Jan 8, 2015 Meeting Minutes - Thunder Bay Finnish Canadian

Thunder Bay Finnish Canadian Historical Society (TBFCHS)
Thunder Bayn Kanadansuomalainen Historiaseura
Meeting Minutes, January 8, 2015
The Finnish Labour Temple
Call to Order:
7:16 p.m.
Kathleen Traynor, William Roberts, Marc Metsaranta, Saku Pinta,
Kathy Toivonen, Anneli Tolvanen
Approval of Agenda: Saku Pinta; seconded: William Roberts; carried with addition of FA Fee email, City
Delegation to Finland, Book donation (2 Finnish language books on Finn/Can history)
Approval of
Previous Minutes: William Roberts; seconded, Saku Pinta; carried.
Treasurer’s Report:
Balance in chequing acct:
Business Arising:
Finlandia Association (FA)
Website Quote:
Kathy Toivonen will contact the FA board to set up a
Waiting for update on progress from Mark Walther.
January Coffee House:
Kathy Toivonen updated the board on the progress of
the event: Partnering with ORAS Chamber Choir, 8
people/groups confirmed so far, a letter of support to
the Canadian Suomi Foundation written requesting $600
of funding ($500 for payment to acts and $100 advertising)
Donated Children’s Books:
Sharon Melville had donated 170 Finnish language
Children’s books “Autot 2 – Piilokuvakija” We will donate
a set of books – enough for a classroom – to the children’s
Finnish language school held at Algonquin School. A
decision on the rest of the books are still undecided.
(As noted in an email) Jane Chapman and Eldon Oja
thought that a good way to address the question: “How
does genealogy fit into the TBFCHS” is to start with a data
base on our new web site. It was suggested that the
Society purchase the use of Ancestory.com for members
to access.
See new business – may co-inside with AGM
March event:
New Business
Action Items and Results
Nov. 30, 2014 - $8,797.63
(Treasurer, Jane Chapman, out of town until spring)
Poems and writings: Saturday, March 28, 2015
(Tentative dates. Details to follow.) Event may be
cancelled, deferred or rolled into the AGM. Decisions to be
made at February meeting.
FA fees
The Finlandia Association (FA) has put out an email to all
*An error was realized regarding the
Finlandia Association (FA)
membership fee email and the
resulting motion and vote. Two table
officers were not present at the
meeting to vote on the issue. As a
result, everyone on the board was
emailed the original email from the
FA, the meeting minutes (less this
addition) and a letter in response to
the FA stating our points as noted in
the minutes.
Jane Chapman and Jorma Halonen
both emailed their votes in approval
of offering a $300 donation to the FA
as a sign of good faith and not as a
member group of the FA until all of
the Society’s concerns have been
investigated and voted on.
of the Groups under the FA. We also received the email.
(See email from Heleena Stephens Wed. Jan. 7, 2015)
The email informs of the Annual Fee for groups of $300
and membership fee of $30 per person as well as the
(undefined) policies and perks after the fees are paid.
As we are not under the FA, nor a member, the Board will:
1. Contact the Ontario Historical Society (OHS) to see if
our board could be a member of another board other than
the OHS. Kathleen Traynor or Kathy Toivonen will email
2. Defer a decision on becoming a member of the FA until
the membership policy is complete.
3. Pay $300 donation as a show of thank-you and good
faith, but not as an annual fee.
4. Write an email letter to the FA with the explanation of
our donation and needing to hold off on the official
membership decision until policies are in place,
membership is defined, OHS approval, contract or policy
between the TBFCHS and the FA boards is finalized.
*Motion: William Roberts put forth the motion to donate
$300 to the FA for the 2014/15 season in good faith until
all contracts/policies are in place and membership is
defined and allowed. Seconded: Kathleen Traynor.
City Delegation
To Seinajoki, Finland
Saku Pinta informed the board of the Thunder Bay
delegation making plans to visit the sister city of Seinajoki,
Finland. The trip is planned for June, 2015 and businesses
and individuals can join in a group rate. Once more details
are available, Saku will email the group.
Donated History Books
Saku Pinta was given two Finnish language books
on Finnish Canadian History for our Society. The board
would normally donate the books to the library or archive
them at the LU library, but since the library already has the
books, the Society has graciously declined the donation
and has offered them to Saku.
Sisu Cards
Kathy Toivonen suggested that a set of cards depicting
SISU could be made from our archived photos from both
the Lakehead University Library Archives and our
collection at The Finnish Labour Temple as a possible
summer selling item.
Next Meeting:
Thursday, February 12, 2015
The Finnish Labour Temple
Meeting Room 7 p.m.
8:17 p.m.