RTC Action Points from meeting on 28th September 2012 Ownership of IPR Insertion required in the Code of practice regarding expectation requirements for students as it is not currently covered. CB to send section to Bob Fisher to take up with IAD and the Item will be carried forward to the next meeting of the RTC. Action: Professor Bob Fisher & Professor Clare Blackburn Supervisors Attending Training List of staff and dates of attendance which was circulated at the last meeting by Louise Lawes in IAD, BF to ask IAD if they can do this. Action: Professor Bob Fisher/Louisa Lawes PCDS Induction: BF and CW to liaise and arrange induction/welcome event for new PCDS Students & Supervisors in the next month. Action: Carol Ward and Professor Bob Fisher New PCDS students and themes to be notified to the College and CW to put add names to the PCDS wiki pages. Action: All Graduate Schools and Carol Ward Allocation: Questions were raised regarding the allocation and weighting and whether allocation should be depending on size e.g . School of biological Sciences is bigger than the College of Medicine & Vet Medicine. Distribution across the colleges goes through REC and at present the distribution is supposed to give all schools some investment. – A strong argument may be funding and the size and number of students across the colleges. BF will talk to the new chair of REC. Action: Professor Bob Fisher EPSRC Query regarding 50% studentships was raised again and Bob Fisher said he would speak again to EPSRC regarding this. Action: Professor Bob Fisher IAD Update Louise unable to attend so CW to ask her to email update. Action: Carol Ward Annual Reports Review of Internal School Annual Report Forms : CW to collect copies from Schools. Action: Carol Ward Informatics database: Small searchable integrated database for internal forms and other useful data. Heads of Graduate Schools to discuss with Graduate School Administrators if they have seen this in action and whether they would be interested in having this available to them in the School. Action: All HOGs Informatics currently do not have the resources to roll this out to other schools. Action: Prof. Bob Fisher, Murdo Gillanders and Dr David Williams to discuss REF – Completed PhDs Encourage supervisors to have as many students completed by June question whether the census date is November or June/July MG to check. Draft letter to be sent out to supervisors from Committee or Heads of Graduate School. MG will discuss with Susan Cooper next week. Either Bob Fisher/Andy Mount signing . Action Murdo Gillanders