employment - Meet Dr. Tansy, Psychologist

Michael Edward Tansy, Ph.D., NCC, NCSP, ABPP, FAASP
Licensed Psychologist
Nationally Certified Counselor
Nationally Certified School Psychologist
Certified Specialist, American Board of Professional Psychology
Fellow, American Academy of School Psychology
4140 East Baseline Road, Suite 101 Mesa, Arizona 85206
Telephone: (480) 966-9337
Fax: (480) 704-5181
Email: drtansy@michaeltansy.com
10/84 to present: Private Practice Counselor/Psychologist/Consultant/Trainer
Duties include the complete management of a private counseling/psychologist practice including the
assessment and treatment of children, adolescents, and adults with psychological and addictive diseases
utilizing individual, marital, family, and group psychotherapy. Providing consultation and training to
educators, psychologists, and others throughout the country on matters of psychology and education.
Special Educational Consultant
Navato Unified School District, 1015 Seventh Street, Navato, California
Independent consultant providing training and consultation to special and regular educators on topics including
evaluation, intervention, and discipline of special need children.
8/99 to 6/03:
Lead Psychologist
Gilbert Unified School District, 140 South Gilbert Road, Gilbert, Arizona
Supervised more than forty employees, including psychologists, psychometrists, counselors, interns, and all
psychological services for a suburban K-12 school district of 32,000 students. Coordinated services for students
placed in private day schools and residential treatment centers. Oversaw 15 classrooms developed to serve
students with emotional disturbance.
8/97 to 6/99:
Gilbert Unified School District, 140 South Gilbert Road, Gilbert, Arizona
Provided psychological services to junior high school and high school aged students, including identification,
evaluation, placement, consultation, direct services, program development and program evaluation. Coordinated
services for students placed in private day schools and residential treatment centers.
8/96 to 6/97:
Psychologist/ Post-doctoral Intern
Gilbert Unified School District, 140 South Gilbert Road, Gilbert, Arizona
Under supervision, provided psychological services to junior high school and high school aged students,
including identification, evaluation, placement, consultation, direct services, program development and program
evaluation. Provided psychological services for students in a secondary alternative school. Developed a program
for emotionally disturbed high school students.
8/95 to 6/96:
Psychologist Intern
Gilbert Unified School District, 140 South Gilbert Road, Gilbert, Arizona
Under supervision, provided psychological services to junior high school and high school aged students,
including identification, evaluation, placement, consultation, direct services, program development and program
Michael Edward Tansy, Ph.D., NCC, NCSP, ABPP, FAASP
5/87 to 9/88:
Administrator, Adult and Addictive Disease Programs
Charter Hospital of the East Valley, 2195 North Grace Boulevard, Chandler, Arizona
Duties included the development and administration of adult inpatient psychiatric and addictive disease
8/84 to 5/87:
Administrator, General Adult Program
Scottsdale Camelback Hospital, 7575 East Earll Drive, Scottsdale, Arizona
Duties included the administration of an adult inpatient psychiatric program.
9/82 to 8/84:
Director, Adjunctive Therapies Department
Phoenix Camelback Hospital, 5055 North Thirty Fourth Street, Phoenix, Arizona
Duties included the direction of a multidisciplinary department (activities, art, music, occupational, recreational
therapists) in a private psychiatric hospital.
12/80 to 9/82:
Administrator, Specialized Intensive Outpatient Program
Maricopa Medical Center, 2600 East Roosevelt, Phoenix, Arizona
Duties included the administration of a day hospital for severely mentally ill adult psychiatric patients.
4/79 to 12/80
Counselor, Children’s and Young Adult Program
St. Luke’s Hospital, 525 North Eighteenth Street, Phoenix, Arizona
Duties included providing individual, group, and family therapy for inpatient children and adolescents,
developed and administered treatment plans within the context of an interdisciplinary team.
5/78 to 5/79
Educational Counselor
Athletics Department, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ.
Advised athletes on matters of university curriculum, tutored students in numerous subjects.
1/78 to 5/78
Graduate Research Assistant
Department of Special Education, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ.
Evaluated the performance of a university department, its faculty and curricula, to determine the effectiveness
of training and impact on a specific groups of student learners.
1/78 to 12/78
Graduate Research Assistant
Project Upward Bound, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
Developed and conducted research on the efficacy of a program designed to recruit and retain ethnically-diverse
and economically impoverished high school students to a post-secondary educational institution.
5/77 to 5/78
Campus Affairs Vice President
Associated Students of Arizona State University (ASASU), Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
Elected to and served to manage 50+ student employees in ten departments. Developed and administered
programs. Managed all aspects of personnel.
8/74 to 5/77
Educational Counselor
Educational Opportunities Program, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ.
Advised students on matters of university curriculum, tutored 30 students each semester in 25 subjects,
prepared staff training manual, provided staff training, prepared annual report for the university administration.
Michael Edward Tansy, Ph.D., NCC, NCSP, ABPP, FAASP
Doctorate of Philosophy, Arizona State University, Psychology in Education (School Psychology), May 1996.
Master of Counseling, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, December 1979.
Bachelor of Arts, Liberal Arts (Psychology), Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, May 1976.
8/05 to 6/07: Adjunct Professor: Arizona State University, Psychology in Education, Tempe, AZ
 Diagnoses and Interventions with Emotionally Handicapped Children and Adolescents
8/00 to 6/03: Adjunct Clinical Training Faculty, Argosy University, Phoenix, AZ
 Clinical supervision of doctoral school psychology students
8/97 to 5/98: Adjunct Professor, Educational Psychology, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ
 Developmental Psychology
6/88 to 12/90: Instructor, Rio Salado Community College, Chemical Dependency Program, Phoenix, AZ
 Suicide Prevention
 Introduction to Human Relations
 Advanced Communication Skills
 Ethics in Mental Health Counseling
Fellow, American Academy of School Psychology
Certified Specialist, American Board of Professional Psychology (5812)
Licensed Psychologist, Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners (3285)
Registrant, National Register of Health Service Psychologists (50182)
Nationally Certified School Psychologist, National Association of School Psychologists (32391)
Nationally Certified Counselor, National Board for Certified Counselors (12497)
American Psychological Association (6661-2097)
Arizona Psychological Association
National Association of School Psychologists (126453)
Arizona Association of School Psychologists
American Counselor Association (T-4129236)
Tansy, M. E. (2013). ABPP board certification in school psychology. The School Psychologist, 67(2), 20-22.
Hughes, T. L., Gacono, C. B., Tansy, M., Schaffer, K. (2013). Psychopathy in aggressive youth: Issues for school
systems. 81-104. In J.B. Helfgott (Ed.), Criminal psychology, (Vol. 4: Implications for juvenile justice,
corrections, and reentry., pp. 81-104). Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger Publishers.
Tansy, M. E., & Powell, S. (2013, Winter). American Academy of School Psychology and American
Board of School Psychology, The Specialist, 32(1), 42-44.
Michael Edward Tansy, Ph.D., NCC, NCSP, ABPP, FAASP
Tansy, M. E., Nezu, C. M., Davidson, C. Douglas, B., Hibbard, M., Northman, N., Cox, D., (2013,
Winter). Update from the ABPP Maintenance of Certification Work Group, The Specialist,
32(1), 13-15.
Tansy, M. E.(2013). ABPP board certification in school psychology. Communique, 41(5), 4.
Hughes, T. L., Tansy, M. & Wisniewski K. G. (2012). Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Conduct Disorder in
the classroom. In J.B. Kolbert and L. M. Crothers (Eds.) Understanding and Managing Behaviors of
Children with Psychological Disorders: A Reference for Classroom Teachers (pp. 229-268). New York:
Tansy, M. E. & Powell, S. (2012, Summer). American Academy of School Psychology/American Board of
School Psychology, The Specialist, 31(2), 66.
Morris, D.O., Tansy, M. E., Cox, D., Nezu, A., Kendall, P., & Kaslow, N. (2012, Winter). BOT Diversity
Committee report for 2011, The Specialist, 31(1), 34-39.
Tansy, M. E. & Kaufman, J. (2011, Winter). American Academy of School Psychology and American
Board of School Psychology: Updates from the American Academy and American Board of
School Psychology, The Specialist, 31(1), 50.
Tansy, M. E. & Kaufman, J. (2011, Summer) American Academy of School Psychology and American
Board of School Psychology, The Specialist, 30(2), 28-29.
Tansy, M. E. (2011, Winter) American Academy of School Psychology, The Specialist, 20(1), 28.
Tansy, M. E. (2010, Spring). Becoming board certified in school psychology. The Alaska School Psychology Review,
Tansy, M. E. (2010). A review of the BASC-2 Intervention Guide for Behavioral and Emotional Issues. The
School Psychologist, 64(2), 20-23.
Tansy, M. E. (2009). Test review: Emotional Disturbance Decision Tree. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment,
27(1), 68-78.
Tansy, M. E. (2007). A review of the Handbook of Psychological and Educational Assessment of Children:
Intelligence, Aptitude, and Achievement, Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 25(2), 199-205.
Miller, J.A., Tansy, M. E.., & Hughes, T.L. (1998). Functional behavioral assessment: The link between problem
behavior and effective intervention in schools. Current Issues in Education, 1, 1-18.
Tansy, M. E. & Miller, J. A. (1997). The structural invariance of the self-concept construct across white and
Hispanic student populations. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 15, 4-14.
Tansy, M. E., Santos de Barona, M., McWhirter, J. J., & Hermann, D. S. (1996). Peer and cross-age tutoring:
Counselor contributions to student achievement. Counseling and Guidance, 12, 21-24.
Michael Edward Tansy, Ph.D., NCC, NCSP, ABPP, FAASP
Tansy, M. E. (1996) The structural invariance of the self-concept construct across white and Hispanic student
populations. (Doctoral dissertation, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona).
Barona, A. & Tansy, M. E. (1993). Culture, schooling, and psychological development: A sociocultural,
historical and developmental perspective. Contemporary Psychology, 38(1), 85-86.
Tansy, M. E. (2012, August). Interprofessional practice: Mentoring moments for trainees and early
career psychologists. Facilitator, roundtable discussion for early career psychologists at the
Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Orlando, FL.
Tansy, M. E. (2010, March). Obtaining the ABPP: Board certification in school psychology. Special
session at the Annual Meeting of the National Association of School Psychologists, Chicago,
Tansy, M. E. (2010, February). Identifying and remediating emotional disability in school-aged children.
Continuing education conference presented to the Special Education Leadership Academy.
Champaign, IL.
Tansy, M. E. (2008, May). Evidence-based identification and services for children with emotional
disability and social maladjustment. Continuing education conference presented to the
Northern Ohio Special Education Regional Resource Center. Vermillion, OH.
Tansy, M. E. (2008, March). Emotional disability or social maladjustment? Best practices in assessing
and differentiating ED/SM in children and adolescents. Continuing education workshop
presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development
Network. Plainview, NY.
Tansy, M. E. (2008, March). Emotional disability or social maladjustment? Best practices in assessing
and differentiating ED/SM in children and adolescents. Continuing education workshop
presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development
Network. Manhattan, NY.
Tansy, M. E. (2008, March). Emotional disability or social maladjustment? Best practices in assessing
and differentiating ED/SM in children and adolescents. Continuing education workshop
presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development
Network. Claymont, DE.
Tansy, M. E. (2008, February). A new model for treating behavior disordered children. Continuing
education presentation to the East Valley Psychological Association. Scottsdale, AZ.
Tansy, M. E. (2008, February). Providing effective interventions for emotionally-disturbed students.
Continuing education conference presented to the Thomas County School District.
Thomasville, GA.
Michael Edward Tansy, Ph.D., NCC, NCSP, ABPP, FAASP
Tansy, M. E. (2007, January). Emotional disability or social maladjustment? Best practices in assessing
and differentiating ED/SM in children and adolescents. Continuing education workshop
presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development
Network. Fayetteville, AR.
Tansy, M. E. (2007, January). Emotional disability or social maladjustment? Best practices in assessing
and differentiating ED/SM in children and adolescents. Continuing education workshop
presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development
Network. Little Rock, AR.
Tansy, M. E. (2007, January). Emotional disability or social maladjustment? Best practices in assessing
and differentiating ED/SM in children and adolescents. Continuing education workshop
presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development
Network. Greenville, SC.
Tansy, M. E. (2007, December). Developing behavior intervention plans with positive behavioral
supports using multimodal functional behavioral assessment. Continuing education
workshop presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional
Development Network. Birmingham, AL.
Tansy, M. E. (2007, December). Developing behavior intervention plans with positive behavioral
supports using multimodal functional behavioral assessment. Continuing education
workshop presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional
Development Network. Atlanta, GA.
Tansy, M. E. (2007, December). Developing behavior intervention plans with positive behavioral
supports using multimodal functional behavioral assessment. Continuing education
workshop presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional
Development Network. Nashville, TN.
Tansy, M. E. (2007, November). School-based interventions for emotionally disturbed and socially
maladjusted children. Workshop presented at the Annual Meeting of the Washington State
Association of School Psychologists, Spokane, WA.
Tansy, M. E. (2007, November). Developing behavior intervention plans with positive behavioral
supports using multimodal functional behavioral assessment. Continuing education
workshop presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional
Development Network. Spokane, WA.
Tansy, M. E. (2007, November). Developing behavior intervention plans with positive behavioral
supports using multimodal functional behavioral assessment. Continuing education
workshop presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional
Development Network. Portland, OR.
Tansy, M. E. (2007, November). Developing behavior intervention plans with positive behavioral
supports using multimodal functional behavioral assessment. Continuing education
workshop presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional
Development Network. Walnut Creek, CA.
Michael Edward Tansy, Ph.D., NCC, NCSP, ABPP, FAASP
Tansy, M. E. (2007, October). Emotional disability or social maladjustment? Best practices in assessing
and differentiating ED/SM in children and adolescents. Continuing education workshop
presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development
Network. Shreveport, LA.
Tansy, M. E. (2007, October). Emotional disability or social maladjustment? Best practices in assessing
and differentiating ED/SM in children and adolescents. Continuing education workshop
presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development
Network. Austin, TX.
Tansy, M. E. (2007, October). Emotional disability or social maladjustment? Best practices in assessing
and differentiating ED/SM in children and adolescents. Continuing education workshop
presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development
Network. Tulsa, OK.
Esquivel, G., & Tansy, M. E. (2007, August). Training models that synthesize the academic and socioemotional domains : Integrating academic and socio-emotional domains. Symposium
presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco,
Tansy, M. E. (2007, May). Emotional disability or social maladjustment? Best practices in assessing and
differentiating ED/SM in children and adolescents. Continuing education workshop
presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development
Network. Tupelo, MS..
Tansy, M. E. (2007, May). Emotional disability or social maladjustment? Best practices in assessing and
differentiating ED/SM in children and adolescents. Continuing education workshop
presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development
Network. Atlanta, GA.
Tansy, M. E. (2007, May). Emotional disability or social maladjustment? Best practices in assessing and
differentiating ED/SM in children and adolescents. Continuing education workshop
presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development
Network. Jackson, MS.
Tansy, M. E. (2007, April). Emotional disability or social maladjustment? Best practices in assessing and
differentiating ED/SM in children and adolescents. Continuing education workshop
presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development
Network. Indianapolis, IN.
Tansy, M. E. (2007, April). Emotional disability or social maladjustment? Best practices in assessing and
differentiating ED/SM in children and adolescents. Continuing education workshop
presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development
Network. Novi, MI.
Tansy, M. E. (2007, April). Emotional disability or social maladjustment? Best practices in assessing and
differentiating ED/SM in children and adolescents. Continuing education workshop
Michael Edward Tansy, Ph.D., NCC, NCSP, ABPP, FAASP
presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development
Network. Lansing, MI.
Tansy, M. E. (2007, March). Emotional disturbance or social maladjustment? Best practice in assessment
and interventions for children and adolescents with emotional disability and social
maladjustment. Seminar presentation at the annual meeting of the Washington State
Association of School Psychologists, Spokane, WA.
Tansy, M. E. (2007, March). Emotional disability or social maladjustment? Best practices in assessing
and differentiating ED/SM in children and adolescents. Continuing education workshop
presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development
Network. Bethlehem, PA.
Tansy, M. E. (2007, March). Emotional disability or social maladjustment? Best practices in assessing
and differentiating ED/SM in children and adolescents. Continuing education workshop
presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development
Network. Pittsburgh, PA.
Tansy, M. E. (2007, March). Emotional disability or social maladjustment? Best practices in assessing
and differentiating ED/SM in children and adolescents. Continuing education workshop
presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development
Network. Erie, PA.
Tansy, M. E. (2007, February). Emotional disability or social maladjustment? Best practices in assessing
and differentiating ED/SM in children and adolescents. Continuing education workshop
presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development
Network. Green Bay, WI.
Tansy, M. E. (2007, February). Emotional disability or social maladjustment? Best practices in assessing
and differentiating ED/SM in children and adolescents. Continuing education workshop
presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development
Network. Rockford, IL.
Tansy, M. E. (2007, February). Emotional disability or social maladjustment? Best practices in assessing
and differentiating ED/SM in children and adolescents. Continuing education workshop
presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development
Network. Chicago, IL.
Tansy, M. E. (2007, January). Emotional disability or social maladjustment? Best practices in assessing
and differentiating ED/SM in children and adolescents. Continuing education workshop
presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development
Network. Jacksonville, FL.
Tansy, M. E. (2007, January). Emotional disability or social maladjustment? Best practices in assessing
and differentiating ED/SM in children and adolescents. Continuing education workshop
presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development
Network. Tampa, FL.
Michael Edward Tansy, Ph.D., NCC, NCSP, ABPP, FAASP
Tansy, M. E. (2007, January). Emotional disability or social maladjustment? Best practices in assessing
and differentiating ED/SM in children and adolescents. Continuing education workshop
presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development
Network. Miami, FL.
Tansy, M. E. (2006, December). Emotional disability or social maladjustment? Best practices in assessing
and differentiating ED/SM in children and adolescents. Continuing education workshop
presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development
Network. Melville, NY.
Tansy, M. E. (2006, December). Emotional disability or social maladjustment? Best practices in assessing
and differentiating ED/SM in children and adolescents. Continuing education workshop
presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development
Network. Rochester, NY.
Tansy, M. E. (2006, December). Emotional disability or social maladjustment? Best practices in assessing
and differentiating ED/SM in children and adolescents. Continuing education workshop
presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development
Network. Amherst, NY.
Tansy, M. E. (2006, November). Emotional disability or social maladjustment? Best practices in
assessing and differentiating ED/SM in children and adolescents. Continuing education
workshop presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional
Development Network. Elk Grove, IL.
Tansy, M. E. (2006, November). Emotional disability or social maladjustment? Best practices in
assessing and differentiating ED/SM in children and adolescents. Continuing education
workshop presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional
Development Network. Gurnee, IL.
Tansy, M. E. (2006, November). Emotional disability or social maladjustment? Best practices in
assessing and differentiating ED/SM in children and adolescents. Continuing education
workshop presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional
Development Network. Brookfield, WI..
Tansy, M. E. (2006, October). Emotional disability or social maladjustment? Best practices in assessing
and differentiating ED/SM in children and adolescents. Continuing education workshop
presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development
Network. Augusta, ME.
Tansy, M. E. (2006, October). Emotional disability or social maladjustment? Best practices in assessing
and differentiating ED/SM in children and adolescents. Continuing education workshop
presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development
Network. Nashua, NH.
Tansy, M. E. (2006, October). Emotional disability or social maladjustment? Best practices in assessing
and differentiating ED/SM in children and adolescents. Continuing education workshop
Michael Edward Tansy, Ph.D., NCC, NCSP, ABPP, FAASP
presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development
Network. Worcester, MA.
Tansy, M. E. (2006, September). Emotional disability or social maladjustment? Best practices in
assessing and differentiating ED/SM in children and adolescents. Continuing education
workshop presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional
Development Network. Richmond, VA.
Tansy, M. E. (2006, September). Emotional disability or social maladjustment? Best practices in
assessing and differentiating ED/SM in children and adolescents. Continuing education
workshop presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional
Development Network. Alexandria, VA.
Tansy, M. E. (2006, September). Emotional disability or social maladjustment? Best practices in
assessing and differentiating ED/SM in children and adolescents. Continuing education
workshop presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional
Development Network. Annapolis, MD.
Tansy, M. E. (2006, May). Emotional disability or social maladjustment? Best practices in assessing and
differentiating ED/SM in children and adolescents. Continuing education workshop
presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development
Network. San Diego, CA.
Tansy, M. E. (2006, May). Emotional disability or social maladjustment? Best practices in assessing and
differentiating ED/SM in children and adolescents. Continuing education workshop
presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development
Network. Los Angeles, CA.
Tansy, M. E. (2006, May). Emotional disability or social maladjustment? Best practices in assessing and
differentiating ED/SM in children and adolescents. Continuing education workshop
presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development
Network. San Jose, CA.
Tansy, M. E. (2006, May). The role of parents and parent advocates in functional behavioral assessments
and behavioral intervention plans. Seminar presented to Pilot Parents of Southern Arizona,
Chandler, AZ.
Tansy, M. E. (2006, April). Emotional disability or social maladjustment? Best practices in assessing and
differentiating ED/SM in children and adolescents. Continuing education workshop
presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development
Network. Springfield, MO.
Tansy, M. E. (2006, April). Emotional disability or social maladjustment? Best practices in assessing and
differentiating ED/SM in children and adolescents. Continuing education workshop
presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development
Network. Bridgeton, MO.
Michael Edward Tansy, Ph.D., NCC, NCSP, ABPP, FAASP
Tansy, M. E. (2006, April). Emotional disability or social maladjustment? Best practices in assessing and
differentiating ED/SM in children and adolescents. Continuing education workshop
presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development
Network. Omaha, NE.
Tansy, M. E. (2006, March). Developing, implementing, and monitoring positive behavior supports to
students with severe cognitive delays. Consultation provided under the auspices of the
Arizona Center for Disability Law to the Safford Unified School District, Tempe, AZ.
Tansy, M. E. (2006, March). Emotional disability or social maladjustment? Best practices in assessing
and differentiating ED/SM in children and adolescents. Continuing education workshop
presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development
Network. Hartford, CT.
Tansy, M. E. (2006, March). Emotional disability or social maladjustment? Best practices in assessing
and differentiating ED/SM in children and adolescents. Continuing education workshop
presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development
Network. Providence, RI.
Tansy, M. E. (2006, March). Emotional disability or social maladjustment? Best practices in assessing
and differentiating ED/SM in children and adolescents. Continuing education workshop
presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development
Network. Newton, MA.
Tansy, M. E. (2006, February). Emotional disability or social maladjustment? Best practices in assessing
and differentiating ED/SM in children and adolescents. Continuing education workshop
presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development
Network. Nashville, TN.
Tansy, M. E. (2006, February). Emotional disability or social maladjustment? Best practices in assessing
and differentiating ED/SM in children and adolescents. Continuing education workshop
presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development
Network. Memphis, TN.
Tansy, M. E. (2006, February). Emotional disability or social maladjustment? Best practices in assessing
and differentiating ED/SM in children and adolescents. Continuing education workshop
presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development
Network. Asheville, NC.
Tansy, M. E. (2005, December). Emotional disability or social maladjustment? Best practices in assessing
and differentiating ED/SM in children and adolescents. Continuing education workshop
presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development
Network. Lexington, KY.
Tansy, M. E. (2005, December). Emotional disability or social maladjustment? Best practices in assessing
and differentiating ED/SM in children and adolescents. Continuing education workshop
presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development
Network. Bowling Green, KY.
Michael Edward Tansy, Ph.D., NCC, NCSP, ABPP, FAASP
Tansy, M. E. (2005, November). Emotional disability or social maladjustment? Best practices in
assessing and differentiating ED/SM in children and adolescents. Continuing education
workshop presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional
Development Network. Wichita, KS.
Tansy, M. E. (2005, November). Emotional disability or social maladjustment? Best practices in
assessing and differentiating ED/SM in children and adolescents. Continuing education
workshop presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional
Development Network. Overland Park, KS.
Tansy, M. E. (2005, November). Emotional disability or social maladjustment? Best practices in
assessing and differentiating ED/SM in children and adolescents. Continuing education
workshop presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional
Development Network. Van Nuys, CA.
Tansy, M. E. (2005, October). Emotional disability or social maladjustment? Best practices in assessing
and differentiating ED/SM in children and adolescents. Continuing education workshop
presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development
Network. Walnut Creek, CA.
Tansy, M. E. (2005, October). Emotional disability or social maladjustment? Best practices in assessing
and differentiating ED/SM in children and adolescents. Continuing education workshop
presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development
Network. Honolulu, HI.
Tansy, M. E. (2005, October). Multimodal functional behavioral assessment: A team-based approach to
solving problem behaviors in schools. Continuing education workshop presented under the
auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development Network. Honolulu,
Tansy, M. E. (2005, September). Developing, implementing, and monitoring positive behavior supports
to students with severe cognitive delays. Consultation provided under the auspices of the
Arizona Center for Disability Law to the Parker Unified School District, Parker, AZ.
Tansy, M. E. (2005, August). Emotional disability or social maladjustment? Best practices in assessing
and differentiating ED/SM in children and adolescents. Continuing education workshop
presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development
Network. Reno, NV.
Tansy, M. E. (2005, May). Emotional disability or social maladjustment? Best practices in assessing and
differentiating ED/SM in children and adolescents. Continuing education workshop
presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development
Network. Portland, OR.
Tansy, M. E. (2005, May). Emotional disability or social maladjustment? Best practices in assessing and
differentiating ED/SM in children and adolescents. Continuing education workshop
Michael Edward Tansy, Ph.D., NCC, NCSP, ABPP, FAASP
presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development
Network. Seattle, WA.
Tansy, M. E. (2005, April). Emotional disability or social maladjustment? Best practices in assessing and
differentiating ED/SM in children and adolescents. Continuing education workshop
presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development
Network. Cleveland, OH.
Tansy, M. E. (2005, April). Emotional disability or social maladjustment? Best practices in assessing and
differentiating ED/SM in children and adolescents. Continuing education workshop
presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development
Network. Columbus, OH.
Tansy, M. E. (2005, April). Emotional disability or social maladjustment? Best practices in assessing and
differentiating ED/SM in children and adolescents. Continuing education workshop
presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development
Network. Cincinnati, OH.
Tansy, M. E. (2005, April). Multimodal functional behavioral assessment: A team-based approach to
solving problem behaviors in schools. Continuing education workshop presented under the
auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development Network. San
Antonio, TX.
Tansy, M. E. (2005, March). Developing, implementing, and monitoring positive behavior supports to
severely disabled students. Consultation provided under the auspices of the Arizona Center
for Disability Law to the Tempe High School District, Tempe, AZ.
Tansy, M. E. (2005, March). Multimodal functional behavioral assessment: A team-based approach to
solving problem behaviors in schools. Continuing education workshop presented under the
auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development Network.
Oklahoma City, OK.
Tansy, M. E. (2005, March). Multimodal functional behavioral assessment: A team-based approach to
solving problem behaviors in schools. Continuing education workshop presented under the
auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development Network. Dallas,
Tansy, M. E. & Lowell-Britt, D. (2005, March). Evaluating emotional disability and social
maladjustment: Legal and psychological aspects of assessment and identification of children
and adolescents with emotional disability. Continuing education workshop presented under
the auspices of Medical Educational Services, Inc.-Professional Development Network.
Scottsdale, AZ.
Tansy, M. E. (2005, February). Emotional disability or social maladjustment? Best practices in assessing
and differentiating ED/SM in children and adolescents. Continuing education workshop
presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development
Network. Oak Lawn, IL.
Michael Edward Tansy, Ph.D., NCC, NCSP, ABPP, FAASP
Tansy, M. E. (2005, February). Emotional disability or social maladjustment? Best practices in assessing
and differentiating ED/SM in children and adolescents. Continuing education workshop
presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development
Network. Madison, WI.
Tansy, M. E. (2005, February). Emotional disability or social maladjustment? Best practices in assessing
and differentiating ED/SM in children and adolescents. Continuing education workshop
presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development
Network. Minnetonka, MN.
Tansy, M. E. (2005, February). Multimodal functional behavioral assessment: A team-based approach to
solving problem behaviors in schools. Continuing education workshop presented under the
auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development Network. Jackson,
Tansy, M. E. (2004, December). Emotional disability or social maladjustment? Best practices in assessing
and differentiating ED/SM in children and adolescents. Continuing education workshop
presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development
Network. Atlantic City, NJ.
Tansy, M. E. (2004, December). Emotional disability or social maladjustment? Best practices in assessing
and differentiating ED/SM in children and adolescents. Continuing education workshop
presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development
Network. Parsippany, NJ.
Tansy, M. E. (2004, December). Multimodal functional behavioral assessment: A team-based approach
to solving problem behaviors in schools. Continuing education workshop presented under
the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development Network.
Melville, NY.
Tansy, M. E. (2004, December). Multimodal functional behavioral assessment: A team-based approach
to solving problem behaviors in schools. Continuing education workshop presented under
the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development Network.
Albany, NY.
Tansy, M. E. (2004, December). Multimodal functional behavioral assessment: A team-based approach
to solving problem behaviors in schools. Continuing education workshop presented under
the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development Network.
Syracuse, NY.
Tansy, M. E. (2004, November). Multimodal functional behavioral assessment: A team-based approach
to solving problem behaviors in schools. Continuing education workshop presented under
the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development Network.
Buffalo, NY.
Tansy, M. E. (2004, November). Multimodal functional behavioral assessment: A team-based approach
to solving problem behaviors in schools. Continuing education workshop presented under
Michael Edward Tansy, Ph.D., NCC, NCSP, ABPP, FAASP
the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development Network.
Prescott, AZ.
Tansy, M. E. (2004, November). Multimodal functional behavioral assessment: A team-based approach
to solving problem behaviors in schools. Continuing education workshop presented under
the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development Network.
Lexington, MA.
Tansy, M. E. (2004, November). Multimodal functional behavioral assessment: A team-based approach
to solving problem behaviors in schools. Continuing education workshop presented under
the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development Network.
Warwick, RI.
Tansy, M. E. (2004, November). Multimodal functional behavioral assessment: A team-based approach
to solving problem behaviors in schools. Continuing education workshop presented under
the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development Network. East
Hartford, CT.
Tansy, M. E. (2004, November). Emotional disability or social maladjustment? Best practices in
assessing and differentiating ED/SM in children and adolescents. Continuing education
workshop presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional
Development Network. South Burlington, VT.
Tansy, M. E. (2004, November). Emotional disability or social maladjustment? Best practices in
assessing and differentiating ED/SM in children and adolescents. Continuing education
workshop presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional
Development Network. Nashua, NH.
Tansy, M. E. (2004, November). Emotional disability or social maladjustment? Best practices in
assessing and differentiating ED/SM in children and adolescents. Continuing education
workshop presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional
Development Network. Portland, ME.
Tansy, M. E. (2004, October). Multimodal functional behavioral assessment: A team-based approach to
solving problem behaviors in schools. Continuing education workshop presented under the
auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development Network. Prescott,
Tansy, M. E. (2004, October). Multimodal functional behavioral assessment: A team-based approach to
solving problem behaviors in schools. Continuing education workshop presented under the
auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development Network. Las
Vegas, NV.
Tansy, M. E. (2004, October). Emotional disability or social maladjustment? Best practices in assessing
and differentiating ED/SM in children and adolescents. Continuing education workshop
presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development
Network. Albuquerque, NM.
Michael Edward Tansy, Ph.D., NCC, NCSP, ABPP, FAASP
Tansy, M. E. (2004, October). Emotional disability or social maladjustment? Best practices in assessing
and differentiating ED/SM in children and adolescents/ Continuing education workshop
presented under the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development
Network. Dallas, TX.
Tansy, M. E. (2004, September). Multimodal functional behavioral assessment: A team-based approach
to solving problem behaviors in schools. Continuing education workshop presented under
the auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development Network.
Louisville, KY.
Tansy, M. E. (2004, February). Multimodal functional behavioral assessment: A team-based approach to
solving problem behaviors in schools. Continuing education workshop presented under the
auspices of Medical Education Services, Inc.-Professional Development Network.
Scottsdale, AZ.
Caterino, L. C., Exworthy, S., Romano-Shacknai, D. M., Fessler, A., Sandman, T., Newton, V., & Tansy,
M. E. (2004, July) Interaction of working memory operations and ADHD. Poster presented
at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Honolulu, HI.
Caterino, L. C., Romano, D. M., Leibe, L., Moreno, D. M. & Tansy, M. E. (2003, May). Validity and test-retest
reliability of the Caterino Attention Deficit Scale. Poster presented at the annual meeting of Western
Psychological Association, Vancouver, BC.
Caterino, L. C., Tansy, M., E., Romano, D. M., Leibe, L., Cluff, J., Moreno, D. M., Bodin, G., Nuszloch, J., &
Belden, C. (2002, November). Validity and reliability of the Caterino Attention Deficit Scale. Poster
presented at the meeting of Arizona Association of School Psychologists, Mesa, AZ.
Tansy, M., E., Miller, J. A. & Hughes, T.L. (2001, October). Functional behavioral assessment and behavior
intervention planning: A multi-modal, team problem-solving approach. Seminar presented at the
meeting of the International Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders, Atlanta, GA.
Miller, J.A., Tansy, M. E., & Hughes, T.L. (2000, November). Functional behavioral assessment and behavior
intervention planning: A multi-modal, team problem-solving approach. Paper presented at the
meeting of the Teacher Educators for Children with Behavioral Disorders, Scottsdale, AZ.
Miller, J.A., Tansy, M. E., & Hughes, T.L. (2000, April). Functional behavioral assessment and behavior
intervention planning: A multi-modal, team problem-solving approach. Paper presented at the
meeting of the National Association of School Psychologists, New Orleans, LA.
Miller, J. A., & Tansy, M. E. (1998, February). Developing assessments and behavioral interventions for
students with mild disabilities. Paper presentation at the conference, Challenging Behaviors: Positive
Solutions, co-sponsored by the Arizona Department of Exceptional Students Services and Arizona
State University West. Glendale, AZ.
Tansy, M. E. (1996, November). The structural invariance of the self-concept construct across white and
Hispanic student populations. Paper presented at the meeting of the Arizona Association of School
Psychologists, Flagstaff, AZ.
Michael Edward Tansy, Ph.D., NCC, NCSP, ABPP, FAASP
Tansy, M. E. (1994, April). Effective intervention with non-critical citizen complaints: Strategies to decrease
citizen-citizen conflict. Training provided to the Mesa Police Department. Mesa, AZ.
Tansy, M. E. (1993, June). Assisting victimized citizens. Training provided to the Mesa Police Department
Victim Assistance Program, Mesa, AZ.
Tansy, M. E. (1993, April). Employee empowerment. Training presented to the Arizona Department of
Environmental Quality, Phoenix, AZ.
Tansy, M. E. (1992, September). Crisis intervention. Training presented to the Mesa Public Schools Student
Services Department, Mesa, AZ.
Tansy, M. E. (1992, August). Assertiveness in a law office: Becoming more effective Training presented to the
Maricopa County Superior Court Public Defender’s Office, Phoenix, AZ.
Tansy, M. E., Santos de Barona, M., & Barona, A. (1992, April). A review of the Beck Depression Inventory:
Implications for the treatment of school-age children. Paper presented at the meeting of the Rocky
Mountain Psychological Association, Boise, ID.
Barona, A., & Tansy, M. E. (1992, April). The psychometric properties of the Beck Depression Inventory with a
fifth and sixth grade school-age population. Paper presented at the meeting of the Rocky Mountain
Psychological Association, Boise, ID.
Tansy, M. E. (1992, March). Sex differences on the Beck Depression Inventory among seventh and eighth grade
students. Paper presented at the meeting of the National Association of School Psychologists,
Nashville, TN.
Tansy, M. E. (1992, March). Managing anger, guilt, and criticism while working in the Public Defender’s Office.
Training presented to the Maricopa County Superior Court Public Defender’s Office, Phoenix, AZ.
Tansy, M. E. (1991, July). Developing leadership skills. Training presented to the Maricopa County Superior
Court, Phoenix, AZ.
Tansy, M. E. (1986, May). Midlife crisis in the 80s. Presentation to the Mental Health Guild, Inc. Phoenix, AZ.
Tansy, M. E. (1986, January). Treating borderline personality disorder. Presentation to the Arizona Society for
Clinical Social Work and Psychotherapy. Scottsdale, AZ.
Tansy, M. E. (1983, October). Careers in counseling. Presentation to the Department of Nursing, Grand
Canyon College, Phoenix, AZ.
Member, APA Presidential Citation Committee
President, American Board of School Psychology
Recipient, Outstanding Service Award, American Academy of School Psychology
President, American Board of School Psychology
Michael Edward Tansy, Ph.D., NCC, NCSP, ABPP, FAASP
President, American Board of School Psychology
Trustee, American Board of Professional Psychology
 2010-present Standards Committee
 2010-2012 Affiliations Committee
 2010-2012 By-Laws Committee
 2010-2012 Diversity Committee
 2010-present Maintenance of Certification Task Force
 2012-present Maintenance of Certification Task Force Chairperson
 2010-present Specialty Board Work Group
Past President, American Academy of School Psychology
President, American Academy of School Psychology
2009-2012 American Psychological Association Division 16 Federal Advocacy Coordinator
2009-2012 Division 16 Liaison, American Psychological Association Board of Professional Affairs
President-Elect, American Academy of School Psychology
2006-2008 Director of Mentoring/ABSP-AASP Liaison, American Board of School Psychology
2005-2008 Vice President-Secretary, American Board of School Psychology
Inductee, Marquis Who’s Who in America
Service Award, Arizona Association of School Psychologists
Ad Hoc Reviewer, Current Issues in Education
1997-2007 Reviewer, Arizona Association of School Psychology Research Award
Student Research Award, Arizona Association of School Psychologists
Member, Phi Kappa Phi, Graduate Student Honor Society
1990-1994 Chair, School Psychology Graduate Student Organization, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
1992-1994 Volunteer, Victim Assistance Program, Mesa Police Department, Mesa, AZ.
1990-1992 Chair, Allied Health Professional Committee, Scottsdale Camelback Hospital, Scottsdale, AZ
Delegate, National Student Association, 30th Congress, Houston, TX
1977-1978 Vice President, Associated Students of Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
1977-1978 Recipient, W. E. B. DuBois Memorial Scholarship
1976-1977 First Council, Associated Students of Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
1976-1977 Board Member, Arizona Civil Liberties Union
1975-1977 President, Campus Civil Liberties Union, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
1973-1974 Recipient, Robert E. Simpson Memorial Scholarship