
Heineken International B.V.
Attention Mrs. M. Bulhak, Global HR
Postbus 28
1000 AA Amsterdam
Culemborg/Oosterhout, 4th April 2013
Re: CLA Heineken Group
Dear Mrs. Bulhak,
In view of the upcoming bargaining on the CLA Heineken Group, we herewith present you the
proposal of both Vakbond De Unie and the MHP Heineken.
Reference is made to the discussions with your goodself and Mr. Ruud van der Wel on 5th July 2012
and 7th March 2013 about having Heineken Group its “own” CLA and its setup. Our adherents value
that a tailor made package of labour conditions for them would be agreed upon. MHP Heineken and
De Unie opt for modernizing the existing CLA with more focus on headlines and more room for
customized delivery.
Maintaining purchasing power is important. Our constituency, middle and higher staff, are
continuously hit by government policies. We therefore propose to “ease the pain” and structurally
raise the wages and the wages related components by 2.5% effective 1st of January 2013. This would
suit a contract of 12 months from 1st of January 2013 until and including 31st of December 2013.
An important pillar is the pension. Our constituency would be hit huge in case the contours around
pension would become reality. We therefore aim for a future proof pension, however we wish to
discuss the pension file separately from the CLA table. Hence we propose to include following into
the protocol:
Heineken and Employee representatives will use the forthcoming time for the realization of a future
proof pension contract with an appropriate surplus and deficit arrangement. This pension contract
must meet announced future law and regulations. When the announced government regulations will
materialize Heineken and Employee representatives will discuss how to find a solution for the
situation at this particular moment.
To avoid that employees are being confronted with a gap in their Dutch AOW (Dutch Old Age State
Pension Scheme) we would propose that effective 2013 the termination of the contract of
employment will end per the date that Dutch AOW will be received. In the same way the Heineken
Pension should start the date that the contract of employment ends and Dutch AOW is received.
For De Unie and the MHP Heineken this CLA consultation should give room to the individual
employee to be able to make choices. Together with Heineken we wish to cooperate and take care
that employees are able to work on a sustainable work perspective and more freedom in choices
appropriate to the life stage of the individual. It is also important that an unambiguous policy is
being developed for employees of 55 years and older. Besides this we would make arrangements
with Heineken for “The New Working” along the lines of the conclusions and recommendations
from the report of Teun Smits. For these issues a further explanation will follow at the start of the
CLA discussions.
We further propose to redesign the so-called ATV arrangements, in a way that the individual
employment contracts will be set at 40 hours/week. The value of ATV days will become part of the
employee’s salary by doing this. In case the employee wishes so, he can purchase free time through
the Heineken à la carte system. During the CLA discussions we should work out with you the
Heineken Group has a lot of instruments to work on a sustainable employment perspective and
employability. We propose to hold all this against the light and to conclude if there is sufficient room
for the individual for further development. If this is not the case or in case the instruments would
need an update we would suggest to pick this up as CLA parties. As an example may serve the
Employability Budget which is only used by a small number of employees. We might come to the
conclusion that this can lead to amendments during the current contract year.
Within the framework of employment participation we consider it important that equal work leads
to equal reward. From this perspective we would propose to treat employees who entered into
service after 1st January 2006 equally to the employees who entered into service before 1st of
January 2006. This would require amendment of the particular employment contracts and should
result in equal pension accrual for all employees. In this respect MHP Heineken and De Unie are
willing to discuss a progressive reduction of the so-called extra holidays for older employees.
Furthermore we propose to reintegrate salary group 30 into the CLA and to delete the salary groups
10 and 11 completely by introducing corresponding run up steps in the salary groups 16 and 20.
Recently there were lots of discussions about the “KitKat” arrangements. MHP Heineken and De
Unie would like to make an agreement on a policy for frequent travelers. The policy, as far as we are
concerned, should contain a compensation in time and money for travelling during unregulated
hours from and to abroad. This would mean a further clarification and improvement of the current
arrangement. We opt for implementation of the renewed arrangement effective 1st January 2014.
We understand that possible flexible deployment of employees is of importance to Heineken. For us,
however, there are limits. For the future we would propose to maximize the size of the flexible
workforce to an average of 20%. Fixed positions which have been hold for two years by flexible
workforce will have to be converted into a vacancy on basis of a permanent contract of
employment. (Unlimited time)
Heineken group is aware of the importance of a CLA and support amongst employees.
During this year together we must work hard to discuss and handle all subjects. This requires time,
energy and also expertise. It is also in the interest of Heineken Group that discussions will go
professionally and show continuity at the discussion table. In order to be able to cope with this extra
effort we would propose to allow the Employees Representative Organizations each an additional
allowance of 20,000 Euro on top of the current employer’s contribution arrangement Heineken
Group/Heineken Nederland.
Finally: The foregoing should be considered against the light of modernizing the CLA of Heineken
Group. A battle which is not yet entirely made by these proposals. To achieve in 2014 truly a
modernized CLA, we propose a joint investigation to the working of the labour conditions as laid
down in the CLA and if the package still meets the wishes of the various employees in Heineken
Group. We will further explain our ideas at the start of the discussions.
We trust to have constructive discussions with you and hope to reach quickly an agreement in
principle with Heineken Group. Finally we would like to remark that we will explicitly reserve the
right to add , amend or withdraw proposals during the process.
On behalf of both MHP Heineken and De Unie Mr. Laarveld will be spokesman. Our delegation will
consist of Mr. B.A. Koster, Mr. S. Laarveld, Mr. E. Kroes and/or Mr. P.C. Walraven
Yours faithfully,
Boudewijn Koster, MHP Heineken
Copy to:
Mr. R. van der Wel, Heineken Group
Mr. H.R. de Ruiter, HNB
Mr. G. Honing, FNV Bondgenoten
Mr. G.J. den Besten, CNV Vakmensen
Swen Laarveld, De Unie