a guide for the semester. Any deviation from the syllabus or schedule will be discussed and agreed upon by the instructor and students. Attendance: Attendance at one of the first two class meetings is MANDATORY! If you do NOT attend at least one of the first two lectures, YOU RISK BEING DROPPED from the course by the end of the day on January 17. Americans with Disabilities Act: Students with medical, psychological, learning or other disabilities desiring accommodations or services under ADA, must contact the Disability Resource Center (DRC). The DRC determines eligibility for and authorizes the provision of these accommodations and services for the college." Please contact the DRC at the Student Center, Suite 244, Redwood Campus, 4600 So. Redwood Rd, 84123. Phone: (801) 957-4659, TTY: 957-4646, Fax: 957- 4947 or by email:" Incomplete Grade and Withdraw from Class: A grade of “I” (Incomplete) is the instructor’s option and is not given except only in the most extenuating of circumstances for which there is verifiable written documentation. In order to receive an incomplete, nearly all course work must have been completed (e.g. ~75%) with a passing grade. If you decide to withdraw from the course, you may do so before the published withdrawal date. Last day to withdraw from class with refund is February 3, without refund is March 24. It is the responsibility of the student to drop/withdraw from this class, not the instructors. No student may withdraw from the course after the published withdrawal date without proper documentation indicating unexpected hardship. You are then responsible for obtaining the appropriate documentation and signatures to complete the withdrawal process. Academic Dishonesty: Absolutely NOT tolerated and includes all forms of cheating and plagiarism as outlined in the Student Code. Penalty for first offense will be a grade of “0” on the assignment or exam; second offense will be an “E” for the course. Electronic Devices: Cell Phones, pagers are to be turned off during class. Computers can be used for note-taking and course-related purposes ONLY but should not be used during class for working on other tasks (e.g. answer emails, Facebook, other classes etc.). You will be asked to leave if your electronic device disrupts the class in anyway. Cell phones MUST be turned completely OFF during exams. Classroom recordings: Students may not record or publish information from the class without written authorization from the instructor. If used without authorization you have violated Privacy/Intellectual Property Rights. Student Code of Conduct: The student is expected to follow the SLCC Student Code of Conduct found at Missed Due Dates: All required assignments/discussions, quizzes, exams and their due dates are given at the beginning of the semester. Due dates reflect the last possible date to turn in an item. All items may be turned in prior to the due date, thus, there is no excuse for late assignments, quizzes or exams and therefore NO late papers, makeup quizzes or exams will be permitted. Extra credit options will also have due dates and late submissions WILL NOT BE PERMITTED. Due dates are established to enable student learning and to allow faculty to grade and return items in a timely manner. Other SLCC academic policies may be found in the SLCC 2013-2014 Catalog, the Spring Semester Class Schedule and the Student Code of Conduct. EVALUATION/GRADING Grading: Sectional examinations will be given at approximately four week intervals. (4 exams: 100 points each, lowest score from exam 1, 2, 300 points 3 or comprehensive final will be dropped) Comprehensive Final Exam (Sections 1, 2, and 3) 100 points Laboratory quizzes, prelabs and reports 100 points. Exams will be given during the laboratory period (see schedule) to allow 2.5 hours if needed. The Section 4 exam will take place during finals week on May 7 at 9:10 am. Sectional examinations will consist of two parts: 1) Multiple choice, true/false, matching, and short answer questions designed to test your understanding of the terms and principles. 2) Problem solving and essay questions. The Final Examination will be comprehensive and will take place during the last lab period. Cheating on examinations will not be tolerated & will result in expulsion from the course. No programmable calculators allowed during exams. A calculator such as a TI 35 is allowed. Make up examinations without pre-approval and/or medical excuse will not be given. There are 400 possible points in the lecture class because the score from one examination will be dropped. If you miss an examination, that examination will be considered as your dropped score. The score on the final exam can be dropped if you do not drop one of the sectional exams. The fourth sectional exam cannot be dropped so that you will be tested on all covered material. Extra Credit: At times, extra credit questions might be included on exams. Only one extra credit assignment will be available and must be completed by February 5: To obtain the 10 points extra credit you must a) e-mail me to schedule an office visit and b) visit with me in my office at the scheduled time. Grade determination: Tentative Grading Scale: total points possible = 500 A: 460 or more (92%) A-: 450 – 459.9 (90%) B+: 440 – 449.9 (88%) B: 410 – 439.9 (82%) B-: 400 – 409.9 (80%) C+: 390 – 399.9 (78%) C: 360 – 389.9 (72%) C-: 350 – 359.9 (70%) D+: 340 – 349.9 (68%) D: 310 – 339.9 (62%) D-: 300 – 309.9 (60%) E: less than 299.9 You are expected to keep track of your own scores throughout the semester. Your scores will be written on your exams which will be returned to you. Please do not ask me to calculate your test averages during the semester. COURSE SCHEDULE Date Chapter(s) covered Week 1 (Jan 13) Syllabus, Chapter 2 (Jan 15) Chapters 2, 3 Week 2 (Jan 20) Holiday (Jan 22) Chapter 3 Week 3 (Jan 27) Chapter 4, 5 (Jan 29) Chapter 5 Week 4 (Feb 3) Chapter 6 (Feb 5) Review Week 5 (Feb 10) Chapter 11 (Feb 12) Chapter 12 Week 6 (Feb 17) Holiday (Feb 19) Chapters 12, 13 Week 7 (Feb 24) Chapter 13 (Feb 26) Chapter 14 Week 8 (Mar 3) Chapters 14, 19 (Mar 5) Review Week 9 (Mar 10) Spring Break (Mar 12) Spring Break Week 10 (Mar 17) Chapter 7 (Mar 19) Chapter 16 Week 11 (Mar 24) Chapter 20 (Mar 26) Chapter 8 Week 12 (Mar 31) Chapter 10 (Apr 2) Chapter 10 Week 13 (Apr 7) Test Review (Apr 9) Chapter 17 Week 14 (Apr 14) Chapter 17, 18 (Apr 16) Chapter 18 Week 15 (Apr 21) Chapter 21 (Apr 23) Chapter 21 Week 16 (Apr 28) Chapter 22 (Apr 30) Test Review Test week (May 7 at 9:10 am) lab activity 1) DNA isolation: split peas, human 2) PCR 3) BLAST & ClustalW computer programs Test 1 (Chapters 2 – 6) 4) Fruit Fly Crosses 5) Probability – Chi Square 6) Extensions of Mendel lab Test 2 (Chapters 11 – 14, 19) 7) Meiosis & Chromosomal Mutations 8) Genomic DNA Library Construction 8b) Genomic DNA Library Analysis Test 3 (Chapters 7, 8, 10, 16, 20 9) Restriction Maps 10) Population Genetics Cumulative Exam (Sections 1 – 3) Test 4 (Chapters 17, 18, 21, 22 NOTE: Use the above grading scale as a guideline during the semester. The final grading scale will be determined after the final exam. Past experience has shown that the final grading scale will be very close to this one.